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This week was local geography week. The children went on a walk through the park to explore their local area. They looked to see what could be improved, and generally felt that litter was an issue. They thought about a range of ways that the problem of litter could be solved, particularly as there are already so many rubbish bins in the park.


In maths this week the children worked on their problem solving skills, they worked on how to read and understand questions, looking at key words and using these to help them.


In history this week the children learned about Edward VI. They imagined they were made king or queen, and how they would feel with so much power at 9 years old. They also found out about Mary I and Lady Jane Grey. They enjoyed hearing the story of Lady Jane Grey and then used facts to decide whether Mary I deserved the name 'Bloody Mary'.


Yom Talmid 

This week we had Yom Talmid, which is when year 6 take over each class to teach a variety of lessons. We had Mia Bloom and Amelie Isan who did a fabulous job and had such creative lessons from Algebra to script writing. 


Creative Lessons 

We had some incredible creative lessons this week. Well done to everyone. This week we had Adam, Blake and Hillel teach an incredible lesson on volcanoes, they even conducted an experiment of creating a volcanic eruption. Yasmin and Annabel taught the class about baking and decorating cup cakes. Naomi taught the class about Alexander Graham Bell and even got them to make some cup telephones. Sophie, Bella E and Amelie taught a lesson on candles and the history of candles. Natalie taught the class about Charles Dickens and wrote incredible scripts based on Books Charles had written for the children to act out. Megan and Mia got the children to learn how to bake cupcakes and even got them to make a cupcake batter. Rafi and Ollie taught a really creative lesson getting the children to learn different techniques of how to use oil pastels. We are looking forward to next week lessons. 


Next week

We can’t believe that next week is the last week!!!! Please can the children bring in an extra bag everyday to take home their books. They will have some extra mental math and verbal reasoning papers they can complete over the summer. 

Shabbat Shalom

Year 4




The children started chapter 4 of their creative writing story and will continue it next week. 



The children began a new unit of work on coordinates. They learned how to describe placement on a grid and movement. 



The children finished off their books about Henry VIII's six wives and started to learn about Edward VI.



This week was STEM week and the children learned how to manipulate newspaper to make it stronger to build different things. Some of the items created  were bridges, towers and chairs. They also had an amazing opportunity to do some forensic science investigating with an external company. 

They also completed an investigation about dyes. They tried different fruits and vegetables to see which would make the best 'Tudor' clothes dye.










The children finished off and edited their newspaper reports. They then began to look at the difference between written news and news reports on television. The identified some of the features of news reports and planned their own reports based on Henry VIII. They are looking forward to filming their reports, they will be using green screen so that they can appear to be outside a royal palace. In creative writing they continued writing their short story and wrote chapter 3. 



The children reviewed lines of symmetry and practised drawing symmetrical figures. They also learnt how to translate and rotate shapes. 



In Science the children continued learning about sound and vibration and travelled around the school and outside to discover different sounds and what is causing the vibration. 



The children began writing short 'flip' books about Henry VIII's wives. They used research skills to find out when each wife was born, died, married Henry and what happened to them. 



We had a lovely activity with Year 6 when we began learning about the 4 countries we are following and supporting in the Euro cup.

Extra information  

Your children might have come home talking about teaching a lesson to the class. Some of the children wanted to teach the other children something they are passionate about so we decided to give them the opportunity. The children submitted a proposal of their idea and Ms Vinokur discussed it with every child today. Each child now has to research their idea and create a PowerPoint with all the facts and information and email it to us by Friday the 2nd of July. They have all designed an activity and some are bringing in stuff they already have from home other stuff we will are happy to provide it, Ms Vinokur has gone over this list with the children.


To give them extra time to prepare it at home we will not be giving the children English homework this week. We expect the children to put the time they would’ve on their English homework into this presentation. 


Uniform change 

From next week P.E will change from a Tuesday to a Thursday (Monday will stay the same) so please make sure that the children are wearing school uniform on a Tuesday and P.E on a Thursday until the end of term. 

Thank you 

Year 4 Teachers






We apologise for the lateness of this blog but hope you enjoy reading about what we did last week.



This week in Maths the children began learning about 2D shapes. They found out about different types of triangles, and quadrilaterals, and then took a virtual trip around the world looking at different buildings and the different shapes that are used to create these buildings and bridges. They moved onto looking at the reflection of different shapes and using a mirror to help them draw the reflection. 



In History this week the children looked at primary and secondary sources written about Henry VIII. These helped them to decide whether he was a man or monster. The children were able to explain their opinions and back them up with examples. We were very impressed by the thought that went into their explanations. They were then briefly introduced to each of Henry's wives and will continue to look at their stories in more detail next week. 

World Religion Week

This week was World Religion Week and the children have been learning about The Islamic culture. They had a range of questions and we were very lucky to be able to ask Seema to answer these questions. The children created beautiful posters about all the facts they have learnt about. 


In English this week the children planned and wrote newspaper articles reporting on an important event in Henry VIII's reign. The children wrote interesting headlines using alliteration and puns. Some examples included; 'Henry The Balloon Finally Burst', 'Divorce Of The Horse', 'Off With Her Head'. They worked on grabbing their reader's attention with their first sentences and practised writing in a journalistic style. 

in Creative Writing the children continued writing their chapter booklet and wrote Chapter 2. 

Shabbat Shalom








This week in maths we begun our unit of geometry, starting with angles. We learnt the features of an acute, obtuse and right angle.  The students walked around the school looking for items with different angles. They then ordered different angles from biggest to smallest. 



In creative writing the students begun writing their own chapter book.  The children have also begun learning about newspapers. They looked at a range of examples, wrote headlines, and first sentences and then had a go at writing in 'newspaper style' by writing their own newspaper article based on a nursery rhyme of their choice.



The children began learning about Henry VIII. They started forming opinions about whether he was a man or monster! The children are learning that things in history are often not as straightforward as they seem.



Our unit on sound starting with a bang. Understanding how vibration plays a role in making sound. 

shabbat shalom

Year 4



In English this week the children learned about the features of instructions. They were able to identify the type of language used and find imperative verbs. They wrote their own detailed instructions about caring for a pet. They then continued to work on their instruction writing by writing instructions of how to make a cup of tea or hot chocolate.



The children considered the problems that Henry VII faced when he became king. They came up with their own solutions to his problems, which were much more diplomatic than the way Henry solved his problems! They then looked at how he solved his problems and sorted these into a venn diagram. This led to a discussion about whether Henry was a good or bad king. The children had interesting opinions that were thoughtful and well argued.


Also this week

We were very lucky that Mr Budwig, a parent in Nursery was able to join us. He came to speak to the children about different types of energy, in particular solar energy. He brought with solar powered toys for the children to make. They worked beautifully in groups to build their solar panelled toys and were delighted to see them move when the sun hit the solar panels.



In Science the children wrote up their experiment on evaporation and understanding the impact the cling wrap had on the liquid. 



In Maths the children continued learning about time and looking at the calendar and working out days between different dates, for example how many day from 12th of January to 15th if February. 


Have a lovely half term and Shabbat Shalom 







This week we had a short but busy week.



In Maths this week we started our topic of time, looking at the features of a clock face and beginning to understand the relationship between 12 and 24 hour time. Next week we will continue with this topic. 



We were inspired by the interesting weather of chag to investigate and learn about the water cycle. We also have conducted an experiment on evaporation which is ongoing until next week. 



The students wrote fantastic pieces using descriptive language about a birds eye view of a mountain.



There will be no spelling homework this week as we will be given the children a pre test of words for next half term. 

Shabbat Shalom



What a fantastic week Year 4 has had. 


This week the children wrote up their non chronological reports. They thought carefully about their layout, including all the features, the type of non fiction writing they needed to do and the diagrams. We are looking forward to assembling the finished products into a beautiful book. In creative writing the children wrote a piece using the technique of personification. 



In Maths this week the children learned about a variety of different charts and tables. They practiced creating their own and interpreting others. The children had to go around to different classes to collect data on birthdays around the school. They then had to collate the data and plot it onto a graph. once they had done this they had to analyse the data presented.  



The children learned about the Tudor Rose. They were able to explain why it was created and began to discuss the sorts of problems Henry VII had when he came to power.



In Science the children analysed water and how it changes between states. 



Next week due to yom tov the students will not be given any maths homework next week but will be given English homework next friday. They will only be given spelling homework for english this week. 


Shabbat SHalom and Chag Sameach

Jewish Studies – week beginning 3.5.21

Year 4 began the week with a quick fire test on their mini whiteboards – which included questions on the Hebrew date, working out the date of Shavuot and Sefirat HaOmer. In preparation for Shavuot, the children used their iPads to learn about what happened at Har Sinai when the Torah was given. We have also been gearing up for a special iPad activity relating to Shavuot next week. The children have also been steadily making their way through wordlist 3 and are now half way through!


This week the students have had a busy week.


In English this week the children spent time planning their non-chronological reports. They thought about the layout on the page and what points each section would cover. 


In Maths the children created their own Shavuot 3 course menu. They had to calculate the total cost of all the ingredients whilst researching which brands would be the most cost effective (and kosher) as they had a budget of £80. 



In Science they conducted an experiment working out how much Carbon Dioxide is in a can. We looked at a variety of different brands to see if it made a difference. 


Shabbat Shalom 



what a fantastic we Year 4 have had this week.
This week in Maths the students designed and created their very own stores. They had to make a range of items using recycled materials from the classroom.They then had the opportunity to walk around and shop at everyone’s stores. Using fake money the students had to work out how much change they would receive from the shop keeper once purchasing the item. This activity got the students working and understanding on how to work out change from a given amount of money. 



In Science the students finished writing their experiment and then designed a poster displaying the particals of a solid, liquids and gas.


Forest School

In forest school the students built their own swings using rope and a piece of wood they had to find in the bush. They learnt how to tell if a branch is dead or alive on the tree to know if they could use it for support.



In PSHE we discussed how a message can be communicated in different way based on tone. We explored this through a variety of different games. The students were able to understand how their tone is impacted by emotion. They also explored a range of different ways to communicate. 

In English this week the children created their own mythical creatures. They wrote about their habitats, diets, special powers and appearance. Next week they will be creating their own non chronological reports.


In History this week the children learned about the Battle of Bosworth and wrote a soldiers diary imagining they were either a Yorkist or Lancastrian. We were really impressed with how they transferred skills they have been learning in English such as DDAFT into their diaries.


Jewish Studies - week beginning 19.4.21


This week in Jewish Studies, we took a more in-depth look at the history behind the Omer offering and the link between this and counting the Omer. We discussed the bittersweet nature of this time period and the restrictions we keep during this time i.e. no haircuts, weddings, music etc. We also looked at the laws applicable to the Kohanim in Acharei Mot and the many Mitzvot in Parashat Kedoshim.



In English the children identified the features of non chronological reports and they wrote their own reports using information about gruffaloes or hippogriffs. NExt week they will begin developing their own mythical creature to write about. 


In Maths the children demonstrated an excellent understanding of how to round decimals and enjoyed a decimal hunt. 


In History the children started their Tudor topic by learning about some of the kings that came just before Henry VII . They read evidence about the Prince's in the Tower and began to make up their mind about what happened to them. Next week they will be learning about the Battle of Bosworth and how Henry VII took power.


In Science we had an incredible company from the Science Museum come and do some Virtual Reality with the class. The children got to explore to planets and space from the comfort of the hall. They also continued learning about states of matter and did a science experiment with water and ice.   


Shabbat shalom 

Year 4 team

Jewish Studies - week beginning 12th April

In Jewish Studies, Year 4 returned to school with a bang! We have discussed the Omer period and briefly talked about the meaning of this time period. We then celebrated Rosh Chodesh Iyar on Tuesday, followed by a most meaningful Yom HaZikaron service on Wednesday and a fabulous day of activities to mark Yom Ha’atzmaut on Thursday! We have also enjoyed the return of singing together in our respective classrooms, which everyone has found uplifting.




The children have had a fantastic start back. We have been really impressed by their hard work this week.


In English the children started to learn about the differences between fiction and non-fiction. Please continue to have discussions about how texts are categorised at home. They also started to look at the features of non chronological reports. This work will continue next week.



In Maths we revised decimals and looked at place value and how to order decimals.



Important information


Forest School begins next Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit and has appropiate shoes and water proofs.



Maths is sent on a Tuesday and due in on Friday.

English is sent on Friday and due in on Wednesday.



Year 4 have had a very busy week.



The children started the week by tackling some multi step word problems. They worked hard to work out what calculations they needed to do to find the answers. We will continue to work on this skill through out next term. We are sure you have heard about the farm the students have been creating during maths. They had to use addition, subtraction and their knowledge of area and perimeter to create a farm that produced the most amount of money. They had a lot of rules to follow and they had to work out where and how to place particular animals and crops to gain the most amount of income. It was lovely to see them collaborating together. 



The children started the week by reading their final Cinderella story. This week is was the Egyptian Cinderella which links nicely with Pesach. The children were able to apply their knowledge to find the features of a fairy tale, and had an interesting discussion on slavery. The students started writing their own take on the fairytale story of Cinderella. They also wrote their “lost” story in creative writing. 
shabbat shalom 

Year 4 Jewish Studies - week beginning 2nd Nissan/15.3


In Year 4 this week, the children have been busy learning a whole wealth of information to do with the main parts of the Pesach Seder. They have enjoyed noting down practical tips and brief explanations for Matza, Marror, Korech and the Afikoman onto coloured flashcards. Please encourage them to use these at the Seder and share in their learning experience.

Friday 5th March 


We can’t believe we are finally saying goodbye to the screens. We are so excited about seeing the children (in person). We understand how some of the children have mixed emotions about coming back but we are here to support them and will be doing a lot of PSHE transition lessons.


Next week in Maths we will be completing a range of questions where students have to use their knowledge of area and perimeter. We will also be doing mental maths and times tables every day. 



In English we will continue our unit on writing fairy tale novels focusing in Cinderella.



Please can you make sure that the children bring all of their books and IPads (fully charged) back to school. We can provide new pens and pencils if they need at a cost of 50p per item. 


Have a lovely weekend

Shabbat Shalom 

26th February 2021

What a week to start the second half of the spring term. 



The students have absolutely loved learning about different Cinderella fairy tale stories and will continue this next week when they will begin to create their own version of the story. 



In Maths we have been learning about perimeter and making sure that when we measure perimeter we don’t forget any of the sides! The children were shown how to work systematically around the shape and cross off the length as they use them. Next week we will be learning about area. 



in History we learned about mummification. The children took particular delight in discussing how the Egyptians would take the brain out the body with a hook! They enjoyed making canopic jars in art.



We were so impressed with the high quality of science projects presented. We would like for the children to please bring in their projects on the 8th of March so we can put them on display. 



The well being of they children is very important to us and we know that there are mixed emotions about the return to school. Please let us know if we can do anything to help and support your child. 

Purim Sameach and Shabbat Shalom  

Year 4 Team 


Friday 12th February 2021


Well, we have finally reached half-term and the children have definitely earned a week off! When we came back in January, we did not know how long the remote learning would last, but all the children have thrown themselves into their learning and done so well. We must say that we have really enjoyed the process as it has allowed us to get to know your children even better. We are particularly impressed with how independent they have become and hope that this will continue once we return to the classroom.


This week in Maths we have continued with decimals and have been looking at how to add and subtract decimal numbers and answer word problems involving decimals. The children all remembered how to add and subtract with exchange and this really helped them in their decimal calculations.


In English, we have thrown ourselves into book week. The children looked wonderful; in their makeshift costumes- see the photos below. Mrs Sharman dressed up as a different book character every day and the children had to guess who she was.


The children wrote some fantastic poetry this week - they really have a way with words. We will be displaying their work at school once we return. We also enjoyed sharing and recommending our favourite books to each other. and listening. to author and Illustrator, Emma Yarlett read out one of her stories. 


Well done to all those who took part in all the Book Week competitions and especially to Natalie, Naomi and Joshua who were winners.



We have uploaded some activities onto google classroom for the half term. These are completely VOLUNTARY but  we thought that the children may need things to do. We have also uploaded the Y3/4 statutory spelling and tricky word lists as some parents requested it. Your child can also continue with Doodle Maths over the week and Times Table Rockstars to keep their maths ticking over.


Shabbat shalom and have a peaceful and healthy half term


The Year 4 team

Book Week Costumes



This week the children have worked very hard to get to grips with decimal numbers and place value. We were impressed with their ability to express fractions as decimals and that they remembered how to round numbers from the Autumn term. Next week we will be continuing with decimals, looking at how to set out our work when adding and subtracting decimals.


In English this week we looked at plat scripts and how they differ from prose. the children then enjoyed writing their own play scripts. They all managed to set out their work correctly.


We are looking forward to book-week next week and English lessons will be slightly different next week because of this. Please keep an eye out for any announcements or emails about any changes in lesson times. We will try to keep this to a minimum to avoid disruption.


On MONDAY, please can your child come to their live lesson wearing something connected to a storybook character. They do not have to fully dress up (though they can if they wish) but can just hold a prop or even have a picture of the character in their hand e.g a wand for Harry Potter or a hairband for Alice in Wonderland.



If you have not yet submitted an entry to the poetry recital, you still have time. Please do so by Monday. Entries should be sent to Mr Moses.


Please note that we are reducing the Forest School sessions to ONE session at 1 pm. If your child was previously attending at 1:30, they will now need to come on at the early slot.


Ms Vinokur sends her thanks for the cards and gifts that have been sent. She is making a good recovery and should be back after half term.


Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom


Mrs Sharman & Ms Rose

 Friday 29th January 2021


This week we have been focusing on Mental Health and Wellbeing.

On Monday we discussed what we were grateful for and how at this difficult time, we truly appreciate the small things in life. Many of the children said they were most grateful for their family and their friends and for having food to eat and a place to live although a few did mention their games consoles!


On Tuesday we looked at Resilience and how to 'pick yourself up and dust yourself off' when you have met with a problem. If you were hanging around at the time of the live lesson, you may have heard us singing along to Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers!


Throughout the week we also reflected on how people's inner emotions may differ from their outward appearance and that we should be mindful of this. We also thought about ways to relax.


In Maths this week we began learning about decimals and looked at the relationship between decimals and fractions. The children are working so hard to consolidate what we are learning in the Live lessons and we are so impressed with the work they hand in.


In English, they developed their writing skills by imagining they were a dinosaur or a gargoyle that came alive. We also revised alphabetical order and how to write a glossary.


It is a pity that many children chose not to attend the Forest School session as it was fun to learn how easy it is to make a bird feeder from ingredients around the house. If there continues to be such a low turn out, then after half term, we will reduce the sessions to one group and priority will be given to those who have so far attended.


This week we also welcomed Ms. Rose aboard the Y4 'ship' and wish Ms. Vinokur a Refuah Shelemah. The children have been asked to make a card or write a letter and upload it onto google classroom by Monday. I will then share the folder with Ms. Vinokur.


Please find below some of the work the children did for wellbeing week.

Shabbat Shalom

Mrs. Sharman 

Our Gratitude trees



This week Year 4 had an incredible experience at Forest School. The students listened to story of the Dream Catcher and enjoyed making their own dream catchers from willow or paper plates. They were truly fantastic. Next week we will be making Bird Feeders. Please look on google classroom for a list of all the equipment you will need- it is all things that you should have around the house.


The students have come a long way with their online learning and they are working extremely hard.  We are very proud of how independent they have become and of how they all turn up on time and ready each day.


In Maths, we have just finished our topic on Fractions- some children found it quite difficult so we will be revisiting the topic once we are back at school for those who need extra help. This week we are moving on to decimals.


In Science, we will be giving the children a project ton Endangered Species to do over the course of the next few weeks. The project needs to be 'handed in' after half term. Full details and instructions will be given to the children and uploaded onto Google Classroom.


Next week is Mental Health and Wellbeing week. On Wednesday we are asking the children to come online wearing something 'Inside Out'; this is to promote the idea that sometimes people feel differently on the inside to how they may appear on the outside. One of our main focuses next week will be 'Gratitude '. During these difficult times when we are all missing out on so much, it is sometimes easy to forget to be grateful for all the things we do have and can do. We hope that over the course of the week, the children will develop a greater understanding of this. We will also be discussing any worries the children may have especially about falling behind with school work and will offer them all the support they need.

Thank you again for your ongoing support. Please be in touch if you are worried about anything. 

Shabbat Shalom

This week Year 4 have been very busy with all their activities and lessons. Once again they are all doing a fantastic job in their live lessons and we are very proud of their mature approach to their work. We are very impressed with how independent they are becoming in their learning.


Please can you remind your children to upload their work at the end of the lesson. If, for any reason, they are not able to complete their work on time, please ask them to write us a comment or email us with an explanation. If your child is unable to attend a live lesson or if they are unwell, please send us an email as you would if they at school. We are keeping a record of attendance at every live lesson and need to explain any 'no shows'. This includes the whole class session at 3pm.


Following Ms Simon's email, we are very pleased to confirm that the children will start Forest School on Tuesday. We will upload information about what they will need every Friday, to give you time to gather any resources requested. The groups for Forest School are in Google classroom: Group 1 is at 1:00 pm and Group 2 at 1:30 pm in the main Y4 Google classroom.


Thank you again for all your help and support to make Remote Learning a positive and fun experience for the children.


Shabbat Shalom 

From the Year 4 Team 

Friday 8th Jan 2021


Welcome to the New Year and new term. We are so proud and impressed with the attitude and work ethic Year 4 have shown this week. They have produced work of high quality and are engaged during the lessons. The students have shown a growth mindset in their approach to each task. Through their mature attitude, we have been able to achieve all the lesson objectives for Week 1. Keep up the good work Year 4 ( and parents) - we look forward to seeing you all next week.

Jewish Studies - week beginning 7.11


This week in Jewish Studies, Year 4 have revised some core Chumash Pesukim and revised some tricky Sh'va rules. We also produced some lovely Chanukah work, with some children writing diary entries as if they were part of the Chanukah story and others writing eye witness account news reports! 



What a fantastic term it has been. We can really see how the children have grown up over the past few weeks and how they are becoming more focused and independent learners. We look forward to an exciting Spring Term together.


In Maths this week we have been consolidating all the arithmetic rules we have learned over the course of the term and applying the knowledge to solving word problems. The children were shown how to tackle multi-step word problems systematically using the following guide:


IDENTIFY: Work out what is being asked. Highlight the key information and cross out any irrelevant information.

STRATEGIZE: Decide which operations you need to use. Estimate what your answer might be.

SET UP: Set out your calculations in a neat and ordered manner.

SOLVE: Work out the answers to your calculations. Remember to ensure that you are doing every step.

CHECK: Check that you have answered the question. Does your answer make sense? Use inverse operations to check you have not made a mistake


Please encourage your children to use these steps when tackling word problems.



In English, the children wrote plays and sketches for Mrs Elliott's farewell party. They then filmed these and we all enjoyed watching them at her farewell party on Thursday. We are so sorry to lose her but wish her every happiness in her retirement. See below for pictures of Mrs Elliott's farewell party.


In English this term the children have been studying a variety of first chapters and this week discussed what makes an interesting opening to a story.


In Geography we finished our topic on the Rainforest by looking at the pros and cons of deforestation. Thank you to Blake and Josh who volunteered to create a PowerPoint on the topic- it was superb!. The children also wrote a summary of all they have learned about the rainforest this year - we hope you enjoyed their Chanukah performance where they shared their knowledge. We are sending home the children's dioramas today - they are fantastic. Please find attached a video presentation of all the dioramas- you will agree that the children put a lot of thought into their work.

Next term we will be switching to History and will be learning about Ancient Egypt. We are very happy for children to start reading around the subject.


Our personality of the week was, appropriately, Edward Jenner. We discussed how he discovered the vaccine for smallpox and generally how vaccines work. This obviously led to a discussion about the Covid vaccine which was rolled out this week.


Thank you again for our wonderful cards and gifts.


Wishing you a happy Chanukah


Ms Vinokur and Mrs Sharman



Mrs Elliott's farewell party

Diorama Presentations

Still image for this video

Jewish Studies – week beginning 30th November

This week, in Chumash, Year 4 have begun learning about the physical descriptions of Yaakov and Eisav as babies. We have also assessed our Chanukah general knowledge prior to learning new objectives. The children are also working on producing a news report that will detail the main elements of the Chanukah story.




This week in English the students wrote a book review on Kasper which we were able to use as a beautiful display. They also chose their favourite piece of writing about Kaspar to copy out in their best handwriting to go on our Kaspar display. We can already see the difference that the handwriting program is making and how the children's handwriting is improving.



In Maths the students learned how to do division questions using the bus stop method. Most children were able to do this but realised that they need to be fluent in their times tables in order to do division. The children also decoded word problems and were able to use their inverse skills to help them. 


This week, we filmed our Chanukah show which will be sent to you next week. Thank you for reminding the children to bring in their 'costumes' and helping them to learn their lines. We have also filmed our 'exhibition' of the dioramas which will be put on the blog next week. The children will be bringing them home at the end of term- they are phenomenal.


In Grammar this week, we reviewed all the topics covered this term. 


In Geography, we learned about deforestation and why the Rainforests are being destroyed. next week we will finish the topic by discussing the pros and cons of deforestation and having a small class debate.


Our personality of the week was Steve Irwin, and the children were fascinated by what he had achieved in his short life.



A number of children have been wearing trainers to school due to issues with their feet or footwear. From January, all children will be expected to wear school shoes unless they have a doctor's note indicating what footwear needs to be worn and why. If your child is affected by this, please ensure that you obtain a letter from your child's specialist over the holiday period.



Jewish Studies - week beginning 23.11


This week, in Chumash, we have focused on Avraham's family tree against the backdrop of the twins - Ya'akov and Eisav- being born. This taught the children that Rivka was actually part of Avraham's extended family. We have also identified some male/female possessive suffixes as part of our learning and look forward to continuing the story next week.

Friday 27th November 2020


Dear Parents,


It was lovely speaking to you all this week and sharing your children's successes. We are so proud of how they are progressing and how grown up they are becoming.


In Maths this week we learned how to do formal written short multiplication and used the skill to answer word problems. The children were all able to use the skills they had learned through partitioning and using the grid method to allow them to estimate their answers. This helps them see if they have made a careless error.


In English we read the post script to Kaspar and watched an interview with the author Michael Morpurgo where he explained the inspiration behind the book. The children were surprised to hear that there really is a sculpture of a black cat called Kaspar at the Savoy Hotel - I am sure that once lockdown is over, they will be asking to visit The Savoy to see it. (We are not offering to foot the bill!)

We also looked at a newspaper article, translated from Yiddish, about Jewish passengers on The Titanic that were saved, and read how they were rescued by The Carpathia, just as Johnny was in our story.


In Geography we learned about different tribes of the rainforest and how they survive day to day. The children also wrote explanations about their Dioramas which they stuck on the finished product. As we are unable to invite you in to see their Dioramas, we will be filming an exhibition and will email it to you.


We have been busy practising for our end of term performance which we are filming on Wednesday. Most children now know their lines- if your child does not , please give them a gentle reminder. For the performance the children have been asked to bring in coloured T shirts/ tops:


Explorers: brown/beige/green (camouflage colour)

Frogs: The colour of their frog picture (they will know)

Trees: brown or green top

Plants: the colour of their flower (they will know)


We also need some flat caps (8)- if you are able to send any in, please do so.



Today we celebrated all the birthdays we have had this term with a grand birthday party - ask your children to tell you all about it. Below you will find some photos of the Great Kerem Birthday Bake off as they were asked to create a birthday cake in teams. We did not taste them though as they were made out of play dough!


Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom.

Mrs Sharman and Ms Vinokur





The classroom has been absolutely buzzing this week with preparations for the Shabbaton, activities for anti-bullying week, preparations for our end-of-term performance, and finishing our class reader. Of course, we have still done our normal maths and English work too!


In Maths this week we learned how to do multiplication using the grid method. This is a method we teach prior to teaching the formal written methods of multiplication (which we will be covering next week). It allows the children to have a full understanding of the place value of numbers they are multiplying and aids mental ability to multiply large numbers at speed. We were impressed with how quickly the children caught on and how they were able to apply the method to solving word problems.


In English, we finally finished our class reader, Kaspar. The children made up some of their own endings which we will read out in class next week. Next week we will be looking at the inspiration behind the story and watching an interview with the author who explains how he came up with the ideas for the story. We will also learn about some of the Jewish survivors of the Titanic.


Anti-Bullying Week:

We did a number of activities for anti-bullying week.

On Monday we watched a film and discussed why it is okay to be different. The children also completed their part of the Kindness jigsaw.

On Tuesday, we watched another film showing the impact of bullying on a child in school and how each one of them can make a difference. They then made up plays about how to stop bullying in school. We also discussed e bullying and how anything you put online is there forever. We will be doing more of this over the next couple of weeks.

On Wednesday we read about Random Acts of Kindness (thank you Natalie for bringing in the article). The children were then challenged to do random acts of kindness over the next week.

On Thursday the children decorated stones on the theme of Chesed for our Kindness Garden. We also held another assembly where we looked at some of the puzzle pieces decorated by children and by families. We watched the new John Lewis Christmas advert which is about kindness and spreading the love and likened it to what we are doing at school; the John Lewis strap line is 'Together we can make a difference' and this is truly what we believe as a class and as a school. Together we can create a kinder environment in the classroom and in the playground.


See below for information about the Shabbaton and for pictures of everything we have done over the past couple of days. Your children were a pleasure to have and we all had a great deal of fun.


Jewish Studies - week beginning 16.11


This week in Jewish Studies, we have had an absolute blast gearing up for our and experiencing the AMAZING Shabbaton! We have acted out this week's Parasha as a class, made Challah covers, decorated Kiddush cups and much, MUCH more. I'm sure you will all discuss the activities, food and experience with your wonderful families over Shabbat! Looking forward to seeing you for Havdalah!

Friday 13th November 2020


It has been another packed week in Year 4. 


In Maths we have been learning how to find factors and Factor Pairs of numbers. We have also learned how to multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers using partitioning e.g:

123 x 5 =

(100 X 5) + (20 x5) + (3 x 5)=

500 + 100 + 15 = 615


Next week we will be looking at the grid method and moving onto formal methods of writing short multiplication.


In English, we read the penultimate chapter of Kaspar and answer a word search comprehension on the chapter. The children have written beautiful poems imagining they were on The Titanic and have begun to write their own version of the final chapter of the book. We will finish this on Monday morning and then read the last excerpt.


In Geography, the children planned their Dioramas which they have now begun to make. They are so beautiful and we can't wait to show you the finished results.


This week we also launched our Kerem Kindness campaign ahead of National Anti-Bullying Week next week (you should receive a separate email). The children have been asked to complete a puzzle piece to show how they are going to play their part in creating a kind environment. On Monday it is 'National Odd Socks Day' and we have asked children to come to school wearing odd socks. This is to promote discussion about respecting differences.


Congratulations to our new members of the Kerem Cares committees:


Bella E and Rafi

Tikkun Olam

Natalie and Josh


Megan and Naomi


We are very much looking forward to our 'Shabbaton' next week - you will receive more details shortly.


Shabbat Shalom


Ms Vinokur and Mrs Sharman

Jewish Studies - week beginning 9.11


This week in Jewish Studies, we have really had our thinking caps on. We have revised the reasoning for the Torah's repetition of words and read and translated the 2nd (super long) Pasuk of Parashat Toldot. Here, we  have also taken an in-depth look as to why Rivka's father and brother are mentioned when describing Yitchak's marriage to her. In the Parasha, we have been discussing the Midah (value) of Hakarat HaTov (gratitude) throughout the week. During Modeh Ani each day, we have mentioned different things we are grateful to Hashem for.




We started the week by learning about Guy Fawkes for our Marvellous Monday soft start activity. We discussed why we celebrate on November 5th and compared it to some of the Jewish festivals where we celebrate being rescued from being destroyed.


In Maths this week we revised what multiplication means and showed different ways of representing sums through arrays, pictures and grouping. We then learned how to multiply 2 digit numbers by multiples of 10. The children had a wonderful time pretending to be the different numbers and moving to their new place value when multiplied by ten. Please note that we do not teach the children to add a zero when multiplying by ten (although it looks like that is what has been done when working with whole numbers). We teach them that the numbers move to the next column as they have increased their place value. By learning this way, they will find it easier to multiply decimals by 10 later on in the year.


In English, we read the next chapter of Kaspar and left the story at a crucial moment with our hero about to go down with the ship! In creative writing, they learned how to create an atmosphere by using powerful description. In grammar we revised how to use apostrophes in contractions e.g don't, it's, we've.


This week the children did their Verbal Reasoning Assessment and we will tell you the results at Parents' Consultation.


In Geography they learned about the different plants found in the rainforest and the adaptations made so that they can survive.  Next week we are planning to build our own models of the rainforest in a shoebox. PLEASE CAN EVERY CHILD BRING IN A SHOEBOX ON MONDAY


In Science, we learned about the food chain and look forward to our practical activity next week.



Shabbat Shalom,

Ms Vinokur and Mrs Sharman

Jewish Studies - week beginning 2/11


This week, we have revised the 'Patach genuvah' and 'Yud ending' (Hebrew) reading rules and recorded some examples found in our Siddurim. We have also studied the background story to the birth of Yaakov and Eisav - which is now our text focus in Chumash lessons. We have read and understood Pasuk Aleph (Parashat Toldot) and discussed the reason for the Torah's repetition of Avraham's relationship to Yitzchak.

Learning how to multiply by 10 by changing place value



It is hard to believe that we have reached half term- the weeks have zoomed by. The children certainly deserve a week off.


This week has been assessment week and we have been very impressed with how the children have approached their tests. We explained to them that the tests were for us to see what they already know and what we still have to teach them and that they must not worry. All the children were calm and focused and did their very best. The assessments have now been sent off for marking and we will be able to share the results with you at Parents' Evening in November/December.


In Maths this week we explored different mental methods for adding and subtracting numbers e.g counting on, rounding to ten, using known number bonds etc. There was a lot of discussion as to which was the best method for different sums and the children realised that they can pick the one that they understand the best ( as long as it results in a correct solution).

In Maths we also explored how we can check our addition and subtraction sums by doing the inverse calculation. For example if 168 - 27= 141, then 141+27=168. They got quite excited when it worked for larger numbers.

After half term, we will be looking at multiplication and division. It is essential that the children know their times tables, so please revise them over the break.


In English, we read the next chapter of Kaspar. It is getting very exciting now and the children are keen to find out how it ends. This week we answered comprehension questions using a crossword. Many of the children had forgotten how to fill in a crossword, so it was a useful and fun task.


In Science, the children created their digestive system t-shirts which they were very excited to bring home. Scroll down to see them modeling their handiwork.


In Geography we learned about the layers of the Rainforest and discussed why different animals live in the different layers of the Rainforest.


We have had a couple of 'wet breaks' this week and have been very impressed with how well the children play together in the classroom. We have had the teachers who are on duty compliment them on their calm and mature behaviour which makes us very proud. See below for some pictures of them at play.


This week we sent home an email regarding the children's use of social media especially chat groups. Thank you for working together with us to keep the children safe.


Wishing you all a healthy and happy half-term

Shabbat Shalom

Ms Vinokur and Mrs Sharman 




Creating our Digestive System T-Shirts

   Friday 16th October 2020


The children have settled straight back to work this week after the Chagim.


In Maths this week we put our knowledge of addition and subtraction to test through tackling 2 and 3 step word problems. Some children found this challenging so we will be revisiting it after half term. In Maths we also learned how to complete Arithmagons using inverse addition and subtraction facts. We had lots of fun!


In English this week we read and wrote poems about Autumn, listening to music sounds of Autumn to inspire them. We were impressed with the results.

We also read the next chapter of Kaspar which saw our main characters climb aboard the TItanic (much to the children's dismay!). We learned about The Titanic, answering a comprehension on the facts and the children have begun making posters advertising a trip on the ship to entice customers.


In Geography we continue to write 'Who Am I?' clues about animals in the rainforest.


We sent an email home on Wednesday about homework, particularly Maths homework and we thank you in advance for taking on board what we have suggested. Please remember that English homework is set on Friday and is due back on Wednesday - a number of children did not return the assignment this week. If, for any reason, your child cannot complete the homework, please email us at Please do not write on the google classroom - this is for interaction between ourselves and the pupils.


We are very much looking forward to next week when we will play the 'Mathsopoly' games that the children have made in their weekly practical maths lesson. 


Shabbat Shalom


Ms Vinokur and Mrs Sharman



Chag Sameach!


We have worked very hard this week.

In Maths we have been looking at subtraction with exchange (please use the term exchange rather than 'borrow' as the children have learned to exchange the ten for ten ones etc.) We used practical equipment first to demonstrate and explain why the written method works. We were really impressed with all the children and their ability to grasp and understand the method. Next week we will be working on word problems that mix addition and subtraction.


We read Chapter 5 of Kaspar and the children answered a comprehension on the test. They are really improving in their ability to answer more complex questions in depth. Some children also wrote character descriptions of the various characters in the book.


In Geography we started learning about the animals and creatures that inhabit the rainforest and the children wrote ''Who Am I?' puzzles about an animal. We will continue these next week and will put some on display.


In Science, we continued our work on teeth and looked at the effect of different drinks on enamel. Ask your child to tell you what they have discovered so far from our class experiment.


Homework is back to normal today - there is English homework on Google Classroom.


Wishing you all a Chag Sameach


The Year 4 team




We hope you all had a good fast and have recovered well.


This week we have been revised column addition and how to regroup (carry) when there is more than 9 in a column. We were really impressed with the children's knowledge and were able to move quickly onto word problems involving the addition of large numbers. Next week we will be teaching column subtraction. Please do not do this in advance as it important that the children use the same method and terminology at home as at school. We will upload a video with the homework showing how we have taught it.


In English we read the next chapter of Kaspar; some children completed their newspaper articles whilst others wrote about one of Elizabeth's adventures.


In Science this week we started our tooth decay experiment using real teeth and eggshell. We have put them in a variety of liquids (coke, Fanta, orange juice and water) and will monitor how they decay. Watch this space for photographs.


In PSHE we talked about communication and miscommunication and related it to their experiences in the playground. We played a game where children sat back to back linking arms and had to try to get up in unison through communicating their next move with each other. See the photos below!


We are not setting formal written homework over the Succot period but will be sending home a spelling and maths game for the children to play.


Shabbat Shalom


The Year 4 Team

Communication and Teamwork




We hope you all had a wonderful Rosh Hashanah and that the children weren't too tired this week. They have certainly worked hard this week.


In Maths we have been learning about negative numbers and discussed when we use them, for example, to talk about the temperature in Winter. We also looked at Roman numerals and had fun making different numbers using them. 


In English, we read the next chapter of Kaspar and some children wrote newspaper articles about the Countess' accident. They also learned about how to use speech marks - this is something we will revise throughout the year.


In Geography we looked at the climate in the Rainforest and compared it with the climate in London. The children learned the word precipitation and realised that much as we complain about the rain here, there is much more in the Rainforest! Look at the pictures below to see if you can find your child hidden in the rainforest.


In Science, we began to learn about our teeth and how to keep them healthy. Watch this space for news about the teeth experiment we will be doing.



We are very grateful for your support with homework but ask that you do not push your child to do a level that is beyond their comfort zone. Homework is to consolidate what they have done in class and the children should be able to do it (for the most part) independently. We always put up the Powerpoints we have used to remind them of the rules we have learned in school. In Maths particularly, please let your child do the level for their group first - if they find it easy then they can extend themselves with the harder work. Equally, if they find it hard, they can try the easier level. This is why we provide 5 levels. Many thanks for your support.


If your child has any issues, please email us. We ask that you do not write comments on the google classroom. This is the place we chat with them, make comments about their work and give them tips for improving. Please remember that your child can see all the comments that are made.


We want to tell you that we are so impressed with the behaviour of Year 4. In particular, during a wet break this week, they all played board games together beautifully. It was a delight to see.


We wish you all a 'G'mar Chatimah Tova'


Mrs Sharman & Ms Vinokur



We are pleased that we have managed to touch base with so many of you this week to discuss how your child has settled into Year 4. If you have not yet heard from us, please do not worry, we will be in touch next week.


In Maths this week we have continued with place value, learning how to add and subtract 10, 100 and 1000 from a given number and how to apply this knowledge to word problems. We have also looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.


In English we read the second chapter of our books and answered written questions on the story. We also looked at some idioms that were used in the book and learned what an idiom was. As the book features a trip to the Royal Opera House to hear Madame Butterfly, we showed the children a video about the Royal Opera House and played an excerpt from the opera. 


In Geography we looked at the rainforest and listened to the sounds they could hear. They then wrote some beautiful poetry.


In Art, the children created their own rainforest collages having seen the work of Matisse.


In Science, we discussed why our body needs food and how it is broken down in our body to provide the necessary nutrients needed to be healthy.


Can we please remind you not to send any nut or sesame products to school. This includes items containing almonds or almond butter.


We have uploaded some photos below of your children hard at work!


Shana Tova


The Year 4 Team





It was lovely to 'see' you all on Wednesday evening and hope that you are as now as excited about the year ahead as we are. 


In English this week we read the first chapter of Kaspar and we were impressed with the children's written comprehension. We also learned about metaphors and similes and were able to spot examples in the chapter we had read.

In Creative Writing, the children were asked to describe a storm, revising techniques taught in Year 3.

In Maths we have been looking at place value and using a variety of concrete resources to represent large numbers.

In Geography began our topic on the Rainforest and learned about the Equator and which countries lie on or near it.

Our Science topic this term is the human body and we began by learning the names, position and function of our organs. We linked this to our Jewish life by discussing why we make certain brachot such as after we have been to the toilet.

In Art, we began our collage topic by looking at the artist Matisse. We will continue this next week.


As well as this, the children have been doing assessments in Maths, English, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. As mentioned on Wednesday, we will be in touch with all of you within the next two weeks to discuss your child's results.



1. Please remember not to send in any items of food containing sesame seeds in your child's lunch box. We have a child in the class who is severely allergic.


2. Please ensure that your child is wearing black school shoes and not trainers. We understand that it has been difficult to book appointments for shoe fittings and that there has been a delay in receiving new footwear. If this is the case, please drop us an email.


2. Please return any Hebrew reading book you have from last year. If you cannot find it then the cost of a replacement will be added to your school bill.


Shabbat Shalom


The Year 4 team



Friday 4th September 2020


Welcome back! It is hard to believe that the children have not been together in school since March. They have settled back beautifully and we hope that they have enjoyed their first couple of days. We have certainly enjoyed teaching them.


This week we have started assessing the children. They have completed a Maths and English paper and been assessed on their Times Tables. We will carry out more assessments next week including listening to children read. We do not want the children to worry about these tests; they are simply to show us where the gaps are and where individual children need extra support or extension. Once we have marked and analysed the assessments, we will be in touch with each of you to discuss your child's results and needs.


We would like to remind you that PE is on Monday and Tuesday and that the children should come into school in their PE kit on those days.


Following our last email, please do not worry if you cannot find the 'silver' homework books. We will replace any that are missing.


Homework will begin next week- we will tell you more about it at our Meet the Teacher meeting on Wednesday


We look forward to seeing you, albeit virtually next week and to telling you more about the exciting year ahead.


Shabbat Shalom

The Year 4 Team







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Awards we have achieved so far.
