Class Blog
This week
Friday 24th January 2025
This week in maths, our focus was on conversions. The children practiced standard metric conversion and deciphered the use of the prefix to help them determine the conversion. The children continued to extend their understanding and apply methods learnt to convert between metric and imperial measures e.g. inches, yards , pints and pounds. The children applied their learning to explore more complex multi step problems. We also discussed the importance of showing our workings and how to complete a model answer. On Friday, the children continued to design their own Maths Mystery game, which they will be completing over the next few weeks.
In English this week, the children continued reading the next few chapters of Viking Boy. On Tuesday they created their own readers' theatre recital of specific segments of the text. Incorporating the use of intonation, tone and props that enhance their performances. In creative writing the children continued writing their Viking themed tales. Exploring slowing the pace of their stories and techniques to engage the reader.
Science allowed us to explore and create a simple electrical circuit composing of a switch, bulb and battery. Children were extended to explore creating more complex circuits incorporating motors and buzzers.
In history, the children created an Anglo Saxon timeline adding key dates from the historical period. Including key rulers and events.
In our WOLLOW lesson this week the children learnt
about the Latin language and learned its origins and translated a birthday invitation found on a Vindolanda tablet written in 100 CE.
In D&T the children practised their sewing skills and began preparing their patchwork design.
This week we continued preparing for the Boy’s Town performance with a focus on staging and posture. The children were able to practice with an accompanying musician on Friday. Please encourage your child to learn the lyrics of the songs over the weekend in preparation for our Monday rehearsal.
Questions to ask your child
What is an electrical circuit?
What is the difference between a battery and a cell?
Which electrical symbols do you recollect?
What is the difference between a translation and a reflection?
How would you convert mm into m?
How many km is equivalent to 5 miles?
What happened in Viking Boy?
Which piece of text did you recite during Readers’ Theatre?
What is your Viking story about?
What did you write about in Chapter One of your story?
Who is the protagonist?
Can you remember any Latin words?
When did the Anglo Saxon era begin and end?
Can you tell me any key events?
Wishing you a restful weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year 6 Team.
Pictures from the week
Friday 17th January 2025
In English, the children read chapters two and three of Viking boy, exploring the main events of the story and the children learned about the violent Viking era. The children used their reading to inspire their own Viking saga. The children began by writing a prologue to their story. The children also completed several comprehension exercises developing their analytical thinking skills and exploring authorial intent (author's choice).
In maths, we started our unit on position and direction. We discussed the use of a mirror line to help us reflect 2D shapes and strategies for determining translations and reflections of shapes. We also completed a variety of games applying their skills and implementing techniques to solve problems. The children enjoyed playing a variety of games including a treasure hunt and battleships. On Friday, the children began to design their own Maths Mystery game, which they will be completing over the next few weeks.
Science allowed us to explore the history of electricity and the children researched and completed a comprehension on the founding fathers of electricity.
On Monday, the children enjoyed a Shakespearean interactive play reenacting the story of Hamlet. It was amazing to see the children so enthusiastically participate. On Friday, the children practiced their sewing skills in preparation for sewing their Viking embroidery DT project. In our WOLLOW lesson this week the children learned about being multilingual and explored the variety of languages they know and learned to say hello in over 17 languages.
This week we also began preparing for the Boy’s Town performance. Please encourage your child to learn the lyrics of the songs over the weekend in preparation for our Monday rehearsal.
Questions to ask your child
What is 'author’s choice'?
What does the word electrikus mean?
What is the difference between AC and DC current?
What is a quadrilateral?
What is the difference between a translation and a reflection?
Did you win the battleship game?
How many moves did you take to solve the treasure hunt?
What happened in Viking Boy?
What is your Viking story about?
Who is the protagonist?
What does ‘stout’ mean?
How many different languages can you say hello in?
Can you sew?
Wishing you a restful weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year 6 Team.
Friday 11th January 2025
Happy New Year. It has been lovely to welcome back the class this week.
In English, the children began exploring our new class text -Viking Boy- extrapolating information from the cover and blurb and reading the first chapter of the book. They completed some retrieval and comprehension activities to ascertain key facts including a description of the main protagonist-Gunnar.
In maths, we started our unit on coordinates. We discussed the strategies for determining missing coordinates and plotted a variety of 2D shapes on a 4-quadrant coordinate grid. We also completed a maths mystery game applying a range of maths skills to catch the culprit in a cinema-themed murder mystery.
Science brought us to our new science topic on electricity. This week the children learned the names and symbols of a variety of electrical components from switches to motors.
In history, the children completed an escape room task deciphering a variety of clues to gain information on our new topic of the Vikings.
In D&T, the children learned about runes and Viking patterns and designed the pattern they will be sewing over the next few weeks.
Questions to ask your child
What is Yggdrasil?
Can you say/write a sentence in Viking runes?
What spellings did you get wrong this week?
How do you plot a pentagon?
How would you describe Gunnar?
What happened in chapter one of the book- Viking Boy?
What is a coordinate?
What is a dodecagon?
Did you win the game of squares?
Which Viking patterns did you put on your sewing design?
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year 6 Team.
Friday 13th December 2024
In English, the children read several chapters of Windrush Child exploring the main events of the story and the children learnt about life in the UK. The children watched a BBC film about Coming to England written by Floella Benjamin.The children discussed the story and the hardships the family experienced.
The children also completed a mock GL style paper under timed conditions and atom tests focusing on grammar, punctuation and spelling.
In maths, we started our unit on surface area. We discussed the use of formulas to help us and strategies for determining missing lengths. We also completed a variety of exam papers with a focus on accuracy, time management and multistep questions.
Science brought us to the conclusion of our investigation on mould growth in bread. The children Plotted their results on a line graph and wrote a scientific conclusion.
On Thursday, the children performed amazingly, showcasing their talents and maturity.
On Friday, the children enjoyed a variety of Hanukkah activities from a craft activity with SEED ; a school disco and a dance class.
Questions to ask your child
What is an abstract noun?
Can you say/write a sentence with one?
What spellings did you get wrong this week?
How did you plot your results?
What did you write in your conclusion?
Was your prediction correct?
What is surface area?
What formula do you use to calculate the surface of a cube?
Can you name 3 types of 3D shape?
What happened in the chapters we read of ‘Windrush child’?
Which film did you watch and what was it about?
Wishing you a happy holiday season.
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year 6 Team.
Friday 6th December 2024
In English the children read chapters 6-10 of Windrush Child exploring the main events of the story and the children created a synopsis of each chapter. The children went on to write a diary entry, about his first impressions of the UK. The children explored the features of performance poetry in the poem ‘Windrush child’ by John Agard. Then using the same structure to create their recitation of the Arosa Star child poem. The children also completed a mock GL style paper under timed conditions. This week our grammar topic was abstract nouns. This week we also focused on creative writing. Exploring the importance of making an effective plan.
In maths, we started our unit on volume. We discussed the use of formulas to help us and strategies for determining missing lengths. We also completed a variety of exam papers with a focus on accuracy, time management and multistep questions. On Friday the children completed a mental arithmetic paper.
Science brought us an investigation on mould growth in bread. The children continued their experiment by monitoring the mold on the bread in the petri dishes with different liquid mediums. Drawing a results table and plotting a graph to display the results.
Questions to ask your child
What is an abstract noun?
Can you say/write a sentence with one?
What spellings did you get wrong this week?
Can you tell me about your mould experiment?
Which liquid mediums had the most mould?
Was your prediction correct?
What is volume?
What formula do you use to calculate the volume of a 3D object?
Can you name 3 types of mould?
What happened in Chapters 6-9 of ‘Windrush child’?
Wishing you a restful weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year 6 Team.
Friday 29th November 2024
It was lovely to meet so many of you this week and share your child's progress.
In English, the children read chapters 3-5, exploring the main events of the story and the children created a synopsis of each chapter. The children went on to write letters, from the perspective of Leonard, to his father in the UK. The children explored the structure of the poem ‘Windrush child’ by John Agard. Then using the same stanza structure created their own Arosa Star child version in a shared writing task. The children also completed a mock GL-style paper under timed conditions.
In maths, we started our unit on area and perimeter. We discussed the use of formulas to help us and strategies for determining missing lengths. We also completed a variety of exam papers with a focus on accuracy, time management and multistep questions. On Friday the children completed a mock GL style assessment under exam conditions.
In computing the children recorded adverts to entice Jamaicans to come to England in the style of the adverts and articles written during the period of the Windrush immigration.
Science brought us an investigation on mould growth in bread. The children began their experiment by creating the bread petri dishes with different liquid mediums. Drawing a results table and making predictions relating to which liquid medium they would expect to create the most/least mould growth.
In geography, the children compared Bermuda and the UK. exploring the foods, geography and flags of each country.
On Friday, the children participated in Crazy Hair Day. Raising funds for Chai.
Questions to ask your child
What is a determiner?
Can you say/write a sentence with one?
What spellings did you get wrong this week?
Can you tell me about your mould experiment?
Which liquid mediums did you use?
What was your prediction?
What is area/perimeter?
What formula do you use to calculate the area of a triangle?
Can you name 3 types of micro-organism?
What happened in Chapters 3-5 of ‘Windrush child’?
Who is the narrator of the story?
What did Leonard’s grandma tell him before he left?
Which town did Leonard visit in Chapter 5?
Wishing you a restful weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year 6 Team.
Friday 22nd November 2024
In English, the children read the prologue and first few chapters of our class text ‘Windrush Child’. They explored the information from the prologue and created a timeline of events from the story. The children also completed exam papers both written and online to practice both styles of paper. We focused on highlighting to the children the importance of PEE ( point, evidence, explain).
In maths, we started our unit on algebra. Establishing both visual methods to represent the unknown and how to calculate the nth term. We also completed a variety of exam papers with a focus on accuracy and multistep questions.
In computing the children used the VR headset to explore plant cells.
Science brought us an investigation on mould growth in bread. The children planned and wrote their methods discussing the variables: independent, dependent and control and noting the importance of a fair test.
In geography, the children explored the route of the SS Windrush from Jamaica to the UK. Using an atlas to identify other islands from the Caribbean.
In history, the children explored the history behind the Windrush and examined historical sources encouraging Jamaicans to move to London,
On Friday, the children took part on mitzvah day. They packed hygiene packs for Seeby’s Corner- a charity supporting families in need.
Questions to ask your child
What is a MODAL verb?
Can you say/write a sentence with one?
What spellings did you get wrong this week?
When do we use a comma?
Can you tell me about your mould experiment?
What is algebra?
Can you name 3 types of micro-organism?
What is the book ‘Windrush child’ about?
What is a prologue?
Where is Jamaica?
Wishing you a restful weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year 6 Team.
Anti-bullying week
Our theme this year has been Respect, the children have completed a variety of PSHE-related activities from anti-bullying workshops, role play scenarios; to creating acrostic poetry.
In English, the children were introduced to our new class text ‘Windrush child’. The children also completed exam papers both written and online to practice both styles of paper. We focused on adverbs or probability and modal verbs and their use in writing.. We also completed an exam paper focusing on inference and multi-mrk questions. Highlighting to the children the importance of PEE ( point, evidence, explain).
In maths, we started our unit on angles. Establishing both visual and mental methods and establishing that each child should use the strategy they find works for them. We also completed the PMC paper and a variety of exam papers with a focus on accuracy and mental arithmetic.
In computing the children completed the BEBRAS challenge competition. Exposing them to the style of questions and the importance of reading each question carefully.
Science brought us our new topic on microorganisms, this week the children created mindmaps of information about different microorganisms including fungi, bacteria and viruses.
In Geography, the children continued learning about climate zones and biomes and completed their chosen zone to create an information pamphlet.
On Friday, the children were great ambassadors for the school from; speeches, songs to tours they all were confident and enthusiastic advocates for the school.
Questions to ask your child
What is a MODAL verb?
Can you say/write a sentence with one?
What antonyms for ‘anger’ did you write?
Which biomes have you visited?
Can you tell me an interesting fact about your biome?
What rules about angles do you remember?
What strategy will you use to calculate the interior angle of a polygon?
What is BEBRAS? How did you find the questions?
What was the theme of anti-bullying week
Can you name a type of microorganism?
Wishing you a restful weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year 6 Team.
Leaflets on Biomes
Friday 8th November 2024
We’ve had a very busy week. This week the children received their test results and had the opportunity to reflect on areas they need to focus on in preparation for their upcoming examinations.
In English, we explored the plot in our class text ‘ The Viewer. The children were asked to discuss perspectives and the children wrote diary entries from a variety of perspectives from characters inside the story to archeaologists and even inanimate objects observed in the viewer.
In our grammar focus, we recapped adverbs and the six different types. We focused on adverbs or probability and modal verbs and their use in writing. The children reinforced their learning by adding modal verbs to their writing. We also completed an exam paper focusing on inference and multi-mark questions. Highlighting to the children the importance of PEE ( point, evidence, explain).
In maths, we started our unit on ratio and proportion. Establishing both visual and mental methods and establishing that each child should use the strategy they find works for them. Be it removing the decimals and counting the zeros or holding the decimal point. We also completed an exam paper and PMC paper, with a focus on more challenging questions and the breaking down of these into more manageable steps.
This week we completed NVR and VR papers covering a variety of skills and a focus on time management.
In computing the children completed a mock BEBRAS activity to help prepare them for the BEBRAS competition. Exposing them to the style of questions and the importance of reading each question carefully.
Science brought us our new topic on microorganisms, this week we began examining cells using microscopes exploring the view of animal and plant cells through standard, light and electron microscopes. The children then drew scientific drawings of their cohen cells from heart muscle to plant xylem cells.
In Geography, the children continued learning about climate zones and biomes and researched their chosen zone to create an information pamphlet.
In Design and Technology, we began our fairground ride project. The children thoughtfully planned out each detail, from the style of ride; to listing the components they will need to construct a moving ride.
Questions to ask your child
What is an adverb? How many types are there?
What is a modal verb?
What synonyms for pretty did you write?
Which biome have you been researching?
Can you tell me an interesting fact about your biome?
What is the difference between ratio and proportion?
What is BEBRAS? How did you find the questions?
Which fairground ride design are you making?
Wishing you a restful weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year 6 Team.
Friday 1st November 2024
We’ve had a very productive first week back after the half-term holiday!
In maths, we started our unit on multiplication and division of decimals. Explaining a variety of approaches and establishing that each child should use the strategy they find works for them. Be it removing the decimals and counting the zeros or holding the decimal point. We also completed an exam paper and PMC paper, with a focus on time management.
This week we completed our NVR and VR term assessments.
In computing the children completed a mock BEBRAS activity to help prepare them for the BEBRAS competition. Exposing them to the style of questions and the importance of reading each question carefully.
In English, we explored the story of the pictures in our class text ‘ The Viewer. The children were taught techniques to elevate their writing including the use of triple metaphors
But to Tristan, each barbed and jagged coil of rusted wire was a chain of gold, each shard of splintered glass a diamond, each oozing slick of oil a rainbowed vein of fresh-cut opal.
and double, double double phrases( double dash, double phrase, double adjective.
And when he had restored them - his fingers deft and skillful, his eyesight sharp and focused - he would place them on his desk and sit back, filled with wonder at the smooth and secret workings of the life inside.
The children then applied these techniques in their creative writing descriptions.
In our spelling focus we recapped spelling patterns and common spelling errors. The children completed an activity to help them identify their spelling errors. We also completed an exam paper focusing on inference and multi-mark questions. Highlighting to the children the importance of PEE ( point, evidence, explain).
Science brought us our new topic on microorganisms, this week we began examining cells and discussed the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells. The children went on to draw scientific drawings; labeling key structures.
As part of Black History Month, the children created a newspaper article on Guy Reid Bailey, referencing his role in the Bristol Bus Boycott of 1963. We also had two guided reading sessions, focused on Black History Month. Analysing the lyrics of the song ‘A change is Coming’ and looking at a biography about the life of Rosa Parks and the civil rights movement in America.
In Geography, the children learned about climate zones and biomes and began researching their chosen zone to create an information pamphlet.
In Design and Technology, we began our fairground ride project. The children thoughtfully planned out each detail, from the style of ride; to listing the components they will need to construct a moving ride.
Questions to ask your child
What is a triple metaphor? Can you tell me an example you wrote?
What spellings did you get wrong this week?
Who were Guy Reid Bailey and Rosa Parks? Why are they important?
What was the headline of your newspaper?
How would you multiply/ divide a decimal number?
What is BEBRAS? How did you find the questions?
Which fairground ride design are you making?
Wishing you a restful weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year 6 Team.
Tuesday 15th October 2024
Thank you to all who could join us for our memorial tefillah last week. The day was difficult for many of us and being able to start it as a community was very meaningful.
The children also took part in a challah bake, a traditional time to say tehillim for those who need it. This allowed them to take part in an age-appropriate memorialisation of the last year.
Over the last week, the children have completed their English (spelling, grammar, writing and reading) and maths assessments. They all worked incredibly hard, giving their best effort to showcase their skills.
On Friday, the children thoroughly enjoyed our science workshop from learning about chemical reactions to static electricity. The children were also taught the pig pen coding system and used it to decipher a special message.
In computing, the children learned about mindmaps and how to use them to organise their thoughts and understanding of a topic.
In addition to the assessments, the children continued with their regular maths lessons. We focused on fraction addition subtraction multiplication and division strategies.
In our world religions lesson, we began our revision of all major religions, a key focus for this year. The children completed a comprehension activity exploring the six major religions and discussed World religion day.
In science, the children explored the work of Carl Linnaeus and his classification of living things. The children applied their learning to create a classification key for a leaf.
As part of Black History Month, the children learned about Guy Reid Bailey and his role in the Bristol Bus Boycott. The children also explored a poem by Maya Angelou- Caged Bird.
Wishing you all a wonderful sukkot and restful break.
Ms Dalwai
Pupil leadership team
Friday 27th September 2024
The children have enjoyed another busy week. This week the children continued our cross-curricular topic on the whole school book Flotsam. Learning about the true story of a flotsam camera being discovered in Asia.
This week the children completed a primary maths challenge paper and discussed the strategies they used to solve the more challenging questions. The children were then shown methods to simplify calculations and work more efficiently through a timed paper. The children also completed a mental arithmetic paper focusing on mental methods to perform quick calculations. Our main topic this week was BODMAS; factors, multiples, and creating factor trees using prime numbers. We taught the children to apply their knowledge of factors and multiples to more challenging worded-problems in particular those related to time.
e.g. Two trains leave a station at the10 am Train A leaves every 20 minutes and Train B leaves every 45 mins when will be the next time both trains depart at the same time?
In English, we continued to focus on the book - Flotsam. The children explored the more surreal pictures from the book completing a wonder, observe, and infer activity. Expressing their views and perceptions of the pictures from the story and any questions evoked from them. In creative writing, the children wrote stories inspired by the same fantastical images. We also completed an exam paper exploring both multiplication and written answer styles and focusing on tailoring our answers according to the marks available and elimination. In guided reading, the children explored the lyrics to the song ‘Defying gravity’ discussing what the song was about and the significance of the title and meaning behind specific lyrics. Our grammar topic was the use of apostrophes and their use for both omission and possession.
In computing the children finished filming and editing their advert for the Melville underwater camera. Using persuasive language and humour.
This week we continued our half-term science topic - Classification of living things. The children recapped the seven living processes. Then researched the features of the five vertebrate groups: Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles and Fish. Discussing warm and cold-blooded animals and creating top trump cards of specific animals.
In geography, we began our changing world topic. Learning about human and physical features in geography and exploring those specific to the United Kingdom and recapping what they have learnt with an online quiz.
This week we have moved to focus on non-verbal reasoning in particular analogies and in VR we explored letter codes. Focussing on timing and efficient strategies to approach questions in particular marking up patterns.
Questions to ask your child
What does the word 'benevolent' mean? Can you use it in a sentence?
What does BODMAS mean?
Can you define a factor/ multiple/ prime number? What are the common factors of 24 and 36?
What are vertebrates and invertebrates?
How can you classify them?
Can you name a warm-blooded vertebrate? Which animal did you make a top trump card for?
What are the seven living processes?
Which song did you listen to in guided reading this week? Did you like it? What was it about?
What was the advert you filmed about?
When do we use an apostrophe? What does omission mean? Can you write a sentence with an apostrophe for possession and omission?
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year Six team
Friday 20th September 2024
The children have had a very busy week. This week the children continued our cross-curricular topic on the whole school book Flotsam.
This week the children completed a primary maths challenge paper and discussed the strategies they used to solve the more challenging questions. The children were then shown methods to simplify calculations and work more efficiently through a timed paper. The children also completed a mental arithmetic paper focusing on mental methods to perform quick calculations.
In English, we focussed on our new book - Flotsam. The children wrote to express their opinions using Point, Evidence, Explain(PEE). Expressing their ideas on the topic of should sea creatures be kept in aquariums. The children wrote scripts for an advert to persuade customers to purchase the underwater camera from the Flotsam book. We also completed an exam paper exploring written answer styles and focusing on tailoring our answers according to the marks available. In guided reading, the children explored an information text about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. Our grammar topic was the use of articles to make sentences specific using a or an.
In art and computing the children created a poster and filmed an advert for the Melville underwater camera. Using persuasive language.
This week we also started our half-term science topic - Classification of living things. The children recapped the seven living processes. Then went on to learn about the classification of living things learning about Aristotle’s ladder of life and the classification of animals.
In geography, we began our changing world topic. Learning about human and physical features in geography and exploring those specific to the United Kingdom.
This week we have moved to focus on non-verbal reasoning in particular like figures. Focussing on timing and efficient strategies of elimination.
Questions to ask your child
What does the word 'anomoly' mean? Can you use it in a sentence?
What is a negative number?
How would you complete the following long multiplications:
How would you complete the following division? 1533 divided by 13.
What are the seven living processes?
Who was the first person to classify living things?
What does variation mean?
Do you think sea creatures should be put in aquariums?
Who was Charles Darwin?
Why is he famous?
What is the rule when using the a/an article? Are there any exceptions?
Shabbat shalom,
The Year Six team
Friday 13th September 2024
The children have had an engaging first full week back. This week the children began a cross-curricular topic on the whole school book Flotsam.
In maths this week, we began our place value unit. The children looked at completing challenges requiring them to use their understanding of number to complete calculations using all four operations. This week the children completed a primary maths challenge paper and discussed the strategies they used to solve the more challenging questions. The children were then shown methods to simplify calculations and work more efficiently through a timed paper.
In English, we started work on our new book - Flotsam. The whole school is studying this book at the same time so the school has been decorated with artwork from all the pupils last week to represent the sea and the beach. The children worked on their prediction skills and adapted these predictions when they received more information. They wrote a text to accompany a picture from the book and described what they expected to see on the camera film discovered in the flotsam. Later in the week, the children drew pictures to accompany their camera film descriptions. We also completed an exam paper exploring both multiple choice and written answer styles. In guided reading, the children explored texts from the book Holes by Louis Shachar and a short illustrated story titled the dot.
This week we also started our half- term science topic - classification of living things. The children learnt about the seven living processes and created posters using the acronym MRS GREN to help remember them all.
On Tuesday next week, the walls will be adorned with pictures of the children that they drew in their art lesson this week. Each child was provided with half of their face and asked to draw the other half. They all worked incredibly hard and showcased their artistic skills. I was so impressed by their efforts. Please do come and find your child’s art piece.
The children received their first pieces of homework this week - they were all given a diary to note dates of homework and due dates to help them organise themselves and show their maturity as they enter their final year at Kerem. Please encourage them to complete this homework to the best of their abilities and return it to school by the due date. Homework is generally due on Monday and Thursday. Should there be any problems with the homework, do not hesitate to contact me on the Year 6 email address.
In PSHE, we looked at 'Zones of Regulation' and the importance of identifying and naming our emotions. We went on to discuss the nuances and complexity of dealing with a variety of situations and what to do when we are overwhelmed with any emotion.
This week we have continued to focus on verbal reasoning in particular word meanings and identifying synonyms and antonyms.
- Next Tuesday (17th) we are hosting a Meet the Teacher event. Parents are invited to attend from 18:45.
- Interventions will be starting on Monday 16th September at 08:15. If your child has been invited to attend an intervention, please ensure they arrive promptly to ensure learning can start immediately.
Questions to ask your child
What does the word guffaw mean?
What is a negative number?
What are the solutions to the following questions?
x/5+20 = x what is x?
What are the seven living processes?
What does excretion mean?
What is flotsam?
Which language is the root of the word flotsam?
What did you describe on the box brownie camera film?
Shabbat shalom,
The Year Six team
Friday 6th September 2024
We have had an excellent start to the academic year. This week we have discussed how to be effective learners and the expectations we have for the children this year. The children were explained the prefect application process and the responsibility they have as the oldest class within the school. It has been amazing to see them come in with maturity and a positive mindset.
In maths, the children went over the key vocabulary of number including: factors, multiples, highest common factor (HCF), lowest common multiple (LCM) and prime numbers. Following on with a prime suspects elimination activity to identify all the prime numbers below 100. This was based on the sieve of Eratosthenes the Greek Mathematician.On Friday the children completed a primary maths challenge paper. Focusing on their approach to more challenging questions.
In art and design the children began to create a 3D camera.
In English, the children wrote a letter to their future selves, which they will read on their last day of at Kerem. Implementing and showcasing the skills they have developed over the past year. The children also had an opportunity to read with their buddies in the library.
Polite reminders
Please can all children have personal items labelled.
No necklaces or bracelets.
To be wearing the correct uniform.
Date for your diary
Meet the teacher will take place on the evening of Tuesday 17th September.
Questions to ask your child
What did you enjoy this week?
What did you find challenging this week?
What are Kerem characteristic cards?
Did you meet some new teachers?
What is a factor/multiple? Can you explain it to me?
What is a box Brownie?
Which prefect position would you like to apply for?
Wishing you all a restful shabbat.
The Year Six Team