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Yom Talmid - Music

Still image for this video

Week ending 5/07/19


What an amazing response to Crazy Hair and Non-Uniform day. Thank you so much for taking part. Please see the photos below.


In Maths the children have been:

  • consolidating their understanding of place value 
  • using number facts to solve additions and subtractions involving 1- and 2-digit numbers 
  • finding change from 10p and 20p


In Geography we looked at aerial views of Kerem, some homes, our local area, areas of London and England. We discussed famous landmarks in London and the children enjoyed sharing their knowledge with each other.


The children are very excited for their show next week. Please make sure that they practise the story and the poem so that they are speaking with expression. They should bring their costumes on Monday in a named bag.


On Thursday and Friday we will be sending home the children's books. Please send a carrier bag (supermarket size) and make sure that they empty their bags on Thursday ready for more books on Friday.


All home readers should be returned by Friday 12th July.


Have a lovely weekend and Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman



Crazy Hair Day

Making our Brachot posters

Week ending 28.06.19


The children had a wonderful time today with Mrs Burland and Mrs Steel and I know that they are going to have a great time in Year 2. The children will have another session with the Year 2 team next week and before the end of term there will be a full transfer of information between the Year 1 and Year 2 teachers.  


  • Children to learn their parts for our presentation off by heart by next Tuesday - poem (see below) and story.
  • Complete any outstanding Abacus homework



  • Please make sure that your child has a bottle of water
  • Tzedakah - see flyer for crazy hair/own clothes 



  • We have been learning the time on digital and analogue clocks - o’clock, half past, quarter past (challenge quarter to). Please practise with your child.
  • See game on blog below



  • Inventors - Ole Christensen - Lego


Have a lovely weekend and Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman





Year 1 Presentation


Please see below poem for the children to learn.



  1. Zac, Isabel, Hannah

  2. Leo, Shachar, Charlie

  3. Anoushka, Freddie, Ari G

  4. Zara, Adele, Daniel

  5. Chloe, Gershon, Emmi

  6. Louis, Jamie, Levi

  7. Ari O, Jemima, Sam, Gaby


Us Two by A.A. Milne

  1. Wherever I am, there's always Pooh,

  2. There's always Pooh and Me.

  3. Whatever I do, he wants to do,

  4. "Where are you going today?" says Pooh:

  5. "Well, that's very odd 'cos I was too.

  6. Let's go together," says Pooh, says he.

  7. "Let's go together," says Pooh.

  1. "What's twice eleven?" I said to Pooh.

  2. ("Twice what?" said Pooh to Me.)

  3. "I think it ought to be twenty-two."

  4. "Just what I think myself," said Pooh.

  5. "It wasn't an easy sum to do,

  6. But that's what it is," said Pooh, said he.

  7. "That's what it is," said Pooh.

  1. "Let's look for dragons," I said to Pooh.

  2. "Yes, let's," said Pooh to Me.

  3. We crossed the river and found a few-

  4. "Yes, those are dragons all right," said Pooh.

  5. "As soon as I saw their beaks I knew.

  6. That's what they are," said Pooh, said he.

  7. "That's what they are," said Pooh.

  1. "Let's frighten the dragons," I said to Pooh.

  2. "That's right," said Pooh to Me.

  3. "I'm not afraid," I said to Pooh,

  4. And I held his paw and I shouted "Shoo!

  5. Silly old dragons!"- and off they flew.


    6.  "I wasn't afraid," said Pooh, said he,

    7.   "I'm never afraid with you." 


All      So wherever I am, there's always Pooh,

          There's always Pooh and Me.

          "What would I do?" I said to Pooh,

          "If it wasn't for you," and Pooh said: "True,

           It isn't much fun for One, but Two,

          Can stick together, says Pooh, says he. "That's how it is," says Pooh.


Clothes for our presentation - Bring on Monday 8th July in a named bag

  • Boys-jeans or denim shorts, plain t-shirt
  • Girls-denim or blue skirt, plain t-shirt


Charity Event - Friday 5th July

Jewish Studies 25th Sivan - 28th June 

In Jewish Studies this week, we have been learning all about Brachot.  We have been looking in a little more detail at some of the more tricky foods in relation to Brachot.  For example, bananas, melons and pineapples have the Bracha of Borei Peri Ha'adamah even though they are fruits, as do peanuts - even though all other nuts are Borei Peri Ha'etz.  We played Brachot games on JITap, shared some Brachot matching games and made our Brachot posters that we brought home on Wednesday.  We know so much about Brachot now - you can test us to see how much we know!


Next year, Mrs Stahl will be teaching Year 2 Jewish Studies on Mon-Wed, focussing mainly on Hebrew reading and writing and Parasha.  As I have loved teaching your gorgeous children so much this year, I am very excited to be continuing to teach them next year on Thursdays and Fridays.  Our main focus will be Chagim and Jewish Life.  I am very much looking forward to this - and hope that the children are as happy about it as I am!


Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom,

Mrs Hill

Hidden creatures in the style of Matisse

Telling the time


In addition to the Abacus homework the children can play this game

Choose level 2 or 3, 12 hour clock, untimed game

Week ending 21/06/19


The children have had a very busy week. The highlights have been Sports Day and Forest School (see photos). At Forest School they revised the rules of the outside environment. Then they learnt how to make dens, which required good teamwork and skills such as tying a timber hitch knot and securing the tarpaulin by using a stick and a mallet. They also learnt the skill of whittling (carving shapes out of wood) and made their own paint using a pestle and mortar. They even made their own paintbrushes using sticks and leaves!


In Maths we have continued our work on multiplication, making groups and introducing the x sign. We have also been doubling and halving numbers. In Literacy, the children wrote a recount about Sports Day using time connectives.


The weather has finally improved so enjoy the sunshine.


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman 

Forest School - Making dens, whittling, making paint, clay work

Our week in photos - see below


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman 

The Bus and 4 of Us!

Pond dipping

Food chains - Who Eats Who?

Reading maps and collecting clues

Finding clues and marking them on a map

Mad about maps!

Paper straw sculptures

Week ending 8.6.19



The children enjoyed listening to the story of The Fox and The Stork and wrote their own amusing stories.



This week the children have been:

  • locating 2 digit numbers on a 100 square
  • comparing and ordering 2 digit numbers up to 100 
  • identifying 10s and 1s in 2 digit numbers and solving place value additions



Most of the bean plants have grown and are ready for planting outside. Please continue to send photos of their progress.

This week we have been learning about deciduous and evergreen trees. We went for a walk to the park and identified a variety of trees. (see photos)


Please remember to send Tzedakah every Friday. This term we are sponsoring a puppy for The Israel Guide Dog charity. (See photos)


Thank you for joining us at the Tikun this morning.


Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach,


Mrs Borman

Sponsor a puppy - Isaac

Year One were very proud of their Mt Sinai Shavuot pictures...

Jewish Studies 19th Iyar - 24th May

In our Jewish Studies lessons this week we have continued to learn about Rabbi Akiva and Lag BaOmer.  We learnt that Rabbi Akiva taught the important message of 've-ahavta le-re'acha kamocha' - to love your neighbour as yourself.  We discussed what this means for us and we made heart mobiles that included this message.  


Also this week, to tie in with the whole-school theme of birth and naming ceremonies in different traditions and religions, we learnt about the Pidyon HaBen ceremony.  We watched a video to see how the baby is draped in beautiful jewellery and carried on a silver tray and then 'bought' by his father for 5 silver coins.


Wishing you all a lovely half term and Shabbat Shalom,

Mrs Hill

Week ending 24/05/19



  • Writing instructions - How to brush your teeth
  • Following instructions - Make a flower and label the different parts (Science)



  • Measure and begin to record weight and capacity 
  • Compare, describe and solve practical problems 



  • Parts of the plant and their functions
  • Please take care of the bean plants



  • Looking at sculptures made from junk/recycled materials
  • Making junk monsters (see photos)



  • Cardio workout with Y2 (see photos)


Whole school assembly

This week our assembly was about how different religions and cultures celebrate the birth of a baby. Year 1 found out about a 'Pidyon Haben'. 


Lost Property

1 blue shrug

2 PE sweatshirts

Please name all items of clothing.


Shabbat Shalom and have a lovely half term week.


Mrs Borman



Sculpture - making monsters

Cardio workout with Y2

Instructions - Make a flower and label the different parts

Week ending 17/05/19


The lovely weather this week has been a bonus! During our Science lesson we went for a walk looking for wild flowers. We didn't need to go far into the park to find daisies, ivy, clover, dandelions and nettles. We have checked our bean plants and observed that some of them have started to grow roots.


In Literacy, we discussed the language of instruction texts. We wrote instructions for making a jam sandwich. In Maths, we sorted out additions into those you ʻjust knowʼ and those you need to work out. We added three small numbers, spotting pairs to 10 and doubles add and subtract 10 to and from 2-digit numbers.


We started our new topic ' Let's Sculpt!' We made dough hands in the style of the sculptor Marc Quinn. Next week we will be making monsters. Please send the inside rolls from kitchen paper by Tuesday. In Geography, we used atlases to find the countries and that make up the UK and their capitals. We also learnt the names of the seas that surround our island.


Please remember to send your child with a bottle of water.


Have a lovely weekend and Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman



Making dough hands!

Jewish Studies 5th Iyar - 10th May

It's been another really busy week in Year One Jewish Studies.  We spent the start of the week learning about Israel and lots of important places that we find there.  We also learned about the four different seas which surround Israel (The Med, The Red, The Dead and The Kinneret).  We then had lots of fun 'building' Israel out of lego (see pics below).

On Yom Haatzmaut itself, we celebrated Israel's birthday with lots of special Israel-themed activities including arts and crafts, dancing, shwarma lunch and a live concert from an amazing Israeli band.  We even held our own Eurovision Song Contest in the afternoon - Well done to Zara and to Adele for being brave enough to get on stage and sing for the whole school!

Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and a lovely weekend,


Mrs Hill

Lots of photos from Yom HaAtzmaut can be found by clicking on the attached link.

Week ending 10/05/19


This week has been very exciting for Year 1. On Tuesday the children had their first Forest School session. They met their teachers, who taught them the rules for the outside environment. The children played Kim’s game and searched for 10 items including feathers, sticky leaves and a 3 leaf clover. They learned to saw and drill in order to make medallions. They also made necklaces and bracelets using pieces of an elder branch. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the session and we are looking forward to the next one in June. (See photos below)


Yom Haatzmaut at Kerem is always very special. The children decorated doves using flags from different countries. They had an Israeli dancing session and watched a concert. They walked round and round and round the playground to raise money for Ohel Sarah. Our day finished with Kerem’s Eurovision Contest. Zara and Adele gave amazing performances. What stars!! (See photos and video below)


In Literacy, the children wrote beautiful messages to welcome the new royal baby “Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor”. (See some of their messages below)


In Science we planted beans. We will be keeping a diary to watch their growth. We also set up some bean plants to answer the following questions: Will the bean grow without water? Will the bean grow without light? Will the bean grow without soil? We will be observing what happens.



  • PE on Monday


Next week will be our first full week. Please make sure that the children have an early night on Sunday.


Have a lovely weekend and Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman





Yom Haatzmaut - Sponsored Walk for Ohel Sarah

Still image for this video

Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy!

Jewish Studies 28th Nissan – 3rd May

Welcome back to our Summer term -  I am really excited to be teaching your wonderful children once again this term!  This week we learnt about Counting the Omer and the children made their beautiful Omer charts to help them keep track of each day.  They learnt that we count from the second night of Pesach until Shavuot which marks the seven weeks that Bnei Yisrael spent in the desert until they arrived at Har Sinai to receive the Torah.

Next week we will celebrate Yom Haatzmaut 71 – the children are invited to come to school wearing blue and white for our day of celebrations – more details are being emailed today.

Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and an enjoyable long weekend!

Mrs Hill

Our Omer Counting charts

Week ending 3/05/19


It was lovely to welcome the children back to school after the Pesach holidays and they were all excited to share their news with each other. They settled straight down to work and have enjoyed starting some new topics.


In Maths the children have been consolidating the following concepts: 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less than any 2-digit number;  place value in 2-digit numbers; and identifying 10s and 1s. In Literacy they wrote recounts about their holidays and have been practising their reading comprehension skills.


We started two new topics this week. In Science our topic is 'Plants' and the children discussed the different plants that grow in their gardens.They also learnt the names of some flowering plants. In Geography our topic is 'Our Country' and the children named the countries which make up the UK. We read the story of 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse' and looked at photographs of human and physical features of towns and countrysides.


Next Tuesday we will be having our 1st Forest School session. Please complete the form and make sure that your child has the appropriate clothing as per the list.


From the 12th May we will be having a PE session every Monday afternoon. Please make sure that your child wears their PE kit every Monday and Wednesday.


Please remember to send tzedakah every Friday. This term we are sponsoring a puppy for the Israel Guide Dog Centre.


Shabbat Shalom and enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend,


Mrs Borman



Jewish Studies 12th April - 7th Nissan


In Year One this week we finished making our beautiful Haggadot.  The children are so excited to be bringing them home today and they can't wait to use them at their real Sedarim next week.  I would love to hear how far-travelled the Haggadot become and would value feedback from yourselves too.


The children thoroughly enjoyed their Model Seder on Tuesday - they sang their little hearts out and especially loved leading in Mah Nishtanah.  I hope that they sing it beautifully at your Sedarim too.  To see photos and a couple of videos from this year's model Sedarim, check out the JS blog under Class Pages


I have really enjoyed teaching your delightful children this term and look forward to another fun-filled term with them again after the holiday.


Have a wonderful Pesach and a relaxing holiday!

Shabbat shalom vechag kasher vesame'ah


Mrs Hill

Year One with their beautiful Haggadot

Week ending 12th April


It's hard to believe that we have come to the end of the spring term and that there's only one more term for the children in Year 1. The children have continued to work hard in all areas of the curriculum and are ready for the Pesach holidays.





  • Creative writing - The Birthday Balloon
  • Spelling assessment



  • Comparing toys of today with Victorian toys



Bottle Top Shapes

  • Investigating how to make the shapes that they could see in the classroom
  • Linking shapes together 


Many thanks for supporting the Camp Simcha fundraiser. The children were very excited.


Wishing you all a wonderful break.


Shabbat Shalom and Chag Pesach Kasher Vesame'ach


Mrs Borman

Pesach costumes

STEM - Bottle Top Shapes

Jewish Studies 29th Adar II – 5th April 2019

Year One have been preparing for Pesach all week!  They have learnt about breaking the middle matza for the afikoman as well as reading and practising Mah Nishtanah – which they sang so beautifully.  They even designed their very own front covers for their Haggadot which they are working on with such pride and care.

Shabbat Shalom


Week ending 5/04/19


Thank you for all the beautiful spring photos, our seasons display is almost complete. We are still waiting for a few photos, please send asap.


This week in History, we continued learning about "Toys from the Past". Thank you for helping your children to find out about the toys that you and their grandparents played with. The children enjoyed sharing their findings and discussed the similarities and differences. Grandparents  and great grandparents definitely had fewer toys than children nowadays!


In Maths, we focused on place value in 2 digit numbers and then in relation to money (making totals using 10p and 1p coins). Please let them practise with real money! The children solved the following problem: Sam has 2 coins. Together they make less than 50p and more than 10p. What coins could they be? They also were finding 1 more, 10 more, 1 less, 10 less than a 2 digit number.


Next Friday 12th April we will be having an event to raise money for our  charity Camp Simcha. Please see the flyer below.


Our gym sessions have finished so the children should wear school uniform on Monday.


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman



Jewish Studies 22nd Adar II – 29th March 2019

It’s been another busy week in Year One as the children have been hard at work preparing for Pesach.  They have learnt all about Chametz and Bedikat Chametz and they now know the names of all the items on the Seder Plate (Ke’arah), many in both Hebrew and English.  They are working so carefully to ensure that their Haggadot are beautiful and neat.

Next week we will be practising Mah Nishtana and continuing to make our Haggadot.

Shabbat Shalom.

Week ending 29/03/19



  • Phonics / spelling - ew, ue
  • Creative writing assessment - "Lost"





  • Early 20th century toys
  • Please complete the History homework by Wednesday 3rd April


STEM - Ear Gongs

  • Thinking and talking about-  how sounds reach the ear and why does it sound so different when you put your fingers in your ear? 
  • Investigating- how sound changes
  • More bottle tops please!


Spring photos

  • Please send by Monday 



  • Please make sure that all jumpers and cardigans are clearly labelled.


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman

Looking for spring

Ear Gongs

Jewish Studies 15th Adar II – 22nd March

Year One learnt so much about Purim this week.  They worked exceptionally hard to make their Megillot and thoroughly enjoyed making and using their Purim Ra’ashanim (noise-makers).  They had so much fun in school on Purim carrying out the special Purim Mitzvot that they had learnt about.  Next week we will begin making our Pesach Haggadot!

Shabbat Shalom to you all!

Week ending 22/03/19


This week has flown by and the children were very busy preparing for Purim in their secular and JS lessons. In DT they designed and made Purim hand puppets. Once finished, the puppets came to life and told us who they were in the Purim story. Yesterday of course was the highlight of the week. The children looked amazing in their costumes and thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thank you for the Zumba Sponsorship money- please watch the video below.


In Maths we have continued learning how to tell the time on analogue and digital clocks.

This week the children were beginning to have a notion of what a minute is and investigated how many different things they could do in a minute e.g. how many times they could write their names, touch their toes, build a tower ... If you are thinking of a gift for finding the afikomen then a teaching watch would be a great idea.  


It is now officially spring and the forecast for Sunday is good! Please take some spring photos so that we complete our 4 seasons display.


We still need many more bottle tops (flat) for one of our STEM activities. Please keep collecting them.


Please note that as mentioned in ' Hot off the Press', Love Corn will not be allowed in school from next week.  If children have any, they will not be allowed to eat it, so please send an appropriate snack.  Many thanks for your support with this. 


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman

Purim Zumba

Still image for this video


Jewish Studies  8th Adar II - 15th March

Year 1 have been learning lots about the story of Purim and are working really hard to make their very own Megillot.  

Shabbat Shalom

Week Ending 15th March



  • Story writing - The Animal
  • Verbs
  • Phonics / Spelling - split digraph o-e



  • Relate units of time weeks, days, hours; divide the days up into parts; read and write times to the hour
  • Year 1 need to be able to recite the months of the year in order. Please practise with your child.
  • Please help your child to tell the time to the hour and half hour on an analogue clock or watch



This week we made our very own rocket mice and launchers and we investigated how high the mice could fly!


What makes your rocket fly?

How could you make your rocket travel higher?

Watch our videos to see what happened.


Please keep sending in the plastic bottle tops. They need to be the flat type. Thanks.



Glove puppets



To complement our topic Toys, a visit to the Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green would be a lovely trip for a Sunday.


Have a lovely weekend and Shabbat Shalom.


Mrs Borman






Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Rocket Mice

Still image for this video

Jewish Studies: Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheni - 8th March 2019


This week we started to learn all about Purim.  We talked about why we wear masks and fancy dress; HaShem's name is hidden in the Megillah (it does not appear even once);  Esther hid that she was Jewish from the king, even changing her name from Hadassah to Esther - which means hidden.  So on Purim we also 'hide' by wearing fancy dress.


We also helped to prepare for the Kerem Shabbaton by making our own flags for bunting to be hung up around the hall.  We tried to draw pictures that would look the same on the front and back of the flags.


We learnt about this week's Parashah of Pekudei and about how the Mishkan was made.


Looking forward to seeing you this evening!

Shabbaton Shalom!!



Week Ending 8/03/19


The highlight of our week was our "Toy" workshop. We had our own Toy Museum and were so lucky to be able to play with a variety of toys from the past. The toys were made from different materials such as wood, metal and plastic and included moving toys, dolls, trains, hobby horses and games. We became archaeologists and found toys such as china tea cups and metal robots. We sorted the toys and also ordered them on a timeline. We looked at a range of wind up toys and teddy bears. We also made our own toys: peg dolls, spinners, fishing games, cork boats, pecking birds and cup and balls. Adele said, " The day was planned very well and it was such fun." The children learnt so much and we all appreciated the help from our parent volunteers. (Please see the photos below.)


This week our STEM activity was to make a Magnetic Maze. We drew mazes on plastic bottles and then we investigated which objects could be moved through the maze using a magnet. Please note we need many more bottle tops for another STEM activity.


In Maths we have been using our number facts to add and subtract. We have also have been doubling. The children can try these websites:



This week we also learnt about Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) and wrote instructions for making pancakes. We also found out about how other countries celebrate this day.


I have added a list of book banded real books to the blog which your children will enjoy reading.


Many thanks to those parents who came to meet with me on Wednesday. I look forward to meeting the remaining parents on Monday.


Have a lovely weekend and Shabbat Shalom.


Mrs Borman 


Toy Workshop

Toy Workshop

Book banded real books for your child to read.

Jewish Studies - 1st March - 25th Adar 

It has been really delightful getting to know all your lovely children this week.  They truly are a special class - such a lovely bunch of kind, caring, sweet children.  I will be teaching them on Monday thru' Thursday and Rabbi Ford will teach them for Parasha on a Friday.  Mrs Shannon and Mrs Stahl will continue to support the Hebrew reading.


This week, besides all our ShabbatUK extras (see below from Mrs Borman) we have learned lots about Shabbat including lighting candles, making Kiddush and having two Challot.  We do hope you like our Shabbat booklets and our Challah cloth.


If you have any questions, you can contact me on

Meanwhile I look forward to getting to know your lovely children even better over the next few weeks.

ShabbatUK Shalom!


Mrs Hill


Week Ending 1/3/2019


On Monday we shared our holiday news and the children have now settled back into the school routine. We have had some lovely events this week to celebrate Shabbat UK. Tribe held an assembly on Wednesday and we also went in the Dome to watch films narrated by the Chief Rabbi. Today, we enjoyed celebrating our Kabbalat Shabbat with some of our parents.


In Literacy, we have been learning how the magic e changes the sounds of some letters. We are enjoying our creative writing lessons with Mrs. Sondhelm and this week we wrote stories called "The Letter".  In Maths we have been recognising odd and even numbers; counting objects in 5s and 10s and beginning to say 5 lots and 10 lots;and finding half, quarter and three quarters of shapes and halving numbers.


In History, we started our new topic "Toys" and discussed in detail about our favourite toys. We are looking forward to our workshop next week.


Please can you collect the following items for our upcoming:

Bottle lids

Small plastic bottles

Empty plastic milk bottles (clean please!) - 4 or 6 pints


Have a lovely weekend and Shabbat Shalom.


Mrs. Borman

Shabbat UK - Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat UK

Still image for this video

Week Ending 15/02/19


Year 1 have had an amazing week. They performed so well at their Chagigat HaSiddur and made us all so proud. They have started using their Siddurim with pride and joy. May they enjoy using their Siddurim for many years to come and may all their prayers be answered.


Book Week

Book Quiz

On Monday we began our book week activities by listening to the story "Giraffes Can't Dance". This was followed by a "Guess the book?" quiz. Each child in Y1 paired up with a child in Y2. The children were familiar with many of the books, although they weren't sure of the titles. The challenge we are now setting for children and parents is to read/listen to all of these stories during February and March (see attachment below). We have discussed that the children can go to the library or borrow books from a friend. Certificates will be given when the children have completed the challenge!



On Monday and Tuesday, some parents came to read poems in Danish, English and Ivrit. We listened to a variety of styles including, limericks, modern and classical poetry. 

Interesting facts:

  • There are 28 letters in the Danish alphabet
  • Limericks have 5 lines and a distinctive rhythm


On Thursday we recited "On the Ning, Nang, Nong" by Spike Milligan to the school. Apologies to those parents who had the words of this poem in their heads for the past week!


Whole school read

On Wednesday we all enjoyed communal DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time. 15 minutes to escape in a book was bliss!


Year 2 Debate

On Thursday we listened to Year 2 debating: Which is the best colour crayon? We listened intently to their points of view and then voted in a private ballot. Red and pink won the vote.


Our Book Week has been great and the children's enthusiasm for reading is a delight to witness. 


Wishing you all a good half term break.


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman






Book Quiz

Book week - bookmarks

Homework  Monday 11th February

This Week


Due to unforeseen circumstances my blog which I took ages to prepare has disappeared into nowhere! 


Please ask your children to tell you what they have been learning about.


It was lovely to see so many of you on Wednesday and we are all looking forward to the big day.


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman

  Week Ending 1/02/19


Book week

The week before half term (11 - 15th Feb) is Book week. We would like to invite parents or grandparents to come and read one of their favourite childhood poems to the class. Poems in other languages are welcome and children can recite poems with their parents/grandparents. Our sessions will be on :

Monday 11th February 1.45 - 2 pm 

Tuesday 11 - 11.15am

Please let me know if you would like to read a poem to Year 1.



  • Story writing - Escape from the zoo 
  • Five Minutes Peace - writing a list of tips for helping to get to sleep 



  • 3D shapes and their properties
  • What 3D shapes can you see at home and in the street? Take photos/make a list (optional)
  • (optional)
  • Days of the week, months of the year



  • Geography - Looking at different maps - World, UK, street maps, theme park maps, underground map
  • News Bites
  • Science - properties of materials


Thank you for the beautiful winter photos. We are still waiting for some more, so please email asap.


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman

Week Ending 25/01/19



  • We will be having our class  School Council elections on Monday ( see Blog from last week)
  • Winter photos for our class display
  • Please fix the hooks on your children's coats
  • Hebrew names for Mrs Steinberg



  • Creative writing - The Seaside
  • Traditional Tale - Goldilocks and the three bears ( Please read different traditional tales to your child)



  • Adding by putting the larger number first
  • Counting on from 2 digit numbers
  • Adding a 1 digit number to a 2 digit number
  • New games to play (optional) -                                                                                                  



  • Science - Properties of materials
  • Geography - aerial (birds eye) views/maps, map of the classroom


Wishing you a lovely weekend and Shabbat Shalom.


Mrs Borman 



Week Ending 18/01/19


Our main theme this week has been about "Keeping Safe". On Tuesday, the children learnt about E-Safety with the Paw Patrol gang. They now know how to keep their personal information safe online. On Thursday, the NSPCC gave an assembly called "Speak Out, Stay Safe". The children met "Buddy", the friendly, green speech bubble who believes children should be able to speak out to someone if they feel worried or unhappy. The assembly explained about children's rights, which grown ups they can go to for help and how to keep their bodies safe.


This week Mrs Sondhelm, our Literacy coordinator, began teaching the children about story writing. This week's story was called The Kitten. The children were really excited to write their own stories.


In Maths we have been consolidating number bonds to 10, revising doubles and using number facts to solve simple addition and subtraction word problems. 


Today, Mike Freer, our local MP, came to speak to the children about democracy and elections. At Kerem we have a very pro-active School Council. Every January we elect 2 members from each class. We meet in my classroom every other Thursday at 8.30 am. We have discussed the qualities of a good class representative and will be voting in class on Monday 28th January. If your child would like to stand for election, please help them write a short manifesto e.g. "I think I would be a good school councillor because ..." Please note that the children should not make any promises e.g. ice cream for dessert nor provide any gifts to influence the vote!


Winter display

As we don't seem to be having any snow this year, we will have to continue our seasons display without snowy pictures. Please email photos of your children out and about, wrapped up warm, in hats, scarves and gloves and perhaps with some bare trees in the background! Please contact me if you have a snow machine or a large supply of cotton wool!!


Chagigat HaSiddur

Message from Mrs Steinberg:  Parents, please practise the songs and speaking parts with your child.


Bluish Jewish Day Friday 25th January

Children to wear blue and white. Donanation £1 or more. 



Have a lovely weekend and Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman





Week Ending 11.01.19


Happy 2019! I hope that you all had a good winter break. The children have shared their holiday news and were excited to discuss the places that they visited.


A big welcome to Gaby Tricot who has joined Year 1. We are very pleased to have you in our class.



  • Holiday news
  • Punctuation - full stops
  • Traditional tales - Little Red Riding Hood. Listening to the story, sequencing the events and writing sentences



  • Say the number 1/2 more/less using a number line or 100 grid
  • Locate 2 digit numbers on a 100 number grid and a 1 - 100 bead string
  • Read, write and say 2 digit numbers and understand them as some tens and some ones
  • Investigation - Domino digits
  • Games -



  • Art - paper weaving
  • Science - naming everyday materials
  • Geography - Where Do I live? ( Finchley, Hampstead Garden Suburb etc.) Discussing the human and physical features of their environment. Making a line map of what they see on the way to school.
  • Please help your child to learn their full address. On Monday I will be sending a passport home - please help your child to fill in their address.
  • Misc. - I have one new jumper in my classroom with no name. Please let me know if your child has lost their jumper.
  • Misc. - Please make sure that your child has a hook inside their coat so that they can hang it on their peg.
  • Reminder - E-Safety meeting Monday 14th January 7.30 - 9


Shabbat Shalom and have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Borman




Week Ending 7/12/10


Year 1 have had a wonderful Chanukah week.


  • In English, we wrote Chanukah Riddles. 
  • On Thursday, the children enjoyed the Olive Oil workshop (see photos).
  • They joined in the candle lighting in the shul and enjoyed singing the Chanukah songs.


In Maths they have been shopping! Please empty your pockets and purses so that the children become familiar with the different coins and their values. Help them to make different totals using the coins e.g. make 12p using the fewest coins, make 15p using 3 coins. Here are some websites for you to try:


We have been practising for our Chanukah Concert on Monday and look forward to you joining us. Please make sure that the children arrive promptly at 8.45 am, as the show starts at 9 am. The children should wear their school tracksuits as we will be going to the gym after the concert.


Enjoy the last few days of Chanukah.


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman


Chanukah workshop - Making olive oil

Week ending 30/11/18


Tuesday was a very exciting day for Year 1. We had 4 new class members - Our fish arrived! The children are absolutely delighted. We have named 3 of them: Goldie, Snowy and Sparkles! We are still deliberating over a name for fish number 4. Perhaps you could send some suggestions and we will have a vote. The children will show you fish number 4 on the photos below.


Many thanks to Mrs Goodall for organising the fish and aquarium.


On Friday 3 children from Gesher came to join us for a Chanukah Art activity. Gesher is the school we raised money for last term.



The children are enjoying writing short stories and are learning to use basic punctuation.

  • Story writing - Going to the Supermarket
  • Phonics - o, oe, ow, oa


  • Measuring lengths using non-standard and standard units
  • Adding 1, 2, 3 by counting on
  • Subtracting 1, 2, 3 or more by counting back
  • Adding 3 numbers by spotting bonds to 10 or doubles
  • Games for + and -, bonds to 10 and 20 etc.


  • Wax resist fish pictures
  • Geography - Barnaby Bear visits the Seaside (Poole). Finding Poole on a map of the UK.


Please will all the boys who go to football on a Thursday lunch break bring football shoes. The pitch gets very muddy and so does the classroom!


We have 2 Chanukah Shows, one on Tuesday 4th December and the other on Monday 10th December. Please make sure that your child arrives at 8.45am on both days as we want to start promptly at 9am.


Thank you to those parents who came to meet with me on Wednesday. 


Shabbat Shalom and Chanukah Sameach,


Mrs Borman






Year 1 welcome Goldie, Speckles, Snowy and Fish number 4 to Kerem!


This week in Jewish Studies:

We learnt about the rules that make a kosher Chanukiah and had great fun making our very own Chanukiah that we can use for Chanukah. We first glued 8 wooden blocks and a larger one for the Shamash. We thought carefully about how we wanted to arrange it while making sure it is Kosher. When it was dry, we painted it and then stuck hex nuts on for the candles. I hope you enjoy lighting the Chanukiah but be careful - DO NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED CANDLES BURNING!! Please stay safe over Chanukah!


The children have improved so much with their Hebrew Reading! Keep it up. During Chanukah we will be having different, fun lessons. Therefore, I have set Hebrew Reading homework for the next TWO weeks!


Happy Chanukah!


Here is a fun Chanukah playlist to listen to:




We thoroughly enjoyed learning about Pidyon Haben this week. Mrs Shanon’s first grandson celebrated his Pidyon Haben - mazal tov! We acted out the ceremony with everyone putting their gold jewellery onto the tray with the baby doll. 


We we have been getting very good at Hebrew Reading. We are loving Miss Gorman’s games! We have been challenging our Reading with Hebrew monster books and other simple Hebrew stories.


We learnt about the story of Chanukah and had great fun making a Chanukah poster.


we are looking forward to making some fun Chanukah crafts next week.

This Week in Jewish Studies

Week ending 23/11/18


This week we have been busy practising our Chanukah songs. Please continue to practise at home. 



  • Sequencing pictures for story writing - Getting Ready for School
  • Grammar - sorting nouns into groups (people, places and things)



  • Problem solving dotty triangles - Put the counters in the corner of the triangle - How many ways different ways can you make 5, 6, 7 (2+1+2 =5, 4+1+0=5). Can you predict how many ways there are to make the different totals? 
  • Comparing lengths
  • Positional language
  • NRICH activity - coloured squares



  • Collage to illustrate our Chanukah song
  • Geography - Barnaby Bear visits the Orkney Islands
  • Looking at England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on a map


Thank you to those parents who came to meet with me on Tuesday. It was a pleasure to discuss your children’s progress with you. I look forward to meeting the next group of parents on Wednesday. 


Wishing you Shabbat Shalom and a lovely weekend.


Mrs Borman

Dotty triangles

Week ending 16.11.18


Today Chloe's mummy came to talk to us about how our bodies work. We found out some very interesting facts. Did you know that we have 724 trillion blood cells? We listened to each other’s hearts beating and some of us listened for rumbly tummies! We now know that our bodies are amazing. Thank you so much Dr Benjamin, we really enjoyed your session and learnt so much.


Today is Kerem Mitzvah Day and we made Get Well Cards for the children in Barnet General Hospital. We discussed how this was an act of kindness. We hope that the cards and colouring books will put a smile on the children's faces.



  • Sequencing pictures and story writing - The Naughty Puppy
  • Handwriting - j, y



  • Ordinal numbers
  • Revising + bonds ( all pairs of numbers to 10)
  • Please practise mental maths with your child e.g. say the total is 9, you say 6 and ask your child how many more to make 9, they should give a quick response of 3, you say 2, they say 7 etc.



  • Art - take a line for a walk and fill in the gaps with different lines (see photos)
  • Geography - Barnaby Bear on the River Thames



Please log into the  class Ivrit Blog for Youtube links to the Chanukah songs and the main Ivrit page for the full Shiron.


Wishing you Shabbat Shalom and a lovely weekend,


Mrs Borman

Is your heart beating?

Take a line for a walk

To enjoy a few pictures from this morning's Year One Rosh Chodesh learning, click the link below:

Week ending 9/11/18



  • Writing ‘Firework’ poems 
  • Holiday news





  • Famous Events - Remembrance Day ( CBeebies video to watch, if you like, whilst observing 2 minutes silence)
  • We listened to the story 'Poppy's Day ... a story about remembering' 
  • Art - Firework paintings in the style of Jackson Pollock



  • Please remember to send Tzedakah every Friday - Our charity is Happy Days


Mitzvah Day

Next Friday 16th November is Mitzvah Day at Kerem. Year 1 will be making Get Well Cards for children in hospital. Last year we sent a gift with each card. Please would you be kind enough to send a colouring book for us to send with the cards. If any of the doctors in the class work in a hospital, and would be willing to deliver the cards etc. to the children's ward, that would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for joining us today for the Rosh Chodesh learning session.


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman




Firework Paintings in the style of Jackson Pollock

Whose turn is it to be teacher?

This week in Jewish Studies (26/10):

This week we learnt about the Berachot (blessings) we say before eating and drinking. We refreshed our memories about what categories belong to which berachah i.e. foods made with flour are Mezonot, vegetables are Ha'adamah etc. 

We learnt about Parashat Vayera - how Avraham loved doing the mitzvah of Hachnassat Orchim (inviting guests). Please read the Daf Parashah with your child to find out more about what we learnt about in this week's Parashah.

Thank you to Zara for sharing the book 'The Wooden Sword'. We really enjoyed reading it!


Please keep up with Hebrew reading during Half Term.


Shabbat Shalom

Week Ending 26th October



  • Writing sentences to describe pictures 
  • Writing sentences about Diwali
  • Comprehension - Clowns
  • Handwriting - j, y
  • ‘ng’ words



  • Ordering numbers
  • Finding 1 less/1 more
  • Counting in 5s and 10s
  • Venn diagrams
  • Estimating



  • Portraits in the style of Picasso
  • Science:  Animals including humans - My Body


Shabbat Shalom and have a lovely half term,


Mrs Borman



Can you find where the different dominoes go?

Week ending 19th October



  • Story - Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear?
  • Making their own books based on the story



  • 2D shapes and their properties
  • 2D pictures
  • Investigating making shapes using 4 triangles
  • Symmetry



  • Art - drawing half of a self-portrait
  • News Bites


Thank you for the lovely autumn photos. If you haven't sent them yet, please email by Monday.


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman

Einav and her guide dog

This week in Jewish Studies (12/10):

We began researching our Hebrew birthdays; we searched up the date we were born and what was the Hebrew date on that day. We also noted the Parashah of our birthday. We began printing out our certificates so that you can keep this information safe. When it is your child's Hebrew birthday, it would be lovely if you would like to donate a Jewish book to our (small but growing) Jewish book library in their honour. Please be in touch with me if you would like to arrange this in advance of their birthday.


Please note that Hebrew reading is part of our homework. The policy states to read with your child 4-5 times a week for 5 minutes. Please sign when you have read. Remember to send your child's Hebrew reading folder to school every Wednesday!


We learnt about Parashat Noach and the story of the flood. We also learnt about the Tower of Bavel and the complications the people had building it. Please read the Daf Parashah this week and discuss with your child (and family). Please remember to send it back in every Friday.


Shabbat Shalom,

Miss Gorman

Week Ending 12th October 


On Monday we had a wonderful outing to the Barbican to see the London Symphony Orchestra perform Prokofiev’s Peter and The Wolf. We were introduced to the different sections of the orchestra. Each section represented a different character from the story. The strings were Peter, the woodwind were the bird, the duck, the cat and grandpa. The brass represented the hungry wolf and the percussion made the sound of the hunter’s gun. We enjoyed singing the two songs we had learnt. We also heard Prokofiev’s ‘The Classical’, ‘Morning’ and ‘The Moon is over the Meadow’.


This week we have been busy doing assessments in English and Maths. The children all tried very hard - Well done Year 1.


In Maths, we have also been counting on and back using a number line. We investigated making numbers using the following digits and symbols: 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, + - =


In English and Science we listened to the story called ‘Little Acorn’ and we wrote our own stories about the Little Acorn. On Wednesday afternoon we went on a walk looking for autumn. Please ask your child what evidence we found. Now it’s your turn to find autumn with your child and email me photos of your evidence for our classroom display! 


In Art we made autumn sculptures with the leaves and seeds that we found. 


Lost property

2  PE sweatshirts

1 jumper


Our first full week is over and although we are all exhausted we have had a lovely week.


Shabbat Shalom,


Mrs Borman



At the Barbican

This week in Jewish Studies (05/10):

Please be aware: I have changed the days we will be learning Hebrew reading from Monday and Tuesday to Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child brings their Hebrew reading folder to school every Wednesday. This has been updated on the Key Information page. I read with half of the children on Wednesdays and the rest on a Thursday. This means that sometimes your child will receive their folder back on Wednesdays and sometimes Thursdays.


We had great fun playing Hebrew reading games this week. We played games such as Jenga, Match-It, Flip the Egg, and Roll the Dice. 



We celebrated Miss Gorman's Hebrew birthday in school on Thursday and learnt all about what a Hebrew birthday is. We will soon be learning about the children's Hebrew birthdays and when they are.



We learnt about Parashat Bereishit and the story of creation. Your child is bringing home their Daf Parashah Folder this week. Inside is a Daf (page) with a summary of what we have learnt with some questions and discussions as homework. Please read this through with your child and discuss the questions. Some families like to share this at the Shabbat table, and some have said the children ask the questions to the adults. Please return Daf Parashah Folders every Friday.


Shabbat Shalom!

Week ending 5/10/18


Outing to the Barbican Monday 8th October


  • Please provide your child with a NUT FREE packed lunch for this outing.
  • Please put the lunch in a named plastic bag. It should consist of milky/parev sandwiches, fruit, drink (in a disposable container). 
  • School uniform
  • Boys - school caps


Please remember to practise the words of our songs for our outing to the Barbican.


Homework will be sent home on Monday.

  • Please cover the folder with sticky back plastic.
  • Abacus Online: You will find your child's Abacus login on the inside of their homework folder.
  • Spelling worksheet 'sh' words



Doubling numbers

Finding 1 or 2 more than a given number

Counting back 1 and finding 1 less



Writing sentences relating to the story My Mum and Dad Makes Me Laugh

Handwriting - i, l, t

High Frequency words spelling assessment



Science - signs of autumn

News Bites

Geography - Barnaby Bear in