Class Blog
Making cinnamon balls with Mrs Stalick


Cooking with Mrs Stalick - the finished product!

Cooking with Mrs Stalick

Friday 3rd April
Dear Parents
Firstly, it is Henry’s birthday during the holiday and we would like to wish him a happy and healthy 4th birthday for the 9th April. We hope you have a great day.
Please find below suggested activities that you can do with your children today. Please also continue to send photos and videos, it is lovely to see what your children are doing on a regular basis.
After the break, the new topic will be ‘pirates’. It would be lovely if everyone could dress up as a pirate and I will be sending more information about this. Maybe during the holiday your child could make something to wear? For example a pirate patch and a pirate hat.
Thank you all for your support during this unusual and difficult time. We wish you and all your family a healthy and happy Pesach.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by email.
Kind regards
The Nursery team
Communication and Language
There are lots of lovely traditional fairy tales. Please find some links to some other traditional fairy tales your child can watch.
Popular traditional fairy tales:
The Elves and the Shoemaker
Chicken Licken
Enjoy the rhyming story The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss. Miss Cowen to read on a video. Can your child spot all the words that rhyme?
The link below is a video from Alphablocks with rhyming words.
Before learning to read the children need to be exposed to segmenting and oral blending. This is where each sound is recited and then blended together to make the word. The Alphablocks video also demonstrates this.
It is important that the children have plenty of experience of listening to adults modelling oral blending.
You can practise this:
For example, when giving your child an instruction:
It’s time to get your c-oa-t, coat! Touch your t-oe-s, toes! L-e-g, leg! b-a-ck, back! etc.
Then immediately blend the sounds together to say the word.
Use only single-syllable words for oral blending
This will be demonstrated in today’s video
The Elves and the Shoemaker counting sheet.
Count the different objects using 1-1 correspondence and then write the answer using the correct number formation. This activity will be sent out in an email.
The Elves and the Shoemaker addition sheet.
If your child is ready you can talk to them about the + and the = sign.
They can add together the different objects and then write the answer.
Ensure your child practises the correct number formation when writing the answer.
They can also make their own sums.
This activity will be sent out in an email.(1-10/1-20)
Physical Development
Playdough Snakes A sample picture is posted on the blog.
Roll the playdough between your hands to make different length snakes
Decorate the snakes with different collage materials
Discuss the different sizes
Understanding the World/Expressive Art and Design
Miss Cowen to continue to monitor how the bean experiment is progressing and to see if the beans have started to germinate.
Please watch the video from Mrs Stallick on how to make matzah - please send in pictures or videos of you and your child making matzah, it would be lovely to see.
Make an Afikoman bag to use on Seder night.
Enjoy this video which shows you one way of how you can make an Afikoman bag.
This can be adapted by using resources that you have at home. Discuss with your child how they would like to make it.
Expressive Art and Design
Hand print frogs- one of the ten plagues.
Let your child paint their hand or dip their hand in the green paint
Alternatively they can make their own green paint by colour mixing yellow and blue together
Add the eyes. If you don’t have googly eyes they can paint the eyes on
Paint the mouth or your child can draw the mouth onto the frog when it is dry
Cut a red strip of paper and roll the paper to make the tongue and then stick it onto the mouth

3rd April 2020
My dear Nursery class
It is now the end of the term and its nearly time for Pesach!
I wish you and your families a lovely Chag, I hope you have a lovely Seder night and enjoy crunching your way through lots of matza.
I have attached a fun colour in sheet for you to complete about the 10 plagues!
I miss you all, stay safe and well
Love Mrs Roodyn
Thursday 2nd April
Dear Parents
Today we will be carrying on with activities based around the story of the Elves and the Shoemaker.
Please find below suggested activities that you can do with your children today. Please also continue to send photos and videos, it is lovely to see what your children are doing on a regular basis.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by email.
Kind regards
The Nursery team
Communication and Language
There are lots of lovely traditional fairy tales. Please find some links to some other traditional fairy tales your child can watch.
In the story the Elves and The Shoemaker the elves did a kind deed. It is important that your child understands the importance of being kind and grateful for what people do for them and to think about what kind things they can do for others, to say thank you.
Discuss with your child who they would like to do something nice for.
Discuss what they would like to make for their surprise for someone.
Maybe they could make a card and decorate it with different collage materials?
They could tell you their message for you to write and then they can write their name. Some children may be able to copy/write their own message.
(A letter formation mat will be sent out. Please only practise lowercase letters, apart from the capital letter that your child’s name starts with)
If you can take photos and film your child, it would be lovely to see what they made for their surprise, who it is for and why they chose to make it for that particular person .
Popular traditional fairy tales: The Three Billy Goats Gruff (some children may not like the troll!) The magic Porridge pot.
Please see video of Jasper’s Beanstalk. Thank you to Jessica for suggesting this lovely story.
Continue measuring and exploring different lengths of different objects.
Make numbered hands for measuring:
Let your child draw around their own hand or they can use the hand template which will be sent out in an email.
They can decorate the hands.
Your child can number each of the hands made, practising their number formation. A sample picture will be posted on the blog.
Use the hands to see how many hands long your child measures.
Other family members can be measured. Discuss who is the tallest, shortest or the same height.
The same activity can be completed using feet. A blank hand template will be sent in an email.
Physical Development
The Elves and the Shoemaker Themed Cutting Skills Worksheet.
Let your child cut out the different shapes. Discuss which 2D shapes they are. This activity is to develop your child’s cutting skills on the line and also to reinforce 2D shapes. Please check that your child knows the name of each shape.
This activity will be sent out in an email.
Understanding the World
Miss Cowen to continue to monitor how the bean experiment is progressing and to see if the beans have started to germinate.
Pesach is coming:
Children continue to help to clean the house for Pesach to get rid of all the chametz.
It is important that they remember to be good helpers, like the elves in the story and to be kind and demonstrate a good Midot, one of the key Kerem characteristics.
Understanding the World/ Expressive Arts and Design
Building a pyramid:
The Bnei Yisrael worked very hard for no money, little food, no rest and carried and rolled heavy blocks to build the pyramids.
Watch the video of a little girl building a pyramid using cups. See how big you can make your pyramid.
You could also build a pyramid out of Lego. A picture will be added to the blog.
If you don’t have cups or Lego you can see what other things you can find in your house to use instead.
Expressive Art and Design/Personal,Social and Emotional Development
I found a lovely story book called Colour Me Happy and it goes through how different colors can change how we feel. I hope you enjoy it. Encourage your child to walk around the house and see what colours they can see and to discuss how those colours make them feel.
It is very important that your child is able to express their feelings.

Wednesday 1st April
Dear Parents
Today we will be starting a new traditional story, The Elves and the Shoemaker. A video will be sent out, I hope you enjoy it.
Please find below suggested activities that you can do with your children today. Please also continue to send in photos and videos, it is lovely to see what your children are doing on a regular basis.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by email.
Kind regards
The Nursery team
Communication and Language
Listen to the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker.
After your child has listened to the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker please ask them some questions about the story.
Here are some suggested questions you could ask your child:
Did the shoemaker have a lot of money?
What was the shoe shop like?
What did the shoemaker do during the day?
What did the shoemaker do during the evening?
What does a cobbler do?
Who made the shoes during the night for the shoemaker and his wife?
Where did the shoemaker and his wife hide to find out who was making the shoes?
How did the shoemaker and his wife repay the elves for their hard work?
If you can film your child talking to you, it would be lovely to see.
Revision: Rhythm and Rhyme
Explore making different rhythms:
If you have any instruments at home i.e a tambourine, play a rhythm to your child and see if they can copy it.
I have included some links below for your child to watch, which show how rhythms can be made without instruments for example using sticks and clapping.
Calendar-Discuss the new month- April
Measuring cube activity. If you do not have cubes you can use an alternative for example buttons, pom-poms, counters or your child can pick something of their choice to use. A set of objects will be sent out in an email.
Use items to measure how long each object is.
Make a cube/item stick and put it along side the picture and then count how many cubes/items there are.
Then write the number using the correct number formation.
Find objects in the house and measure them to see how many cubes/items long they are. You can create a recording sheet to record the different lengths and then discuss which objects were the shortest, longest or the same length.
A sample recording sheet will be posted on the blog.
Physical Development
The Elves and the Shoemaker lacing card.
Draw around the sole of your shoe onto a sheet of paper or card. Cut it out.
An adult to make holes for laces with a hole punch or sharp pencil.
Thread a shoelace, or wool with masking tape round one end, through holes.
Practice how to tie up a shoelace?
Alternative use an egg box - a picture will be posted on the blog.
Understanding the World
Miss Cowen to show her experiment to see if there is any change to the beans and if they have started to germinate.
The Elves and the Shoemaker
One of the main lessons learnt in the story is that if you work hard, you get rewards ie The Elves are little ‘helpers’. Kerem has special characteristics that we teach the children and one of them is teaching them the importance of a good midot - ‘being kind and caring towards others’
Ask your child the following:
Are you ever a little helper?
Who do you help?
What do you do?
Pesach is coming and we have to get rid of all the chamatz. Can your child help you to clean out a drawer for Pesach or clean their toys and tidy up.
Expressive Arts and Design
Elves and the Shoemaker - A shoe template will be sent out in an email.
Ask your child to design their dream shoe.
Draw around the sole of their shoe or draw their dream shoe or trainer. Cut it out.
Then use a variety of collage to decorate it.
Use glue to stick on tissue paper squares, magazine pictures, ribbon, buttons, sprinkles, glitter, scrap fabric etc.
Can your child write their initials to customise their shoe.

Tuesday 31st March
Dear Parents,
Today we are carrying on with activities based on the traditional fairy tale, Jack and the Beanstalk. There are so many other lovely traditional stories, so please find below another popular story for your child to watch.
Please continue to send in photos and videos so that we can see what adult led and child initiated activities your child is completing. It is so nice to see what they are doing on a regular basis.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by email.
Kind regards
The Nursery team
Communication and Language
Please find a link to the traditional fairy tale Cinderella for your child to watch.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Re watch the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.The activity is for your child to make a story map. This activity will be sent out in an email.
The first activity is that your child can cut out the pictures and stick them on the activity sheet in the order of the story. The second activity is that they can draw their own pictures in the boxes on the activity sheet in the order of the story.
This activity is good for the following:
Re telling a story working on your child’s communication skills.
Drawing the pictures, working on their mark making skills.
Cutting and sticking, developing your child’s fine motor skills.
Revision: Rhythm and Rhyme:
■ To experience and appreciate rhythm and rhyme and to develop awareness of rhythm and rhyme in speech.
Learning songs and rhymes
Please make sure that singing and rhyming activities are part of the daily routine. Play with rhyming words throughout the course of the day and have fun with them. Sing or chant nursery rhymes and encourage the children to move in an appropriate way (e.g. rock gently to the beat of ‘See Saw Marjorie Daw’, march to the beat of ‘Tom, Tom the Piper’s Son’ and ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’ and skip to the beat of ‘Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush’).
Please find below maths activities for Jack and the Beanstalk:
Beanstalk measuring with cubes activity
Measure each beanstalk to see how many cubes tall they are and then write the number using the correct number formation. If you don’t have cubes you can use any other object. A set of beanstalk pictures will be sent out in an email.Beanstalk height and length ordering activity
Cut out the beanstalks and put them in height order from shortest to tallest. Then find the correct number to match their position. You can discuss the ordinal language - 1st, 2nd 3rd etc. They can also cut out the leaves and put them in length order from the shortest to the longest. This activity will be sent out in an email.
Physical Development
Make Jack’s beanstalk
Make a base using plasticine or playdough. Put a strand of spaghetti into the base. Ask your child to thread Cheerios on to the pasta. Alternatively you could use beads rather than food. This is an excellent activity for developing your child’s fine motor skills and hand eye coordination. A sample picture will be posted on the blog.Understanding the World
Miss Cowen to show her experiment to see if there is any change to the beans and if they have started to germinate.
Read the story of “The Tiny Seed.”
This book explains the miracle of the seed and how flower pods burst and dispatch their seeds.They then travel through the air and some make it to become mature flowering plants.
Let your child walk around the garden and discuss the different plants you can see. You can explain to them that some plants are seasonal and die, but come back each year, for example daffodils. Also that some are perennial and may flower but are all year round plants.
Expressive Arts and Design/Literacy
Building using different constructions materials
Use different construction toys, for example Lego to build the beanstalk and the beautiful castle at the top of the beanstalk. A sample picture will be posted on the blog.
Role play the story of Jack and the Beanstalk
Encourage your child to act out different scenes from the topic book. They can pretend to be different characters in the book and may have a favourite character they particularly like to be. You could model to your child how you can use different voices and intonation for the different characters in the story. Let your child look around the house for different props to help them act out the story
Make Jack and the Beanstalk finger puppets:
Resources required:
Crepe paper (or old glove with finger tip cut off)
How to make finger puppets:
- Draw a shape for Jack’s shirt on paper -rectangle and then cut it out.
Draw around the paper shirt twice on crepe paper (or scrap cotton fabric). Cut them out.
Glue the edges together with pva glue or the adult can cut the tip off the finger of an old glove (fingerless glove ideal)!
Roll a ball of plasticine in the palms of your hands to make Jack’s head.
Make a hole inside ball using end of a pencil so you can put your finger in.
Add plasticine eyes, smile and hair - a plasticine circle and snip round the edge with your scissors. Roll plasticine worm for hair.
Push your finger up under puppet’s clothes into the head.
A sample picture will be posted on the blog By Miss Lefort.
Alternatively a set of puppets will be sent in an email that your child can make.

Monday 30th March
Dear Parents
We hope that you all are keeping safe and well. This week we are continuing with the topic traditional fairy tales, focusing on Jack and the Beanstalk and The Elves and the Shoemaker. Please find below suggested activities that you can do with your children today.
It is hard to believe we are going into our third week of not being in school, which is why it is so important that you keep sending us lots of photos and videos. This way we can keep up to date with how your child is progressing.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by email.
Kind regards
The Nursery team
Communication and Language
Listen to the story Jack and Beanstalk. Hope you enjoy!!
After your child has listened to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, please ask them the following questions:
“What did Jack trade his cow for?”
“Was his mother pleased with him?”
“What happened to the beans?”
“What did Jack find when he climbed the beanstalk?”
“Was the giant’s wife nice to Jack?”
“What kind of eggs did the hen lay?”
“If you were Jack would you have chopped down the beanstalk?”
“Did you like the way the story ended?”
“Can you think of another ending for the story.”
If you can film your child talking to you, it would be lovely to see.
Rhythm and Rhyme
The children have learnt about syllables at school and how many claps there are in their names and in different words. Please gather together a selection of familiar objects with names that have varying syllable patterns for example pencil, umbrella, camera.
Show the objects to your child, name them and talk about what they are used for.
Get your child to clap as they say each word and count how many syllables there are.
The children can then go around the house finding a selection of different objects and practice clapping how many syllables there are in each word.
Please find below some Jack and the Beanstalk maths number activities. These will help to develop your child’s number recognition, 1-1 counting and number formation.
Jack and the Beanstalk Magic Bean Counting sheet
Count the beans using 1-1 correspondence and then practice writing the numbers in the box using the correct number formation. (a number formation sheet has been previously sent out.)
The magic bean counting sheet will be sent out in an email.
The children can make their own magic bean counting sheet. Let them decide how many beans they want to colour on to a piece of paper. They can then count and write how many, again practising 1-1 correspondence and number formation.
Jack and the Beanstalk Magic Bean Number ordering
This is a fun activity where your child has to cut out and order the magic beans in the correct number order. Ask your child to recite the different number names before starting the activity.
This activity will also enable your child to practice their cutting skills.
Let your child order 1-10 and then to 20. (For any children wanting to go higher, 1-50 is included)
This activity will be sent out in an email.
Physical Development
Continue to practise throwing the ball overarm
Basic techniques for correct overarm throwing
Stand straight and upright, ball in your throwing hand, facing your target.
If you are throwing with your right hand, turn sideways 90 degrees to your right (reposition your feet so you are standing sideways to your target).
If you are throwing with your left hand, turn sideways 90 degrees to your left (reposition your feet so you are standing sideways to your target).
Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart.
Lift your non-throwing arm to “point” at your target and shift your weight to your back foot.
Lift your throwing hand so the ball is near your ear (right ear if you are throwing with your right hand, left ear if you are throwing with your left hand). You are ready to throw.
In one motion, shift your weight to your front foot, drop your pointing arm, and twist your torso as you bring your throwing arm over your shoulder to release the ball at your target.
To make this more fun, you can find a bucket or box for your child to throw the ball into. This is a game that family members could enjoy together. You can use the bucket score sheet where your child can write their name and record their scores. (This sheet was previously sent out.)
Now that your child has learnt both underarm and overarm throwing they can practise to see which one allows them to throw the ball the furthest. This is a good activity for developing your child’s gross motor skills and developing the strength in the upper body
Understanding the World
Growing a plant from seed
I have done a little experiment at home I would like to share with you.
I found some beans in my cupboard, like in the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Let’s see if they are magic.
Firstly I made a little greenhouse. I drew a house shape and then cut out the centre.
I then found a plastic bag and put some wet cotton wool at the bottom of the bag.
I then placed my two beans that had been soaking overnight onto the wet cotton wool and attached the bag to my greenhouse template.
I then placed my green house on the window so that it will get plenty of light and hopefully some sunshine.
I have also planted 2 beans in the soil to see which one grows quicker.
I will be showing the children a short video of the experiments I have prepared at home. I will be giving updates on how the beans are growing. This experiment teaches the children about germination.
Please find below some links to videos teaching your child about germination.
Expressive Arts and Design
Encourage your child to act out different scenes from the topic book. They can pretend to be different characters from the book and may have a favourite character they particularly like to be. You could model to your child how you can use different voices and intonation for the different characters in the story. Let your child look around the house for different props to help them act out the story.
This is a good activity for developing your child’s vocabulary and communication and language skills. Please take photos and we would also love to see any videos.
A mask template will be sent out in an email which your child can cut out. This will enable them to develop their cutting skills.
The children can also draw and cut out and paint their own masks - The masks can be put onto lolly sticks or a straw and secured with elastic.
Jewish Studies
30th March 2020
Dear Nursery
I hope you and your families are all safe and well and that you had a lovely Shabbat.
Remember when we talked about how hard the Jewish people had to work in Mitzrayim (Egypt) for King Pharaoh and the Egyptians. They had to work so hard day and night building pyramids and walls and they were so sad that sometimes they cried. Moshe and Aharon asked King Pharaoh to let the Jewish people go free but he said NO! |Hashem sent 10 different punishments to King Pharaoh and the Egyptians , and after each one King Pharaoh said he would let the Jewish people free but then changed his mind.
One of the punishments was "wild animals" - Hashem sent lots of wild animals into Mitzrayim (Egypt) and they roamed around scaring all the Egyptians. Can you name any wild animals?
I have attached 2 fun activity worksheets for you to complete, both relate to "wild animals", have fun completing them and please let me see your work when you have finished it.
I miss you lots and hope you are staying safe and well
Love Mrs Roodyn
Wild Animal Activity

Friday March 27th
Dear Parents
Today we are continuing with the topic of traditional fairy tales. Please find below activities that you can do with your children today.
It really makes our day when we see pictures of the children completing some of the activities set and also seeing the children completing their own child-initiated activities. Please keep sending the pictures and videos in.
We want to thank you all for the amazing support that you have given to us whilst teaching remotely over the last few weeks, it is really appreciated.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by email.
We wish you and all your family a happy and healthy Shabbos.
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery team
Communication and Language
There are lots of lovely traditional fairy tales. Please find some links to some other traditional fairy tales your child can watch.
The Ugly Duckling- this story gives a very important message that we are all different and we must be kind to everyone.
The Three Little Pigs (some children may not like the big bad wolf!)
The Gingerbread Man
Please continue to read lots of rhyming books. If you do not have any at home there is a selection that can be found on YouTube. A few examples of rhyming books are:
Zog, A squash and a Squeeze,The Gruffalo and What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson.
Oi Frog, Oi Dog and Oi Cat by Kes Gray and Jim Field.
Rhyming soup
This is a fun game that you can play. All you need is a bowl and a wooden spoon. You can go around the house and see what objects you can find that rhyme and can go into your soup. If you don’t have the objects, you could use pictures or you may have to pretend and let your child use their imagination.
Some examples: cat, hat, mat
pen, ten, hen
pot, knot, dot
Ask your child to choose an object to put into the soup and place it in the bowl.
After each turn, stir the soup and sing the following song to recite the growing list of things that end up in the soup.
Sing the first part of the song to the tune of ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’:
I’m making lots of silly soup
I’m making soup that’s silly
I’m going to cook it in the fridge
To make it nice and chilly
In goes... a fox... a box... some socks…
This game can also be played using alliteration- all the objects that begin with the same sound.
For example b = ball, bee, bean, bag
I would love to see pictures and videos of your child making silly soup.
A sequencing activity for The Gingerbread Man.
Let your child watch the story of the Gingerbread Man - see the above link.
See if your child can then put the pictures into the correct order of how they happen in the story. This activity will be sent out in an email.
Maths game
There is a lovely counting game on the website Topmarks. See the link below.
Go into Early Years and scroll down to the game The Gingerbread Man.
This game focuses on number recognition and 1-1 correspondence.
Using playdough:
Let your child make numbers and objects using playdough, reciting the number names as each number and object is formed.
A set of playdough number mats will be sent out as an email. (1-10 and if your child wishes to go higher 10-20.)
Understanding the World
Continue to learn about the new season spring. Walk around your garden to see what spring flowers you can see. Are there any tulips in your garden?
If you have not yet had the chance to listen to the videos below, please do. Discuss with your child the four different seasons.
This is a fun song about spring that they could sing along to.
Shabbat story read by Miss Cowen- Sammy Spider’s First Shabbat - Please see the video sent.
Expressive Arts and Design/Physical Development
Creating different paint effects-
Tulip fork painting:
Plastic fork
Green wool (optional)
Dip the fork into the different coloured paint to create the head of the tulip.
You can then paint the stalk of the tulip in paint or use green wool or whatever you can find.
Thursday 26th March
Dear Parents,
We want to start to today by wishing Raymond Salem a Happy 4th Birthday. Have a wonderful day, from all your teachers and classmates.
We are continuing our weekly topic of traditional fairy tales. Today’s story is The Gingerbread Man. A video of the story will be sent out to you. It has been brought to our attention that the videos maybe going in to your junk folder. Please check.
Please find below suggested activities that you can do with your children today.
Please continue to send pictures and videos of your children learning so beautifully at home. It really cheers us up seeing what your children are all doing, especially during this difficult time.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by email.
Kind regards
The Nursery team
Communication and Language
Listen to the story The Gingerbread Man. Hope you enjoy!!
Before listening to the story please discuss with your child the repetitive phrase repeated in the story.
Run, run, as fast as you can, You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man.
Please encourage your child to join in when this phrase is recited. It is important that we continue to expose the children to rhythm and rhyme. Please ask your child if they can tell you which two words rhyme.
Please continue to read lots of rhyming books. If you do not have any at home there is a selection that can be found on youtube.
A few examples of rhyming books are:
Zog, A squash and a Squeeze,The Gruffalo and What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson.
Oi Frog, Oi Dog and Oi Cat by Kes Gray and Jim Field.
When reading the books please can you ask your child the following:
Can they tell you key events that happened in the story
Can they tell you the key characters in the story
Can they retell the whole story in their own words
It is a great activity to develop your child’s confidence, communication skills, language and to extend their vocabulary. If you can film your child talking to you, it would be lovely to see.
Continue to complete the calendar daily.
Continue to practise counting the steps up to bed and down in the morning using 1-1 correspondence.
Continue to work on number recognition and 1-1 correspondence. A lovely Gingerbread Man activity will be sent out where the children have to cut out the gingerbread men, count the spots using 1-1 correspondence and then find the matching numbered pan.
The Gingerbread Man number and quantity matching cards will be sent out as an email.
Number formation. Practise writing your numbers 1-10 using the correct formation.This can be done using different medias e.g chalk, shaving foam, flour.
A number formation sheet has been previously sent out.
Physical Development
Continue to practise throwing the ball underarm.
You can then introduce throwing the ball overarm .
Basic techniques for correct overarm throwing:
Stand straight and upright, ball in your throwing hand, facing your target.
If you are throwing with your right hand, turn sideways 90 degrees to your right (reposition your feet so you are standing sideways to your target).
If you are throwing with your left hand, turn sideways 90 degrees to your left (reposition your feet so you are standing sideways to your target).
Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart.
Lift your non-throwing arm to “point” at your target and shift your weight to your back foot.
Lift your throwing hand so the ball is near your ear (right ear if you are throwing with your right hand, left ear if you are throwing with your left hand). You are ready to throw.
In one motion, shift your weight to your front foot, drop your pointing arm, and twist your torso as you bring your throwing arm over your shoulder to release the ball at your target.
Practise how far your child can throw the ball. This is a very good activity for developing your child’s gross motor skills and developing the strength in the upper body
Gingerbread Man
A Gingerbread Man pattern tracing template will be sent out.
Please show your child how to draw along the dots to form the pattern and then let them try to do this independently. This activity is to help develop pen control and your child’s concentration.
A blank gingerbread template will be also sent out for the children to design their own gingerbread man. They can draw or decorate with different collage materials.
Expressive Arts and Design
Make playdough.
Play dough is a really quick, easy and satisfying thing to make. It can be used in all kinds of learning activities. It needs to be stored in an airtight container or bag if you are going to reuse it.
Making playdough is also an excellent fine motor activity especially when kneading the dough which will help to develop your child’s hand strength further.
Please discuss with your child the recipe and instructions and try to encourage your child to help measure out the ingredients.
Play Dough Ingredients
2 cups of plain flour
3⁄4 cup salt
2 cups of warm water
Food colouring (optional)
Play Dough Equipment
• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.
• Measure out 2 cups of plain flour and pour into the bowl.
• Measure out 3⁄4 cup of salt and pour into the bowl.
• Measure out 2 cups of warm water and pour into the bowl.
• You can add food colouring if you wish. (Just a drop of your favourite shade).
• Stir the mixture together. It will become sticky. Continue stirring until the mixture has
all come together.
• Once the mixture has come together, use your hands to knead the dough.
• If your play dough is too sticky you can add in extra flour.
• Knead the dough into a smooth lump.
You can add ginger or cinnamon if available to your playdough or anything else you may have in your cupboard. Encourage your child to knead the playdough like the old lady in the story of The Gingerbead Man. Then ask the following questions:
What does it smell like?
Roll out the playdough. Use a Gingerbread Man cookie cutter if you have or if not you can use any shape cutters.
Decorate with raisins, googly eyes, beads etc. Can you use your dough to make any of the animals in the story? Gingerbread playdough mats will be sent out for you to use.
Ivrit Nursery (

JEWISH STUDIES: Eliyahu HaNavi Cup - Seder Night



Friday 20th March 2020
Dear Parents
Please find below activities that you can do with your children today. Please continue to send any photos of your child completing the activities, so that they can be put into your child’s journal. It is really lovely to see some of the activities your children have been doing at home.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by email.
Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom
Kind regards
Miss Cowen
Continue to work on developing your child’s listening skills.
Listening skills- Revision
To develop children’s listening and attention skills.
Continue to play different listening games on Busy things.
General sound discrimination- environmental sounds.
Which animal?
Matching sounds
Sound crates
Searching for sounds
Busy Things log in
Password: keremeyu
Sound Shakers
It would be great if your child could make different sound shakers. Take a pair of socks and you can use some of the following items for them to listen to the different sounds that they can make:
pom poms
beads {different sizes and materials}
milk caps
The activity is to help to develop your child’s listening ear and for them to understand that different objects make different sounds.
They can also play a matching game. Fill a variety of socks with the same objects and see if your child can find the matching pair.
Continue to complete the calendar daily.
Continue to practise counting the steps up to bed and down in the morning using 1-1 correspondence.
Continue to work on number recognition and 1-1 correspondence.
It is important that when your child counts the number of objects, they point to each object reciting the number name at the same time.
Firstly ask your child to put the numbers in the correct order. 1-10/ 1-20. (Numbers 1-20 previously sent.)
Next they need to count the correct number of objects using 1-1 correspondence to ensure the number of objects matches the number correctly. Different objects can be used for example beads, animals or cars.
Understanding the World
Today is the first day of spring.
Discuss with your child the four different seasons.
This is a fun song about spring that they could sing along to.
Physical Development
Please continue to practise mark making with your child.
Continue using the pattern cards that were sent yesterday.
Copy the patterns using different medias. You can fill a tray with flour, sand or shaving foam. The children can use their fingers to form the patterns. They can also use a cotton bud or paintbrush.
Expressive Arts and Design
Please encourage your child to look around your garden/park to see which spring flowers are growing. Perhaps you could take some photos and then encourage your child to pick one type of flower to paint. This is a good activity to develop your child’s creative skills.
They could also create a hand and footprint daffodil which is a fun and messy activity. This will allow your child to explore the feel of different textures and enjoy messy play at the same time.😀 (see attached photo)
If you would like to, your child could dip their foot in green paint for the stem of the daffodil, then dip their hand in the yellow paint for the flower part of the daffodil and then paint the stamens in orange for the centre of the flower. I look forward to seeing photos!!

Nursery Newsletter- 14th February 2020
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language some of the children enjoyed playing in the outside area in the rocket that they helped to make . It was lovely to see them chatting together and pretending to be astronauts and counting down for their rocket to take off.
In Literacy we continued to discuss alliteration and how all the words begin with the same sound. We played the game silly soup, putting different objects that begin with the same sound into the soup. It would be great if you could continue to find different objects at home that begin with the same sound and sort them accordingly.
The children were so lucky to have the inspirational author and illustrator Ted Dewan come into school to talk to them about the characters he has created in his books. He also read several of his books to them and it was lovely to see the children so engaged and laughing at the stories. The children were particularly fascinated to see him draw the characters.
In Communication and Language the children enjoyed the weekly show and tell session.
In Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World the children enjoyed the new topic space. They enjoyed learning about space, the different planets and they also learnt some new vocabulary including asteroids, astronomer and craters.
The children started to make their own space books. They designed their own space rocket by cutting out different shapes. They then painted the moon, drew the sun and cut it out themselves. Some of the children enjoyed making moon sand and measured out the different ingredients and mixed them together. They will continue to learn about space and finish their space books after half term.
In Mathematics we sang lots of number songs, counting forwards and backwards. Some of the children enjoyed playing maths counting games on the IWB and Ipad.
In this weeks Parsha Yitro, the children learnt how Hashem gave his very special present - the Torah to the Jewish people at Har Sinai. They learnt that the Luchot that Moshe brought down the mountain from Hashem had the 10 commandments written on them. We talked about commandment number 4 - keep Shabbat and commandment number 5 - listen to your daddy and mummy.
It was lovely seeing so many of you come into school to celebrate Tu B’shvat. We hope that you enjoyed the morning and please send in any photos so that we can show the children how your cress is growing. The children also enjoyed the special fruit party and thank you for sending in a variety of different fruit for them to try.
In PE the children warmed up their bodies by choosing different zoo animals to move as. They also enjoyed making the animal sounds as they moved. They then continued to develop their ball skills by dribbling the ball and controlling it with their feet.
In Music the children sang a space song Zoom Zoom We Are Going To The Moon. They also carried on learning about the concept of alliteration through singing.
Important Reminder:
Spare clothes - Please make sure your child’s school bag has spare clothes in it. If your child comes home wearing their spare clothes please make sure they are replenished the following morning.
Please remember to send a snack each day for your child. There are still children coming in without a snack.
Have a lovely half term break
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team
Nursery Newsletter- 6 th February 2020
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language some of the children enjoyed playing in our restaurant. It was lovely to see them acting out being waiters and customers, further developing their vocabulary and social skills. They also enjoyed writing the orders and developing their mark making skills.
In Literacy we introduced the concept of alliteration and how all the words begin with the same sound. The children sat in a circle and played the game I Spy. The teacher started and modelled the game by saying I spy someone whose name begins with... and the initial sound was recited. The children all got a chance to stand up when the first sound of their name was called. A fun activity for the children to play at home is to find different objects that begin with the same sound and sort them accordingly.
In Communication and Language the children enjoyed the weekly show and tell session.
In Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World the children enjoyed the new topic Under the Sea. We enjoyed talking about the different types of under sea creatures and then the children enjoyed making some of them. The children helped to make sharks using newspaper and cutting triangles out for the teeth. They made jelly fish, handprint fish and stingrays painted on coffee filters. They also helped to make a large treasure chest and mermaid using a variety of collage materials.Some of the children enjoyed going fishing in the water tray with nets and were excited when they discovered which sea creatures were in the pretend ocean.
In gardening some of the children came and helped to do some planting. They were fascinated by the millipede that was found and some of the children were keen to hold it.
In Mathematics some of the children made numbered octopuses where we discussed the shape of the body. They then drew their own semi-circle and cut it out. They cut the tentacles out and then marked the correct number of dots on each of the tentacles. Some of the children wrote the numbers to match the number of dots practising their number formation skills.
In Jewish Studies this week the children have been learning about Tu B’shvat - a special day for the trees. We discussed how we must appreciate that Hashem makes things grow from the seeds that are planted. We talked about different fruits, some grow on trees and some grow in the ground. We learnt that we say the bracha Ha’etz for fruit that grows on a tree when we eat them, and the children were able to name some fruits that we say Ha’etz for. The children enjoyed making their own Tu B’shvat place mat.
In PE the children warmed up by hopping and skipping around the track. The children were given footballs and they had to walk with the football and then make a small throw. Then they bounced the football and practised small kicks.
Important Reminder:
Reminder for the diary -
Looking forward to seeing you on Monday 10th February to celebrate Tu B’shvat The learning and activity session will be from 8.45am until 9.45am.
Please remember to bring in the fruit for Tu B’shvat for the children to share. Children are allowed to come to school in green, brown or pink clothes.
Spare clothes - Please make sure your child’s school bag has spare clothes in it. If your child comes home wearing their spare clothes please make sure they are replenished the following morning.
Please remember to send a snack each day for your child. There are still children coming in without a snack.
Please can you send in any junk modelling. Also can you send in your child with a named kitchen roll. We also need large bottles.
Should anything different be happening at home, however insignificant you think it is, please do let us know. The smallest of changes can have an impact on a child's mood or behaviour and knowing things in advance helps us to be aware of possible changes and be ready to offer support. These might include but are not limited to, a parent being away from home on business, a member of the family being in hospital, a bereavement, a break in etc
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team

Nursery Newsletter- 31st January 2020
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language
we continued with our ongoing topic of building relationships, social interaction, kind hands and using our words. We also continued with building the children’s independence.
In Literacy we continued with rhythm and rhyme. The children copied the rhythms sent around the circle. We discussed which words do and don’t rhyme in a rhyming string. Some of the children enjoyed playing with the puppets, naming them with a rhyming name for example Fizzy Whizzy, Lizzy and making up stories.This could be a fun activity to do at home. We continued to practise how many syllables are in everyone's names and also looked at other words. Next week the children will be learning about alliteration.
In Communication and Language the children loved sharing and talking about their ‘show and tell’ to the class. It is so lovely to see how the children are developing their confidence to speak in front of others and developing their language skills.
In Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World the children enjoyed learning different nursery rhymes, focusing on Humpty Dumpty. The children all participated in a lovely science experiment with Mrs Stallick where they discussed how they could prevent Humpty Dumpty cracking when he fell. Each child had their own cooked egg and drew a face on their Humpty Dumpty. They talked about which materials they could use to help Humpty, for example cushioning him in rice or couscous. The children predicted ahead of dropping their Humpty’s off the wall and were excited to see what happened.
The children continued to learn about Chinese New Year. Some of the children made fans, folding the paper in a concertina and then decorating them. Some of the children wrote numbers in Chinese.
In gardening, some of the children came and helped to clear the garden by picking up leaves and moving loose soil. They were excited to see two very large worms in the soil and we discussed how they add benefit to the soil making it healthier.
In Expressive Arts and Design the children made a Humpty Dumpty designing it themselves. They discussed the shape of the egg and then drew their own faces, decorating their Humpty’s with different collage materials and then they had to cut it out independently.
The children loved going up to the library to choose a new book and are looking forward to sharing it with you at home. They also enjoyed listening to a story. Please remember to send your child’s book back each week so that they are not disappointed when they are unable to choose a new book to take home with them
In Mathematics, some of the children continued to enjoy exploring different numbers in the sand with the Numicon and capacity in the water tray. They also enjoyed learning about different positional language by positioning Humpty Dumpty in a variety of different ways. We used a variety of different words to describe Humpty’s position ie in front, next to, behind, to the left and right of the wall.
In this week’s Parsha Bo, the children learnt about the last 3 punishments that Hashem sent to King Pharaoh and the Egyptians. We talked about punishment number 8. locusts/grasshoppers which ate up all the grass, fruit and vegetables in Egypt, punishment 9. darkness - 3 days of darkness followed by 3 days of darkness and not being able to move, and the final punishment of the oldest in the family becoming very sick. After which King Pharaoh begged Moshe and Aron to take the Jewish people and leave Egypt immediately.
In PE the children played a variety of ball games with the footballs, throwing, rolling and catching them.
They moved around the track in a variety of different ways. They then finished the session with a game of Shark Attack.
In Music we continued with the theme of nursery rhymes and the children sang lots of different ones and discussed the different rhyming words that they could hear.
Important Reminder:
● Reminder for the diary - Monday 10th February - Parents are invited to join us at the EYU for a Tu b’Shevat learning and activity session from 8.45am until 9.45am. We look forward to you joining us.
● Spare clothes - Please make sure your child’s school bag has spare clothes in it. If your child comes home wearing their spare clothes please make sure they are replenished the following morning.
● Please remember to send a snack each day for your child.
● Should anything different be happening at home, however insignificant you think it is,
please do let us know. The smallest of changes can have an impact on a child's mood or behaviour and knowing things in advance helps us to be aware of possible changes and be ready to offer support. These might include but are not limited to, a parent being away from home on business, a member of the family being in hospital, a bereavement, a break in etc
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team

Nursery Newsletter- 24th January 2020
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language we continued to discuss the importance of respecting each other, using kind words and kind hands. We discussed with the children the importance of telling their teachers any concerns that they may have, in order for the teachers to be able to help them deal with the issue. We also talked about telling the teachers if they have hurt themselves.
We continued working with the children to further develop their independence by encouraging them to put their coats on independently. They have been learning to zip up their coats themselves and It would be great if they could do this with you at home.
In Literacy we played a selection of sound games on Busy Things. We carried on discussing rhyming and the children went around creating a rhyming string, mat, sat, rat, pat, chat. The children also added words in that were made up words, but also rhymed. Please continue to explore rhyming at home, thinking of as many words that you can together that rhyme. You could also see if you can make rhyming strings with your child i.e pen, pot, cop, tin etc. The children also practised copying a rhythm using different instruments which you could also practise at home. Perhaps you can demonstrate a rhythm to your child and see if they can copy it. We continued talking about how many syllables there are in different words by clapping them out i.e bi-no-cu-lars and counting whilst clapping each syllable.
In Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World the children learnt about the artist Pablo Picasso. This week the children have enjoyed creating artwork in the style of Picasso. We talked about how his style of work changed over the years and that he painted distorted faces, still life and instruments. The children were then able to choose to either paint a face, make a face out of clay, make an instrument out of junk modelling or paint a still life painting of a fruit basket.
In Literacy some of the children enjoyed practising their letter formation using whiteboards and pens and writing in flour using either their finger or a paintbrush. They also enjoyed mark
making and writing letters in bags that were filled with paint.
The children enjoyed going up to the library, listening to a story and then picking their book to take home.
In Physical Development the children learnt some new parachute games. We started by lifting the parachute up and down counting each set to 20. This was really good for developing the children’s gross motor skills. We then practised making waves starting with small movements and then developing to larger movements. We then finished off with a game called popcorn where small balls were put on to the parachute and the children had to shake the parachute to make them pop up like popcorn.
In Mathematics, some of the children enjoyed making numbers in the sand with the number moulds and finding the corresponding Numicon piece. They also enjoyed using the number stamps where they printed the number and then had to find the stamper with the correct number of dots to match.
In Understanding the World the children learnt about Chinese New Year. They watched some lovely videos on how children celebrate their new near and how it is different to Rosh Hashanah the Jewish new year. If you would like to watch the videos at home the link is:-.
CBeebies: Celebrating Chinese New Year-Let’s Celebrate You Tube.
We discussed that it is the year of the Rat and that each year is a different animal. We also explained to the children that there are 12 different animals for the 12 months of the year. The children then had fun making a Chinese dragon, practised writing numbers to 10 and also recited numbers to 10 in Chinese.
In this weeks Parsha Vaeira, the children learnt that Moshe and Aron went to King Pharaoh to ask him to let the Jewish people go free. King Pharaoh did not want to let them go. Moshe warned King Pharaoh that Hashem would punish him and all the Egyptians if he did not let the Jewish people go. King Pharaoh did not listen. The children learnt the 7 punishments mentioned in this week’s Parsha.
1) all water turned to blood 2) frogs jumping everywhere 3) lice 4) wild animals roaming around 5) King Pharaoh’s animals became sick 6) boils 7) hail with fire inside the hail.
The children learnt that although the Jewish people were living in Egypt NOT one Jewish person was affected by the punishments Hashem sent on King Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
In PE the children started with a warm up by running around the track in different ways, hopping, skipping and jumping. The children also practised their ball control skills
by splitting in to pairs and then rolling the ball to each other.
Important Reminder:
Spare clothes - Please make sure your child’s school bag has spare clothes in it. If your child comes home wearing their spare clothes please make sure they are replenished the following morning.
Just a reminder that on Friday 31st Jan it is Blue-ish Jewish Day. Children are able to come into school in blue and white clothing (no football kits and girls cannot wear jeans or trousers). The children bring in a minimum donation of £1 which goes to Jewish Child’s Day.
Please remember to send back your child’s library book each week so that they are able to choose a new book.
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team
Nursery Newsletter- 24th January 2020
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language we continued to discuss the importance of respecting each other, using kind words and kind hands. We discussed with the children the importance of telling their teachers any concerns that they may have, in order for the teachers to be able to help them deal with the situation. We also talked about telling the teachers if they have hurt themselves.
We continued working your child to further develop their independence by encouraging them to put their coats on independently. They have started to zip up their coats themselves and It would be great if they could do this with you at home.
In Literacy we played a selection of sound games on Busy Things. We carried on discussing rhyming and the children went around creating a rhyming string, mat, sat, rat, pat, chat. The children also added words in that were made up words, but also rhymed. Please continue to explore rhyming at home, thinking of as many words that you can together that rhyme. You could also see if you can make rhyming strings with your child i.e pen, pot, cop, tin etc.The children also practised copying a rhythm using different instruments which you can also practise at home. Perhaps you can demonstrate a rhythm to your child and see if they can copy it.
We continued talking about how many syllables there are in different words by clapping them out i.e bi-no-cu-lars and counting whilst clapping each syllable.
In Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World the children learnt about the artist Pablo Picasso. This week the children have enjoyed creating artwork in the style of Picasso. We talked about how his styles of work changed over the years and that he painted distorted faces, still life and instruments. The children were then able to choose to either paint faces, make a face out of clay, make an instrument out of junk modelling or paint a still life painting of a fruit basket.
In Literacy some of the children enjoyed practising their letter formation using whiteboards and pens and writing in flour using either their finger or a paintbrush. They also enjoyed mark
making and writing letters in bags that were filled with paint.
The children enjoyed going up to the Library, listening to a story and then picking their book to take home.
In Physical Development the children learnt some new parachute games. We started by lifting the parachute up and down, counting each set to 20. This was really good for developing the children’s gross motor skills. We then practised making waves starting with small movements and then developing to larger movements. We then finished off with a game called popcorn where small balls were put onto the parachute and the children had to shake the parachute to make them pop up like popcorn.
In Mathematics, some of the children enjoyed making numbers in the sand with the number moulds and finding the corresponding Numicon piece. They also enjoyed using the number stamps where they printed the number and then had to find the stamper with the correct number of dots to match.
In Understanding the World we learnt about Chinese New Year and watched some lovely videos on how children celebrate their new near and how it is different to Rosh Hashanah the Jewish new year.
If you would like to watch the videos at home the link is:-.
CBeebies: Celebrating Chinese New Year-Let’s Celebrate You Tube.
We discussed it is the year of the Rat and that each year it is a different animal. We also explained to the children that there are 12 different animals for the 12 months of the year. The children then had fun making a Chinese dragon, practised writing numbers to 10 in Chinese and also recited numbers to 10 in Chinese.
In this weeks Parsha Vaeira, the children learnt that Moshe and Aron went to king Pharaoh to ask him to let the Jewish people go free. King Pharaoh did not want to let them go. Moshe warned king Pharaoh that Hashem would punish him and all the Egyptians if he did not let the Jewish people go. King Pharaoh did not listen. The children learnt the 7 punishments mentioned in this week’s Parsha.
1) all water turned to blood 2) frogs jumping everywhere 3) lice 4) wild animals roaming around 5) King Pharaoh’s animals became sick 6) boils 7) hail with fire inside the hail. The children learnt that although the Jewish people were living in Egypt NOT one Jewish person was affected by the punishments Hashem sent on King Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
In PE the children started with a warm up by running around the track in different ways, hopping, skipping, jumping. The children also practised their ball control skillby splitting into pairs and then rolling the ball to each other.
Important Reminder:
Spare clothes - Please make sure your child’s school bag has spare clothes in it. If your child comes home wearing their spare clothes please make sure they are replenished the following morning.
Please make sure you send in your child's library book, so that they can take a new one home. Thank you.
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team

Nursery Newsletter- 17th January 2020
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language we continued to teach the children the importance of respecting each other, to use kind words and kind hands and to be polite by saying please and thank you. These are all so important in developing your child’s midot.
We have also continued to develop the children’s independence, encouraging them to put their coats on, hanging them up on their pegs, changing into their waterproofs where applicable and putting their shoes/wellington boots on the correct feet. Please carry on encouraging your child to develop these independent skills at home.
In Literacy we continued to work on rhyming. The children enjoyed playing a rhyming game called ‘silly soup’. We had a selection of rhyming objects/pictures placed on the floor. We used a bowl and wooden spoon as props to act out the song. The children took turns to choose an object to put into the soup and place it in to the bowl. After each turn the children stirred the soup and sang the following song, reciting the list of objects in the soup.
We sang the song to the tune of ‘pop goes the Weasel’.
I’m making lots of silly soup
I’m making soup that’s silly
I’m going to cook it in the fridge
To make it nice and chilly
In goes ...a fox… a box… some socks...
It would be fun if you could play the silly soup game at home by encouraging your child to look around the house to see which objects they can find that rhyme to put in their silly soup. Also please encourage your child to sing different nursery rhymes continuing to create awareness to any rhyming words and at bedtime when reading a story, if possible it would be beneficial if you could focus on rhyming books.
We also talked about syllables in different words and in our names. We practised clapping to each syllable and then discussed how many there were. This is also a fun activity you can play at home and as your child gains more understanding you can experiment with longer words like binoculars, telephone and dinosaur.
In Music we carried on exploring rhythm and rhyme with Mr Fingerhut. We took the syllabic makeup of words and used the rhythms to create songs. Then we put the words together to create more complex rhythms which the class then transitioned from saying the words to clapping the rhythms.
In Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World the children enjoyed learning about the artist Wassily Kandinsky. This week the children have enjoyed creating artwork in the style of Kandinsky and we discussed how different his style of work was to Matisse. The children made their own paintings focusing on concentric circles. They selected colours of their choice. We also encouraged them to paint other shapes using the same style.
Kandinsky enjoyed mixing different colours together. We discussed that there are three primary colours ,red, blue and yellow and that different colours can be made when mixed together. We also discussed that we can add white to make the colour lighter and black to make the colour darker. Some children enjoyed colour mixing and exploring all the different colours that could be made.
In Literacy and Physical Development some of the children enjoyed mark making and copying patterns developing their pen/pencil control.
The children enjoyed going up to the Library to pick their first library book to take home. We talked about fiction and non fiction books.
In Mathematics we continued to discuss 2D shapes. The children then enjoyed working in small groups using string and lollipop sticks to make the shapes we had discussed. It was lovely to see them working collaboratively, discussing how to make the shapes and listening to each other.
Some of the children also enjoyed making shape pictures. They selected the shape they wanted to use and then they made their picture, cutting out different shapes and sticking it on their shaped card. We discussed what they wanted to put in their picture and which shapes they needed to cut out, for example for a house, squares, rectangles and a triangle. This activity worked on further developing their shape knowledge.
In Jewish Studies this week’s Parsha is Shmot. The children learnt that the Jewish people had to work very hard for King Pharaoh in Mitzrayim. They were very sad and cried because the work was so hard. King Pharaoh set a new rule, all Jewish boys born had to be thrown in the river. Yocheved hid her baby boy in a basket in the river whilst Miriam his sister looked after him. Batya, King Pharaoh’s daughter heard the baby crying and found him in the basket in the river. She took him to the palace and called him Moshe. She took care of him in the palace.
In PE the children started with a warm up. They then had to jump really high around the track.They loved pretending to have superpowers and ran around super fast! They also practised ball control and catching, by pretending to be goalkeepers.
Important Reminder:
Library books will be changed each week. Please make sure you send your child’s library book back in their named folder each Wednesday. If your child does not return their library book they will not be able to select a new library book to take home. To avoid any upset to your child it is important it is returned.
Spare clothes - Please make sure your child’s school bag has spare clothes in it. If your child comes home wearing their spare clothes please make sure they are replenished the following morning.
Spring Focus Meetings - you will receive an email today with your date for this term.
Show and Tell - you will receive today a date for your child to bring in their show and tell for this term.
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team

Nursery Newsletter- 10th January 2020
We hope you all had a lovely break.
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language we continued to discuss the class rules, reminding the children of the importance of sharing, taking turns and using their words to achieve what they want.
This term we are focusing on developing the children’s independence from putting their own coats on, hanging coats up rather than leaving them on the floor, learning how to zip up their coats, starting to dress themselves, learning to put their shoes on the correct feet and putting away the toys they played with. It would be appreciated, if you could also encourage independence at home with some of the above examples.
In Literacy we read the story The Gingerbread Man and discussed repetitive phrases such as ‘Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man’. We also spoke about rhyming words which we will continue to work on over the coming weeks by playing lots of different rhyming games.
In Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World the children enjoyed learning about the artist Matisse. Our role play area has been transformed into an art studio where the children have enjoyed creating artwork in the style of Matisse. The children loved making their own individual collages by cutting out all different shapes to create individuality in their pictures. This also linked to Physical Development allowing the children to enhance their cutting skills.
In Mathematics the children drew around different shapes using the shape stencils. This linked with the way Matisse incorporated shape into his art work. The children watched a shape video on the IWB and then looked around the classroom to find shapes in the environment. Perhaps you can find different shapes at home or when you are out with your child? If you find any interesting shapes please can you send in photos of your child with them for us to share with the class.
We also completed the calendar and discussed how on the 1st of January we moved in to a new year - 2020. We continued to discuss the days of the week and months of the year and that the season is now winter.
In Jewish Studies the children learnt about Parsha Vayechi. The children learnt that when Yaacov gave his grandsons Menashe and Ephraim, a bracha, he switched his hands over so that his right hand (the stronger hand) was on Ephraim (the younger son’s) head and his left hand was on Menashe’s head. This was because Yaacov knew that one day Ephraim would be the stronger and more important son.
Important Reminder:
There is a lovely initiative being run by RSPB regarding bird watching and all the different birds that may visit your garden or you may see when you are out and about. They are sending out packs with lovely activities so if this is of interest to you please log in to the website and register for your free bird pack.
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team