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Ivrit - עִבְרִית

שלום לכולם

Dear Parents,


Welcome to the Ivrit page on the new Kerem website!


We are really excited to keep you up to date with the projects, activities and tasks we undertake in our Ivrit department.


We will communicate specific information to individual classes in the Class pages (such as information on homework, projects and tests) but we will let you know when we upload general information, photos or videos onto our Ivrit page.


Below is a video made last year (2017/18) depicting 'Ivrit at Kerem' - it's just a snapshot of some of the work we cover in our Ivrit department at Kerem.


Feel free to contact Mora Neta or me Morah Sharon on our email:


Wishing you all a Shana Tova OoMetuka and Gmar Chatima Tova


Morah Sharon and Morah Neta

11th June 2019 - Beytsa Mekushkeshet (scrambled egg) V-Salat (and salad) B-Pita (in Pita)

11th June 2019 - We asked the children in Aruchat Boker what they have loved to eat the most

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21st May - For Breakfast Club - ארוחת בוקר - today we prepared Shakshuka!

14th May 2019 - Making Malawach in Aruchat Boker Club!

7th May - Pizza Pita and Magen David Biscuits for Aruchat Boker Club.

9th April 2019 - Fruit Skewers and Matza Brie in Breakfast Club this morning

4th April 2019 - The Ivrit team gave the weekly assembly this week and it was on the topic of Pesach Sedarim around the world. The children were fascinated by some of the traditions and cultures and even shared stories from their own seder which were similar to the ones shown. Open the Power Point below to take a look and click the links to experience some of the more interesting sedarim around the world.

4th April. In Breakfast club today we made blinches!

BREAKFAST CLUB in Ivrit - ארוחת בוקר - Shakshuka! 🍳🥗🥚


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W/E 8th February 2018 - Orna Porat’s Theatre Company comes to Kerem!

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What a wonderful privilege and treat it was for the children to have had the opportunity to watch the two shows supported by JNF and Tali Tzemach’s production. The children were totally enthralled and fascinated by the story, the acting, the performances and the message of each show. The preparation beforehand meant the children were familiar with the storyline and the Ivrit key vocabulary. The shows were acted by a professional Israeli actors and were all in Ivrit.
‘Mr Simon’s Old Shoes’ (הנעליים הישנות של אדון סיימון) performed for Years 1-4, had a serious message as well as being funny and entertaining. Mr Simon who had moved to a new town, found it hard to throw his old shoes away as they reminded him of his past. Yet he learnt that actually it’s ok to put the past behind him and start afresh whilst still holding onto special memories.
‘Wild Fire’ -(אש בראש), performed for Year 5-6, was a monodrama performed by one actress playing 7 parts. Carolina, the young girl in the story, learns to channel her anger in a positive way by excelling in Karate.


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22nd January 2019 - The Ivrit Breakfast Club (ארוחת בוקר) launched today and was a huge success. The group is full but if any more children would like to join please let us know and we can set up a 2nd group. 



Chanukha Shiron 2018

Ivrit Topics covered by the end of Year 6

Ivrit at Kerem

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Ivrit Purpose of Study

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Awards we have achieved so far.
