Class Blog
The children performed incredibly well during Tuesday's Presentation Afternoon. The children wrote the play alongside their teachers, contributing their own ideas about how to stage it and what should happen in each scene and with lines for themselves to say. It was a wonderful join effort!
We are so proud of the children's achievements at Etgar!
Our last full week of this academic year is over, just a couple of days to go.
This week the children have received proper Maths lessons, using their knowledge and understanding of multiplication, division, decimals, percentages and fractions to solve challenging problems. In English the children tackled a Year 6 SATs Comprehension.
They have received homework today, which is due in on Monday.
For the performance on Tuesday the children will need to attend in school uniform. There will be no P.E. that day.
Shabbat Shalom
Thank you to Mrs Woolfe, Mrs Wagner, Mrs Martin, Mrs Dagul, Mrs Braudo and Mrs Osen for accompanying Year 5 on their outing this week. Apart from it being a very humid day, it was thoroughly enjoyable!
This week in Year 5:
Maths: The children have been revising arrange of different Maths concepts and have been doing lots of problem solving.
English: The children have continued to be reading and discussing Cloud Busting. The children have been writing play scripts based on a particular part of the text.
Today the children have had an opportunity to spend time with their Year 6 teacher. 5F had a great time meeting Ms Weiner, but were equally upset to learn that Mr Forbes is leaving them.
Next week Mr Forbes and Mrs Sharman are with year 6 on Skeet. Mrs Turgel will be taking care of 5V and Mr Moses has the joy of being responsible for 5F. There will be no secular homework, the children should spend the week revising for ETGAR.
Shabbat Shalom
The Year 5 children have all been placed into their Etgar teams and the captains and vice captains have been announced as follows:
Team 1 = Charles Wolfson and Seth Dagul
Team 2 = Jamie-Anna Friedman and Jessica Ackerman
Team 3 = Dvorah Ben-Menachem and Teddy Epstein
Team 4 = Odelya Weinberg and Ella Moshal
Keep on learning... less than 2 weeks to go!
Working in Etgar groups

Thankyou to all parents who joined us on the outing- we had a great day. See pictures below:
More photos from the Day out in London
A Day in London

This Tuesday is the Year 5 outing to the River Boat Cruise. The children should attend school in full school uniform, since there will be no P.E. All children should bring a school cap and apply sun tan lotion before school, the weather forecast is to be hot and sunny. Children will need to bring a packed lunch, it should be nut-free and dairy.
This week in Year 5:
In Maths the children have been looking at reflection and translation of shapes.
In English the children have been writing shape poems and in Creative Writing the children continued on a story, imagining the conversation between a father and son, once the son had been caught cheating in an exam.
In Topic the children looked at and learned about the London Underground.
Today the children had another SRE session, your children may have questions.
Please remember there is the Secondary School Fair on Wednesday evening, please see the email sent out by the office the 12th June for details. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
Parents in 5F this coming Wednesday or Thursday are the transition to Secondary School meetings, if you are for any reason unsure of your appointment time or wish to arrange one, please email the office or Jane, or phone on Tuesday, there are still some available slots. Even if you are parent of a child in 5V and have not a meeting and would like one, these appointments are still open to you.
This week in Year 5:
In English, we read some more of Cloud Busting and discussed the themes of the poems and how the structure of reflected the theme.
In Maths we have been reviewing volume and capacity.
In Creative Writing the children wrote poems using anthropomorphism, giving human characteristics to an object or animal.
In Grammar we reviewed subordinating and relative clauses as this linked to what we looked at this week: co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
Sunday is the Funday and we hope as many of you will be able to attend and that it will remain dry.
Shabbat Shalom
Not long now until your children are heading up to Year 6!!!
We will be letting parents who have volunteered for the outing know very soon. Thank you for your patience, we needed to wait for the official letter notifying you about the outing to go out. It has now been sent out. All children will need a pack lunch and to attend school in uniform. Both boys and girls will need a school cap. You will be reminded of this closer to the date. The date of the outing is the 25th June.
This week in Year 5:
In English this week we started reading Cloud Busting, a story told using different styles of poetry. We had very in depth discussion, talking about what we think the themes of the book are, why the author chose to write the book using different styles of poetry, the impact of starting a story after the event and going back to retell it.
In Maths we have been revising area and perimeter.
In Science the children investigated soluble and insoluble materials, finding out whether they do or not dissolve in water.
Continuing with our work on London, the children have started planning a day out in London, researching about a chosen landmark.
Today, the children had their first SRE session, your child may have questions.
STEM challenge in Year 5 making Foosball tables
Jewish Studies 19th Iyar - 24th May
It's been a very Etgar kind of a week! With just over 6 weeks to go till the Big Quiz, things are hotting up in Year 5. Team Captains and Vice Captains are being decided at this very moment and will be announced right after the holidays... Watch this space! Meanwhile, over the holidays we would advise all of Year 5 to keep on reading, learning and studying their Etgar Books - not long to go now!
Have a lovely half term break and Shabbat shalom to you all,
Mrs Hill
Jewish Studies 5th Iyar - 10th May
Year Five had a fantastic day on Thursday celebrating Yom Ha-Atzmaut. They participated in a number of Israel-themed activities, including arts and crafts, Israeli dancing, Machanayim and much more besides. We had a live concert performed by an excellent group from Israel, including many old and new favourites from previous Eurovision song contests. The children were up and dancing and singing together with the group and had an amazing time. We also held our very own Kerem Eurovision Song Contest with groups of Year 5 pupils taking to the stage to perform their own, unique songs in their own unique styles!
You can find pictures from Yom Haatzmaut by clicking the link below.
This weekend, the children have been asked to review chapters 7 and 8 of Etgar ready for testing on Monday. We are now just a few weeks away from the Big Quiz!
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom.
For Yom Ha'atzmaut photos, click below:
Jewish Studies 28th Nissan – 3rd May
Welcome back to our Summer term! This week we have been learning all about the birth of the State of Israel, looking at key dates and personalities from Israel’s more recent history. The children prepared mini-skits on one of eight different events in this history which they then performed for their classmates, who had to identify and date each event correctly.
Next week we will celebrate Yom Haatzmaut 71 – the children are invited to come to school wearing blue and white for our day of celebrations – more details are being emailed today.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and an enjoyable long weekend!
Jewish Studies 12th April - 7th Nissan
Oh my goodness - Year Five have worked so incredibly hard to complete their stunningly beautiful Haggadot in time for Pesach. Every child has put their full effort into completing their work to their highest possible standard and I have been amazed at just how well they have all done. Please do take time to read and enjoy your children's excellent work - all of which has been completed since Purim - whew!
On Tuesday we had our model Sedarim at school. You can find some pics and a couple of videos on the JS blog under Class Pages
I wish each and every one of you and your fantastic children a wonderful Pesach and a relaxing holiday.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Same'ah
Mrs Hill
5F showing their beautiful Haggadot.

Jewish Studies 29th Adar II – 5th April 2019
Year Five have been working exceptionally hard at making their own Guide to the Haggadah, complete with questions and answers to use at the Seder. We have reached the end of Maggid this week and will complete part two next week.
Shabbat Shalom.
This week the students revised a range of topics through reasoning and word problems.
In English, the students continued reading The Chimney Child and completed a range of comprehension questions on the chapter.
This week the students researched and compared Victorian toys to modern toys. They also designed their own dolly peg and puppet.
A big highlight for our week was our outing to The Royal Gunpowder Mills. The children all looked incredible in their Victorian style costumes. The children had sessions learning about the sorts of toys played with by both wealthy and poor Victorian children, Victorian seaside holidays, working in the Victorian era and a Victorian classroom. We all had a lot of fun and learned a lot too.
The students looked at other stories and analysed the text to depict what was good and bad about the different stories.
The students learned about Ratio and revised adding and subtracting decimals.
This week the students had a Civil Engineer come in to talk to them about bridges. They learned about the different structures and the different forces each bridge has. They also used Virtual Reality sets to go and explore different bridges from around the world.
Day out at the Royal Gunpowder Mills
Mr Forbes getting what he deserves, a good caning!

Being flogged at the seaside

Jewish Studies 22nd Adar II – 29th March 2019
Year Five have been hard at work preparing for Pesach. This week we have learnt about the build-up to Pesach including Maot Chittin, Shabbat HaGadol and the Fast of the Firstborn as well as reviewing what is meant by Chametz. We looked at a number of different ways to dispose of our Chametz (from eating them to selling them) as we are neither allowed to eat nor to own Chametz over Pesach.
Shabbat Shalom
Year Five Shushan Purim Talent Show

Jewish Studies 15th Adar II – 22nd March
In Jewish Studies this week, Year Five have taken an in-depth look into the Purim Story and Purim Mitzvot, sequencing the key events of the story. Purim was great fun at school – the children booed at Haman, danced through Zumba, munched through their hamantashen and paraded their fantastic costumes for all to see and enjoy! An amazing day was had by all.
Next week we start preparing for Pesach!
Shabbat Shalom!
This week the students continued to explore percentages of an amount. To extend this, the children had to increase or descrease a number based on a percentage given.
The students continued reading “The boy in the dress” and focused on the British Value of Tolerance and how it was a clear theme in the chapter and imagined they were Agony Aunts, giving advice to Dennis. They also continued with their class debate about uniform. In Creative Writing the children were challenged to be very specific with their choice of language.
This week the students were given a new STEM bridge challenge, in groups, the children were required to design a bridge that would go over something, whether it is a road or river, making sure it can support an object in the middle and things can easily pass underneath it.
Please note that as mentioned in 'Hot off the Press', Love Corn will not be allowed in school from next week. If children have any, they will not be allowed to eat it, so please send them in with an appropriate snack. Many thanks for your support with this.
STEM - Designing and building bridges
This week we continued looking at finding a percentage of an amount and extended this increasing and decreasing numbers based on a percentage.
The students wrote an essay and debated, 'Should school uniform be abolished?'. The children raised some interesting points regarding identity and how uniform makes you feel part of something, while at the same time not allowing you to express yourself through what you wear.
The Friday before had been International Women's Day and in the comprehension lesson we read and learnt about five influential women; Hedy Lamarr, Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Stephanie Kwolek, Kalpana Chawla and Peggy Johnson.
Continuing with our topic of bridges, the children finished off researching their famous bridges, which was followed by a challenge. In groups, the children were required to build and design a bridge using 16 plastic straws and a roll of tape. The bridge had to span a gap of 30cm.
Jewish Studies 8th Adar II - 15th March
We have been learning all about Purim this week, reviewing the story of the Megillah as well as considering the other elements of the Chag. We learnt that the Shabbat before Purim (Ie this week) is called Shabbat Zachor - The Shabbat of Remembrance as we remember what Amalek did to Bnei Yisrael when they were in the desert. The day before Purim is the Fast of Esther and the day after Purim is Shushan Purim.
Tribe came to school on Wednesday to run a special activity with us, part of which we spent packing up boxes of mishloach manot which will be distributed to those less fortunate than ourselves. Thank you so much to all who contributed to the Purple Donation Station.
Shabbat Shalom!
This week the students went through a comprehension on The Great Barrier Reef and had to decode terminology they hadn’t heard of. They continued learning how to structure and write an essay.
This week in the Maths the students continued working on percentages, fractions and decimals. Next week they will continue the skill by looking at finding a percentage of an amount.
This week the students learnt about different famous bridges around the world and what different features they all have.
The children each picked out a different famous person from the Victorian era, such as Charles Darwin, George Eliot and Florence Nightingale and began researching about who they were and what they were well known for.
U teach
This week we have had the pleasure of four U teaches taking place, two in each of the respective classes. In 5F Odelya taught her peers about Alexander Graham Bell and Seth taught them about 'food security'. In 5V Isabella taught about Native Americans and Raymond taught about Lewis Hamilton. We have been impressed by the standard so far and expect to see more of the same.
Due to feedback from parents’ evening we just want to clarify that homework is fluid and will sometimes be handed out through google classroom or on a sheet. Your child will know where it is and when it is due; this is all part of building their independence.
This week in Year 5:
In Maths the children have been exploring the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages, solving reasoning problems and looking at how to convert between them.
In English the children learned how to write an essay and what is involved in the structure. They wrote about whether homework is good or bad. I am sure you can imagine the range of answers we received.
In Science we started a STEM project, to explore and learn about Bridges. We looked at different designs of bridges and the children completed a challenge to make a beam bridge using one piece of A4 paper that could support an object when placed over a 10cm gap.
This week was a busy week for Year 5 with some exciting book week activities.
In maths they learnt how to reflect, rotate and translation. They then had a book week activity where they received 2 different passages and they had to answer a range of questions about the ratios of different letters in the texts.
The students read an interesting text about achievement and how it is defined. They had a great debate and discussion and then answered a range of questions based on the text.
On Thursday the students had an exciting morning with Reception and Nursery. Year 5 lead an activity where they guided their partner making either a Little Miss or Mr Men character. They decorated their characters using a range of materials and later on continued the activity by creating a story to fit their character.
The students did a fantastic job reciting their poems we were both very proud of them.
Have a lovely half term
This week the students worked really hard on story starters and looking at a variety of different techniques to make it engaging for the readers.
This week the students looked at 24 hour time and how to read and interpret timetables, a skill they will need for secondary school. They had the opportunity to create their own school timetable and realised how difficult it is to fit everything in.
During Science the students made and designed the future of space exploration and observation. Space stations, probes, rovers and satellites using a range of different materials.
Book week is next week and we will be hearing the students poems on Tuesday. Please could you ensure your children have a reading book with them.
Jewish Studies 3rd Adar I – 8th February 2019
On Tuesday we were really lucky to be able to watch a professional show which was mostly in Ivrit. This was performed by the Orna Porat theatre company from Israel and was called ‘Esh BaRosh’ – ‘Hot-headed’. We understood lots of the Ivrit that was spoken and really enjoyed the opportunity to watch an Ivrit performance.
We have been studying more of our Etgar book and this week we each designed a game to help us learn the names and symbols of each of the Twelve Tribes. We looked at the verses in the Torah which explained why each tribe had been given its particular symbol. We looked at the 6 items that were found in the Mishkan as well as the 8 items of clothing worn by the Kohen Gadol - which ties in with this week’ Parashah of Terumah.
Next Week’s reminders:
Hebrew reading sheets have been given out – Thank you as always for continuing to support your child in their Hebrew Reading.
Wednesday is now test day, this coming week to include Wordlist 5 row 11 and chap.5 of Etgar.
Shabbat Shalom!
Jewish Studies 26th Shevat – 1st February
In our Chumash lesson this week, we discussed in detail the meaning of the phrase ‘Ketonet Passim’ – this is the description of Yoseph’s coat which may or may not have been an amazing ‘techni-coloured dream coat’. We looked at a number of different commentaries and designed four different coats based on these varied descriptions.
Also this week we have continued to learn about the structure of Jewish history in Biblical times using a timeline to help us. We played a couple of JI Tap games to help us remember the information.
Next Week’s reminders:
Hebrew reading homework– Thank you for continuing to support your child in their Hebrew Reading.
Wednesday is now test day, this week to include Wordlist 5 row 10 and the second half of Chapter 4 of Etgar.
Shabbat Shalom and keep warm!
Where did January go?
A lot of children have been falling ill recently, with both Mr Forbes and Ms Vinokur having to be sent home this week due to illness. Please keep a vigilant eye on your children and do not send them back to school until you are 100 per cent certain that they are better. Your children can not learn if they are not well and their teachers can not educate either.
This week in Year 5:
In Literacy the children read about Helen Keller, a woman born in Victorian times who, when she became deaf and blind at a very young age, surpassed all expectations in life. If you have never heard of her, look her up and read about her life.
In Maths this week the children solved problems involving volume and capacity and investigating how cuboids with the same volume could have different length, width and height.
This week in Science the children finished their STEM Astronaut Journey Logs, designing Mars rovers.
The children have also written their 'Lost' stories this week. Each year we have the children write a story with the same title, this helps us to compare and see the progress that the children are making in their writing.
Jewish Studies 19th Sivan - 25th January
Our week started on a good, healthy note as we celebrated Tu B’Shevat with a special Tu B’Shevat Seder. We drank four cups of wine, the first one white, the second white with a little red, the third one red with a little white and the fourth one was red – representing the change within the earth as the seasons come and go. We asked Four Questions, ate many different fruits and read lots of short stories from the Talmud about how the Jewish people can be compared to different trees. We decorated the tables with our science experiment from that morning in which we placed white flowers into vases containing food colouring and watched as the white flowers changed colour. It was a truly unique Tu B’Shevat.
Also this week we had the great honour of singing at the Induction of Rabbi Friedman, which we thoroughly enjoyed. The honeycomb dipped in chocolate that we discovered on the dessert buffet was pretty enjoyable too!
Next Week’s reminders:
Hebrew reading sheets were given out last Friday – Thank you for continuing to support your child in their Hebrew Reading.
Wednesday is now test day, this week to include Wordlist 5 row 9 and Chapter 4 of Etgar.
Shabbat Shalom!
On Monday, please could the children have either a small yoghurt carton or a small drinks can, we are doing a little STEM activity, which could take us to Mars.
Maths: This week the children have been solving problems involving area and perimeter, while applying the knowledge learnt in the previous week on converting metric units of length.
Literacy: We looked at Chapter 2 of 'The boy in the dress'. We looked at how to use specific language in writing by looking at the poem 'Macavity' by T.S. Eliot.
Science: As part of Tu B'shevat we looked at fruits, had a blind fruit tasting and researched about our fruits and where they come from.
A few moments from Monday’s Tu B’shevat seder
Victorian Inventions

This week Year 5 started their book study on “The boy in the dress”. They discussed how the author engages the reader, going into detail about how to introduce characters into a book. We will be doing a lot of work on “The boy in the dress” so if your child has a copy please could they bring it into school.
The students learnt how to convert between mm,cm,m and km through reasoning problems.
In Science the students went through a variety of tasks to test if they would make great Astronauts.
The students began their history topic on the Victorian Era and researched what schools were like during that period of time. The students also had the amazing opportunity to speak to Mike Freer and ask him all interesting questions about democracy, British values and Brexit.
Attached is some information about Immanuel’s open day; please let the office know if your child is attending.
Immanuel Open Day 2019
Jewish Studies - 12th Shevat - 18th January
This week in Year 5 Jewish Studies we have continued our Chumash learning about Yosef. We are beginning to understand why Yosef’s brothers were not so fond of him as he told tales on them and was favoured by his father.
We have continued our Etgar learning of chapter 4, looking at the books of the Tanach and playing lots of games to help us learn. We have been practising for the Rabbi’s Induction next Tuesday evening and were joined by Chazzan Avrumi for a rehearsal.
Jewish Studies Reminders:
Tu B’Shevat: Please check with your child which fruit they volunteered to bring to the Tu B’Shevat Seder on Monday. Thank you in advance for making this possible!
Induction: The children should be at school by 8pm on Tuesday evening, please, wearing full school uniform. They should come upstairs to the dining room. We should be finished by 9:15 – 9:30 pm.
Wordlist Test: This will be on Wednesday and the children will be being tested up to Wordlist 5 row 8.
Hebrew Reading: New sheets have been given out this week.
Shabbat Shalom!
Jewish Studies 11th January - 5th Shevat
Welcome back to the Spring Term.
This week in Jewish Studies has been a really busy one! We have continued our learning of Chumash, focussing on Parashat Vayeshev and the the story of Yosef. We learnt from Yosef and his brothers that telling tales and speaking lashon harah will not end well.
We have been studying chapter 4 of Etgar (for homework we are revising 54-59). We looked at how the Tanakh is divided into three books and learnt the Megillot can be found in the book of Ketuvim and Eshet Chayil is from the book of Mishlei (Proverbs) which is also in Ketuvim.
We learnt the Tanakh song this week - ask us to sing it to you at the Shabbat table! We now know the names of all 24 books of the Tanakh, in the correct order. We also learnt Adon Olam to a new tune in preparation for the Rabbi's Induction next Tuesday evening.
Our Wordlist test next week will be up to Wordlist 5 row 7.
A couple of reminders:
Monday 21st January is Tu B'Shevat. Each child has been asked to please bring in a specific fruit on the day to ensure we have a large variety for our fruit party. Thank you so much in advance!
Tuesday 22nd January - The children have been invited to sing at the Rabbi's Induction. Please could we borrow your lovely children from 7:30 - 9:30 that evening, wearing full school uniform.
Mah Rabu Photography Competition open until the end of January.
Shabbat Shalom
Welcome back to the Spring Term.
This week Year 5 learnt how to write a recount using the correct language and sequential structure. In Creative Writing they wrote a true story about a life-changing event that happened to them, they wrote in the first person and worked on a range of new techniques.
In Maths, they learnt about converting between measurements, mainly between grams and kilograms. They answered a range of reasoning questions and reviewed a range of topics as lesson starters.
General Knowledge
We have just started a General Knowledge lesson once a week with Year 4. The students have been put into groups where they will be watching a range of news stories and creating their own presentations based on topics of their choice.
This term there has been a change to the structure of the Maths lessons. We are lucky to have Mrs Fisher join our class 4 times a week in her new role as Inclusion Lead.
Please take note that the days homework will be given out has changed slightly - please refer to Key Information on the main page.
On Monday 14th January is the E-Safety meeting for parents 7.30pm to 9.00pm, this session is not to be missed. The safety of children online today is more important than ever and we all need to be aware of how to keep them safe. The children themselves will be having an E-Safety talk in class too.
The first term of Year 5 is complete and what a term it has been. We have had a lot of fun teaching the children and we look forward to more of the same next term and encouraging them to work even harder than they already are.
This week in Maths the children solved problems involving decimals and reviewed topics they have covered this term.
In English, the children completed a comprehension about Christmas Trees, linked to our British Values curriculum.
This week we also modelled a U Teach for the children, to give them an idea of what is expected of them. Next term we will be sorting out the dates with the children as to when they would like to do theirs.
We wish you all a wonderful break, we always love a postcard from the children, whether they are going abroad or even done some exciting closer to home and want to tell us about it!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year for 2019!
The end of term is fast approaching, just another week to go.
This week in Year 5 we have been rehearsing for Monday. The Chanukah show will aim to start on time, please be seated by 9 a.m. so we can begin promptly.
As part of our topic on the Ancient Greeks, we plan to watch a range of scenes from 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief' on the last day of term- I has a PG certificate. Iif you prefer your child to not watch it please let us know and we plan an activity for them.
This week in Maths the children have been learning about the relationship between fractions and decimals and continued to revise adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. In Science, the children created a galaxy montage and in their English lessons used Book Creator to make comics exploring the adventures of their own Greek hero.
A reminder, please could your children be watching Newsround. It is important they are aware of what goes on in the world.
Jewish Studies 22nd Kislev - 30th November
For some unknown reason, we had quite a sleepy start to the week! Last Shabbat really was incredible - both for the children and for the staff. The atmosphere was electric as the children sang, danced and played their way through Shabbat. We are hugely grateful to the Tribe Madrichim who helped ensure such a special Shabbat for us - and also a thank you to so many parents for your lovely messages of thanks. Now for Skeet...
This week in Jewish Studies, the children wrote an A to Z of Chanukah, and we then chose the best line from each to make a class Chanukah Alphabet (see below!). We have been reviewing the Etgar numbers and have made individual posters to help reinforce this knowledge. Next week we will be consolidating our knowledge of chapters 1 to 3 before moving on to chapter 4. Our Wordlist test next Thursday will be list 5, row 5.
Wishing you all a peaceful and relaxing Shabbat - and Chanukah Same'ah!
Chanukah Alphabet
We are sure the children are looking forward to having a restful weekend, it certainly has been a long couple of weeks.
A gentle reminder, Chanukah Shows are this week and next and Year 5 will be presenting on the 10th December. All children need to be in school by 8.45, so that the shows can start promptly at 9 with everyone present.
Please remember to be visiting the Ivrit blog.
We have made some changes to the Key Information page, you will see that we have switched the days we hand out Maths and Literacy homework and also added the Mental Arithmetic books as part of our homework rotation on Thursdays.
This weeks:
Maths: The children have learnt to divide fractions by fractions and by whole numbers.
Literacy: This week the children completed a comprehension about Pandora's box and wrote their own poems influenced by the poem 'Conversation Piece' by Gareth Owen.
Science: The children explored the scale of the solar system, creating a poster showing the distance each planet is from the sun and making a fact file page about one of the gas planets.
Art: This week we we were introduced to the making of origami bookmarks. This was expertly led by Ella and Jared who demonstrated excellent responsibility and maturity.
Head to Miss Burns’ blog (link below) for picture of soft play!
How the journey to the Shabbaton is going!

This week Year 5 created their very own Greek Myth Hero and Villian. They also read the story about Perseus and Medusa and answered comprehension questions.
In maths this week the students learnt how to multiply a range of fractions. Please go over times table with your children it will help them with their fractions.
Started the new topic of Space, the Final Frontier, learning about the rocky planets and creating a travel brochure for one of them.
They had an amazing outing this week to the Houses of Parliament where they were able to watch two live debates and learn about the suffragettes and democracy.
We are off to the Shabbaton so enjoy your weekend without us! See you on Sunday.
Y5 visit to Parliament

Jewish Studies 8th Kislev - Friday 16th November
This week in Jewish Studies we have started our in-depth Chumash study, this year studying Parashat Vayeshev. We learnt from just one passuk (Bereishit 37:2) that Yoseph was, at that time, 17 years old and was a shepherd together with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah (aka Billy and Zilly). The passuk also taught us that Yoseph was a tell-tale and would bring bad reports about his brothers to his father.
We had our Etgar test on Chapter 1 and have been studying Chapter 2 in class. In this chapter we learned about the different eras of Jewish history and some of the key figures from those times.
We are just a little bit excited (!) that this time next week we will be at the Lincolnsfield Centre in Bushey for our Shabbaton!!! It may be a quiet Shabbat for parents next week but something tells me it may be just a little rowdy down in Bushey! – Let’s hope so 😊
Shabbat Shalom!
One week until the Shabbaton!!!
The board games are looking good! We have told the children they should continue with their own individual jobs, with there being no need for playdates.
This week in Year 5:
This week the students continued with their board games. They began learning about Greek Mythology and creating their own greek myth hero.
The students continued learning about adding and subtracting a range of fractions.
The children used hovercrafts to test friction by seeing how well the hovercraft could travel over different surfaces or measuring how far and how long it took for the hovercraft to come to a stop because of the size of the balloon.
To get the students ready for our outing next week, they learnt about the Houses of Parliament. They had a range of discussions and debates about what they would change if they were in charge.
Next week is our outing to the Houses of Parliament; an email has gone out with all the details of what the children need. Most importantly please remember the children need a dairy, nut-free lunch and boys must have a cap to wear.
Please look at the Ivrit blog for details of any upcoming tests the students may have.
Shabbat Shalom!!!
Thank you to Mrs Lester, who kindly came in as part of Parliament Week to explain to Year 5 and 6 about what is happening with Brexit.
The board games are looking great, can not wait for the Shabbaton to play them.
Jewish Studies Rosh Chodesh 1st Kislev - 9th November
Chodesh Tov - A Good Month to you all!
This week in Year 5, we have been busy with our preparations for the upcoming Shabbaton! We have discussed the 39 Melachot of Shabbat and we have been practising two well-known Zemirot to sing in at our Shabbaton in just two week's time, namely 'Menucha v'Simcha' and 'Yom ze l'Yisrael'. Please feel free to sing them at your Shabbat tables this week! In addition, we have been testing the children's knowledge of Etgar section 1 in anticipation of their test next week.
Shabbat Shalom!
The second half of the Autumn term has begun and only a couple of weeks to go until l the Shabbaton. Please be aware that homework might be slightly different as we lead up to the Shabbaton, as the children might need time outside of school to finish their Shabbat boardgames. We are encouraging them to take responsibility for organising how they work together to complete this project and have told them they should give each others jobs. Therefore, play-dates after school during the week which we know can be inconvenient will not need to be arranged, since they have a job they can be getting on with at home without needing to work with someone else in their group.
This week:
Science: The children investigated Air Resistance, designing a new parachute for a skydiving company.
Maths: They learned about adding and subtracting fractions.
English: This week the children have been learning about writing instructions and using these skills to write their boardgames instructions.
History: We started the new topic of Ancient Greece; the children first thought about what they knew, what they. thought they knew and what they would like to know. They then completed a timeline of events.
The Perfect Parachute - designing a new parachute for a skydiving company.
Jewish Studies 26th October - 17th Cheshvan
We have been working hard to master our knowledge of the Jewish calendar. Hebrew dates are tricky to learn but we are getting there! We have a new game waiting for us on JITap to help us to practice these dates.
We have started planning for our Shabbaton which is just a month away. Each of us will deliver a short Dvar Torah whilst there and we now have our topics so that we can start to prepare.
Shabbat Shalom and have a lovely half term break.
We can't believe it is already the end of the first half term.
This week Year 5 have been studying a range of instructions from different board games. They analysed the language and layout of the instructions and came up with new ways to improve them. This is preparing them for when they have to write their own instructions to their game.
The students have been learning about finding the area and perimeter of compound shapes. Some of them found this difficult so you may decide to go over it during half term.
The children finished their research into Isaac Newton, finding out about how he discovered gravity, where he grew up and how quickly he became a professor of Maths.
Spelling Lists 1 to 4

Healthy Living Competition
To help promote Healthy Living, Kerem are entering a Barnet Virtual Challenge Competition.
Each year group will submit their scores to either Mr Moses or their class teacher which will then be uploaded to the Barnet website and we can see how we compare to other schools in the Borough!
The challenges all revolve around skipping. You can find all the rules and regulations here or go to the key information page on your classes page.
Either video your child’s best score each week and send it to the school or your child can show their teachers one break or lunchtime how well they can do.
The deadline for Year 5 to submit their results to the school is Wednesday 12th December.
For any questions feel free to email Mr Moses on
Happy skipping!
Jewish Studies 19th October - 10th Cheshvan
In Jewish Studies this week we have continued working on our Berachot topic. Our focus was Berachot that we recite over special things that we see, smell and hear. For example, hearing thunder, seeing a rainbow or smelling besamim.
We have also continued our Etgar learning, revising our knowledge of the Jewish calendar. We still find it tricky to remember the dates of some of the Chagim but we are working on it. Next week we are being tested on pages 10-26.
We reviewed this week's Parashah of Lech Lecha with our focus being to keep away from bad influences. You can read more about it on our weekly Parashah sheet.
Finally, we had our Wordlist 3 revision test - our marks are happily improving . Next week we are reviewing Wordlist 4.
Shabbat Shalom!
On Fridays, Year 6 join Year 5 for Tefillah. It is always such a pleasure to see siblings saying their Tefillah together:

This week the students had an incredible outing to GOSH where they participated in a Guinness World Record for learning how to do CPR.
This week the students learned how to extend a sentence and use appropriate description. They researched a famous river and wrote a fact file on each of the rivers.
In Maths they worked on finding the missing angles of a straight line and inside a triangle.
In Science, they calculated the Weight and Mass of a range of items in the classroom and started research on Isaac Newton.
Next week
Please can we ask for the students to bring a copy of the instructions to a game they enjoy playing at home by Tuesday.
Year 5 visit to GOSH to learn CPR
Finally a full week!
This week Year 5 have been busy reviewing speech marks and direct speech. In 5V they wrote stories about the anticipation of receiving a letter. In 5F they wrote short pieces entitled 'Elaboration', making sure they used lots of detail to create the scene and stories they were telling.
The students also had a dictation using words that they have been learning so far this year.
The students participated in an interactive Shakespeare workshop where they were able to take part in playing key characters and learn the story of A Midsummer Night's Dream.
In Maths the students learned how to use a protractor and began measuring a range of angles.
In Science, the students learned about the relationship between mass (kg) and weight (N), and that we often mix up the two, learning that your mass remains the same throughout the universe, but your weight changes. For example if your mass is 50 kg, on Earth your weight would be 500 N. On the Moon, your mass is still 50 kg, but your weight would be 80 N, because there is less gravity. To work out your weight, it is mass x gravity = weight.
Jewish Studies 12th October - 3rd Cheshvan
After our first full week at school, we are all feeling so ready for Shabbat to begin!
This week we have revised the Berachot that we say over food and we learnt about the correct order in which to say our Berachot. We then each designed a Brachah poster on our ipads to help us remember the correct order.
Our hugely exciting news of the week is that our Etgar books arrived - woohoo! Many of us have given our book a name as it is to become our new bff! This week we are learning the first part of section 1 (ps 10-26) though we are already familiar with most of the information on these pages.
Our middah (character trait) of the week, as learnt through our Parashah of Noach, is לָשׁוֹן נְקִיָּה - clean speech. This refers to the way in which we should always speak to other people - by using our words kindly and thoughtfully at all times.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbaton letter and med form. Please return before half term.

This week the students began to look at formal instruction writing. They learnt about bossy verbs and time connectives. The students then transferred their skills to writing the instructions of how to make a cup of tea. Students also revised the punctuation needed when using speech marks.
In Maths this week the students revised a range of skills through problem-solving questions.
Students are to continue with their board game homework and hand it in on Tuesday.
Jewish Studies - 5th October/26th Tishrei
Our month of Chagim has now drawn to a close and we are looking forward to spending our first full week at school next week.
This week, the children reviewed the knowledge gained over the Chagim period, completing a Tishrei calendar with the relevant icons for each day.
We now turn our attention to Chumash skills and of course to weekly Wordlist tests. On Monday we will briefly recap Wordlist One whilst Thursday will bring with it a Wordlist 2 revision test. If you do not have a copy of the lists, they can be found on the JS page of this website.
We worked our way through the 1st Etgar Challenge of the year and learnt about this week's Parashah of Bereishit. Weekly Parashah homework starts from today and will be given out each Friday for the following Monday.
Shabbat Shalom!
This week the children headed to the Tate Britain to see Mark Gertler's painting. The children learnt about Mark Gertler's life in the East End of London and how this impacted on his work.
Artishrei activities
In Maths the children looked at the proportions of their faces. Measuring such things as the distance between their ears, size of their eyes, top of their forehead to the bottom of their chin. Following this, they used their measurements to create portraits.
Looking at the painting in more detail, the children looked at and analysed how light and dark colour changes how we look at a painting. They drew one of the characters from the painting twice, painting one with dark tones and one with light.
"In honour of Artishrei, we have launched a whole school Art Competition. We would love as many children as possible to enter. The children can work alone or with others to create a piece of artwork entitled ‘New Beginnings’. They can use any medium and there will be prizes for the winning entries!"
Sukkah Crawls
A massive thank you to Mrs Brass, Mrs Morris, Mrs Moshal and a massive thank you to Mrs Dagul who hosted both classes separately yesterday. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visits.
Group Chats
It has been voted and discussed as a class to remove all children from group chats, this includes Whatts App, Play Station and Messenger.
JS - Model Sukkah Challenge
Year Five were set the optional challenge of creating a model Sukkah. We were amazed by the incredibly high standard of work that the children produced. Here are their amazimg models:

27th Sept - 18th Tishrei
On Thursday afternoon, a number of children volunteered to sing for the Friendship Club who meet on a monthly basis is the Shul hall. The children excelled themselves in singing a number of tunes from weekday and Sukkot Tefillah. In fact, they sang so well that they were called back for an encore. Well done, Year 5 - we are so proud of you!
Year Five singing (and shmoozing) at the Friendship Club
Visit to the Tate Gallery
Sukkah crawling
Jewish Studies - 12th Tishrei – 21st September
This has been another whirlwind of a week, learning about – and then celebrating – Yom Kippur before moving rapidly on to exploring Sukkot. We learned a number of rules concerning the building of a Sukkah. We then examined different Sukkah structures around the world and debated which ones were kosher and which ones were not. We especially liked the Sukkah built on the back of a camel and the one on a bicycle – both of which were kosher for use on Sukkot.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and Chag Same’ach.
Thank you to all those who attended the curriculum evening. We hope you found it informative and helpful in understanding the life of Year 5. We have attached the form to fill out about your child at the bottom of today's post. Please, can you return these to us as soon as possible.
There are a number of children bringing in dried fruit for break time snacks; we have been asked to remind you that break time snacks should only be fresh fruit or vegetables.
On Monday the children were introduced to the topic of Forces. We went over what gravity was and learnt about balanced and unbalanced forces.
On Thursday the children started looking at our chosen artwork for Artishrei; Jewish Family by Mark Gertler. Working in groups, they wrote down their initial thoughts about the painting and wrote character descriptions for the four characters.
In Maths we explored the proportions and angles of the face. The children used tape measures to measure such distances as the space between their eyes, how many centimetres it was from one ear to the other and the measurement round the front, back and over the top of their head.
Outing next week to Tate Britain - please see outing letter.
Jewish Family by Mark Gertler - this is the artwork Year 5 are exploring
Year 5 exploring their Artishrei artwork
This week in Literacy, the students created their own Rosh Hashana dream story. They completed a variety of comprehension texts and discussed what key information to use when answering extended responses.
In Maths the students worked on addition and subtraction and revised 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication.
On Wednesday 26th September, Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be visiting the Tate Britain Museum. Pupils will leave school at 9:30 am and travel by coach accompanied by their teachers, and return to school by approximately 2:30 pm. No parent volunteers are needed for this trip. Please provide your child with a NUT FREE packed lunch for this outing.
We are really excited to announce that Year 5 will be participating in Parliament Week with an outing to the Houses of Parliament on the 22nd of November. Here the students will be taking part in a range of activities, for example observing a live debate. More information about this outing will be sent out in the next couple of weeks.
Jewish Studies
Welcome back to the new Academic Year!
In our Jewish Studies lessons, we are hard at work learning about the Chagim (festivals) in the month of Tishrei. We have revised the names and lengths of all the notes blown on the Shofar and learnt four names for Rosh HaShanah and what they mean. We also now know all about Tashlich and why we say it at the edge of the water. We took our Siddurim out to the playground as Mutton Brook runs along its edge and we recited Tashlich as a class on the banks of the brook.
We are also learning about Yom Kippur and the five services which are recited on the day. We loved the fact that it is a Mitzvah to eat on the day before Yom Kippur - roll on Tuesday!
Shabbat Shalom and Shannah Tovah!
Here's something fun for you to watch before Yom Kippur:
We are Superheroes

We are Superheroes

Year 5 working hard together in Maths to do problem solving.

Year 5 practising sketching apple and honey