Ivrit - עִבְרִית
6th June 2019 - Cheese cake making and crafts ready for Shavuot!
W/E 24th May 2019 - Year 2 have completed the topic of ‘אוהב/אוהבת’ - ‘Love’ and are now able to make sentences using the verb in all its conjugations. They prepared beautiful hearts writing and drawing what they love.
W/E 3rd May 2019- Year 2 learned the song Eretz Yisrael Sheli - ארץ ישראל שלי. They looked at a large map of Israel and discovered where familiar cities were. They also learned a little about how 71 Years ago Israel became the modern state for the Jews and how they helped build it into the country it is today. They enjoyed participating in the actions for the song and placing the relevant items (house- bayet- בית, tree-Etz-עץ, road-kveesh-כביש, bridge-gesher-גשר) onto the map.
W/E 12th April 2019- Year 2 have completed the booklets ׳איפה האפיקומן?׳ - ‘Eyfo HaAfikoman?’ (‘Where is the Afikoman?’). They have taken these home to read over the Pesach holidays. The children have also prepared Place Matts to use at the Seder.
W/E 5th April 2019 - Year 2 have been learning vocabulary for Pesach including plural nouns. They have started reading the story איפה האפיקומן- ׳ - ‘where is the afikoman?’
W/E 29th March 2019 - The children in Year 2 designed their own house - בית - and talked about who lives in their house using the verb - גר/גרה (lives).






W/E 15th March 2019. The children in Year 2 are learning vocabulary and simple sentences for Purim. They designed Clowns - ליצנים for a display.
28th February 2019 - SHABBAT UK in Ivrit! In Year 2 we read the story 'Who loves Shabbat?' - מִי אוֹהֵב אֶת הַשַּׁבָּת - and sang the song. The children completed questions and activities connected with the story. They have taken the booklet home to read at their leisure over Shabbat.
February 14th - BOOK WEEK in Ivrit. The children in Year 2 listened to the story ‘Eliezer and the Carrot’ - אליעזר והגזר 🥕 They used a lot of the vocabulary they had learnt from the topic of Family - משפחה when the different characters from the story joined in to help pull out the carrot from the ground.
W/E 31st January 2019 - The children in Year 2 have been preparing for the Ivrit Show next Tuesday - הנעליים של אדון סימון - Mr Simon’s shoes! They learnt that it’s ok to let go of the past (leaving his old shoes behind), especially when there is something new to look forward to (Mr Simon is moving to a new place and leaving his old beloved village). They learnt some words in Ivrit related to the play and coloured the shoe - נעל - in the appropriate colours.
W/E 25th January 2019 - Year 2 have started learning all about Family - משפחה. They learnt some vocabulary including אח - brother, אחות - sister, דוד - uncle, דודה - auntie and wrote out some family members onto a Family Tree - עץ משפחה.
W/E 17th January 2019 - Year 2 have learnt a song and a funny rhyme for TuBishvat. They discovered that an almond (שקד) comes from a special tree -שקדייה with beautiful pink flowers.
W/C 7th January 2019 - Welcome back to a new term in Ivrit! The children have completed learning all about the Verb ‘To Go/Walk’ - הולך in all its conjugations.
4th December 2018 - Year 2 Singing in the Chanukha Show

29th November 2018 - Year 2 are practising for their song Ner Li Ner Li - נֵר לִי נֵר לִי
22nd November 2018 - Year 2 have created their own booklets based on the story Amos and the Nachalieli - עמוס וְהַנַּחֲלִיאֵלִי. They have taken these home so that they can read the story to a sibling or parent.
סתיו סתיו סתיו סתיו

November 15th 2018 - Year 2 are learning the vocabulary for the song about Autumn - סְתָו
November 8th 2018 - Year 2 have started the topic STAV - AUTUMN - סְתָיו
October 25th 2018- Year 2 have learnt how to describe masculine and feminine nouns!
October 11th 2018- Year 2 have been learning how to conjugate the verb Bocheh (crying) - בּוֹכֶה /בּוֹכָה/בּוֹכִים/בּוֹכוֹת

