Newsletter 13thJuly
Dear Parents,
I cannot believe this is my last weekly letter to you. Although this week has been short, it has been busy!
It was so lovely to see you all at our end of year show. To be able to finally invite you in for the children to perform in front of you, was amazing. The children were fantastic and I am sure you will all agree, they made us all so very proud with their video and all the songs they sang.
In Letters and Sounds we went over the last few letter sounds and the children enjoyed sharing the object they had brought in for their chosen letter sound.
On Wednesday morning the children iced biscuits which they ate at our end of year party with a few other treats. At our celebration the class had a chance to chat about their favourite moments in Nursery.
I want to thank you all for supporting me and the team throughout this fabulous year. It is great to see how far the children have progressed, from the first day they walked into the setting and now to see how they have developed throughout the year, in both their confidence and learning.
Tapestry has allowed us to send regular updates and videos of what your children have been doing at school and for you to send us pictures of fun things they have done out of school. You should all have received the final online journal which has been collated into a PDF. Please make sure you download this before the expiry date. I hope you enjoy sharing with your children all the wonderful things they have achieved and done. This is also something your children will be able to look back on with fond memories when they are older. We have also sent home their journal of special art work.
In Jewish Studies, we followed the rhythm of the end of year celebrations. We did a lot of singing and dancing. What we mustn’t forget is our last kodesh stars: We had Isabella who brought in a dreidel and told us that it was her grandma who gave it to her once, when she picked her up from school. She told us that she plays it during Chanukah but not only! We also had Chloe, who brought an amazing book, who had her name printed on it. Chloe told us that she got it from mummy and daddy when she was born. She explained that she keeps it in her room. Another star was Emma K, who brought in a beautiful bracelet. Emma told us that her “bebe” (her grandma) gave it to her when she turned 4. Our mitzvah girl said that she wears it on special occasions, like on Shabbat. And our final kodesh star of the year was Darcey, who brought in such special candlesticks. Darcey got her candlesticks from “dodo” and she keeps them on the shelf.
With such wonderful kodesh items, we feel that the Nursery kids are ready for the next Jewish Studies stage - where we start learning, in addition to Parasha, Chagim, Midot and Jewish themes, the Aleph-Bet!
We wish lots of luck to the children as they move onto their next adventure in Reception and Darcey and Annabelle who are moving to new schools.
We wish you all a lovely Summer break and I look forward to seeing you back at the EYU in September.
Kind regards
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 8th July
Another great week at Nursery.
Firstly we want to wish Mr and Mrs Sheldon, Reuben, Ariella and Eliana a big Mazeltov on the occasion of Reuben’s Bar Mitzvah.We look forward to Ariella telling us all about it.
The highlight this week was our special pirate day where everyone dressed up as pirates, even the teachers! We were also joined by some of the Year 6 children in the morning who did some fun pirate activities with the children, including going on a treasure hunt, finger painting parrots and making pirate hats. The children were all given a pirate name. In the afternoon the children enjoyed selecting other fun pirate activities including making telescopes, role playing in the pirate ship, walking the plank, looking for treasure hidden in the playdough and making treasure maps. They also enjoyed listening to different pirate stories.
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language we continued to discuss the importance of using kind hands and kind words.
The children enjoyed a speech and drama session with Mrs Rabie, Harrison’s mummy. They started the session with warm up exercises for the mouth. They practiced a well known tongue twister ‘She sells seashells by the seashore’. Some of the children tried saying it on their own. They then warmed up their bodies by playing the Bean game and did different movements, depending on which bean was called out. For example ‘jumping bean’ where they had to jump and ‘runner bean’ where they had to run. They then learnt an ice cream poem and enjoyed discussing their favorite ice cream and putting their favourite flavour on to a pretend ice cream. It was a lovely session, so thank you Mrs Rabie for coming in and teaching the children.
In Letters and Sounds we continued with Phase 2. The children learnt the letter sounds ‘l’ and ‘j’. They learnt the name of each letter and the sound it makes. They practiced the actions to the Jolly Phonics songs for ‘l’ and ‘j’. Jolly Phonics songs are attached. The actions for each of the letters are shown in the songs We continued to sound out, blend and read some words using the new sounds ‘l’ and ‘j’. Some of the children enjoyed drawing or making ladybirds using different collage materials for the letter sound ‘l’ or jellyfish for the letter sound ‘j’.
The children enjoyed sharing the objects they brought in to represent the different letters.
The children have learnt nearly all the sounds and we will discuss the last sounds next week.
Please can all the children decide which is their favorite letter sound and bring in an object for that sound which they will share with the class.
Please ensure that all objects are handed in on Monday 11th July.
The children enjoyed another baking session with Mrs Dagul where they made chocolate crispy cakes. They discussed the ingredients and helped mix them together. They discussed how to melt the chocolate by putting the chocolate over a bowl of hot water. This was done out of the classroom. The crispy cakes were then put into the fridge for the chocolate to set. This links to the area of Mathematics and Communication and Language.
In Understanding the World, we continued to discuss what stage the caterpillars are at. They are still in a cocoon but hopefully any day they will become butterflies.
This week in Jewish studies we started the week learning a little bit about last week's Parasha. We spoke about Korach and about how being jealous didn't help him and he was swallowed by the earth. The children pictured the earth opening and all the people who were challenging Moshe being swallowed, as you can see in their take home activities.
We then moved to this week's Parasha - Chukat. We learned that throughout their journey in the desert, because of Miriam, the Bnei Israel had a well of water all the time, so they didn't ever get thirsty! When Miriam was called to be with Hashem, her well dried up and the Bnei Israel were without water. Hashem commanded Moshe to speak to the rock but Moshe hit it instead and although he didn't do what Hashem said, Hashem still sent water through the rock. We spoke about how Hashem always hears us and answers us. Sometimes the answer is "no", but this is because He is so kind and will always do what's best for us.
On Friday we had our usual but even more exciting Shabbat party . The children sang extra beautifully and it made me so proud to see how much they've learned this year.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Harrison
Shabbat Ima: Avia
Shabbat Ben: Liam
Shabbat Bat: Emma S
In Music the children enjoyed practising for their show at the main school/ They are looking forward to showing you what they have been working on over the last few weeks.
In PE the children enjoyed a special yoga session in line with our pirate theme. They went on a pirate adventure with Cosmic Kids. It was lovely to see them listening to the instructions and moving accordingly.
In Forest School the children started the session by singing the good morning Forest School song, counting how many people there were and going round saying their names to a chosen action. We went over the Forest School rules including no pick,no lick, the red flags mean stop and 123, come back to me. The children had great fun going on a pirate adventure and discussing what a pirate may use. They went into the pirate ship which was made out of sticks. They practiced listening to the instructions on the ship, moving to the front and back. The children were then able to choose from a selection of activities and especially enjoyed making eye patches and pirate flags.
Important reminders:
- Don’t forget our end of year show Tuesday 12th July! It will start promptly at 1.15pm. Once the Nursery show is finished you have the option to take your child home or pick them up at 3.00pm at the main school. Please can you email me and let me know if you will be taking your child or leaving them till pick up time. They will need to wear their school uniforms.
- The children will finish school on Wednesday 13th July at 12.30pm.
- The last few days of school are forecast to be very hot. Please make sure your child has plenty of sun cream that will last all day and they must have a sunhat.
Thank you
Shabbat Shalom
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 1st July
Wow what an exciting week we have had with Nursery’s first Sports Day. The children did so well, showing great listening skills and taking turns. They competed in all the different activities and made all of us so very proud. Well done Nursery!
The children enjoyed visiting Reception for their second transition session. Whilst they were in Reception they had the opportunity to continue exploring their new classroom playing with a variety of activities set out for them.
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development, we continued to talk about the importance of using our words rather than our hands and how it makes someone feel if we are not kind. We also continue to remind the children of the importance of saying please and thank you when they need something or someone gives them something.
In Letters and Sounds we continued with Phase 2. The children learnt the letter sounds ‘b’ and ‘f’. They learnt the name of each letter and the sound it makes. They practiced the actions to the Jolly Phonics songs for ‘b’ and ‘f’. Jolly Phonics songs are attached. The actions for each of the letters are shown in the songs We continued to sound out, blend and read some words using the new sounds ‘b’ and ‘f’. We also discussed if there is a ‘ff’ at the end of a word it has the same sound. Some of the children enjoyed drawing a boat for the letter sound ‘b’ and making a fan for the letter sound ‘f’.
The children enjoyed sharing the objects they brought in to represent the different letters.
Please can the following children bring an object beginning with the letter sound ‘l’.
Emma K
Please can the following children please bring an object starting with the letter sound ‘j’.
Emma S
Please ensure that objects for both sounds are handed in on Monday 4th July.
The children enjoyed the baking session with Mrs Dagul where they made chocolate chip cookies. They discussed the ingredients used and weighed them out. They also talked about how much time was required for the cookies to be cooked. This links to the area of Mathematics.
In Understanding the World, the children continued to learn about lifecycles. We continued to discuss the growth of the class sunflowers and the children made sure they were watered. We have also been watching the different stages the caterpillars have been going through and the children are excited that they are now all in a cocoon. We are waiting for them to become butterflies, which will hopefully happen next week.
This week in Jewish Studies the children learnt about how Korach and some other people revolted against Moshe, accusing him of choosing his brother (Aharon) to be the Cohen Hagadol. Although the Cohen Hagadol was chosen by Hashem, once again the people lost emunah and were not happy with what Hashem was giving them. Hashem told the people to bring a stick each, and only Aharon’s stick blossomed. We made a beautiful blossoming tree to show just how beautiful Aharon’s stick blossomed.
On Friday we had our usual but super fun Shabat party. The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Jimmy.
Shabbat Ima: Mia
Shabbat Ben: Gabriel
Shabbat Bat: Emma K
This week we did not have music as it coincided with sports day.
In PE with Mrs Skolnek, the children enjoyed a session using tennis racquets and balls, linked to Wimbledon starting. They had to walk balancing the tennis ball on the racquet and then used the racquet like a cricket bat hitting the ball with it to see if they could hit the cone.
In Forest School the children learnt about birds. The children started the lesson by remembering the forest school rules and then they began exploring. They collected sticks to make nests and then one at a time they ran into the middle to collect food for the chicks. The children then had a selection of activities to choose from. Some of them made bird feeders with pine cones, butter and seeds. Some played with the fluffy bird toys that made real bird sounds when pressed. They also enjoyed looking at a selection of special books that could make different bird noises when pressed. Others chose to catch creatures from the long grass with nets and some of the children used binoculars to look for birds.
Important reminders:
- On Tuesday 5th July, please can you drop your child at the main school from 8.30-8.40am. The children will have their music lesson there. The children will walk back over to the EYU straight after their lesson.
- Please remember on Friday 8th July the children will dress up as pirates. Please make sure the outfits are easy to put on and off for toileting. We ask that no toy weapons are sent in, for example, swords.
- Please can everyone send in an empty kitchen roll to be used for our pirate activities.
Thank you
Shabbat Shalom
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 24th June
It has been an exceptionally busy and exciting week in Nursery.
The highlight of the week was receiving a lovely letter from the Queen thanking the children for the amazing pictures they had sent to her on the celebration of her Platinum Jubilee. It made us all so very proud. Well done Nursery!
The children enjoyed visiting Reception for their first transition session. They were introduced to their new teachers and were allowed to familiarize themselves with the classroom and some fun activities that were laid out for them. The second session will take place next Friday 1st July.
In Nursery, the children drew a picture of their family. This will go up on the Reception display board and it will be the first picture they see when they start in Reception. It is lovely to see how their drawings and writing of their names has developed throughout the year. This activity will be completed next week. This covers the area of Literacy.
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development, during circle time, we continued to talk about kindness. We focussed on appreciating that we are all different and. whatever our differences are, we must always be especially kind and how it makes us all feel when unkind things are said.
In Letters and Sounds we continued with Phase 2. We learnt the letter sounds ‘r’ and ‘h’. We learnt the name of each letter and the sound it makes. We practiced the actions to the Jolly Phonics songs for ‘r’ and ‘h’. Jolly Phonics songs are attached. The actions for each of the letters are shown in the songs https: We continued to sound out, blend and read some words using the new sounds ‘h’ and ‘r’.
The children enjoyed sharing the objects they brought in to represent the different letters.
Please can the following children bring an object beginning with the letter sound ‘b’.
Emma K
Please can the following children please bring an object starting with the letter sound ‘f’.
Emma S
Please ensure that objects for both sounds are handed in on Monday 27th June.
In Mathematics we continued practicing our counting skills. The children enjoyed extending their mathematical skills by working out small sums using their fingers for both adding and subtracting. We discussed the calendar and went over days of the week and months of the year. We talked about how we are now in a new season called ‘Summer’ and discussed the changes of weather and environment from season to season.
In Understanding the World, the children continued to learn about lifecycles, focusing on the lifecycle of a chicken. The children were so excited when Mrs Collier brought in the chicks for them to hold or stroke. It made me so proud to see how kind and gentle the children were.
This week in Jewish Studies we learnt Parashat Shlach Lecha. In this Parasha, the Jewish people were getting closer to Eretz Israel. They had been in the desert for a long time and they were becoming a bit nervous about leaving the desert and entering Israel, as they didn’t know what to expect.
The Jewish people said to Moshe that they wanted to check out the land before they went to live there, to see if it was really a good place. We spoke about how everything Hashem does is for our own good, and how we should be happy when someone gives us a present, like Hashem wanted to do, by giving us the land for ourselves. By asking to check the land first, the Jewish people showed lack of emunah (faith in Hashem).
Hashem was angry and said to Moshe that he could send people to check the land, if he wanted to. Moshe sent 12 spies, one man from each tribe.
When they arrived at the land, they saw giants and they were scared. They saw giant fruits, and they took some of the fruits back to show the people what awaited them. Out of the twelve spies, ten said bad things about Israel. Only two spies, Yehoshua and Kalev wanted to say good things. The ten men said: “ Seen these giant fruits, the people there are also giants”. And the people started to cry: “ We don’t want to go to Israel”
Hashem was very sad and punished the ten men, and out of the twelve men only Yehoshua and Kalev had the merit to enter Israel again. From here we learn how important it is to never speak bad things about Israel, and how that makes Hashem sad.
The children worked on drawings of giant fruits, and they were very interested to know what a giant bunch of grapes looked like!
In this week’s Parasha we also learn about the mitzvah of wearing tzitzit. We learn that tzitzit represents the presence of Hashem, close to us all the time, and that we want to turn everything we do into a mitzvah. The children made a beautiful craft of a “boy with tzitzit''. They had a lot of fun making them.
On Friday we had our usual but super fun Shabat party. The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Liam
Shabbat Ima: Dylan
Shabbat Ben: David
Shabbat Bat: Darcey
In Music this week the children continued practicing all the songs for our show.
In PE with Mrs Skolnek the children continued practicing for Sports Day. The children walked over to the main field in the park where they were put into their teams. They moved around each of the activities in preparation for next Tuesday.
In Forest School this week we had a lovely time under the cover of the trees. We sang good morning and said our names with an action of our choice. We learnt a song about ants, bees and bugs and read a book where we had to guess the creature that Carrie was reading about. Then we went to the activities which included a slack line and tents in one area. In other areas we could saw a circle of wood to make a ladybird or we could make clay insects. We had the opportunity to play with different insect finding equipment like a magnifying glass, binoculars and spades.
Important reminders:
Sports Day:
- Sports day will be held on Tuesday 28th June at The Wilf Slack Sport Ground, East End Road,N3 2LE.
- Please bring your child to the Nursery drop off point for 9.00am which will be signposted.
- Please provide your child with snacks and plenty of water as well as a packed lunch.
- Please make sure the lunch is Mezonot, and all foods sent in are nut and sesame free. We have staff and children with serious allergies, so it is important that this is adhered to.
- The event will be finished at 1.00pm the latest.
- If your child is returning to school you will need to arrange their transport.
- If you have not already informed us whether your child is returning please can you let us know.
- When Sports day is finished, please sign your child out with Miss Cowen before leaving the Sports grounds. It is important that all children are accounted for.
Pirate Day Reminder:
On Friday 8th July we would like the children to dress up as a Pirate. Some may like to make their own costume. It is important that the children understand we don’t always have to buy a costume and that fancy dress can be made from different resources found at home. This will allow your child to develop their creativity and be inventive. Please make sure the outfits are easy to put on and take off for toileting. We ask that no toy weapons are sent in, for example, swords.
Thank you
Shabbat Shalom
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 17th June
It has been an exceptionally busy and exciting week in Nursery.
We were so lucky to have some special sessions planned for Steam Week by Ms Dalwai who is the Science co-ordinator in the main school. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths.
The first session was on Monday at the main school. It was a fun session with a science boffin who taught the children a variety of different things about science including:
- How to turn a bucket of water upside down without spilling it.
- The children learnt about fire and the elements that are needed to make fire. These are oxygen, heat and fuel. If one of these elements is missing the fire won’t burn.
- She did an experiment where a water balloon was tested to see if it would burst under a flame. It didn’t because the water cooled down the fire so that it wasn’t hot enough to burst the balloon.
- Lastly he made water disappear with the same products that are used in nappies, which catches all the water and keeps it dry.
- Did you know that if you put a bit of water in a full canister with a vitamin c fizzer and turn it upside down so that no air can escape, it will burst open?
- The children were told at the workshop that all experiments could only be done by a specially trained adult and that they could not try any of these at home. The children were reminded of this when they returned to school.
When we got back to school we did our own experiments and the children were so excited to see what happened.
Making a volcano:
- We made a volcano erupt with lava.
- We started with water and food colouring, we added a drop of washing up liquid and bicarbonate of soda.
- Then we added vinegar and watched as the magic happened.
- The volcano was bursting at the top with fizzy, bubbly and red lava.
Coke and Mentos Experiment:
The children were excited to see what happens when Mentos are put into coke. It explodes as it creates a chemical change as carbon dioxide is produced making lots of bubbles and pressure.
This all links to the area, Understanding the World.
The children also enjoyed a special Lego workshop where they had fun. The children were split into groups and made various objects. The first group had the challenge to make a hammer, a boat or an aeroplane. The second group had to make a tall tower and the last group had to make a car. We tested the cars on the ramp to see how fast they would move as well as how far the car went. We also measured our towers with a tape measure to see how tall they were.
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development during circle time, we continued to talk about kindness focussing on appreciating that we are all different and whatever our differences our we must always be especially kind and how it makes us all feel when unkind things are said.
We read the book ‘Cinnamon Girl’. The book is about a child of color, specifically the color of cinnamon. Kimberly is left out of many activities by her classmates. She is not called by her name but is called cinnamon girl. When her teacher notices this, she uses the metaphor of the many flavors of ice cream to explain that we may all be different on the outside but we are made of the same ingredient on the inside – sweetness. After discovering that they all had differences – red hair, freckles, glasses, blue eyes, and skin color, the students decide to appreciate their differences as well as their sameness. This also links to Communication and Language.
In Letters and Sounds we continued with Phase 2. We learnt the letter sounds ‘e’ and ‘u’. We learnt the name of each letter and the sound it makes. We practiced the actions to the Jolly Phonics songs for ‘e’ and ‘u’. Jolly Phonics songs are attached. The actions for each of the letters are shown in the songs https: We continued to sound out, blend and read some words using the new sounds ‘e’ and ‘u’.
Some of the children enjoyed using the nets to fish out balls in the water tray. It was lovely to hear them sounding out, blending and then reading the words written on the balls.
The children enjoyed sharing the objects they had brought in to represent the different letters.
Please can the following children bring an object beginning with the letter sound ‘r’.
Emma K
Please can the following children please bring an object starting with the letter sound ‘h.’
Emma S
Please ensure that objects for both sounds are handed in on Monday 20th June.
In Mathematics, the children enjoyed exercising and counting to 100 at the same time. Some of the children enjoyed playing a game with the cars. There were two car parks. Car park 1 was divided into 10 spaces numbered 1-10. The children had to count the dots marked on the different cars and park them in the correct spaces to match. Car park 2 was also divided into 10 spaces and it was marked with dots up to 10. The children had to then find the correct numbered car and park it correctly.
Finally we were able to introduce baking in the nursery, we have a lovely new oven!
- Firstly we talked about the importance of washing our hands.
- We then discussed the ingredients needed to make their banana muffins.
- We talked about what a recipe is and the instructions.
- When cracking the eggs we talked about the importance of checking for no blood spots.
- The children helped to measure out all the ingredients using the electric scales and helped to mix all the ingredients together.
- We talked about how long the muffins will take to cook and then set the timer for 30 minutes.
It was so lovely to see the children waiting their turn. This also links to the area of Communication and Language.
In Understanding the World, the children continued to learn about lifecycles focusing on the lifecycle of a chicken.
The children discussed the different stages that the chicken goes through:
- Egg
- Embryo
- Hatching
- Chicks
- Chicken
The children also had the opportunity to visit the Reception class and see the eggs in the incubator and then see the chicks when they had hatched. The children will be able to watch the chicks grow and develop over the next week.
In Jewish Studies we learned the importance of being thankful. In this week’s Parashah, we saw how some of the people complained to Moshe about not having meat to eat. Some people even said that they preferred their lives in Egypt (as slaves!) because they had better food there. This made Hashem very angry, and he sent quails from the sky - so many of them that the people that complained ate so much that they fell ill and some died. The children gave many examples of how kind it is to be thankful, and stating what we like in a different way.
This week’s Kodesh Star was Talya. Talya brought in a very important item in Jewish life - a tzedakkah box. Talya explained to us that she keeps it in her home and that she puts money in it everyday. Many children got so excited to share that they, too have a tzedakah box in their homes, and that it is very important to help people that have less than us. What true tzadikim and tzadikot! Thank you, Talya, for such an inspirational talk.
On Friday we had our usual but super fun Shabat party. The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: David
Shabbat Ima: Chloe
Shabbat Ben: Eli
Shabbat Bat: Dylan
Unfortunately this week there was no music lesson.
In PE with Mrs Skolnek the children continued practicing for Sports Day, which included the following activities:
- They enjoyed going around a carousel of activities.
- Firstly the children waited patiently in line for their turn.
- The first station was hurdles where the children had to jump over them.
- They had to jump into several hoops that were laid out on the floor. Once they had got to the end they had to run back to the end of the line.
- The children then practiced the egg and spoon race. They had to balance the egg on the spoon walking all the way to the cone and back.
- The children had to walk with a quoit balanced on the head till they reached the red cone and then walked back.
In Forest School this week:
- This week the children had lots of fun at Forest School.
- Due to the hot weather they did the activities under the shelter of the trees.
- They remembered the rules and said their names.
- Then the teachers went through the activities that the children could take part in.
- First they could make paint brushes out of natural materials and then paint with them.
- They could hammer sticks into the ground to make homes for the forest animals or they could go exploring.
- Lastly some of the children made bracelets using bark from the tree that the children drilled a hole into using a palm drill and pipe cleaners.
- Then they learnt a song about a squirrel and said goodbye to our Forest School teachers.
Important reminders:
- This week has been particularly hot and we don’t yet know what the weather is going to be like for the rest of the term. Please remember to put suncream on your child in the morning and send a hat or cap to school.
- On a day when the children have Forest School, if the weather is nice we will not be putting on waterproofs and wellies. Please make sure they come in either wearing long trousers or leggings and a t-shirt on that day. You can send in a change of clothes for after Forest School.
- Most of the girls are now wearing summer dresses in the hot weather. As the children are very active, to protect their modesty you may like to put shorts on under the girl’s dresses.
- Please remember all footwear should only be blue or black and that girls should only be wearing navy blue hair bands and accessories.
- Please can you email me and let me know if you will be bringing your child back to school after Sports Day on Tuesday 28th June. If you or a family member are not able to be at Sports Day with your child, please let me know. If your child will be returning to school you will need to arrange with other parents to drop them back at school.
Pirate Day:
On Friday 8th July we would like the children to dress up as a pirate. Some may like to make their own costume. It is important that the children understand we don’t always have to buy a costume and that fancy dress can be made from different resources found at home. This will allow your child to develop their creativity and be inventive. Please make sure the outfits are easy to put on and take off for toileting. We ask that no toy weapons are sent in, for example, swords.
Thank you
Shabbat Shalom
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 10th June
We hope you have a lovely half term and a lovely Shavuot.
It has been another busy week in Nursery. During circle time, we reiterated the importance of using kind words and kind hands. We recapped how unkind words can really upset our feelings and if we use our hands incorrectly, for example pushing or hitting, someone can get hurt.
We read the book ‘Giraffe is Left Out’. We focussed on the importance of including everyone in the children's play and how they may feel if they are left out. We discussed that sometimes some children like to play alone but that it is kind to ask whether they would like to join in the games children are playing and also that it is ok if they do not want to. This is part of Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language.
In Letters and Sounds we continued with Phase 2. We learnt the letter sounds ‘c’ and ‘k’. We learnt the name of each letter and the sound it makes. We practiced the actions to the Jolly Phonics songs for ‘c’ and ‘k’. Jolly Phonics songs are attached. The actions for each of the letters are shown in the songs We continued to sound out, blend and read some words using the new sounds ‘c’ and ‘k’. We discussed that when a ‘ck’ is at the end of a word it has the same sound and we practised reading some words ending ‘ck’.
The children enjoyed sharing the objects they had brought in to represent the different letters. In Literacy, some children enjoyed making a cat for the letter sound ‘c ‘and a kite for the letter sound ‘k’. For both activities they cut out a variety of different shapes.They also practiced writing the letter ‘c’ and ‘k’. This also links to the area of Mathematics.
Please can the following children bring an object beginning with the letter sound ‘e’.
Emma K
Please can the following children please bring an object starting with the letter sound ‘u.’
Emma S
Please ensure that objects for both sounds are handed in on Monday 14th June.
The children were excited to visit the library this week and select a book to take home. Please make sure your child’s library book is returned so they are not disappointed when they can’t bring a new book home.
In Mathematics, we continued practicing our counting skills. Some children enjoyed playing Bingo where they had to listen to the number called. They had to count the number of objects on their card, using one-one correspondence to see if they had a match. Others enjoyed playing different shape activities to reinforce shape recognition.
In Expressive Art and Design, the children enjoyed making different objects using junk modeling. It was lovely to see them sharing ideas and working collaboratively to make some very interesting structures.
In Understanding the World, some of the children visited the gardening area to see what had grown during the holiday. They were very excited to see what seeds and bulbs they had planted had grown and some had even started to flower. They were also keen to give the plants some water ensuring they really cared for them.They were also fascinated with all the minibeasts they found, including a large slug and several snails.
We also started the new topic ‘Change’ and over the next few weeks will be looking at different life cycles. Before the half term the children planted a sunflower seed to take home to watch it grow. We went over the life cycle of a sunflower and discussed each of the stages from seed to flower. The children enjoyed discussing how their sunflower had grown and the different stages they had seen it go through. The children used their hands to show how tall their sunflowers were now. Your child’s sunflower may now be ready to be transferred into a bigger pot or planted straight into the soil. Please post any pictures of your child’s sunflower onto Tapestry so they can share it with the class.
Some of the children also enjoyed painting pictures of sunflowers. This links to the area of Expressive Arts and Design.
In Jewish Studies we started the week having a good chat about what we did during half-term. The children told me lovely things they did for Shavuot and what milky treats they ate. Some children said that they bought flowers to decorate their home, and it looked beautiful. What mitzvah boys and girls!
This week we studied Parashat Naso. In this Parasha the children learnt that Hashem divided the Jewish people into groups and gave each family in each group a task. One of the people, the Kohanim, had a special mitzvah to bless all the Jewish people. This is called Birkat Kohanim. The children were excited to share that this is the same bracha that daddies and mommies do to their children under the tallit in shul.
We also learned what a Nazir is. We discussed the fact that if a person was a Nazir, they couldn’t have a haircut or eat anything made of grapes.
Another subject present on this week’s Parasha is the mitzvah of maasser, the kind act of giving ten percent of what we earn to those in need. The children talked about tzedakah, some said they have a tzedakah box at home. We spoke about how Hashem is so proud of us when we help people that have less than us and He also rewards us with more good things. The children gave beautiful examples of how we can help others.
In Kodesh Time this week, Annabelle brought in a beautiful set of necklace and bracelet, both with a rose on them. She explained to us that it is one of her favorite things and when asked when she bought it, she said it arrived today. She also told us that she wears it on Shabbat because it is really special. Thank you, Annabelle, for sharing such a precious item with us.
On Friday we had our usual but super fun Shabat party. The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Judah
Shabbat Ima: Emma S
Shabbat Ben: Jacob
Shabbat Bat: Isabella
In Music with Mr Fingerhut:
- The children enjoyed moving around to different action songs including Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
- The children started practicing a variety of different songs for our end of year show which for now we will keep as a surprise!
In PE with Mrs Skolnek the children continued practising for Sports Day, which included the following activities:
- They enjoyed going around a carousel of activities.
- Firstly the children had to go from one cone to the other on a scooter.
- They then had fun with the egg and spoon challenge where the children had to get to the other side and back while holding their spoon handle and not letting the egg drop.
- The children then practised their throwing skills using the beanbags.
- Lastly the children balanced a quoit on their head and walked from one cone and back.
- It was lovely to see such great turn taking and the children had lots of fun practising.
In Forest School:
- Nursery loved their first experience of Forest School with Emma and Carrie, especially exploring the forest. We met at ‘base camp’ where we learnt the words and signs to a hello song. We said our names and shouted our special number to the clouds!
- Emma explained the first rule of Forest School is “no pick, no lick”, which means that we must leave beautiful flowers for the bees. The second rule is “no lick, you might get sick” and the third rule is “be careful how you carry your stick”. Carrie demonstrated that the correct way to hold a long stick is to point it down and pull it along the ground.
- The children loved playing Hide-and-Seek in the long grass.
- The children made leaf prints and learnt about a tool called a mallet. They made bubbles with some long plants and explored the environment. They used nets to sweep the grass and find creatures. Some children made bees with a pine cone and string.
Important reminders:
- On any hot day please make sure that you apply sun cream on your child first thing in the morning. (sun cream that will last for the whole day) Please also ensure that your child has a sun hat to wear each day. It is especially important during Forest School.
- On a day when the children have Forest School, if the weather is nice we will not be putting on waterproofs and wellies. Please make sure they come in wearing tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt on that day.
- Please can you send in any junk modeling so that the children can continue to build and develop their creativity.
- Important notice for next week: Next week is STEAM week (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths). Please can you drop your child/children at the main school on Monday 13th June at 8.30-8.40am for a Science workshop. Thank you
Shabbat Shalom
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 27th May
It has been another busy week in Nursery. During circle time, we reiterated the importance of using kind words and kind hands. We recapped how unkind words can really upset our feelings and if we use our hands incorrectly, for example pushing or hitting, someone can get hurt. We read the book ‘Words are Not for Hurting’. We also talked about the importance of using our voices correctly and then read the book ‘Voices are not for Yelling’. This is part of Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language.
In Letters and Sounds we continued with Phase 2. We learnt the letter sounds ‘g’ and ‘o’. We learnt the name of each letter and the sound it makes. We practised the actions to the Jolly Phonics songs for ‘g’ and ‘o’. Jolly Phonics songs are attached. The actions for each of the letters are shown in the songs We continued to sound out, blend and read some words using the new sounds ‘g’ and ‘o’.
The children enjoyed sharing the objects they had brought in to represent the different letters. In Literacy, some children enjoyed colour mixing to make the colour green for the letter sound ‘g’ and orange for the letter sound ‘o’. They used the new colours they had made to paint with.
After half term we will learn the letters ‘c’ and ‘k’.
Please can the following children bring an object beginning with the letter sound ‘c’.
Emma K
Please can the following children please bring an object starting with the letter sound ‘k’
Emma S
Please ensure that objects for both sounds are handed in on Tuesday 7th June.
Due to half term the children did not visit the library. Library will start again on our return.
In Mathematics we carried on practicing our counting skills to 100. We listened to different number songs including Ten in the Bed and Ten Green Bottles. They used their fingers to work out the answers when counting how many were left.
In Physical Development some of the children enjoyed using Tap-Tap. They each had a board and a hammer and they tapped a pin to secure different shapes onto the cork board. This is an excellent activity for developing fine motor skills and your child’s hand-eye coordination.
In Understanding the World we continued with the topic ‘People Who Help Us’. This week we focused on the role of a police officer. We read the non-fiction book, ‘Police Officers’, by Rebecca Hunter. We discussed that a non-fiction book is about true facts and not made up like a fiction book. We also read ‘’Topsy and Tim meet the Police'. The children were so excited when we were visited by PC Stalick, PC Rose and PC Nicolou. They talked to the children about their role as police officers and all the things they have to deal with. They talked to the children about what number they should phone in an emergency. They discussed not talking to strangers and if approached by a stranger who offers them sweets and asks them to go with them, they must call out ‘stranger danger go away’. They also told the children who they must look for if they get lost or separated from their parents, for example in Brent Cross. They must look for someone in a yellow jacket, a police officer or someone who works in the shop.
Following our topic, ‘People who Help Us’, Mrs Shetrit, Emma’s mum, who is a speech and language therapist also visited us this week. She started the session by reading a short children’s book called ‘Sammy Goes to Speech’. It is about a little boy who goes to speech therapy. Mrs Shetrit discussed with the children that, as a speech therapist, she helps children to find their words, to understand words and say their sounds correctly. Thank you Mrs Shetrit for making the session so fun and interesting. This is linked to the area of Communication and Language.
We were also lucky to have Gabriel’s father come in and talk to the children about being a barrister. It was such a fun session and the children were especially excited about the wig and gown that Mr Newman has to wear when he is in court. Thank you for giving the children a wonderful insight into what a barrister does.
With the upcoming Jubilee celebrations, the children enjoyed painting and drawing pictures of Queen Elizabeth. They discussed key facts that they knew about the queen and this was written on their picture. All the childrens pictures have been put together to collate a book which we are sending to her. The book is fabulous and it made us all so very proud to see the amazing work all the children have done. We think she will love it!!
This week was packed with Jewish activities. We started the week learning about Shavuot. We said that on Chag HaShavuot Hashem gave us an amazing present, a present that would stay with us forever – the Torah, our laws to better live in this world. The children learnt that Hashem chose the smallest and most humble mountain, the Har Sinai, for such an important mission. Once Moshe brought down the Torah to us, the mountain started to blossom with extraordinary flowers of all colors. From that, we learn the importance of having good middot and a good heart, even though it is nice to look good as well. The children made a pair of paper flowers, and then created a garden to put them on.
On Parasha Bechukotai, we learnt that Hashem said that, if we follow His rules and walk in the Torah way, He will reward us with peace and food in the world.
Still about Shavuot, the children learnt about the other names of the Chag, such as Chag Matan Torah, and Chag Habikurim - the First Fruits Festivity.
We also spoke about Yom Yerushalaim (Jerusalem Day) – the day that Jerusalem was reunified, under the State of Israel, in 1967. It is a day of great importance to all Jewish people all over the world! Mazal Tov Yerushalaim. We spoke about sightseeing in Jerusalem, about the Kotel HaMaaravi (the Western Wall), and also about the Beit Hamikdash (The Temple), which we pray to be rebuilt soon, in Jerusalem.
Last Friday, we had an extra Kodesh Star – Jimmy, who brought in a beautiful kiddush cup. Jimmy told us that it was made of metal and that his mummy bought it for him. He was very proud to come to the front and share this special item that he uses every Shabbat, when he sits around the table next to his brothers. What a warm feeling! Thank you for being such a star, Jimmy!
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and a Chag Hashavuot Sameach and Yummy!
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Reuben
Shabbat Ima: Annabelle
Shabbat Ben: Jimmy
Shabbat Bat: Ariella
In Music with Mr Fingerhut:
- The children started the session with different actions.They warmed up by marching around the room.
- They sang a variety of nursery rhymes.
- They discussed new words called high and low pitch.
- They practised clapping patterns and the children had to copy it.
In PE with Mrs Skolnek the children continued practicing for Sports Day, which included the following activities:
- Running races.
- Crawling through a tunnel.
- Scooting around the cones.
- Hopping through hoops.
Important reminders:
- Please post any picture on Tapestry of fun things you do during half term. These are always lovely to see.
- Please can you continue to send in any junk modeling materials.
- On any hot day next half term please make sure that you apply sun cream on your child first thing in the morning. (sun cream that will last for the whole day) Please can you also send your child in with a sun hat.
- On Thursday when the children have Forest School, please can you send in an additional piece of fruit or vegetable for morning snack as we will be having lunch a little bit later.
Thank you
We hope you have a lovely half term and we wish you all a Chag Sameach and a lovely Shavuot
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 20th May
What an amazing week it has been celebrating `It's Great to be British Week” for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
On Monday Nursery were greeted by Year 6 who had come over for a visit. It was lovely to see both year groups sitting on the carpet reading together. Some of the Year 6 children lead Tefillah. The children were then split into pairs. Together they made special tissue paper flowers in red, white and blue. They also decorated white cups adding a red and blue design to the cup and then 3 flowers were placed inside. These were then used as table decorations for the Jubilee Street Party.
On Monday afternoon the children were joined by Year 2 who came to make bunting with them. Again they were split into pairs and they each decorated a piece of bunting, creating their own red, white and blue design, either with a pen or using different collage materials.
On Tuesday morning we were visited by Year 3 who came and made paper chains with the children. They continued with the red, white and blue theme. The paper chains and bunting were taken over to the main school to be hung up to decorate the hall for the ‘Street Party’.
On Wednesday the children came into school wearing their special red, white and blue clothes. They walked over to the main school also wearing red, white and blue crowns they had made!
At the party the children had afternoon tea, which included a cucumber sandwich, a scone and an iced biscuit. They sang a Jubilee song and watched a short video about the Queen’s Coronation. At the end the children all stood up to sing the national anthem.
On Thursday the wonderful celebrations ended with the children learning a Military March dance. After the dance session the children enjoyed a Jubilee Fair, which included a carousel of activities run by Year 6.
This links to the areas of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Understanding the World and Expressive Art and Design
During circle time we continued to reiterate the importance of being kind to each other. We discussed the importance of only using kind words, as if someone uses unkind words it really hurts our feelings. We also discussed using our words rather than our hands, to resolve situations. We talked about if someone grabs or takes something that we are using we must not grab back. We also reiterated that they must tell a teacher if someone has hurt them or they are feeling sad.
In Letters and Sounds we continued with Phase 2. We learnt the letter sounds ‘m’ and ‘d’. We learnt the name of each letter and the sound it makes. We practised the actions to the ‘Jolly Phonics’ songs for letters ‘m’ and ‘d’. Jolly Phonics songs are attached. The actions for each of the letters are shown in the songs
We continued to sound out, blend and read some words using the new sounds ‘m’ and ‘d’ which the children learnt this week.
The children enjoyed sharing objects they had brought in to represent the different letters.
Next week we will learn the letters ‘g’ and ‘o’.
Please can the following children bring an object beginning with the letter sound ‘g’.
Emma K
Please can the following children please bring an object starting with the letter sound ‘o’.
Emma S
Please ensure that objects for both sounds are handed in on Monday 23rd May.
In Mathematics we discussed how long the Queen had been reigning the country and the children learnt that it will be 70 years. We counted by rote to 70 and then used our hands to count in tens to 70.
Continuing our topic of People Who Help Us, we were so lucky to be visited by Gabriel’s grandfather who came in to talk to the children about being a doctor/surgeon. The children were really interested and asked lots of questions.
This week in Jewish Studies we learnt about Parashat Behar. Parashat Behar tells us about Shemita and how, just like us that have a shabbat to rest every 7 days, so does the earth, that should rest every seven years. The earth in Eretz Israel rests a whole year, after working hard for 6 years. The children made activities showing all sorts of fruits and vegetables that grow in the fields, they used all sources of tools to draw bananas, carrots, grapes, wheat, and they all agreed that as long as they weren't grown in shemitah year, we can enjoy eating them.
The other highlight of the week was Lag B'Omer. We spoke about the Omer, the period between Pessach and Shavuot and what happened to Rabbi Akiva’s 24 thousand students, who were taken by Hashem because they were being mean to each other, but on the 33rd day of the omer, the students stopped dying and that is a reason to celebrate. On Lag B’Omer day we light bonfires, to remember the light that Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, who was one of Rabbi Akiva’s students, brought into this world.
Our Kodesh star this week was David. He brought in a kiddush cup and a gorgeous challa cover. David told us that kiddush is his favorite part of Shabat. David also said that he loves Shabbat because ”he eats pasta”, and that he helps set up the table. What a mitzvah boy! Thank you for sharing these beautiful items with us, David!
Well done! What a fun kodesh time you gave us.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Gabriel
Shabbat Ima: Darcey
Shabbat Ben: Judah
Shabbat Bat: Mila
In Music with Mr Fingerhut:
- The children explored pitch and rhythm through known nursery rhymes as well as new unheard pieces of music.
- We continued learning to keep a steady beat through movement.
In PE:
- The children were introduced to their new PE teacher Mrs Skolnek.
- The children started with a hoop activity. The hoops were placed on the floor and they had to move through the hoops in a variety of different ways including walking and skipping. When the whistle was blown the children had to run to a hoop like musical chairs.
- The children were split into groups and started practising for Sports Day. The activities included jumping through the hoops, balancing the beanbag onto a tennis racquet and walking forwards and then back with it. They then practised running around the cones with the buggy.
Important reminders:
- Please continue to send in your child’s Hebrew name. Could you please email the name to Ms Tabach
- Please can you send in any junk modelling so that the children can continue to build and develop their creativity.
- If the forecast is hot please make sure that you apply sun cream to your child first thing in the morning. (Sun cream that will last for the whole day) Please can you also send your child in with a sun hat.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 13th May
We have had a very busy and fun filled week.
During circle time we continued to reiterate the importance of being kind to each other. We recapped how unkind words can really upset our feelings and if we use our hands or feet incorrectly, for example pushing, hitting, kicking, someone can get hurt.
We read the book ‘Feet Are Not For Kicking’ and focused on all the positive things we can use our feet for, like walking, standing, and playing football. We discussed how we have to be very careful with positioning our feet so we don’t kick anyone. We also talked about how sometimes things can happen by accident and occasionally sometimes on purpose. We emphasized the importance of telling the teacher if we are upset so that the teachers can assist in helping the children to resolve the situation by using their words.This is part of Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language.
In Literacy we continued with Letters and Sounds - Phase 2. The children learnt the letters ‘i’ and ‘n’. They learnt the name of each letter and the sound it makes. They also learnt the actions to the ‘Jolly Phonics’ songs. (‘Jolly Phonics’ songs are attached. The actions for each of the letters are shown in the songs:
The children enjoyed sharing the objects they had brought in to represent the different sounds. Some of the children enjoyed making an iguana for the letter sound ’i’ where they cut out different shapes. For the letter sound ‘n’ they threaded large beads to make necklaces.
We started to sound out, blend and read some words using the sounds we have learnt,‘s’, ‘a’, ‘t’ ,’p’,’i’,’n’.
Next week we will learn the letters ‘m’ and ‘d’.
Please can the following children bring an object beginning with the letter sound ‘m’.
Emma K
Please can the following children please bring an object starting with the letter sound ‘d’.
Emma S
Please ensure that objects for both sounds are handed in on Monday 16th May.
In Mathematics we recapped numbers 1-6 and discussed number 7. We practiced 1-1 correspondence counting a variety of different objects to 7. Some children enjoyed writing sums up to 10, learning about the + and = sign. They used either their fingers or the dinosaur counters to work out the answers. Others enjoyed counting how many dots there were altogether on the dominoes and then placed the dominoes on to the correct matching numeral on the table.
In Understanding the World we continued with the topic: ‘People Who Help Us’. This week we focused on learning about the role of an optician and a postman.
We read the book ‘Topsy and Tim go to the Optician’. The children enjoyed watching a video about children having their eyes tested. Some of the children shared their own experiences of going to the opticians with their classmates. We also discussed the role of a postman and read the non-fiction book ‘Postman’ by Rebecca Hunter. They also enjoyed watching a video about the journey of a letter and what happens to the letter after it is posted.
In Understanding the World, some of the children enjoyed playing a variety of different games on the iPads.
The children were so excited when Year 3 came to plant with them:
- The children watched a video about the life cycle of a sunflower.
- Then they filled their pots with soil, placed their seed in the middle and then covered it with more soil.
- They then sprayed the soil with some water. It is important that the children learn to take care of their plants by watering it well, but also to see what can happen if the plant is overwatered.
- After half term we will be learning about changes and looking at different life cycles. Please discuss with your child the different stages, as their sunflowers grow. They can draw pictures of their sunflower at each stage and then bring their pictures in to share with the class. (This is optional)
- Please post pictures onto Tapestry of your child’s sunflower as it progresses through the different stages.
- Once your plants have reached approx 30cm (12 inches) in height, you can plant them in the garden or move them to a bigger pot.
First Aid
This week the children were so lucky to have a mini first aid course at school. The course gave them an overview of what to do if they or one of their friends or family have hurt themselves or are unwell. The session was very interactive with great teddies as the props.
The following key points were discussed:
- How to help people if they feel poorly or hurt themselves.
- To inform an adult if they have hurt themselves.
- Shout ‘help’ if you have hurt yourself badly and no one is around.
- If you graze or cut your knee the question was asked, what comes out? ‘Blood’. The children were then asked if we needed to keep the blood in or out? The children correctly replied that we need to keep the blood in.
- We discussed wiping the cut with a tissue and then the importance of pushing down on the cut. The children were then asked, what do we put on top of the cut? A plaster. The children then practiced this on the teddy.
- We talked about if you bump your head. We roleplayed by asking the teddy if he was feeling sick or dizzy. They also applied an ice pack to the bump.
- We helped the teddy after he fell down unconscious and rolled him on his side.
- We learnt about 999 and who to call if you need help.
- We ended the session by listening to a story about Freddy. Freddy hurt his knee and Mummy fixed it. He hurt his head and his mummy put an ice pack on it. His mummy fell over and he put his mummy on her side and called 999. The ambulance came to help and everyone felt better.
- This was an amazing introductory session to first aid for the children.
This week in Jewish Studies the children have been enjoying many different activities. We started the week preparing for ShabbatUK. The children made their own candlesticks on Monday to give them enough time to dry and then painted them later on in the week. We also made beautiful kiddush cups and spoke a lot about activities that we can’t, but mainly what we can do, on Shabbat. We spoke about how Shabbat is a present that Hashem gave us, to make us rest one day a week, and therefore we don’t go to school or work. It is a mitzvah to be happy on Shabbat and the children gave lovely examples of things they can do to have fun on Shabbat, like playing with friends, going to the park, eating yummy things and cuddling Mummy and Daddy.
We also spoke about the parasha of this week, Parashat Emor, which discusses all the chagim in the Torah that we celebrate. The children could name Rosh Hashanah, Pesach, Yom Kippur and Shavuot, and they made activities to show key elements of each Chag. They also learnt that the next Chag is Shavuot, which is coming in 3 weeks' time.
In Kodesh time we had two stars this week as we didn’t have time for this last week due to Yom Haatzmaut.
Ruben brought in so many things it was hard to choose one item – in the end he picked the red saucer. Very eloquently, Ruben explained that he uses the plate for meat but not for milk, as Jews are not allowed to mix milk and meat together. Ruben explained that he keeps this plate in his toy kitchen. Ruben told us all about the foods that he would eat on the red plate, like meatballs, chicken and hot dog. Well done for such an amusing speech.
We also had Mila as a kodesh star. Mila brought in a very colourful and interesting kipa. Mila proudly explained that the kipa was brought to England from Italy, by her dad. She explained that in England people don’t really use that kipa but in Italy they love to wear it. Mila described all the colors in the special kipa and it was a pleasure to see her excitement in telling all about this special item.
Well done Ruben and Mila, what a fun kodesh time you gave us.
We hope you enjoy your Shabbat packs and that Shabbat is peaceful and happy to all of us, in the UK and all around the world.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Eli
Shabbat Ima: Liba
Shabbat Ben: Reuben
Shabbat Bat: Isabella
In Music with Mr Fingerhut:
- The children enjoyed singing a variety of different songs, exploring different tempos.
- The children also walked around the room doing different actions in line with the music being played..
Unfortunately there was no PE lesson this week due to staff illness.
Important reminders:
- Please can you send in any junk modeling so that the children can continue to build and develop their creativity.
- Please remember to send back your child’s library book so that your child can bring home a new one.
- Next week is forecast to be a very hot week. Please make sure that you apply sun cream on your child first thing in the morning. (sun cream that will last for the whole day) Please can you also send your child in with a sun hat.
- Could you please email your child’s Hebrew name to Ms Tabach
Celebrating the Queen's Jubilee:
There will be a variety of fun activities taking place next week.
- On Wednesday the 18th May there will be a ‘Jubilee Street Party’ held at the main school. Please pick up your child from the main school at 3.20pm. On this day please do not send in school bags. Please send your child’s snack in a named disposable bag. No afternoon snack will be required. Please send in your child’s normal named water bottle. Please send your child wearing red,white and blue.
- On Thursday the 19th May there will be a dance workshop and fair at the main school. Please pick up your child from the main school at 3.20pm. On this day please do not send in school bags. Please send your child’s snack in a named disposable bag. No afternoon snack will be required. Please send in your child’s normal named water bottle.
- If you are unable to collect your child at the later time, please let me know so that I can make the necessary arrangements.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 6th May
We have had a very busy and fun-filled week and one of the highlights was celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut.
During circle time we reiterated the importance of using kind words, kind hands and kind feet. We recapped how unkind words can really upset our feelings and if we use our hands or feet incorrectly, for example pushing, hitting, kicking, someone can get hurt. We read the book ‘Hands are not for Hitting’. Some of the children came to the front of class to role play different scenarios to show how they can use their words rather than their actions to achieve a positive outcome. This is part of Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language.
In Letters and Sounds we continued with Phase 2. The children learnt the letter sounds ‘t’ and ‘p’. They learnt the name of each letter and the sound it makes. They also learnt the actions to the ‘Jolly Phonics’ songs. (‘Jolly Phonics’ songs are attached. The actions for each of the letters are shown in the songs:
The children enjoyed sharing the objects they had brought in to represent the different sounds. In Literacy, some children enjoyed making a mouth and cutting out teeth for the letter sound ‘t’ and learnt to write ‘t’. For the letter sound ‘p’ some children enjoyed colour mixing red and white to make pink and red and blue to make purple. They used the colour pink and purple to paint a picture and practiced writing the letter ‘p’.
Next week we will learn the letters ‘i’ and ‘n’.
Please can the following children bring an object or picture beginning with the letter sound ‘i’. It is a difficult sound, so if you can’t find an object beginning with an ‘i’, choose one that has an ‘i’ sound in it.
Emma K
Can the following children please bring an object starting with the letter sound ‘n’.
Emma S
Please ensure that objects for both sounds are handed in on Monday 9th May. When selecting your objects, please make sure that the name has the correct sounds when you say it. For example, ice cream starts with a ‘i’ sound, but when sounded out the sound is the name of the letter.
In Mathematics the children practiced their counting skills. We also enjoyed singing happy 74th birthday to Israel and counted up to 74. We used the abacus to count and practiced 1-1 correspondence whilst counting.
In Understanding the World we continued with the topic: ‘People Who Help Us’. This week we focused on learning about the role of a dentist and what a dental hygienist does. We read the book ‘Topsy and Tim go to the Dentist’. A big thank you to Mrs Elia, Mia’s auntie who came into class to talk to the children about being a dentist. It was such a lovely informative session, enjoyed by all. The children continued acting out doctors and nurses in our GP surgery. Role play is an excellent way to extend vocabulary and the childrens’ communication skills.
The grass in the garden area had grown very long during the break so some of the children enjoyed using the scissors to cut it! This is a great activity for developing the children’s fine motor skills and hand eye coordination. This links to the area of Physical Development.
In Jewish Studies the children learnt about Yom Ha'atzmaut - Israel's 74th birthday. We started the day by standing for Hatikvah, the Israeli anthem. We spoke about what an anthem is and why we stand up when it is sung. The children enjoyed wearing special blue and white clothes, the colours of the Israeli flag.
The children enjoyed a selection of different activities - they helped to squeeze oranges to make orange juice, made Israeli salad and cut up avocado.
The children watched a video of how Israel celebrates Yom Ha'atzmaut, with dancing and singing in the streets and barbecues in the parks. Speaking of dancing, just before an Israeli-themed lunch of shwarma and Israeli salad, Nursery and Reception had an Israeli dance session which was great fun and a lovely way to celebrate the birthday of Medinat Yisrael.
The children enjoyed drinking their orange juice and eating their Israeli salad whilst listening to the story ‘Sammy Spider's First Trip to Israel. They then all made an Israeli flag focusing on making the shape of the Magen David.They ended the morning by icing a biscuit in blue and white icing. Reception and Nursery had lunch all together in the lunchroom, which was decorated with Israeli flags.
The children had fun walking over to the main school for a fantastic musical concert to continue our special Yom Ha'atzmaut celebrations.
In Parashat Kedoshim we learnt about shaatnez. The word shaatnez, means a mixture of different species (in clothing), which we, as Jews, are not allowed to wear. We mustn’t wear wool and linen together. The children asked how they would know if their clothes were made from these materials? We learnt that there are shops and specialized people who check our clothes for us, and can tell us if our clothes are 'kosher' to wear.
The children made a beautiful activity, showing that we are not allowed to mix linen and wool together. They made a sheep mask to remember what the parashah is about. I hope you enjoy discussing this with your child.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Jacob
Shabbat Ima: Emma K
Shabbat Ben: Liam
Shabbat Bat: Eden
In Music with Mr Fingerhut:
- The children practiced singing a variety of songs in different tempos.
- They also had to listen to different instructions of the music for example stand up, sit down, hop on 1 foot, hop on 2 feet.
- The children enjoyed warming up by jogging and then hopping around the outdoor area and freezing when the whistle was blown.
- The children did some running races and when the whistle was blown they had to go and stand inside the hula hoops.
- They practiced walking backwards slowly, walking sideways and skipping around the outdoor area.
- The children then had to find different coloured cones and place the white and orange cones on the hill, the red cones in the red hoop, the blue cones in the blue hoop etc.
Important reminders:
- Please continue to post pictures on Tapestry of what your child is doing. These are always lovely to see.
- Please can you send in any junk modeling so that the children can continue to build and develop their creativity.
- Please remember to send back your child’s library book so that your child can bring home a new one.
- Please can you make sure when the weather is hot that you apply sun cream on your child first thing in the morning. Please can you also send your child in with a sun hat.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Nursery Newsletter- 29th April
We hope you all had a lovely Pesach and a nice break.
We have had a very busy and fun first week back. The children settled back into nursery life really quickly. We went over the rules and daily routines. We discussed the importance of being kind to our friends, remembering kind words and kind hands. They children enjoyed chatting and playing with their friends and catching up after the holidays. This is all part of their Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language skills.
In Literacy we continued to practice oral blending and segmenting. It is important that the children continue to have plenty of experience listening to adults modelling oral blending and that they are introduced to grapheme–phoneme correspondences. For example, when giving children instructions or asking questions, the adult can segment the last word into separate phonemes (sounds) and then blend these together to say the word. We played ‘Simon Says’. Different words were sounded out, for example, “Simon says get your c-oa-t, coat!”, “Touch your h-ea-d, head!” “Simon says can you touch your b-a-ck, back!”
We also introduced a puppet to the class which we named ‘Sonny’. We practiced sound talking using the puppet. For example, What would Sonny like for tea today? The toy spoke silently into Miss Cowen’s ear and Miss Cowen said ‘ch-ee-se’ looking puzzled and then said ‘cheese!’ We then practiced sound talking different foods, for example ch-i-p-s, f-i-sh, br-ea-d. We also discussed Sonny’s favourite colours and sound talked them, for example bl-a-ck, r-e-d, bl-ue.
We also started Phase 2 in Letters and Sounds. We learnt the letter sounds ‘s’ and ‘a’. For each of the letters, we learnt the sound it makes, the name of the letter, the action and the ‘Jolly Phonics’ songs.
‘Jolly Phonics’ songs are attattached: We also learnt the word phoneme. The definition of a phoneme is the smallest unit of sound within a word.
The children enjoyed sharing the objects they had chosen to represent the different letters. Some children enjoyed making a sun for the letter sound ‘s’ and either writing the ‘s’ sound or sounding out the word and writing ‘s-u-n’. For the letter sound ‘a’, some of the children enjoyed hand printing an alligator and practiced writing the letter ‘a’. This also links to the area Expressive Art and Design.
Next week we will learn the letters ‘t’ and ‘p’.
Can the following children please bring an object beginning with the letter sound ‘t’.
Emma K
Can the following children please bring an object starting with the letter sound ‘p’.
Emma S
Please ensure that objects for both sounds are handed in on Tuesday 3rd May. When selecting your objects, please make sure that the name has the correct sounds when you say it.
In Mathematics the children practiced their counting skills, counting by rote up to 100. We revised numbers 1 to 5 and then focused on number 6. We counted a variety of different objects up to 6, focusing on one to one correspondence. It is important for the children to learn to only say the number name as each object is placed down.
In Understanding the World we started our new topic: ‘People who help us’. This week we focused on learning about the job of a doctor and nurse. We read the non-fiction book ‘Doctors’, by Rebecca Hunter. We discussed that a non-fiction book is about true facts and not made up like a fiction book. We found out what a contents page and a glossary are. We learnt new words like ‘auriscope’, which is an instrument used to look inside someone's ears.
In Expressive Art and Design some of the children enjoyed acting out being doctors in our new role play area which has been turned into a doctor’s surgery. It was lovely to see the children taking turns to be a doctor and a patient. Role play is an excellent way to extend vocabulary and the childrens’ communication skills. A big thank you goes to Mrs Eman and Mrs Lazarov for kindly coming in to speak to the children about being doctors. It was lovely to see some of the children coming up to the front and acting out being the patients. It was such a lovely informative session.
We were so lucky to have Mr Budwig come in to speak to the children on Thursday. Mr Budwig is a parent whose daughter is in Reception. He has a keen interest in renewable energy solutions. Mr Budwig started by introducing the concept of electricity. He asked the children what makes lights shine bright when you wake up in the morning? Our session moved on to discuss how electricity is generated, with a demonstration of a solar panel powering a small lighting setup, as well as considering coal, hyrdo and wind as alternatives.
We then separated into 3 groups, which the children rotated through. The first group saw the children learning how to build solar powered toys and they were able to play with them. This helped demonstrate how the sun’s energy can be used to make things move, spin or shine. The second activity saw the children learning to fit solar panels, through cutting solar panels out and sticking them down on a bird eye view picture of the EYU. The third and final activity was an interactive learning session where the children were given the opportunity to generate their own electricity with a dynamo, see a model solar village and learn about how the angle of the sun impacts solar energy.
Whilst this is only the beginning of the children’s journey in renewable energy, it is a good starting point, and if our planet is to succeed in the future, we will all have to adapt to a less impactful way of living.
For more information about solar energy, Mr Budwig has a number of blog articles on the subject, and many in-depth video’s covering all things solar @ or search Next day Solar on Youtube. Thank you to Mr Budwig for such an amazing session he had prepared for the children.
In Music:
- The children practiced copying different rhythms clapped out by Mr FingerHut.
- Mr Fingerhut then chose musical helpers who then clapped out a rhythm for their friends to copy.
- They ended the lesson by singing a variety of different nursery rhymes.
In PE:
- The children were introduced to the new PE teacher Mr Murray.
- They enjoyed playing a game called Fruit Salad. There were a variety of different coloured cones put out in the playground. Different names of fruits were called out and the children had to run to the coloured cone that matched the fruit, for example juicy oranges! The children ran to the orange cone.
- They played Stuck in the Mud. The children ran around using good spatial awareness. The chosen taggers chased the children around. The children that had been tagged had to wait to be freed.
- There were 4 coloured corners. The children ran around and the teacher counted down from 5 to 1. They had to pick a coloured corner to go to. The teacher then called out a colour and whichever children had gone to that coloured corner lost a life. The children started the game with 5 lives.
This week in Jewish Studies It has been delightful to hear the children tell us all about their Pesach break. We heard about the places visited and all the wonderful activities that the children were doing during their holidays. It made me very proud to know that the children had beautiful sedarim and that they sang and participated with their families. I hope you all enjoyed their input and Haggadot as well.
The children learned that in Parashat Acharei Mot, Hashem tells us the laws of Yom Kipur, including boys and girls should not eat or drink once they are over bar/bat mitzvah, and we are not allowed to work or wear leather shoes. We also learn that on Yom Kippur, we have the chance to say sorry to our friends for things we might have done, on purpose or not, that may have upset them. We learn that it is Hashem’s wish that we treat each other nicely, just as we like to be treated. The children made a beautiful activity showing the famous and important saying: “Ve'ahavta Lere'echa Kamocha”, Love your neighbour as yourself, and they are able to express how they should treat their friends and everyone else.
We also started talking about Yom Haatzmaut and we are excited about all the great things we will do to celebrate Israel’s birthday next week.
This week in Kodesh Time, Emma S brought us a very engaging book. The book tells us short stories about animals and it even makes some noises! Emma told us that her daddy reads it to her every day, because he knows Ivrit. Emma told us that her daddy also teaches her words in Ivrit. Well done, Emma! When her peers asked questions, Emma told us that she keeps her book on a large shelf and that she bought it in Israel. What a fun way to learn Ivrit. Thank you for that, Emma!
We also enjoyed our lovely weekly Shabbat party.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Jimmy
Shabbat Ima: Isabella
Shabbat Ben: Harrison
Shabbat Bat: Chloe
Important reminders:
- Please make sure that all boys come in wearing kippahs and tzitzits.
- Please make sure all girls are wearing blue or navy hair accessories.
Yom Hatzmaut:
- Next Thursday 5th May we will be celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut in school. Please make sure you send your child in wearing blue and white.
- The children will be walking over to the main school in the afternoon for Yom Ha’atzmaut. Please can you pick up your child at the main school at 3.15pm as the organized activity will finish slightly later than the normal school day.
- Please can you not send your child in with a school bag on this day. Please can you send your child’s fruit snacks in disposable bags. Water bottles can be sent in as normal.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Nursery Newsletter- 7th April
We have had another very busy week in Nursery. The children enjoyed free playing inside and outside the classroom.
The children enjoyed learning how to draw people. The focus was on learning how to draw a person with all the features including the body, arms, legs and facial features.
In Letters and Sounds we continued with Aspect 6 - Voice Sounds. Some of the children continued to play with Metal Mike, the toy robot computer. They selected a picture, for example, a cat, a fan, a van. They then sounded out and blended each of the sounds (phonemes) together, using a robotic voice and then the object/picture was fed to ‘Metal Mike’. The children also enjoyed experimenting making different sounds using their voices. The children were given mirrors to share. They made different sounds and observed in the mirror how their face, lips, teeth and tongue moved as they made different speech sounds.
We started Aspect 7: Oral Blending and Segmenting. It is important that the children have plenty of experience listening to adults modelling oral blending and that they are introduced to grapheme–phoneme correspondences. For example, when giving children instructions or asking questions, the adult can segment the last word into separate phonemes (sounds) and then blend these together to say the word. ‘Simon Says’ is a fun game that we played in class that you may like to play at home. Different words were sounded out, for example, “Simon says get your c-oa-t, coat!”, “Touch your t-oe-s, toes!” “Simon says can you touch your f-ee-t, feet!”
We will continue with oral blending and segmenting next term.
During the holidays you can also:
- Continue to read rhyming books with your children and encourage them to say as many rhyming words as they can to create a rhyming string.
- Continue to explore alliteration and how many objects/words you can find starting with the same letter sound.
- You can discuss consonant, vowel, consonant (CVC) words, for example, cat, mat, peg, leg. See if your child is able to say the first, middle and last sounds. Let your child “sound talk” each of the words, for example, c-a-t, m-a-t.
If you play any of the above games it is important that you teach your child the correct letter sound, so I have attached the ‘Jolly Phonics’ songs for you to listen to how each sound is said before you teach your child:I
In our phonics lessons next term, we will begin to learn the letter sounds. We will learn two sounds a week on a Monday and Wednesday and revise the letters on a Tuesday and Thursday.
It would be great if the children could bring in an object beginning with the letter sounds they have learnt to share. Everyone will get an opportunity to bring an object for the different letter sounds learnt. This will be arranged on a rota basis. This will also replace our weekly Show and Tell sessions.
Please can the following children please bring in an object beginning with the letter sound ‘s’, for the session on Tuesday 26th April:
Emma K
Please can the following children please bring a picture of an object starting with the letter sound ‘a’ for the session on Thursday 28th April:
Emma S
Please ensure that all objects for both sounds are handed in on the first Monday we are back and each Monday for the weeks after that.
Please can you make sure that the objects sent in begin with the actual sound for example ‘a’. An apple has the ‘a’ sound but an acorn does not have the ‘a’ sound but the sound is the name of the letter.
In Mathematics the children continued to enjoy learning more about how they can use the abacus. We continued to count in ones to 100, in twos and in tens. We also explored how the children can use the abacus to add two numbers together. Some of the children enjoyed counting using frogs, linking to the Pesach theme.
During the holidays you can:
- Continue to look around the environment or your house to see what numbers your child can see. This includes looking for objects with numbers for example weighing scales, telephones, buses.
- Carry on with counting by rote with your child. How high can your child count?
- Continue to practice counting objects with your child using one to one correspondence. Make sure they say the number as each object is placed. Your child can practice counting the stairs up to bed and down in the morning. Make sure your child says the number name as they place each foot on the step.
- You can practice “one more than” and “how many altogether?”. This can be done while shopping. For example, if you have three apples, one more is? If you have two pears and 3 apples how many do you have altogether?
- You can practise one less than. This can be done when your child is eating, for example using raisins. If you have 4 raisins and you eat one, how many have you got left?
In Physical Development, some children enjoyed finding different objects hidden inside the playdough, this included pegs and coins. This is an excellent activity for further developing your child’s fine and gross motor skills.
In Understanding the World some of the children came into the garden area to continue to plant some summer bulbs and seeds. As an experiment the children planted some of Miss Cowen’s potatoes that she had brought in that had shoots on. We look forward to seeing how successful we are in growing potatoes!
This week we did not have Music but we look forward to seeing Mr Fingerhut next term.
In PE this week we had a special last lesson before the Pesach break. The children got to choose the activity that they wanted to do. There were a few options including hoola hoops and bean bags, as well as balls and rings. The children had such fun working on their physical development when throwing the bean bags through the hoops or learning how to hoola hoop. They also played “find the bean bags” and “hot and cold” as they went to find rings.
In Jewish Studies the children continued learning about Pesach. We had our beautiful Model Seder and the children were so excited to experience what they had been learning for the last three weeks. These are some of the points that your child has learnt and will be proud to share with everyone at Seder night:
- Why do we celebrate Pesach?
Answer: It is the time when we celebrate Hashem saving the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt.
- Why do we eat matzah on Pesach?
Answer: The Jewish people ran out of Egypt so quickly that there was no time for their bread to rise. This is the reason why we eat only matzah, a flat bread, on Pesach.
- Why do we dip our vegetables in salty water?
Answer: To remember the tears of Bnei Israel when we were slaves in Egypt
- Who took Moshe from the basket?
Answer: Batya, Pharaoh’s daughter.
- How many plagues did Hashem send to the Egyptians?
Answer: Ten. Blood, frogs, darkness, lice, etc…
- Who followed Moshe when he was in the basket, to make sure he was ok?
Miriam, his sister.
- Why do we have a zeroa (bone) on the seder plate?
Answer: to remember that Hashem took us out of Egypt with a strong hand.
- How many cups of juice/wine do we drink during the Seder?
Answer: 4
- What is the name of the angel that visits us on Pesach night? What do we need to do for him to give us a bracha?
Answer: Eliahu Hanavi (Elijah). We leave a full cup of wine and open the door to welcome him.
We hope you all enjoy using the amazing Haggadot your children made. It made us all so proud to see their fantastic work and the end result.
This week the Kodesh time stars were Leah and Eli.
Leah brought in the book “The Very Groovy Unicorn”, she explained that the book is about a happy unicorn and so we discussed the mitzvah of being happy. Leah told us that she reads her book every night with Mummy. Thank you for bringing in the beautiful book Leah.
Eli brought in a super cool sevivon (dreidel). Eli told us that he plays with the sevivon every Chanukah. He also told us that at Chanukah he eats lots of doughnuts and we must light the Chanukah candles. Eli told us that he keeps his sevivon in his playroom. Kol Hakavod, Eli!
Important reminders:
- Please continue to post pictures on Tapestry of what your child is doing during the holidays. It is always lovely to see.
- Please make sure you return your child’s clothes bag fully stocked.
- Please ensure all articles of clothing are named.
- Please send back your child’s apron.
- Please can you make sure that your child is wearing the correct uniform. This includes girls wearing navy/blue hair accessories and all children wearing navy or black shoes.
- The children enjoy junk modelling. During the holidays please can you keep any recyclable or general materials that we can use.
We hope that you all have a lovely Pesach and enjoy the break.
We look forward to seeing you back next term.
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 1st April 2022
It has been another very busy week in Nursery preparing for Pesach.
We have been talking to the children about the importance of kind words, kind hands and making sure we include other children in our play. We discussed how it makes one feel if they are not included, especially if they wish to join. This links to Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
Thank you again to all the parents who have come in to read this week. It is lovely for the children to be exposed to a variety of different books, including books read to them in different languages.
In Literacy, in Letters and Sounds, we continued with Aspect 6: Voice Sounds. We warmed up with our mouth movement exercises including blowing, sucking, tongue stretching and wiggling and then practiced making different sounds using our voices.
Some of the children enjoyed coming up to the front of class. They formed a line. The one at the beginning of the line made a sound, for example ch,ch,ch. The next person repeated the sound and continued as the next one joined in, to form a chain. We then discussed if the sound was the same by the time it got to the end of the line.
We also talked about how we can use our voices to add sounds to stories. For example, a long sound, a loud sound, did it change from high to low, etc.? We read the stories Chicken Licken and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We discussed which voices to use to depict the different characters in both stories.
In Mathematics the children were excited to be introduced to the abacus. We discussed some of the counting activities that can be done with an abacus. Some of the children came up to demonstrate. We started by counting how many beads there were of each colour. We discussed that on each row there was the same amount. As each bead was moved, the children counted using 1-1 correspondence. We also counted to see how many beads there were in total and it was lovely to hear the children counting to 100. The children also moved the beads sequentially so there was one bead on one row, 2 on the next, all the way up to 10. We will carry on exploring other mathematical concepts that can be done using an abacus next week.
In Music:
- The children started the lesson with musical movements, including standing up, sitting down, then stomping around the room to the music. They then completed the different movements alongside the music played.
- They then listened to a variety of different music and discussed if they knew what instruments were being played.
- The children then listened to underwater music and floated around the room like fish.
- They also learnt another verse of the Firefly song.
In PE:
- The children enjoyed warming up by running to the fence and back again. This was repeated a few times.
- The children were then put into three teams. They firstly had to throw the beanbag into the hoops and then go back in line for the next person to have a go. Whichever team got three bean bags into the hoops, were the winners.
- The children then played Hide and Seek with the bean bags. The children faced the fence whilst the teacher hid the bean bags. Whilst she was hiding them the children counted to 20 out loud. They then went looking for the beanbags.
Jewish Studies this week was all about Pesach! We have been working really hard on our haggadot and have learned about the items on the seder plate – maror, charoset, carpas and salty water, zeroa, egg, and the star of the show – the matzah.
The children learned that Bnei Yisrael had a very bitter life as slaves in Egypt. To remember this, we eat maror. To remember the buildings that we made for the Egyptians, we eat charoset, which has the same texture as the cement used in the building. We discussed why we eat matza, and the children will be so proud to explain to you how Bnei Yisrael left Egypt in a hurry and had no time to let the dough rise. Your child can also tell you all about the sea splitting. It is a true pleasure to hear the little ones explaining, with so much detail, and in their own words, such an important part of our Jewish story.
On Wednesday we had Kodesh Time. This week, Ariella brought in a magnificent item: a mezuza! Ariella told us that it belonged to her daddy’s office. She said that she has mezuzot in her house as well, and even some in a drawer in her room. Ariella explained that a mezuza is stuck to our doors to protect us, and inside of a mezuza we can find the “shema”. Wow! Such a
On Friday we had our very special Shabbat Party.
The following children were on the Shabbat table:
Shabbat Aba: Reuben
Shabbat Ima: Ariella
Shabbat Ben: Gabriel
Shabbat Bat: Liba
Important reminders:
- Please make sure all library books are sent back before the end of term. We will not be visiting the library next week.
- Our topic for next term is People Who Help Us and I would be most grateful if you are a doctor or dentist and would be able to come in to talk to the children about what your role involves. If you would like to email me if you are available to come in or speak to me at drop off or pick up that would be great.
- Please can you make sure all grapes are cut in half lengthways and then again in quarters.
Have a lovely weekend.
Shabbat Shalom
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 25th March 2022
Wow, we have been so lucky with the weather this week. The children have all chosen to be outside and it has been so nice that they have not had to wear their coats. It has made me so proud to see what a cohesive group they have become. Some of the children were independently playing Duck Duck Goose, sorting out the rules themselves, taking turns and sharing. Others were cooking and roleplaying in the mud kitchen and some were happily riding the bikes or being creative with the junk modeling. The children are also developing good communication and language skills with each other. This links to Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language.
It has been lovely to have parents continuing to come in and read to the children again this week. Thank you.
In Literacy, in Letters and Sounds, we continued with Aspect 6: voice sounds. We started the phonics lesson with exercises. The main purpose of this activity is to distinguish between the differences in vocal sounds, including oral blending and segmenting. The children explored different mouth movements including blowing, sucking, tongue stretching and wiggling. We will continue to practice these movements over the next few weeks.
The children then enjoyed exploring making different sounds using their voices. For example: Making their voices go down a slide – wheee! Making their voices bounce like a ball – boing, boing, hiss like a snake – ssssss, moo gently like a cow – mmmooo, mimic a steam train – chchchchch, buzz like a bumble bee – zzzzzzz and tick tock like a clock.
Some of the children helped to make Metal Mike with Mrs Jungbacke using different junk modeling and collage materials. Metal Mike was then introduced to the class in our phonics lesson. ‘Metal Mike’ is a toy robot computer. Some of the children came to the front and selected a picture, for example, cat, fan, van. We all sounded out and blended each of the sounds (phonemes) together, using a robotic voice and then the object/picture was fed to ‘Metal Mike’. We will continue with this next week.
In Mathematics some of the children enjoyed using the number moulds to make different numbers, using the moon sand. Others enjoyed dipping number sponges into paint and printing the numbers in numerical order onto paper. We also continued practicing our counting skills by rote up to 100, and practiced our number recognition skills to 10. We completed our calendar and discussed that we are now in spring.
Unfortunately there was no music lesson this week, as Mr Fingerhut was unwell. We wish him a speedy recovery.
Some of the children came into the garden area to help tidy up. They worked so hard using rakes and brooms to clear up the leaves. They helped take out the weeds and leaves out of the raised beds. They then helped to put new soil into the beds and then helped to plant some summer bulbs. We will continue tidying up the garden and planting next week. The children were also excited to find some potatoes that had grown.
In PE:
- The children enjoyed warming up with a run around the playground.
- The children had to turn away from the teacher and count to 10 while she hid the bean bags in the playground. They then had to find them all.
- The children then were paired up. One person out of the pair had to hide a beanbag and the other one had to find it.
This week in Jewish Studies we learned a lot about the coming festival – Pesach. We started making our Haggadot, which so far, look amazing!
We learnt what a Seder is and what a Seder plate is. We discussed the items that go on the plate and the reasons for each of them.
We spoke about how Bnei Israel were avadim (slaves) in Egypt and how Pharaoh made us work hard. Bnei Yisrael cried to Hashem to save us from Egypt and we learned that this is why we dip our vegetables in salt water – to remember the tears of Bnei Yisrael. We also learned about the reason we eat charoset, to remind us of the cement that the Bnei Yisrael used to build all the buildings in Egypt.
We spoke about the ten plagues that Hashem sent to the Egyptians. The children created their own activity to reflect this, which you will see in their Haggadot.
We learned a lot of Pessach songs and we can’t wait to have your child singing with you at the Seder table.
This week, in Kodesh Time, Liam brought in his dreidel collection. Liam was so excited to tell us all the colours of his dreidels - and there were a lot! Liam told us that he went to the shop and bought one of them, and that is his favourite one. At the end, Liam spun a dreidel perfectly, holding it gently and doing the exact movement. After his presentation, he showed everyone his dreidels on the carpet. Thank you for this beautiful presentation, mitzvah boy!
Next week we will continue with our Haggadot and our Pesach preparations.
On Friday we had our very special Shabbat Party.
The following children were on the Shabbat table:
Shabbat Aba: Harrison
Shabbat Ima: Mila
Shabbat Ben: Judah
Shabbat Bat: Eden
Important reminders:
- If you have not read to your child’s class and would like to come in and read your child’s favorite book, there are still slots available. Please ask at drop off or pick up.
- Our topic for next term is People Who Help Us and I would be most grateful if you are a doctor or dentist and would be able to come in to talk to the children about what your role involves. If you would like to email me if you are available to come in or speak to me at drop off or pick up that would be great.
Have a lovely weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 18th March 2022
We hope you had a lovely Purim.
On Monday we were lucky to have Sophia, Mrs Jungbacke's daughter, join us for a work experience day in the nursery. Sophia worked hard at home preparing some exciting activities for the children. She froze water with surprises inside for the children to excavate. Some of the children enjoyed working out how to break or melt the ice to find out what was inside. They were also given small hammers to hit the ice with. Other children enjoyed making slime with her. They helped measure out the ingredients and then added gems and glitter to decorate their slime.
It has been lovely to have parents join us again this week to continue to read their child’s favorite book to the class. Thank you.
In Literacy in Letters and Sounds we started Aspect 6: voice sounds.The main purpose of this aspect is to distinguish between the differences in vocal sounds, including oral blending and segmenting. The children explored different mouth movements including blowing, sucking, tongue stretching and wiggling. We will be practicing these movements over the next few weeks.
In Mathematics some of the children enjoyed making moon sand. They discussed the ingredients required. They then measured out the ingredients using cups. They discussed half and full cups. They counted how many cups they had used as they emptied the contents. We continued practicing counting skills to 100. We then practiced number recognition skills and counting objects, using one to one correspondence, focusing on numbers 1-10.
In Music this week:
- The children were exploring pitch. They learnt what is meant by high and low pitch.
- They then discussed the different pitches made by different animals. They discussed which animals have a high pitch and which ones a low pitch. For example a mouse has a squeaky pitch and a lion a low pitch.
- Mr Fingerhut then played different notes on the piano and the children had to decide if the notes played were a high or low pitch.
- They carried on learning and practicing the Firefly song.
In PE:
- The children warmed up by running around.
- They were then put into pairs and practiced underarm throwing to their partners.
- They then practiced playing tennis. One was throwing the ball and the other was learning how to hit the ball.
This week in Jewish Studies, the days were all dedicated to Purim! It’s been such a fun week. The children enjoyed making special Purim Challahs. They were given their dough and they listened to the instructions given by Ms Tabach. They broke the challah dough into three balls. They then put the balls into their hands and rolled them into long strands.They then learnt to plait their challahs. It was so beautiful to learn that some children already knew how to make challah from when they bake them at home. This also links to the area Physical Development and Mathematics.
Celebrating Purim was great fun. We started the morning with the children saying tefillah. They enjoyed hearing the megillah read by Rabbi Gedali Hertz and made lots of noise when they heard Haman’s name. We had a Purim parade, where all the children and teachers walked down the catwalk showing everyone their different costumes. It was lovely to see the children walking with great confidence and excitement. The children had fun using a variety of collage materials to decorate their boxes to store their mishloach manot. They enjoyed their fruit snack and hamantaschen. We then had our seudah. The day ended with the children swapping their mishloach manot with each other.
On Purim there are four special mitzvot:
- Hearing Megilat Esther
- Children send gifts called mishloach manot to each other – gifts of two foods to at least one person.
- Have a Purim Seudah (a special meal).
- Give Tzedakah (Matanot La’evionim) on Purim.
During all the Purim celebrations the children were able to achieve all of the mitzvot of Purim.
On Friday we had our very special Shabbat Party.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Gabriel
Shabbat Ima: Isabella
Shabbat Ben: Reuben
Shabbat Bat: Avia
Important reminders:
- If you have not read to your child’s class and would like to come in and read your child’s favorite book, there are still slots available. Please ask at drop off or pick up.
Have a lovely weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 11th March
Wow what an amazing week it has been in Nursery celebrating Book Week.
We would like to thank all of the parents who came in to read a story to the class. It has been wonderful for the children to listen to such a huge variety of books. We really appreciate how much thought went into preparing the stories and the amazing props that were brought in. It has really added to making Book Week so special for the children. It was also lovely to be joined on Zoom by Mrs Craig who read one of her favourite books to the class.
It has been wonderful to see the children come up to the front of the class and proudly speak about their chosen book and the props they made to accompany their book. This links to Literacy, Communication and Language and Expressive Arts and Design.
The children were lucky to meet a real author this week too! Gareth P Jones visited the Nursery and talked to the children about what an author does. He shared with them some of the books he has written. It was a fun, interactive session and it was lovely to see the children joining in with confidence.
We have also focused on the book ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr. The children had great fun when the drama teacher from Perform came into school for a drama session. The session was based around the book and included the following:
- The children sat in a circle and met Sophie’s mummy and then they all jumped inside the book using magic.
- They then went to find some ingredients and made sandwiches, cakes and biscuits.
- Then they met the tiger. They fed the tiger all the food they had made. They then made some more sandwiches. The children then had the opportunity to say two nice ingredients and one not nice ingredient that they would use as their sandwich fillings.
- The children then turned into tigers with claws and teeth. They went around the room and ate all the food. When Sophie’s mum came back into the room they had to freeze.
- The children hopped and jumped to the cafe and then they had to decide what they would have for their dinner.
This links to Communication and Language and Expressive Arts and Design.
The children enjoyed preparing for our special Tiger that Came to Tea party. Some of the children enjoyed writing their shopping lists of what food they may need to buy for the party. This links to Literacy. Other children enjoyed making paper chains to decorate the classroom. This activity was great for developing the children’s cutting skills as the children had to try and cut on the lines. This links to Physical Development.
Some children enjoyed painting a large tiger to go on our classroom door. The children discussed the pattern on a tiger's body. This links to Expressive Arts and Design and Mathematics.
All the children prepared their own food for the party. This included decorating their biscuits with icing sugar and sprinkles, cutting cucumber and peppers and making a sandwich. They were able to choose their filling from jam or cream cheese. When making the sandwiches the children discussed the different shapes they could make when cutting their sandwiches including rectangles, squares or triangles. This links to Mathematics.
The children enjoyed the party and all the food they had made. They also were surprised when there was a knock at the door and another guest arrived at the party. The tiger actually came for tea. They soon guessed it was Miss Cowen who had dressed up!
In Music:
- The children started the lesson by singing a good morning song.
- They then sang the Wheels on the Bus adding actions and sounds.
- They carried on learning the next part of the Firefly Song with the actions.
- They then listened to a piece of calm music and discussed how it made them feel.
- They then ended the lesson by playing musical statues.
In PE:
- The children started the lesson with a warm up, practicing their running skills.
- They then practiced their ball skills focusing on throwing and catching.
- They practiced throwing, using the underarm movement. They threw the ball to a partner.
- They then worked with a partner where one child had a racquet and the other had a ball. They practiced throwing the ball to the child with the racquet and then the child with the racquet practiced trying to hit the ball.
This week in Jewish Studies we learned that this Shabbat we will start reading the third book of the Torah - Vayikra, which is also the name of the parashah. Whenever Bnei Yisrael wanted to show their love for Hashem, they brought a gift to the Mishkan. Bnei Yisrael also brought gifts to the Mishkan whenever they wanted to say sorry or thank you to Hashem. The presents were according to what each one could afford, they brought what they could.
This Shabbat is also special for another reason – it is Shabbat Zachor, that is, the Shabbat immediately before Purim. It is a tradition from the Talmud that Haman, the baddy of the Purim story, a very evil man, was a descendant of Amalek. The portion that is read includes a commandment to remember the attack by Amalek, and therefore both men and women make a special effort to hear the reading. We discussed this and talked about how Hashem is always protecting us.
This week we continued learning about Purim. We continued to learn about the Megilla, its characters and the mitzvot that Hashem expects us to fulfill. The children created lovely Purim characters, like Queen Esther, King Achashverosh, Mordechai and even Haman, to recount the story. It was a fun and very creative activity.
In Kodesh Time, Mia brought us a pink dreidl. Mia told us that she bought it in a shop, with her daddy. She told us that she keeps it in a box with a few others, and that her favourite ones are the pink and purple ones, her favourite colours. Mia told us that she plays with it during Chanukah, with her sister Lily, and also during the year. The children asked questions and Mia was very proud to answer all of them. What a mitzvah girl! Kol Hakavod Mia for this special time.
The children have enjoyed making their purim puppets. They selected two characters from the Purim story and then created their puppets by using a variety of different collage materials. These will be sent home for Purim so the children can use them to act out the Purim story.
The children also enjoyed making their Raashan. They did this by selecting a variety of colours they wanted to use. They then used a roller to mix the colours together to create a special effect. They then sprinkled their Raashan with a little glitter.Their Raashan was then filled with beans. We hope they enjoy shaking them when Haman's name is called out in shul.
Both these activities link to Expressive Arts and Design.
On Friday we had our very special Shabbat Party.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today
Shabbat Aba: David
Shabbat Ima: Chloe
Shabbat Ben: Liam
Shabbat Bat Mia
Important reminders: Purim
Thursday 17th March 2022
We are so excited to celebrate Purim with your child in school on Thursday 17th March.
- Your child can come to school in fancy dresses. Please make sure that the costume your child is wearing is easy for them to take up and down for toileting purposes. Please ensure that any trousers/dresses are not too long. Any props, including hats and glasses, must be named separately.
- So that your child can fulfill one of the mitzvot of Purim, please can you send them in with some Tzedaka.
- The children swap Mishloach Manot with each other. So that everyone has the same, please can you send in 1 small bag of crisps, one carton of drink and a packet of raisins. You do not need to gift wrap these as the children will be decorating special boxes to put their Mishloach Manot into.
- Please make sure all food sent in is on the Kashrut list. Please can this be sent in, in a small named plastic bag. For the children to be able to swap Mishlaoch Manot with each other, we need you to send this in on Monday 14th March.
- On Thursday 17th March (Purim) the children will stay at school until 1.30pm. They will have lunch, which will be our Purim Seuda. .
- Please send your child in with a fruit snack as normal.
Have a lovely weekend.
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 4th March
It was another fun and busy week in Nursery.
We continued to focus on nursery rhymes.
In Literacy we continued with Letters and Sounds with Aspect 5; developing the children’s knowledge of alliteration. We talked about how you can make up fun sentences using alliteration. We discussed how different sounds are articulated to extend our understanding of alliteration. We did this by playing with mirrors. The children enjoyed making faces and seeing how their lips moved when sounding out different sounds, for example ‘p’ and ‘b’. We talked about how the tongue pokes out for ‘th’ and the teeth and lips touch for ‘f’. The children experimented saying different sounds to see how the position of their tongue changed as each sound was said. It was lovely to see the children working together collaboratively. It made us all so very proud to see the children sharing and taking turns. This also links to Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
In Expressive Arts and Designs the children enjoyed listening to the nursery rhyme ‘Incy Wincy Spider’. Some of the children enjoyed hand printing a spider and then used a Q-tip to create a spiders’ web.
In Mathematics, we completed the calendar. We discussed that in February there are only 28 days and every 4 years there is a leap year and then there are 29 days. We also discussed how we are now in the new month, March. The children practised their number recognition and counting skills and especially enjoyed singing along to different spider counting songs. Some of the children enjoyed making cube sticks, using 1-1 correspondence and then matched them to the 1-10 number grids. The children also enjoyed listening to the story Mouse Shapes. Some of the children then cut out different shapes to make a mouse or a shaped picture of their choice.
In Music the children started the lesson by standing up and doing musical exercises including standing up, sitting down and hopping. They had to concentrate and make sure they were listening to the instructions to ensure they did the correct action. Continuing with the nursery rhyme topic, the children enjoyed singing a variety of different nursery rhymes. They then listened to a selection of different music and had to say how the music made them feel. They ended the lesson by starting to learn the first verse of the Firefly song.
In PE the children worked in pairs. They practised their throwing skills by throwing a beanbag to each other. They then all stood in a line and each of them was given a different coloured beanbag. They then threw it to see who could throw their beanbag the furthest.
This week, in Parashat Pekudei, we learned that the Mishkan was finished and ready. A cloud came down from heaven and rested on the mishkan. When it began to move from the Mishkan, Bnei Israel knew that it was time to fold up their tents and move on to another place. When it stopped moving, Bnei Israel knew that it was time to set up their tents round the Mishkan and rest. The cloud showed Bnei Israel that Hashem is always with them. It also protected them from heat and cold and from sandstorms. The children created beautiful work showing how the clouds protected the Bnei Israel in the desert. (This is also the reason we celebrate Sukkot - you will notice the Sukkah in their work).
We continued to learn about Purim. As the month of Adar Sheni (Second month of Adar) started this week, we get closer to Purim. We spoke about the importance, as Jews, of following the mitzvah of being happy all the time, but especially during the month of Adar, when the Jewish people were saved from a bad decree, when Hashem made sure that Haman’s plans of wiping out the Jewish people failed.
Mishenichnas Adar Marbin Besimcha! (When the month of Adar starts we increase our happiness!) Following on from last week, we learned that Esther was the new wife of King Achashverosh and the Queen of the Persian Empire. Haman wanted to destroy the Jewish people and Mordechai tells Esther about Haman’s plans. We will learn more about the Purim story next week. We talked about the mitzvot we do on Purim. One of the mitzvot is to send Mishloach Manot (food packets to friends). We discussed which healthy foods we could include in the packets this year. We practised making mishloach manot as a craft, before the real thing in two weeks! I hope you enjoyed your child’s Mishloach Manot craft.
On Wednesday we had our kodesh time. This week Liba brought in a kiddush cup. Liba told us that she was given this present "when she was still in her mummy's tummy" and it has her name engraved on it. Answering her friends' questions, Liba said that she uses it on Friday nights, during kiddush and that sometimes she even gets an extra bit of juice! Well, I think it's well deserved, Liba! Well done and thank you for bringing in this beautiful kodesh item, mitzvah girl!
On Friday we had our very special Shabbat Party.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Judah
Shabbat Ima: Talya
Shabbat Ben: Eli
Shabbat Bat Leah
Important reminders:
- Focus Meeting - please can you come to the front gate when you have your scheduled focus meeting. Please can you also make sure you fill in the Home Diary and send it to me prior to our meeting.
- Please continue to post any pictures of your child doing activities out of school on Tapestry. It is always lovely to see what they are doing.
- Please can you make sure all boys are sent in wearing a kippah with clips.
- Please make sure you send library books back each Monday. If your child’s library book is not returned they are unable to bring home a new one and unfortunately it causes them disappointment.
- If you are giving your child a snack at the end of the day, please can this be given to your child outside the school gate so that children that are not receiving a snack won’t be disappointed.
Reminder: Book Week- Week Commencing the 7th March
We are looking forward to book week this year.
- A detailed email has been sent out giving you full details of what we will be doing during book week. Also included in the email is a rota for which day your child can bring in their home made prop from their chosen book.
- We are really looking forward to parents coming in to read to the children. Please can you make sure your children are in school by 8.40am each morning. The morning reading session will start promptly at 8.45am and it would be a shame for your children to miss it. The afternoon session will start at 2.45pm. If you are reading in the afternoon please make sure you arrive promptly to ensure you have time to read your book before the children go home at 3.00pm. When you arrive please come to the back door.
Thursday 17th March 2022
We are so excited to celebrate Purim with your child in school on Thursday 17th March.
Your child can come to school in fancy dresses. Please make sure that the costume your child is wearing is easy for them to take up and down for toileting purposes. Please ensure that any trousers/dresses are not too long. Any props, including hats and glasses, must be named separately.
- So that your child can fulfill one of the mitzvot of Purim, please can you send them in with some Tzedaka.
- The children swap Mishloach Manot with each other. So that everyone has the same, please can you send in 1 small bag of crisps, one carton of drink and a packet of raisins. You do not need to gift wrap these as the children will be decorating special boxes to put their Mishloach Manot into.
- Please make sure all food sent in is on the Kashrut list. Please can this be sent in, in a small named plastic bag. For the children to be able to swap Mishlaoch Manot with each other, we need you to send this in on Monday 14th March.
- On Thursday 17th March (Purim) the children will stay at Nursery until 1.30pm. They will have lunch, which will be our Purim Seuda. .
- Please send your child in with a fruit snack as normal.
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 25th February
We hope you all had a lovely half term.
Welcome Dylan Fine
- I want to welcome Dylan Fine and her family to Kerem. It has been lovely to see the children being kind and caring towards Dylan, making sure that she settled in with ease and that she felt welcomed and looked after at all times.
It has been great to be back teaching all your children and we have had a lovely week. The topic this week is nursery rhymes focusing on Humpty Dumpty.
In Literacy we continued with Aspect 5: Alliteration. We went over what alliteration is; when words begin with the same letter sound. The children enjoyed playing whose name begins with which letter sounds, whilst completing the register. We also discussed whose names begin with the same sound.
You can also play ‘I Spy With My Little Eye’, something beginning with the letter sound ‘s’,’a’” etc. Your child can go around the house and see what objects they can find that begin with the same sound. It is very important that you teach your child the correct letter sound, so I have attached the ‘Jolly Phonics’ songs for you to listen to, to hear how each sound is pronounced before you teach your child.
Jolly Phonics Songs in correct order -
The children also enjoyed playing the game ‘Silly Soup’ where they had to select items to put in the soup. They sat in a circle singing the ‘Silly Soup' song and then someone was chosen to pick different items beginning with the ‘b’ sound to put in our soup. We discussed how all the items began with the same sound and reiterated that this is called alliteration. Some of the children chose to carry on making silly soup as part of child initiated play.
In Mathematics the children enjoyed learning about positional language. We discussed that this is also called a preposition. They learnt the vocabulary above, below, inside, outside, in, on, under, next to, behind, in front of, between and on top of. Some of the children came up in class and practiced placing ‘Humpty Dumpty’ in a variety of different positions.
In Expressive Arts and Designs the children enjoyed listening to different nursery rhymes. Some of the children had fun making their own pictures of ‘Humpty Dumpty’. They drew the wall, then cut out an oval shape and drew Humpty’s face on it. It was lovely to see the children working independently to create their own Humpty Dumpty.
The children also completed an experiment with ‘Humpty Dumpty’. They drew Humpty Dumpty’s face on an egg(not hard boiled). They then discussed in their pairs what material they could use to wrap Humpty in to try and protect him from breaking when dropped. The children were excited to see if they had managed to wrap ‘Humpty Dumpty' securely enough to stop him breaking when dropped. This experiment links to the area of Expressive Arts and Design.
In Music the children started by clapping different patterns and discussing how many times they clapped. They then listened to some classical music. Mr Fingehut talked about the different instruments that could be heard in the music played. They discussed when the music got louder and faster. They ended the lesson by singing a few popular nursery rhymes.
In PE the children practised their throwing skills working in pairs. They learnt how to throw under arm. They were also put into teams and they had to throw their bean bags at the cones. The team that got the most beanbags nearest to the cones was the team that won.
This week, in Jewish Studies we learned that in this week’s Parashah, Moshe assembles the people of Israel and repeats to them the commandment to observe Shabbat. The children are always very happy to talk about Shabbat and how they enjoy the special day.
Moshe then conveyed Hashem’s instructions regarding the building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle). The people donated the required materials in abundance, bringing gold, silver and copper and any other materials they had to contribute to this incredible mitzvah. The children made their own paper Mishkan with all the items inside: the bread table, the mizbe’ach, the golden menorah and the Aron Hakodesh, with the Ten Commandments inside. We reviewed the concept of the Kohen and Kohen Gadol, who were allowed to go into the Mishkan.
We started talking about Purim and we discussed countries that have kings and queens. Some children were very excited to share that they have been to Buckingham Palace, where the Queen of England lives.
On Wednesday we had our Kodesh Time. This week, Dylan brought in a chanukia. Dylan’s chanukia was pink and bright. She told us that she made the chanukia at her old nursery. She explained that we light the chanukia on Chanuka and we also eat doughnuts as well. Dylan told us that her chanukia has 9 branches, and the tallest one is called shamash. She also told us that she keeps her chanukia next to the door. What a beautiful item and what a great idea to bring this in to share with your friends. Kol Hakavod, Dylan. Thank you for this exciting talk.
On Friday we had our usual and special Shabbat party
The following children were on the Shabbat table today
Shabbat Aba: Liam
Shabbat Ima: Dylan
Shabbat Ben: Jacob
Shabbat Bat Talya
Important reminders:
- Focus Meeting - please can you come to the front gate when you have your scheduled focus meeting. Please can you also make sure you fill out the Home Diary and send it to me prior to our meeting.
- Please continue to post any pictures of your child doing activities out of school on Tapestry. It is always lovely to see what they are doing.
- Please can you make sure all boys are sent in wearing a kippah.
- Please make sure you send library books back each Monday. If your child’s library book is not returned they are unable to bring home a new one and unfortunately it causes them disappointment
Reminder: Book Week- Week Commencing the 7th March
- We are looking forward to book week this year.
- We would like the children to make a homemade prop featured in your child’s favourite book and if possible bring in the book too.
There are a few slots left for parents to come in and read to the children during book week. Please email me if you would like to come in and read to the children.
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Nursery Newsletter- 11th February
Although unfortunately I have been unable to be in the class teaching this week, it has been lovely to hear from the team about all the wonderful things your children have achieved in Nursery and it has made me so very proud .
Thank you to Ms Handler and Ms Gorman who kindly came in to help support the teaching in Nursery and a special thanks to Miss Kaye and Mrs Dagul who have ensured the smooth running of the class on a day to day basis.
The main focus this week has been ‘Mental Health Awareness Week.’ The children have enjoyed completing a variety of activities in order to teach them the importance of being aware of mental health in an age appropriate way. This links to the area Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
The children enjoyed listening to the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and discussed the importance of sharing and taking turns. They also talked about how it makes them feel if someone is not kind. They then had fun creating their own feeling rainbow fish where they gave their fish a name, discussed how their fish felt and why. We focused on the importance of children feeling comfortable to express their feelings, from happy to worried or scared. The children also told the class what they were feeling each day. This activity also links to Expressive Arts and Design.
The children also listened to the story ‘Ruby’s Worry’ and discussed the importance of chatting about what may be worrying them, so that the worry does not get bigger. The children learnt that if they talk about it, the worry will go away. The children were able to write a note to put inside the ‘Worry Monster’ if they felt they needed to. We explained that if the children have a worry they can write it down and put it inside the Worry Monster’s mouth and the worry will disappear.
The children also enjoyed designing their own gratitude leaf. They then discussed what they are grateful for. It is also important for the children to be able to reflect and appreciate all the good things they have in their lives.
They also designed their own t-shirts representing what makes them happy and calm. It was great to see them plan out their design first, before drawing it straight onto their t-shirts. It was lovely to see them really think about what they wanted to draw to represent these feelings. They then enjoyed wearing their t-shirts on Friday.
We also discussed how we grow emotionally. We reflected on all the things we have achieved. We discussed how people can be like trees. Sometimes we feel like we are growing and developing and doing really well, but at other times we might feel we are not doing so well. It is important that the children are always encouraged and praised for all their achievements, even if they find things difficult or can’t do something, as long as they try, we are still very proud of them.
The children also enjoyed joining in some yoga and meditations.
We also started Aspect 5: Alliteration. We discussed what alliteration is; when words begin with the same letter sound. The children enjoyed playing I Spy names beginning with the same sound. We will continue to learn about alliteration after the half term.
You can also play, I spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter sound ‘s’,’a’” etc. Your child can go around the house and see what objects they can find that begin with the same sound. It is very important that you teach your child the correct letter sound, so I have attached the ‘Jolly Phonics’ songs for you to listen to, to hear how each sound is pronounced before you teach your child.
Jolly Phonics Songs in correct order -
In Mathematics the children explored creating, using different shapes. They used Stickle Bricks to create different sized objects as well as using shapes on the magnetic boards.The children explored patterns by threading different coloured beads.
In Music this week, Mr. Fingerhut started with some nursery rhymes, such as Old McDonald, getting the children to choose an animal. Next the children sang Sing a Song of Sixpence. They then practiced counting to 8 using a different sound for each number. One of the children chose to sing ‘Ring a Ring a Roses’ and ‘The Wheels on the Bus’. They then sang some Shabbat songs. Then they did music and movement, moving to the music and following instructions. The children enjoyed acting as mice and elephants as well as rockets floating in space. For Mental Health Week during music, the children were asked to describe the music being played. They talked about the way the different music made them feel. One child explained “It was surprising when the music got louder and louder”. They had lots of fun exploring and singing, working on their language and communication skills.
In PE the children started the lesson by running around the playground and bringing one item back that they had picked from a selection of objects laid out. The main focus was working on colour and number matching, as well as developing their coordination skills.
This week, in Jewish Studies we learned about Parashat Tetzaveh. Hashem told Moshe to tell Bnei Israel that they must make special clothes for the Kohanim and the Kohen Gadol. The Kohanim were the only people who were allowed to do the holy work in the Mishkan (and later in the Beit Hamikdash) and the Kohen Gadol was the only person allowed inside the Kodesh Hakedoshim (the Holiest place), so it would not be right for him to walk in off the street and start working in the Mishkan dressed in weekday clothes!
The children enjoyed learning all about the different garments and creating their own replicas of the special clothes.
On Wednesday we had our Kodesh Time. This week, Gabriel brought in a very special shofar. Gabriel was very proud to tell us that he uses it on Rosh Hashana, and that he keeps it in his bedroom. The children had the chance to ask questions, and when one friend asked if Gabriel could blow the shofar, he very proudly (and so well!) did it! We were very impressed. Well done Gabriel, what a mitzvah boy!
Another topic we discussed is how special Shabbat is. We spoke about the importance of resting on Shabbat and being connected to Hashem. Our little tzadikim and tzadekot are always very excited to share with their friends their own experience of Shabbat - what they like to do and what special foods they like to eat, games they like to play and so on. It is a true pleasure to see them talking about Shabbat with such enthusiasm.
On Friday we had our usual and special Shabbat party.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba: Liam
Shabbat Ima: Mia
Shabbat Ben: Jimmy
Shabbat Bat Chloe
Important reminders:
- Please can you make sure you do a Lateral flow test on your child before returning to school after half term.
- Please continue to wear a mask when on school premises on your return to school after the holidays.
- Please post any pictures of fun activities you do on your half term. It will be lovely to see.
Week Commencing the 7th March: Book Week.
We are looking forward to book week this year.
- As Purim is the week after Book Week we felt that instead of dressing up as your child’s favourite book character, we would like the children to make a homemade prop featured in your child’s favourite book and if possible bring in the book too.
- We would also like parent volunteers to come in and read your child’s favourite book from home to the class. There will be morning and afternoon sessions each day during this week. If you would like to come in to read please can you email me.
We wish you all a lovely half term
Shabbat Shalom,
Miss Cowen, Ms Handler and the Nursery Team
Nursery Newsletter- 4th February
It has been so nice to be back with all the children and it has been a lovely busy and fun week.
We started the week learning about the Chinese New Year. The children learnt that this new year celebration is also called Lunar New Year. It is celebrated in January or February in many countries. Chinese New Year is a time to feast and to visit family members. People often hang glowing lanterns in temples or carry them during a nighttime parade. Each year is associated with one of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac. This year it is the Year of the Tiger. It is said that children born in the year ahead will be brave, competitive and strong.
We talked about how different people celebrate different festivals and have different customs. We compared it to the Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah and talked about some of the things we do to celebrate. The children enjoyed choosing from a variety of crafts to do. These included making chinese fans, chinese lanterns, spring blossom trees and even writing numbers in Chinese.
The children also enjoyed listening to different songs in Chinese about shapes, the days of the week, months of the year and colours. We counted to 10 in Chinese and also learnt how to say hello - Ni Hao!, goodbye - Zai Jian,and thank you - Xie Xie in Chinese. This links to the areas Mathematics and Understanding the World.
In Literacy, in our Letters and Sounds lesson, we continued with Aspect 4, continuing to focus on rhythm and rhyme. We continued to practise what a syllable is - it makes up part of a word. At fruit time we named the different fruit snacks that the children had brought in, clapping and counting how many syllables in each of them. We also clapped how many syllables in the class names, as we completed the register.
The children also enjoyed a carpet session where we went over rhyming words. We tried to see how many rhyming words we could say to make a rhyming string. You can practise this at home. Give your child a word and see how many rhyming words they can say, for example mat, cat, hat, pat, vat, dat, clat. It can include made up words. We also played a game where the children had to decide if the words that came up on the screen rhymed or not. If the words rhymed the children put a thumbs up and if the words did not rhyme a thumbs down.
The children had another fun session at the library. Please remember to send back your child’s library book on a Monday. If your child’s library book is not returned they will be unable to select a new one to bring home.
In Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design, we continued to learn about our last artist, Pablo Picasso. The children enjoyed listening to a fun story called ‘Picasso’s Trousers’. Some of the children enjoyed making a collage face by cutting out a selection of different coloured paper to create the different facial features in the style of Picasso. Some of the children enjoyed making a face in the style of Picasso using the different coloured playdough available.
In Music the children enjoyed practicing Tefillah songs. They also sang some familiar songs including Five Little Ducks, Hokey Cokey and completed the actions alongside. They also sang A Song of Sixpence. The children then discussed musical patterns. They did musical counting games, counting backwards with the notes of the piano.
In PE the children enjoyed splitting into two teams. They had to run and either collect a cone or a bean bag. They then had to run back to their teams. This is a good activity for developing the children’s listening skills. At the end of the session they had 2 minutes of free time running around the playground.
Parashat Terumah
In this week’s Parashah the children learnt that Moshe told Bnei Israel to build the Mishkan for Hashem. The Mishkan was a very special holy place for Bnei Israel to daven in.
The children learnt what Bnei Israel had to build to put inside the Mishkan: An aron (ark) with keruvim (angels) on top. Inside the aron were the Luchot HaBrit (the Tablets of the Covenant). We spoke about how the angels would keep their wings together if Hashem was happy with Bnei Yisrael, but would separate their wings if that was not the case. This was a sign for Bnei Yisrael to do Teshuva. The second thing that Bnei Israel had to put inside the Mishkan was a shulchan – table, to hold 12 loaves of bread. The children learnt that the bread stayed fresh for the whole week! There was also the menorah – made of gold with beautiful decoration, and a mizbeach – a table, for the Bnei Israel to bring presents to Hashem.
The children decorated their own Menorah, using a lot of gold and a lot of love, to produce something so important to Hashem.
We discussed the fact that we don’t have a Mishkan anymore, but we still stay very close to Hashem, especially when we go to shul, which is like HaShem’s house nowadays.
On Thursday we had our new special Kodesh Show and Tell Time. This week, Jacob brought in a Dreidel. He talked about how he got it a while ago, and how it reminded him of Chanukah, the Jewish festival. He said it was yellow, which is his favourite colour. He keeps it in a special draw for Chanukah things. He loves his dreidel and showed us how to spin it. We talked about what the letters on the dreidel mean. Kol Hakavod, Jacob, for sharing such an exciting item with us!
We also had our special Kabbalat Shabbat with a lot of songs and dance.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba Liam
Shabbat Ima Avia
Shabbat Ben Harrison
Shabbat Bat Mila
- Please continue to test your children every morning before school next week.
- Please wear a mask when on school premises as we have new cases of Covid.
- Please continue to post pictures on Tapestry of what your child is doing out of school, they are lovely to see.
- Please can we remind you to cut up the fruit snacks, especially grapes which need to be cut lengthways twice.
- As doors and windows will be open during the day, please make sure your child has extra clothing to put on if they are cold.
We wish you a Shabat Shalom and a very happy month of Adar Rishon!
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Nursery Newsletter-28th January
I have enjoyed spending another week teaching your children, it has been a great privilege and we have done some very exciting activities together.
Over the last few weeks the children have been doing lots of artwork in the style of different artists. In class we have been encouraging the children to talk about their art work. It is important that they feel proud of their achievements. Please look at the posts of their work on Tapestry and you will also be incredibly proud. This links to the area Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language.
In Literacy in our Letters and Sounds lesson we continued with Aspect 4, continuing to focus on rhythm and rhyme. We continued to focus on what a syllable is; it makes up part of a word, using instruments to shake the syllables of words. The children also enjoyed listening to syllable songs for the days of the week and months of the year and clapping along. Please continue to let your child explore how many syllables are in different words and objects found around the house.
The children also enjoyed a carpet session where we had fun exploring rhyming using puppets. We made up silly rhyming names for a pair of puppets (e.g. Fizzy Wizzy Lizzy and Hob Tob Bob). We also made up stories where the children had the opportunity to fill in rhyming words, for example: Are you poorly Lizzy? Oh dear. Fizzy Wizzy Lizzy is feeling sick and…dizzy. Bob is very excited. Today he is going to be a builder. Hob Tob Bob has got a new…job. Some of the children chose to continue playing with the puppets and making up their own rhyming stories.
The children had another fun session at the library. Please remember to send back your child’s library book on a Monday. If your child’s library book is not returned they will be unable to select a new one to bring home.
In Mathematics the main focus was exploring 2D shapes. The children had the opportunity as part of freeflow to play a selection of different shape activities. They made shapes with the pegs, used Sticklebrick shapes to build with and made different shapes using natural materials, such as pine cones and conkers.
The children enjoyed going on a shape walk around the outdoor area to see which shapes they could see. They all had a sheet with all the different 2 D shapes on. As they walked around they made a mark on their sheet against the different shapes seen. At the end of the walk they added up the marks and we discussed which shapes had been seen the most and which shapes were seen the least. It was lovely to then see some of the children independently going off on their own shape walks.
The children also enjoyed practicing their cutting skills by cutting out a variety of different 2D shapes and sticking them onto their paper. This also links to the area Physical Development.
In Understanding the World and Expressive Art and Design, the children continued to learn about different artists. They learnt about the artist Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky was known for his concentric circles on squares. The children enjoyed painting a picture in the style of Kandinsky. They created the most amazing pictures, each one being very individual. They carefully selected the colours of their choice and painted with great care and precision. Kandinsky was known for listening to music as he painted, so we put on music for the children to listen to as they created their pictures.
We also learnt about the artist Jackson Pollock who was famous for creating his paintings by splashing and pouring paint onto the canvas. Some of the children enjoyed going outside and freely created their pictures by splashing paint onto their paper. This is a great activity for developing the children’s gross motor skills and they also had a lot of fun.
Unfortunately due to Mr Fingerhut being ill there was no Music lesson this week. We wish him a speedy recovery.
In PE the children were put into groups for team games. The children were learning how to work in a team and to follow game instructions. They learnt to have their turn and wait for it to come around again after all of their friends had had their turns. They ran to collect different items, such as the bricks and put them back in the correct place before running back to join the back of the line. Lastly, they were put into partners to throw and catch bean bags, working on their upper body and gross motor skills, as well as hand eye coordination.
In Jewish Studies, we learnt about this week’s Parashah of Mishpatim. We talked about some of the laws that Hashem expects us to follow. For example, we learnt that it is very important to listen to mummy and daddy, and to respect them in every way. We also learned that we should daven to Hashem 3 times a day, to say thank you for all the wonderful things He gives us all the time.
We also learned that we mustn’t mix certain types of food, for example meaty and milky foods, because this is another commandment that Hashem gave to us. To help us remember which dishes are milky and which are meaty, the children created signs, to put in the correct drawers.
The children also painted cups in red and blue, to separate some meaty and milky dishes.
We spoke about the importance of returning lost items to the person who lost them, and how happy it would make them feel. What a big mitzvah that is! The children all agreed that it is better to return a lost item than to keep it for ourselves, particularly when we can find the owner.
On Thursday we had our new special Kodesh Show and Tell Time. This week, Eden brought in a kippa. Eden explained to us that Jewish boys wear a kippa and the boys agreed that they will always make an effort to wear a kippa. Well done, Eden, what a lovely start to our Kodesh Show and Tell time.
We also had our special Kabbalat Shabbat with a lot of songs and dance. We were so thrilled to have mums and dads joining in on Zoom and we hoped you enjoyed being with us.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba Jacob
Shabbat Ima Liba
Shabbat Ben Gabriel
Shabbat Bat Emma K
- Please continue to test your children every morning before school next week.
- Please wear a mask when on school premises as we have live cases of Covid.
- Please continue to post pictures on Tapestry of what your child is doing out of school, they are lovely to see.
- Please can we remind you to cut up the fruit snacks, especially grapes which need to be cut lengthways twice.
- As doors and windows will be open during the day, please make sure your child has extra clothing to put on if they are cold.
Mrs Onona and the Nursery Team
Nursery Newsletter-21st January
It was such a pleasure to meet your children and have the privilege to teach them.
We started the week off by celebrating Tu B'Shvat, the birthday of the trees. The children enjoyed a carousel of activities which included planting cress, painting trees and sponge painting special crowns with trees and leaves. At snack time they enjoyed their special fruit party where they got the opportunity to taste a variety of different fruits, including some new ones. This links to the areas Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World.
In Literacy in our Letters and Sounds lesson we continued with Aspect 4, continuing to focus on rhythm and rhyme. Some of the children continued to play the game called ‘Silly Soup’. The children also enjoyed listening to a selection of rhyming stories.
In Literacy we also started to learn about syllables. We discussed what a syllable is; it makes up part of a word. Each child said their name and then we clapped how many syllables there were. We did the same for some animals, for example, for a monkey we said, “mon-key”: Two syllables and two claps. Maybe you could go around your house with your child and find different objects, let your child say the name of the object and then clap how many syllables they think there are in the word.
The children are really enjoying their weekly sessions at the library where they get the opportunity to listen to a story before selecting their book to take home.
In Mathematics we continued completing the calendar, singing the days of the week and months of the year. We also talked about the season we are in. We are exploring shapes and we went over the names of the different 2d shapes. Some of the children enjoyed making shape pictures using Tap Tap Art, the felt shapes and the magnetic shapes.
In Understanding the World the children continued to enjoy learning about the artist Henri Matisse and that he was famous for his picture, ‘The Snail’ and for making collages by cutting out different shapes. The children continued to create pictures with their own interpretation of Matisse’s work.
This week we learnt about the artist Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh was known for painting still life pictures. The children enjoyed creating still life paintings of a fruit basket. We discussed with the children what fruits they saw. We talked about the shape and colours of the fruit before they started painting. This links to the area Expressive Arts and Design.
We continued to encourage the children to come up to the front of the class to talk about the artwork they had created. This comes under the area of Communication and Language.
In Music with Mr Fingerhut, the children enjoyed singing different songs and added actions accordingly. The songs included, “If You’re Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands”, “Old Mac Donald” and “Sing a Song Of Sixpence”. They learnt a new song “Camptown Races”. They then moved around in a variety of different ways in time with the beat of the music.
In PE the children warmed up and were then split into teams to run races. They ran all the way to the other side of the playground to pick up different items, such as bean bags or bricks to bring back to their team. Their races got increasingly challenging and the children had to follow instructions, cheer each other on and had lots of great exercise!
This week in Jewish Studies we had a special treat! We started the week by talking about the birthday of the trees and how important they are to us. We spoke about which fruits come from the trees and which bracha (blessing) we make before we eat them. We spoke about how Hashem blesses us with such perfect creations that give us so much more than just fruits. We also compared ourselves to trees, with roots/legs, trunk/body and branches/ arms and fingers. We talked about ways of looking after our trees and our planet in general.
Moving on to this week’s parasha, Yitro, we learn that Moshe was married to Yitro’s daughter, Tzipporah and they had two sons, Gershon and Eliezer. Tzipporah and the two children lived with her father Yitro in Midian, while Moshe and Aharon were in Mitzrayim. After Bnei Israel left Egypt, they travelled through the desert and were joined by Moshe’s family, including Yitro, who had heard of all the miracles that Hashem made for us. Yitro wanted to join the Jewish nation, and he became well known amongst Bnei Yisrael.
We learned that whilst in the desert, Hashem gave us a very special present, the Ten Commandments, from Har Sinai. He chose this mountain because it was small and humble. We learn from this that we should not show off about what we have or what we look like; our achievements and mitzvot are what counts the most. We also learnt a song about the ten commandments and made beautiful pictures of Mount Sinai and the Ten Commandments.
On Friday we had our lovely, happy Shabbat party, where we discussed aspects of Shabbat and we sang and danced.
From next week I would like to introduce "My Kodesh Time". Each week a child will be chosen to bring an item from home that is related to Judaism and they will tell their classmates all about it. This will happen every Wednesday. We will let you know on Tuesday if we have chosen your child to present that week.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba Jimmy
Shabbat Ima Emma S
Shabbat Ben David
Shabbat Bat Isabella
- Please continue to test your children every morning before school next week.
- Please continue to post pictures on Tapestry of what your child is doing out of school, they are lovely to see.
- Please can you make sure your child’s library book is returned every Monday. If your child’s library book is not returned, they will be unable to pick a new book to bring home, which will cause them disappointment.
- As doors and windows will be open during the day, please make sure your child has extra clothing to put on if they are cold.
- Please wear a mask when on school premises
Mrs Onona and the Nursery Team
Nursery Newsletter-14th January
We had a very busy and fun filled week in Nursery.
The children are enjoying going into Reception for Tefillah. It is wonderful to see them sitting with their Tefillah buddy and with the help of their buddy starting to follow in the prayer book. They now have their own prayer books so it is lovely to see them starting to take care of their books. This links to the area Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
In Literacy in our Letters and Sounds lesson we continued with Aspect 4, continuing to focus on rhythm and rhyme. Some of the children enjoyed playing a game called ‘Silly Soup’.
We used a bowl and a spoon and a selection of rhyming objects/pictures (e.g. rat, hat, cat) to put in our soup.
- We used the bowl and spoon as props to act out the song.
- The children chose an object to put in the soup and placed it in the bowl.
- After each child took their turn, they stirred the soup and sung the following song to recite the growing list of things that ended up in the soup.
“I am making lots of silly soup,
I am making soup that’s silly,
I am going to cook it in the fridge,
To make it nice and chilly,
In goes… a fox… a box… some socks…”
This is a fun game to play at home using a variety of objects that rhyme.
The children also continued to enjoy the book ‘ Oi Aardvark!’ from the rhyming book series we have been reading.
Also in Literacy the children were excited to pick their first library book to take home. We hope you have fun reading it with them.
In Mathematics we continued completing the calendar. We sang the days of the week, and Months of the year song. We talked about the seasons and that we are in Winter and how during the Winter the weather changes, the days get shorter and the morning and nights get darker. We also continued to practise our counting skills, counting to 30 and doing exercise counting to 100.
Following on from last week the children enjoyed exploring colour mixing and using the colour paint they had made to paint their pictures. We read the book ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds. The Dot is a beautiful story about a girl named Vashti, who is encouraged by her teacher to take a risk. Vashti does not believe she can draw. She is filled with self-doubt until her teacher gently persuades her to, Just make a mark and see where it takes you.” Once Vashti sees her artwork signed and framed, she is inspired to experiment more with dots. The children then created their own dot pictures using a variety of different colours, which included colour mixing. All their pictures are amazing and very individual. The children signed their artwork like true artists.
The children then enjoyed learning about the artist Henri Matisse. We talked about his particular style of art. Matisse was famous for his picture, ‘The Snail’, and for making collages by cutting out different shapes. Some of the children enjoyed creating their own interpretation of Matisse’s work. This was a great activity for developing the children’s cutting skills and exploring different shapes. We read the story of ‘Matisse’s Magical Trail’ and ‘How the Snail Found its Colours.’ This links to the areas Understanding the World, Mathematics and Expressive Arts and Design. This will be continued next week.
It was lovely to see some of the children come up to the front of the class to talk about the artwork they had created. This comes under the area of Communication and Language. We will continue to encourage the children to talk about their art work as they learn about the art styles of different artists.
We have introduced recycling into the classroom. The children enjoyed learning about what can be recycled and what can be made from the recycled materials. We now have a special bag in the classroom for the children to put any recyclable materials into.
The children continued to enjoy visiting the role play area, ‘The Opticians’. The children acted out being opticians. They particularly enjoyed making their own glasses. This links to the area, Expressive Arts and Design.
In Music, Mr Fingerhut started with a warm up by getting the children to hum along to the music. He then introduced counting to the beat of the music up to 8. The children sang a variety of different songs and enjoyed moving in a variety of different ways, in time with the beat of the music.
In PE this week the children started the session by playing a warm up game called Shark Attack where they moved like different animals. They snapped like crocodiles to warm up their hands, hopped like a bunny, ran like a cheetah and moved like a t-rex. Then they then had to find a spot on the floor and be a different animal. Next they played football, seeing how far they could kick the ball and then they aimed to kick the ball into a hoop on the ground. To end the lesson they had to race to see who could line up the fastest.
Jewish Studies:
In this week's Parashah, the children learnt that King Pharaoh was upset with himself for letting Bnei Yisrael go free. Pharaoh and his army ran after Bnei Yisrael to try and bring them back to Egypt.
Bnei Yisrael reached the Yam Suf (The Red Sea) and were not able to run any further away from Pharaoh - he was getting closer to them.
The children learnt that Hashem made a very special miracle happen. The Yam Suf opened up and Bnei Yisrael were able to walk on dry land through the sea. As soon as Pharaoh and his army reached the Yam Suf and tried to walk through the split sea, Hashem made the sea return to normal and all the soldiers disappeared.
The children made a beautiful activity to reflect the split sea and they will be happy to show you and tell you the whole Parashah story.
Meanwhile, Bnei Yisrael were SO happy to be free that they sang a special song to Hashem to thank Him for saving them.
Hashem told Moshe that Bnei Yisrael are going to go to Erez Yisrael, and in order to get there they will have to walk through the desert for a long time. The Bnei Yisrael complained saying, “what will we eat?”
The children learnt that Hashem made another miracle. He sent Maan - a special food that came down from the sky every morning except Shabbat. It was always fresh and tasted of anything they would want it to taste like.
This week we also started talking about Tu B’Shevat, the birthday of the trees, and how special this festival is. We learned that on this day, the trees start a new cycle, after the winter, when they start to be fruitful again. We discussed the wonder that it is to have trees and to be blessed and able to eat from their fruits. We also spoke about the mitzvah of eating new fruits, preferably one of the seven species (the seven fruits that are representative of Eretz Israel) and to say the bracha “Shehechiyanu”. We will celebrate properly next Monday, the 15th of Shevat, the actual birthday.
On Friday we had our lovely, happy Shabbat party, where we discussed aspects of Shabbat, we sang and danced, and this week enjoyed the Shabbat experience together with Reception, warming up for next week, where we will be joined by you all on Zoom.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba Harrison
Shabbat Ima Darcey
Shabbat ben Judah
Shabbat Bat Annabelle
- Please continue to post pictures on Tapestry of what your child is doing out of school, they are lovely to see.
- Please remember that the children’s starting time is 8.30-8.40am. We will be starting Tefillah prompt at 8.45am this term so please make sure your child is on time.
- Please can you make sure your child’s library book is returned every Monday. If your child’s library book is not returned, they will be unable to pick a new book to bring home, which will cause them disappointment.
- As doors and windows will be open during the day, please make sure your child has extra clothing to put on if they are cold.
- Please make sure all items of clothing are labeled including shoes, gloves, hats and scarves.
- Please make sure you have sent back your child’s apron.
Monday 17th January we will be celebrating Tu B’Shevat in school.
- Please make sure you send your child in wearing tree coloured clothes on Monday eg. browns, greens, pinks.
- Thank you for signing up to bring in fruit for our special fruit party. Please can this be brought in on Monday. On this day you do not need to send in a fruit snack.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
We wish you all a Shabbat Shalom and a Happy Tu B’Shvat!
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Nursery Newsletter- 7th January 2022
We hope you all had a lovely break.
It is great to be back at school! We have had a fun few days.
Firstly we reminded ourselves of the class rules. In Personal, Social and Emotional Development, we reiterated the importance of kindness towards our classmates, using kind words, taking turns and doing good sharing. We also discussed when we need to wash our hands to avoid germs.
In Understanding the World we are going to be learning about different artists over the coming weeks. In preparation for this, we explored colour mixing. We read the book ‘Mixed,’ and how from the three primary colours, a variety of different colours can be made when mixed together. Some of the children had fun experimenting by using the paint they had mixed to create their pictures. They also used black and white. We discussed how the shades can be made lighter or darker. Some of the children also enjoyed making playdough and used the same concept to see what colours their playdough turned out. This covers the area Expressive Arts and Design.
The children were excited to go into our new role play area which has been changed into an Opticians. The children enjoyed acting out being opticians and completing an eye test and helping their customers to choose new spectacles. The children also enjoyed making their own glasses by using different coloured pipe cleaners.
In Literacy, in letters and sounds we continued with Aspect 4 Rhythm and Rhyme. We went over what a rhyming word is and the children enjoyed listening to the rhyming book Oi dog! We will be continuing with the topic of rhyming over the next few weeks. Also in Literacy some of the children enjoyed drawing their holiday pictures.
In Mathematics we discussed the calendar and how we are in January and in the new year of 2022. We talked about the seasons and that we are now in winter, and how during the winter the weather changes, the days get shorter and the mornings and nights get darker.
In Jewish Studies this week we learned about Parashat Bo. We caught up with the parshiot from the last few weeks, where one of the most important characters of the Torah appears - Moshe Rabbeinu. Moshe, who was raised as a prince in Pharaoh's palace, was chosen by Hashem to lead the Jewish people out of slavery and out of Egypt. Moshe would bring Hashem's messages to Pharaoh, and as he consistently refused to release Bnei Yisrael, the Egyptians were punished.
The children made beautiful activities to represent the eighth and the ninth plagues - locust and darkness respectively. We learned that the plagues only affected the Egyptians, and the Israelites that lived in Egypt were spared from the plagues. The parasha ends with Pharaoh giving up and telling Moshe and Aharon (Moshe's brother who was also one of Hashem's messengers, together with Moshe) to get out of his country!
The children enjoyed making their parasha craft using a variety of different collage materials.
On Friday we had our lovely, happy Shabbat party, where we discussed aspects of Shabbat, we sang and danced, and enjoyed the Shabbat experience.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba Gabriel
Shabbat Ima Emma K
Shabbat Ben Reuben
Shabbat Bat Ariella
- Please continue to post pictures on Tapestry of what your child is doing out of school, they are lovely to see.
- Please remember that the children’s starting time is 8.30-8.40am. We will be starting Tefillah prompt at 8.45am this term so please make sure your child is on time.
- Every Wednesday your child will be visiting our school library where they will be able to select a book to bring home. Please make sure your child’s library book is returned by Monday. If your child’s library book is not returned, they will be unable to pick a new book to bring home, which will cause them disappointment.
- As doors and windows will be open during the day, please make sure your child has extra clothing to put on if they are cold.
- Please make sure all items of clothing are labeled including shoes, gloves, hats and scarves.
On Monday 17th January we will be celebrating Tu B’Shevat in school.
- Please let your child wear tree coloured clothes on Thursday, eg. browns, greens, pinks.
- We would like to have a fruit party to celebrate Tu B’Shevat; the new year for the trees. On Monday 10th January there will be a sign-up sheet in the outdoor area for you to sign against which fruit you will bring in.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
We wish you all a Shabbat Shalom and a Chodesh tov - Happy month of Shvat everyone!
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 10th December 2021
Dear Parents
I cannot believe that this is the last newsletter of the term.
This week have have continued to talk about the importance of using kind words and kind hands. We reminded the children that if they are concerned about anything, they must talk to the teachers, so that they can help them resolve the situation. We read a book called ‘Being Kind’, which talks about different scenarios where children do helpful and kind things to help each other. This covers the area Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language.
It was our last Show and Tell session of the term. Again, really interesting items were brought in. Great questions were asked and answered with confidence. It makes us so proud to see how confident the children are when speaking in front of their peers. We will continue with Show and Tell next term. This covers the area of Communication and Language.
In Literacy, in letters and sounds we started Aspect 4 Rhythm and Rhyme. We talked about repetitive phrases. The children enjoyed listening to the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’. It was lovely to hear the children joining in with the phrase, ’Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man.’ We also started to discuss what a rhyming word is and the children enjoyed listening to the rhyming book Oi Frog! We will continue the topic of rhyming when we return from the holidays.
The children had another visit to the school library where they listened to a story and looked at the different books. After the school holidays, the children will bring home a library book each week.
In Mathematics, we continued to practise our number recognition skills from 0-5. We also practised counting by rote to 20 and counting using one - one correspondence.
In Music:
- Following on from learning about rhythm and rhyme in Literacy, Mr Fingerhut taught the children different songs including nursery rhymes, which have a variety of different rhyming words. These songs included “Sing a song of sixpence”, “Hot Cross Buns” and also “Humpty Dumpty” and “London’s Burning”. The children discussed the meaning of the words and also added the actions.
- My Fingerhut also clapped out different rhythms for the children to listen to and copy.
In PE the children enjoyed a variety of different activities:
- Coloured discs were spread out and they practised jumping onto the different discs.
- They collected different coloured cones and matched them to the coloured discs.
- They jumped like rabbits to pick up a cone and match it to the correct coloured disc.
- They practised their throwing skills by throwing the different coloured bean bags onto the coloured discs to match.
This week in Jewish Studies we had so much fun! We started by learning the Parashah of the week – Vayigash. Yehuda, Yoseph is now second in command of Egypt. His brother Yehuda pleaded with him for Binyamin’s freedom. The children remembered from last week, that Yoseph had hidden a precious cup in Binyamin’s bag so that he would be accused of theft and be kept in Egypt. This was Yoseph’s way to test if his brothers were sorry for what they had done to him in the past. And they were!
After understanding that his brothers were sorry for their actions, Yoseph told them who he was. “I am Yoseph. Is my father still alive?” The children acted this scene out and were so excited about this part of the story. We made masks, showing how Yoseph was as an Egyptian, but remembering that inside, he was still a Jewish man who listened to Hashem and kept all his mitzvot.
Towards the end of the week, we finished the parasha story, learning that Yoseph sent carriages to Yaakov to bring him and the whole family to Egypt, to live near him. Yoseph settles his family in Goshen, a separate area, where they would not be influenced by Egyptian culture. Yaakov couldn’t believe that after 22 years he would see his beloved son, the first son of his much loved wife Rachel. The children made nice carriages to show how Yossef cared for his father and family.
On Friday, we had our Kabbalat Shabbat party with some Israeli dancing, which the children enjoyed very much.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba - David
Shabbat Ima - Eden
Shabbat Ben - Gabriel
Shabbat Bat - Talya
Mitzvah notes: Please send in Mitzvah notes telling us about the amazing mitzvot your children are doing at home, especially over the holidays. We want to be able to read your child's mitzvah note out during Tefillah so that your child will get the chance to put a leaf on the Mitzvah tree.
Fun things you can do on your holidays when out and about -
- Continue to look at numbers in the environment. Discuss with your child which numbers you can see on doors and buses. Also look for objects containing numbers, for example tape measures, telephones, weighing scales.
- Please keep on practising your child’s counting skills, for example by counting the steps up to bed and down in the morning.
- You can go on a shape hunt. Discuss with your child all the different shaped objects you can see when out and about, eg, what shape is the pizza or the wheels on your car.
- Having started to learn about rhyming and explore different rhyming words in class, continue to read rhyming books with your child. See how many rhyming words your child can think of to create a rhyming string, for example, sat, cat, hat, mat, chat.
Gross and fine motor skills:
It is important to continue to work on your child's fine and gross motor skills. Lovely activities for both fine and gross motor skills can be found on the following websites:
- Hands-on as you grow fine motor skills:
- Hands-on as you grow gross motor skills:
- Fine motor skills Pinterest:
- Gross Motor skills Pinterest:
- Practise your child’s scissor cutting skills. It is important to remind your child to keep their thumb on the top when cutting.
Pen and pencil grip:
- It is important to continue to model the correct pen/pencil grip to your child. At this stage your child should be able to mark, make and express what they have drawn.
- It would be lovely to see photos and videos of fun activities you do with your child on your holidays. It would be lovely to be able to share with the class on our return.
It has been an amazing first term and the children have achieved so much.
We want to thank you for all your support.
We look forward to seeing you all back next term.
We wish you all a lovely break.
Shabbat Shalom
Miss Cowen and the Nursery Team
Newsletter 3rd December 2021
Dear Parents
The children had an exceptionally busy and fun week in Nursery. The highlight was being taken over to the main school in the minibus with Mr Moses for the Chanukah fair and Chanukah sing along which the children thoroughly enjoyed.
We continued to talk about the importance of kind words and kind hands. We reminded the children that if they are concerned about anything, they must talk to the teachers, so that they can help them resolve the situation.
We also focused on turn taking and read a book called ‘It’s Mine’. It is about different scenarios and asks questions about what the children need to do when faced with a difficult situation. For example, if the children want the same toy, it explains how they can resolve the situation fairly by using their words rather than their hands. This is something we will continue to work on at school. Some of the children came up to the front of the class to role play this in order to give clearer understanding. At home, if situations arise when sharing is difficult, please help your child by modelling the correct words to them to help them achieve what they need. This covers the area Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language.
Also in Personal, Social and Emotional development we read the book, ‘The Colour Monster’ where the children enjoyed discussing how different colours make them feel. For example, yellow makes them feel happy, green calm and red angry and fast. We also continued to talk about how our actions can affect how we can make someone feel.
We have had another enjoyable Show and Tell session. The children brought in more interesting objects. Again, great questions were asked and answered with confidence. This covers the area Communication and Language.
In Literacy, in letters and sounds, the children continued to play a sound game. Miss Cowen began by producing a body percussion sound such as clap, clap, clap. We discussed if the sounds got faster or slower. The activity got more difficult by introducing a simple sequence of sounds, for example clap, stamp, clap. The children had to carefully listen and then copy. We will be continuing this activity and other general sound discrimination and body percussion games next week.
After the holidays, the children will be starting to visit the library and bringing home weekly library books. This week the children had an introductory session in the Library with Mrs Dagul where she informed them of how the school Library works. She also read them a story. We will continue to visit the Library next week to continue to familiarise the children with the Library.
In Mathematics, we continued to go over the numbers 0-5. We practised counting by rote and counting using one - one correspondence. Please keep on practising your child’s counting skills, for example by counting the steps up to bed and down in the morning. Please encourage your child to look for different numbers when you are out.
In Physical Development some of the children enjoyed playing with the playdough. We started with four colours, red, yellow, green and blue. The children enjoyed free playing and making different imaginary things and they also enjoyed using the cutters to make different shapes. Amazingly after mixing the four colours of playdough it is now purple. Other children enjoyed playing with the tap tap where the children had to use small hammers to tap different shapes and objects into their cork board. This is a great activity for developing their fine motor skills.
In Expressive Art and Design the children enjoyed a variety of different activities. Some of the children enjoyed exploring colour mixing, others enjoyed making chanukiahs using the lego or making a chanukiah picture using straws and cellophane.
In Music:
- The children had their final rehearsal in preparation for the Chanukah singalong. The children made all the teachers so proud when they stood up in front of the whole school and confidently sang the song, ‘Doughnuts Doughnuts are so yummy’. We could not believe this was their first show and they were amazing. We know you will all be so proud when you see the video of them performing.
- During music, the children also sang a selection of Nursery rhymes and an action song called ’Run Like The River’ where they had to move their arms in line with the music.
In PE the children enjoyed a variety of different activities:
- The children did a warm up game where they had to listen to the colour called out and run to the colour cone to match.
- The children then played shark attack. Christian pretended to be a shark. They practised their running skills to avoid being caught. If caught, they joined the teacher’s team.
- They played another game where the red, green and yellow cones were traffic lights. If the red cone was held up, the children had to hop and stop, if the yellow cone was up, it meant get ready, and if the green cone was up, they had to run and go.
In Jewish Studies, the children were very excited to learn what happened next, following on from last week’s Parashah when Yoseph was sold by his brothers. The children remembered that Yoseph’s brothers were jealous and angry about the dreams that he had. In his dreams, all his family bowed down to him. Yoseph ended up in Egypt, in prison.
This week, we learned that his dreams came true! When in prison, Yoseph interpreted the butler and the baker’s dreams correctly, and years later, when Pharaoh needed someone to interpret his own dreams, the butler remembered him. Pharaoh summoned Yoseph, who gave full credit to Hashem for interpreting Pharaoh’s dream and even finding a solution to them. In Pharaoh’s dream, seven fat, meaty cows were eaten by seven skinny, hungry cows. Yoseph explained that the seven fat cows meant seven very fruitful years and the seven skinny cows meant seven years of famine. We learned the importance of saving something when we have too much of it.
So, after 22 years of believing that Yoseph had died, his family came to Egypt to buy food, and behold! Yoseph’s brothers bow down to him, just like they had done in the dream all those years earlier. It’s getting juicy!!! Next week we will finally know if Yoseph forgives his brothers or not.
This week we also did a lot of singing and learning about Chanukah and about the importance of this beautiful and bright festival. We learned that once again Hashem made miracles for us when Hashem saved us from Antiochus and the Greeks, and when He made a little jug of oil last for eight days!
We also had a beautiful Shabbat party once we had lit our Chanukah, what a great feeling to light a Chanukah with all our friends.
Mitzvah notes:
Please send in Mitzvah notes telling us the amazing mitzvot your children have been doing at home. We want to be able to read your child's mitzvah note out during Tefillah and then your child will get a chance to put their leaf on the Mitzvah tree.
On Friday we had our beautiful Shabbat party.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba - Judah
Shabbat Ima - Annabelle
Shabbat Ben - Jacob
Shabbat Bat - Liba
Important Reminders:
- Please continue to send a coin for your child to put in the tzedaka box.
- Focus Meetings: Please can you make sure you send your child’s home diary prior to our focus meeting so I have a chance to read it before the meeting. Due to the current covid situation, I still would like to meet face to face. We can meet outside but if you would like to meet inside please can I ask you to take a lateral flow test the night before we meet, and also to wear a mask when inside the school.
- Cutting of fruit: Some fruits are still not being cut as per the guidelines that were sent out. It is important that the fruit is cut correctly for the children’s safety.
- Tapestry: It would lovely to see your children using their Chanukiahs they made at school. Please post pictures onto Tapestry.
We hope you enjoy the last days of Chanukah.
May we have the merit of seeing the great Menorah shining in the Beit Hamikdash soon!
Miss Cowen and The Nursery Team.
Newsletter 26th November 2021
Dear Parents
The children had another fun and busy week in Nursery.
Following on from anti-bullying week, we continued to discuss the importance of how words and actions can impact our emotions.
We reviewed all the positive comments and actions discussed last week that made our peers feel happy, such as asking our friends to play with us and sharing our toys.
We also re-discussed all the negative actions that can make our peers feel sad. For example: I don’t like you, not letting someone play with you, telling someone to go away, not sharing our toys.
We also reminded the children that if they are unhappy or worried, or someone has said or done something to upset them, they must always come and speak to the teachers so we can help them to sort out the situation.
We reread the book, “Giraffe Left Out”. It is about a Giraffe that was not kind to the Leopard. Leopard subsequently handed out party invitations and excluded Giraffe. Eventually, they all become friends and Leopard invites Giraffe to his birthday party. We discussed how we feel when someone is not kind to us or excludes us. We also discussed that if we see our friends playing alone, we must go and make sure that they are happy to play alone, and if not we should invite them to join us.
This topic comes under the area Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Developing the children’s social skills will continue throughout Nursery.
We had another fun Show and Tell session where the children brought in interesting objects. Again some great questions were asked and answered with confidence.This covers the area Communication and Language.
In Literacy, in letters and sounds, some children continued to enjoy shaking the socks to see if they could identify what was inside them, either by the sound they made when shaken or by the feel of them. Some of the items inside the socks were lego, coins, shells, and pasta.
The children enjoyed playing a sound game. Miss Cowen began by producing a body percussion sound such as clap, clap, clap. We discussed if the sounds got faster or slower. The activity got more difficult by introducing a simple sequence of sounds, for example clap, stamp, clap. The children had to carefully listen and then copy. We will be continuing this activity and other general sound discrimination and body percussion games next week.
In Mathematics, we went over the numbers 0-5. We have continued to practise counting by rote. Some of the children enjoyed counting the numicon pieces and finding the matching numeral. This activity allowed the children to practise their one to one correspondence. Continue to practise your child’s counting skills, for example by counting the steps up to bed and down in the morning. Please encourage your child to look for different numbers when you are out.
In Understanding the World we continued to discuss Autumn and hibernation.
We discussed more keys facts about what happens in Autumn:
- Animals such as hedgehogs, dormice, toads, bees and bats hibernate to escape the cold of winter.
- Hibernation is when an animal goes into a very deep sleep during the winter.
- During hibernation, animals breathe much more slowly and their body temperature becomes very low.
In Expressive Art and Design the children finished painting their Chanukiot. The children took real pride in painting them. We hope you get pleasure lighting the chanukah candles using the special chanukiot that you made with them. It would be lovely to see pictures of them being used so please post photos on Tapestry. We hope you also like the beautiful handprint Chanukiah cards your child made for you.
In Music the children continued to learn different Chanukah songs in preparation for the Chanukah singalong next week.
In PE the children enjoyed a variety of different activities:
- The children discussed that last week they played hockey.
- This week they played with tennis racquets. They practised holding the racket at the bottom. They then balanced a cone on the racquet and they moved around the outdoor area ensuring they did not drop the cone.
- They then moved around the cones like snakes and jumped over the cones.
In Jewish Studies this week, being taught remotely, we learned all about Parashat Vayeshev. We learnt that Yosef, the first son of Yaakov's beloved wife, Rachel, could interpret dreams! We discussed what dreams are and some children were happy to share what they remembered from their own dreams.
One day, Yaacov gave a special coat to Yosef. His brothers got jealous and wanted to harm Yosef. We learned that even tzadikim (righteous people), like Yosef's brothers, can get upset about things, but we must know that we can not harm others because of that. The children agreed that one way of controlling bad feelings is to take a breath and wait a few seconds. Yosef's brothers did not control their temper and they threw Yosef in a pit, out of jealousy. Yosef was then sold to a tribe of Ishmaelites, on their way to Egypt and was sold as a slave in the king's palace. The story becomes juicier next week and we can't wait to see what happens next!
In our Chanukah lesson, we remembered how the Greeks and their king, Antiochus, forbade us from practicing the Jewish religion. We learned that the Jewish people didn't want to give up on doing mitzvot, so they kept studying Torah, and when the Greeks approached, they pretended to be playing dreidel, this way they were left alone. This continued until the Maccabees organized a revolt, and even though they were much smaller in number than the Greek army, with Hashem on our side we were victorious and regained our religious freedom.
This was just one of the miracles that happened on Chanukah. The other miracle was the oil that ,instead of lasting one day, lasted eight! Just imagine your phone battery is about to die and you're expecting that important call in 20 minutes. You pray to Hashem and He hears you! Your phone lasts the whole phone call and gives you enough time to get to a charger! When the Jewish people cleaned the Beit Hamikdash and found the menorah that should be lit, there was only one drop of oil, but the oil lasted 8 whole days, after which they had managed to produce more pure olive oil. What a giant miracle!
The children said that at Chanukah, we eat doughnuts and latkes, and now they can also tell that we eat these fried treats in celebration of the oil that lasted for 8 days.
Mitzvah notes: It was so lovely to be able to read out special mitzvah notes during Tefillah and to see the amazing mitzvot some of the children have been doing at home. The children felt so proud and were really happy when they could put their mitzvah leaf onto our school mitzvah tree. Please continue to send all your children’s mitzvot to Miss Cowen so that your child’s good deeds can be celebrated.
On Friday we had our beautiful Shabbat party.
The following children were on the Shabbat table today:
Shabbat Aba Reuben
Shabbat Ima Mila
Shabbat Ben Eli
Shabbat Bat Chloe
Important Reminders:
- Please continue to send a coin for your child to put in the tzedaka box.
- Focus Meetings: Please can you make sure you send your child’s home diary prior to our focus meeting so I have a chance to read it before the meeting. Due to the current covid situation, I still would like to meet face to face. We can meet outside but if you would like to meet inside please can I ask you to take a lateral flow test the night before we meet, and also to wear a mask when inside the school.
- Cutting of fruit: Some fruits are still not being cut as per the guidelines that were sent out. It is important that the fruit is cut correctly for the children’s safety.
- Tapestry: It would be lovely to see what your child has been doing out of school on Tapestry, so please continue to post any photos.
- Reminder: On Monday 29th November the children will be going to the Chanukah fair at the main school, followed by whole-school candle lighting. Please can you collect your child at 3.25 pm from the main school on this day.
- Reminder: On Tuesday 30th November, the children will be joining the whole school for a Chanukah singalong, followed by candle lighting. Please can you collect your child at 3.25 pm from the main school on this day too.
- On Monday and Tuesday please do not send in school bags. Please could you send your child’s snack in a disposable bag labelled morning and afternoon snack. Please send in your child’s water bottle as normal.
Going to the main school for the school fair and chanukah singalong will be a new experience for your children. It will be the first time some of them have visited the main school. They will be in a much bigger environment and it may be a bit overwhelming for some of them. Over the weekend please could you spend time discussing with your child that on Monday they will be going to a chanukah fair at the main school followed by chanukah lighting with all the older children. On Tuesday they will be participating in a chanukah singalong where they will be singing one song in front of the whole school and then listening to the older children singing their songs. This will be followed by candle lighting.
We wish you all a happy Chag Chanukah and may the lights of our Chanukiot be the background of many more miracles.
May we have the merit of seeing the great Menorah shining in the Beit Hamikdash soon!
Miss Cowen and The Nursery Team.
Newsletter 19th November
Dear Parents
This week has been another very busy week in Nursery.
This week has been anti-bullying week. We started the week by everyone wearing odd socks and we discussed that this was to celebrate what makes us all unique and that we are all different. This topic comes under the area Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
During circle time, we had a whole class discussion on what kind words and kind actions the children can say/do and also what unkind words and unkind actions that they can’t say/do to their friends. It was lovely to see the children participating and really thinking about the impact words and actions can have on their peers from making them happy or really sad.
It made us so proud to hear some of the comments the children made and how self aware and understanding they were of this topic.
Some example of what the children said for kind words and kind actions:
- Asking your friends to play with you.
- Using our manners and saying please and thank you.
- Sharing our toys with our friends.
- Giving presents to our friends.
We discussed how the above actions can make us feel really happy.
Some example of what the children said for unkind words and unkind actions:
- I don’t like you.
- Not letting someone play with you.
- Drinking from someone’s bottle.
- Smacking someone.
- Telling someone to go away
- Hitting someone
- Not sharing our toys
We discussed how the above actions can make us feel really sad.
We also stressed to the children that if they are unhappy or worried, or someone has said or done something to upset them, they must always come and speak to the teachers so they can help them to sort out the situation.
We reread the book, “Cinnamon Girl” which is about appreciating differences. It is about a little girl who is called Kimberly but they call her cinnamon girl, because of the colour of her skin. It talks about how we may all be different on the outside, but we are made of the same ingredients on the inside. We discussed if someone is different from us, for example, skin colour or they have a disability, that we should always be kind and not make them feel uncomfortable or sad.