At Kerem School, Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education strives to ensure pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives and stay healthy and safe both now and in the future. Our aim is to create and encourage equal opportunities for all, to be part of and celebrate both our community and the wider British community and to teach the importance of valuing and respecting every individual. We use the ‘Heads Up Kids’ programme which was developed by PAJES in partnership with Norwood.
‘A key outcome of the programme is that the skills that teachers and children begin to develop are not just confined to the classroom sessions but make an ongoing difference and impact on all areas of school life. Providing this opportunity creates a strong baseline for emotional literacy and positive mental health as well as helping to highlight those children who may require early intervention or support. The programme seeks to normalise discussion around social and emotional challenges in order to make it easier for children to speak up when they encounter difficulties.’
In addition to weekly PSHE lessons, the core values of the PSHE curriculum are also integrated into other curriculum areas such as JS, computing, science and RSE (Relationship and Sex Education).