Class Blog
Friday 20th March
I hope you are all keeping well. This is a difficult time for us all. Your emotional and general well-being is the most important thing to us. There are no expectations from me at all. Every family needs to do whatever they feel is best for them and their children. Do as little or as much as you want. However, at Kerem, we are here to support you. I will be posting assignments on Monday and Friday that you can use in any way to support you best. If you feel like doing something different, enjoy and also feel free to share pictures and comments with me.
This is not a time to worry about being a home teacher. It is a time to be close with our families. Enjoy each other, read stories, learn a new skill, play games. We need to show our children how proud we are of their resilience. Take time to do the things that make you feel positive and share happy times together. At the end of this, we will catch up on lost time but the positive experiences we share will last forever.
Stay healthy and sane!
Look forward to seeing you all soon,
Mrs Steel.
Good morning class, it’s certainly not as much fun working without you and your smiles!
We’ve got a really exciting maths story today! I’m looking to see how you use all the skills you have learned in directions and positions. Please read through the story, you can do this alone or with an adult or older sibling. I would like you to complete the first 2 problems at least but if you are enjoying the adventure, please continue!
I am happy for this to be a discussion or for you to record your work on the sheet by downloading and printing the work out.
As with all work, please feel free to record and/or complete in the best way that suits you and your family. I will check all work returned but I can only mark and comment on work that is uploaded back onto google classroom. If you prefer to mark or comment on your own child’s work (or would like to check the answers for yourself) I will include the answer sheets.
Please use the spellings from last week to make me 5 sentences (can be found on google classroom). If you want a challenge try putting 2 or even 3 words in a sentence! Make sure you remember capitals and full stops. Do your sentences make sense? Now check your work against your spelling words. Did you get them all right? If not please write the misspelled words out 3x each.
Read ‘Harold saves for something special’ story. After the story ask children:
Why did Harold decide to save his money to buy the guinea pigs instead of just getting a smaller present on his birthday?
Would he have found it easy or hard to save up for weeks? Why?
How do you think Harold felt in the weeks that he was saving up?
How do you think Harold felt when he had enough money to buy the guinea pig and equipment?
If you have time and have enjoyed the story. Record your ideas on the Spending and saving money Activity sheet (needs to be downloaded).
We continue to look at materials. This week I would like you to think about rigidity and toughness. Today you will identify and discuss the materials/properties of objects and sort them according to criteria.
Find a range of different materials in your house and test for their durability and toughness (bend, pull, twist etc.) and consider the usefulness of materials for our everyday lives.
Consider the question: if everything I touched became flexible, how would my life be different?
Investigation - sorting, classifying and identifying
Sort the objects you have found in your house according to these criteria:
flexible, rigid, hard, soft, stretchy, stiff.
Can you make signs for each group and then put objects you have found into each category?
If you are excited to share your work, take a picture or write a comment for me on google classroom!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Steel.
Thursday 19th March
Good Morning Year 2!!!
Today in Literacy, we will continue looking at The Day The Crayons Quit by working on some grammar and adjective worksheets. We will be looking at suffixes ending in ful and less. Look carefully at the instructions at the top of each page. When you get to the adjective hunt, you will need a dictionary for the challenge task (optional). Don't worry if you haven't got one! We will continue to do a lot more dictionary work once we are back in class.
In Numeracy, we will be looking at measuring. Please look carefully at the the Sheet 'At the Playground' because there is a scale at the bottom and you will need a ruler to complete this. For Art today, you can go out into the garden and sketch a tree. Try going out at different times of day and see if things change. Have fun with it and if you would like to sketch it over a few days, that is fine too. Everything will be on Google Classroom ready for 9 am.
I hope everyone is keeping well. Have fun out in garden, draw pictures and continuing reading books. Try keeping a journal of your daily activities and thoughts. I would love to read it once we are all back together again.
I miss you all and I am here over email should you need or wish to ask me anything.
Thank you for all your hard work and cooperation.
Mrs. Burland
Tuesday 17th March
Dear Year 2,
I've missed you all so much! I was really looking forward to seeing everyone today. In our Maths unit on Direction and Position, I have posted 3 worksheets for you to choose from. Please read the instructions carefully. In Literacy, you have a choice to complete 1 of the 2 writing activities and in Topic, I hope you enjoy watching the short video on Florence Nightingale (parents may wish to view first). Everything is waiting for you on Google Classroom. I wish you all a lovely day.
Mrs. Burland
Tuesday 21st Adar - 17th March
Good morning Year 2!
I hope you are all well and cheerful this morning.
Your JS lesson is waiting for you on your Google Classroom.
If there are any problems, please be in touch -
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Hill
Monday 16th March
Today's work for Y2 is on Google Classroom. Please go to Sign in using your child's email address and password. Click on the 9 squares and select Classroom. Click on Y2 2020, then click on classwork to review today's assignments.
Friday 13th March
What an exciting week we've had! Y2 thoroughly enjoyed the Science assembly on Monday with interesting experiments. We also teamed up with Y5 to create junk model landmarks of London. Y2 enjoyed a fun experiment where we looked at what happens when we add heat to various items and whether the reactions were reversible or irreversible.
We all enjoyed a festive Purim!
In Maths, we have started looking at directions and positions. Children learned North, East, South, West and clockwise and anti-clockwise. Y2 have started using navigational language to direct a character round a maze.
In Literacy, we continued looking at book reviews for Oliver Jeffers.
Thank you to Zac for a fantastic teach and tell about how to play Chess and to Hannah for lots of interesting facts about Italy.
Wishing you all,
Shabbat Shalom.
Jewish Studies - 6th March - 9th Adar
Sadly, Mrs Stahl is currently off school sick, and I'm sure you will all join me in wishing her a speedy recovery.
We have continued learning about Purim this week, with the children making a long scroll of Megillat Esther (photos to follow next week) which tells the whole story of the Megillah. We have practised our reading and learnt a new letter in our script writing (letter lamed). We thought up lots of English words that we could write using only script letters - dog, cat, book etc.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and a Purim Same'ah for next week!
Mrs Hill
Friday 6 March 2020
This week in Maths, the children had a great time measuring things around the classroom and school. We looked at centimetres and meters and which would be best for measuring different items. Please take some time at home to discuss measuring with grams, kg, ml and litres and their differences.
Thank you to Emmi who presented a fabulous Teach and Tell on The Australian Bushfires and the animals at risk. We learned about the koala, the wombat and the kangaroo. The children even took time to make get well cards for the animals! Well done Emmi! We look forward to our presentations next week.
Next week in Literacy, the children will be writing a book review on their favourite Oliver Jeffers story. They have completed their book blurbs and even wrote letters to a friend about their amazing adventure meeting a lost penguin and returning him to the South Pole.
In Science, we continued to look at waterproof materials and hid secret messages and pictures in wax resist to see what happens when water and wax are combined.
What a wet day we had at the zoo! Luckily we still had a great time and learned about different animals and life cycles.
Next week is Science week, we look forward to an exciting week to come. If you have any junk modelling items, e.g. kitchen rolls, bottles, boxes, please send them in.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom.
London Zoo
Length Problems
Friday 28th February
We have had a fun and busy week back. The children have continued to work on fractions in Maths. Today, we worked out real life problems through a Maths story. Next week we will start measurement. In Literacy, the children explored book blurbs and had some fun writing their own. In science we investigated how to make materials waterproof. They wrote up very impressive reports!
Shachar presented a wonderful Teach and Tell presentation on Israel and included some interesting facts and some lovely pictures. Well done Shachar! Anoushka took us on a trip to Los Angeles and got everyone up and dancing to the Beach Boys. We saw some wonderful holiday pictures and learnt a lot about California. I think everyone wants to visit Israel and take a trip down to Santa Monica Pier! Thank you Anoushka and Shachar!
During Spring term, we have asked the children to collect recylcable plastics i.e waterbottles, wrappers, cups etc. This is to encourage the children to be mindful of how much plastic they are using at home and to know how to dispose of these items correctly. There is a competition to determine which house has collected the most plastics. Please contribute any plastics you may have at home- Goodluck!
This year we have access to a great and fun website for children to practise their times tables. They are now set up and ready to log in and play at home. Please use this to help learn and practise the tables. The website is:
Children need to click on student and login with their first name and surname initial. The password is y2.
e.g. Tim Rose would be- timr
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom!
Friday 14th February
It has been a very exciting week with Book Week being such a success. Haiwyn Oram a children’s author came into Year 2 to show her work and write some stories. The children were fascinated with the pictures and the process of the book 'In the Attic' coming together. The children had an opportunity to write their own story and share it with Haiwyn and the class.
In Maths, we started fractions and looked at halves and quarters. We will continue with this topic after half term by finding a fraction of a number.
Thank you to Anoushka, Zac, Zara and Ari O who did a fabulous job at presenting their poem in front of the school. We enjoyed listening to each of them.
This week in Teach and Tell, Adele taught us all about the moon. We discovered who walked on the moon first and which animals took a trip there too! She made a wonderful model spaceship and everyone was excited to take a look. Well done Adele! Charlie gave us a great presentation on Pizza! We were all very impressed with his facts and especially to find out that Greeks made the first Pizza! Well done Charlie!
The children were also very excited to present their very own colour debate! After reading "The Day the Crayons Quit" by Oliver Jeffers, we decided that we would get into groups and choose a colour to debate. The children were enthusiastic and very convincing, but after counting all the votes, blue was the winner with yellow being one point behind. All groups did an amazing job. Thank you to our Year 1 visitors who voted as well.
Please can the children work on their times tables during half term. We would also encourage the children to learn how to spell the days of the week and the months of the year.
We wish you all a lovely and safe holiday.
Brachah sorting exercise...

Friday 7th of February 2020
It has been a very busy week in Year 2! In Maths, the children have continued to look at shapes and now have incorporated patterns and sequencing. In Literacy, we continued to explore books by Oliver Jeffers and will try writing our very own blurb about a book next week. Please take some time to look at some book blurbs at home.
We have had some wonderful Teach and Tell presentations this week. Leo has taught us all about Tsunami’s and how they work. The children were so fascinated to discover how the earth’s and oceanic plates move. Noah has given us a History lesson on money and how we have evolved from notes to credit cards! The children were very excited to have a go on his ATM machine. Daniel gave us a very informative presentation on cochlear implants and how they work. It included a wonderful power point, with detailed pictures of the device. The children were amazed at this technology. We are very excited to see what next week’s presenters will bring!
Thank you to everyone who participated in inside out day in honour of Children's Mental Health.
Next week is Book Week and we will also be having a Scholastic Book Fair after school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:20-3:45.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom!
Friday 31 January 2020
This week in Year 2 the children have been very busy in Maths, Literacy and Geography!
In Maths, the children have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. Please take some time over the weekend to find examples of these shapes around the house.
In Geography, the children explored North America and took a trip around the United States, visiting places like the White House in Washington DC, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota and The Statue of Liberty all the way in New York City.
In Literacy, we read the book How to Catch a Star and are will continue to read other books by Oliver Jeffers next week.
Thank you to Jamie, Chloe and Ari. O for wonderful Teach and Tell presentations. Jamie taught us all about Vincent Van Gogh and some of his famous pieces of artwork! We were all very impressed with her personal art collection. Chloe took us on a wild safari through South Africa and introduced us to the country, animals, and her favourite foods. She used some great picture displays.
Ari had a very interactive presentation on how to play checkers/draughts. He got the class involved and they were all very excited to play after learning the rules.
Please note there is an internet safety talk on Monday night. We very much encourage you to attend and have a great speaker.
On another note it is really important should anything be happening at home, however insignificant you think it is, please do let us know. The smallest of changes can have an impact on a child’s mood or behaviour and knowing things in advance helps us be aware of possible changes and we can be ready to offer support. These might include but are not limited to, a parent being away from home on business, a member of the family being in hospital, a bereavement, or just a break in routine.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom.
Friday 24 January
Dear Parents,
This week in Maths the children began working on Pictograms and Block Charts. We surveyed favourite colours and favourite ice cream flavours! In Literacy, we read the story Stuck by Oliver Jeffers and will continue to look at some of his other books next week.
We had some fabulous Teach and Tell presentations. Thank you to Sam for a wonderful presentation on Denmark! Gaby did an amazing PowerPoint presentation on Tutankhamen and Zara excited us all on a presentation about the Circus. We are looking forward to those who are presenting next week.
In Science this week children used their knowledge of the properties of paper to create a paper bridge. Lots of budding architects and engineers!
Please can can you bring in any spare kitchen roll and Toilet paper tubes for an art project.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom.
As a school we have decided to take part in the Warm Smile initiative. It does not involve raising any money, just performing acts of kindness. Please see the details attached.
“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” William Arthur Ward
“Always find opportunities to make someone smile, and to offer random acts of kindness in everyday life.” Roy T Bennett
“Random acts of kindness, however small it may be, can transform the world.”
― Amit Ray,
“Kindness carries no price tag neither does it require making a purchase. A random act of kindness can change someone's life...choose to be kind always.”
― Kemi Sogunle
“Your one random act of kindness may not change the world but it might make a difference in the life of someone today”
― Maria Koszler
Kitty Doerfler died on April 17th 2007, at the age of fifteen months.
Despite everything she went through in her short life, Kitty amazed those around her with how, when she had the strength, she still managed to bestow smiles and knowing looks on those around her. Her ability to make people feel better about themselves meant that the nurses on her ward would apparently even fight to be her named nurse for the shift!
In memory of the joy Kitty managed to bring in her short life, we ask friends, family, and strangers alike to engage in random acts of kindness. Wherever we went, Kittymanaged to charm strangers and make everyone smile so we can think of no better way to elevate Kitty’s soul than having hundreds of people show kindness to their fellow human beings, bringing smiles in the most unexpected places.
Once you’ve done your act in Kitty’s honour (and please don’t feel the need to stop at just one!) join us at the Facebook group page Kitty’s Kindness and post what you did and how it made you or the person you gifted with kindness feel. We’d love to have the internet lit up with your stories in honour of Kitty, and be able to feel that she is still, somehow, playing a role in making the world a more beautiful, warm and kindness filled place.
What kinds of acts of random kindness are we talking about? The possibilities are endless, so think big or small! But here are some examples to get your wheels turning:
• Give a genuine smile to everyone you see
• Leave flowers at a stranger’s door
• Bring food to the homeless person you pass everyday
• Make sandwiches or biscuits for your local firemen
• Pay for the person’s coffee in the queue behind you
• Pick up rubbish everywhere you go
• Collect picture books for your local women and children’s shelter
• Bring toys to the nearby children’s hospital
• Call a friend who’s been having a hard time
• Have your kids make cards for folks in an assisted living facility
• Leave change taped onto a vending machine
• Leave a really nice tip for a waiter
• Collect toiletries for the local homeless shelter
• Bring a loved one an unexpected gift
• Offer to watch a friend’s children for the day so they can have some down time
• Take in your neighbour’s bins
Whatever you do, don’t forget to leave a Kindness Card to let everyone know that your act was done in honour of Kitty. And go on to the Facebook group page Kitty’s Kindness to let us know all about the kindness you’ve spread in her honour. We have hard copies of the Kitty’s Kindness Card if you live nearby, or you can print some out yourself right here: Kitty’s Kindness Card.
Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. Now go spread some Kitty’s Kindness out there ✨
Friday 17th January
It has been a very busy week in Year2! In Maths, the children continued working on their division skills and were using some hands on manipulatives to work out different problems. In Art, the children looked at the artist Joan Miro and painted their very own picture of magical realism.
This week we had our first session of Reading Lab. The children were asked to read a short story and then answer a variety of questions. We are working on understanding and following instructions, as well as comprehension.
Thank you Louis for a fabulous Teach and Tell presentation on Volcanoes. Everyone enjoyed it and we took away some interesting facts.
We enjoyed testing absorbency in Science this week. Y2 came up with fantastic ideas for conducting an experiment and really impressed me with their scale reading skills!
Our reading challenge is coming along nicely and we had some great reading sessions this week. Please keep up the hard work at home to help children reach their target reading hours.
We wish you all a lovely weekend & Shabbat Shalom,
The Year Two Team.
Friday 10th January
Dear Parents,
Welcome back! We hope everyone has had a lovely holiday. It was great to see all the children back at school and hear their holiday stories.
This week in Maths we continued to work on multiplication and division. Next week in Literacy, will be starting our author study on Oliver Jeffers who is not only a fantastic author but an illustrator as well. We are also very excited about all our upcoming presenters for Teach and Tell.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom.
Friday 13 December
It has been such a wonderful first term! The children have worked so hard across all areas of the curriculum. We can't believe the holidays are upon us!
Although we have not sent home any readers or homework, we do encourage you to continue reading with your child regularly. We also would love to hear and read about all your holiday journeys, so if you fancy, do keep a journal and we can share each others' stories in the New Year. Yesterday the children participated in the Kerem School Elections and after all votes were in, Transform was the winner.
We hope all of you enjoyed Year 2's performance of The Three Jewish Little Pigs. They worked so hard and were so excited to perform it for you. We are so proud of them!
We have an exciting second term ahead and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year. Have a lovely and safe holiday.
Happy Chanukah & Shabbat Shalom!
The Year 2 Team.
Friday 6th December
Dear Parents,
It has been such an exciting week in Year 2. In Maths, the children have started learning about multiplication and different ways of multiplying from repeated addition to arrays. We will be looking at division next week. In Geography, we have explored China and have taken a look at some of its fascinating sights such as The Great Wall of China and The Terracotta Army. The children enjoyed making their Chinese Dragons in Art and are excited about what continent we will visit next Week.
The children were very excited to receive a letter from Kensington Palace thanking them for their good wishes to the The Duke and Duchess of Sussex on welcoming their baby Archie.
Our class play is quickly approaching. Please can we have all costumes in by Wednesday.
We hope everyone has a lovely Shabbat.
The Year 2 Team
Friday 29th November
Year 2 have had a great week. In Creative Writing, the children wrote poems for the Mini Magazine about what they saw in the clouds. Please look out, as some will be in the Magazine in two weeks time.
In Maths, we continued to learn about money and how to calculate change. Our next topic will be multiplication and division. In Geography, we have started a new topic on the continents of the world. We have introduced Europe and started to explore France.
Kerem Cares Tzedakah are raising money for Spread a Smile. Please remember to bring tzedakah on a Friday.
It was really lovely meeting some of you and we look to forward to meeting the rest of you next week at Parents Evenng.
Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom.
Friday 22nd November
It has been a busy and exciting week in Year 2. In Maths, we have continued to learn about money with a focus on calculating change. In Literacy, the children started their novel study on Freckle Juice and have enjoyed exploring some of the characters.
Thank you to all who donated for Mitzva Day, it was a huge success and the children had a great day dressing up!
In problem solving this week, the children had to work out how to create various totals to fit various conditions. It was very tricky, but Y2 worked so well and we came up with various different solutions. During Science children learned what a food chain is and how to record them.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom.
Friday 15th November
It has been a very exciting week in Year 2! Maths week was such a success, with the children enjoying and participating in many of the activities across the school.
The Three Little Pig houses all look incredible! The children worked so hard on them and have already explained and tested their houses against the blow dryer. We are all happy to say, every house remained standing!
In Literacy, we will be starting to read the book Freckle Juice by Judy Bloom. Please can you all get a copy of the book and bring it into school.
Next Wednesday we are supporting Children's Grief Awareness Week by 'Going Purple' This is our Mitzvah Day event. Please can children add some purple to their PE kit (t shirt/sweatshirt/headband/socks) -see flyer below. Please bring a donation of £2.
We wish you all a happy half term and look forward seeing everyone back to school on Tuesday.
The Year Two Team
Go Purple

Friday 8th November
In Art, we continued learning about Claude Monet. The children painted a scene of the parliament buildings using water colours. They did a wonderful job blending their colours and have all created beautiful pieces of work. We are very excited to see The Three Little Pigs projects coming in and look forward to seeing them all soon.
In Maths we have been looking at adding and subtracting 10. All the children have done well in this topic and we are moving on to a money topic next week. Over the weekend it would be useful to show children a range of coins so they can get familiar with the feel and look of real coins.
Next week it is Maths week at Kerem and we are getting ready for lots of fun and exciting activities. Also, half term will be next Friday and Monday. Children will have extra time to learn their spellings for Friday 22nd November. Some children may need to go over them again before then.
Wishing you all a restful Shabbat.
Friday 1st November
This week we have revised Maths and Literacy skills. On Monday, the children enjoyed balancing, jumping and landing at the gym. Today Y2 managed to crack an alien code using their knowledge of bonds to 100. They worked so well in partners and will continue to practise these Mathematical discussion skills. In Science, we worked on our research skills and used iPads to locate and discover different types of minibeasts. In Art, the children learnt about Claude Monet and painted their very own Monet Garden using watercolours and applied different painting techniques. Yesterday, the children had a special visitor who came to discuss road safety and how to be a safe pedestrian.
If you have a letter for the office, your child should place it in the letterbox which is outside the office
Please see the message below from the Tikkun Olam Council about using snack boxes rather plastic bags.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom.
Alien Codebreaking
Kerem Post
Message from Tikkun Olam
Dear Parents.
Below is a picture of a plant pot you must use as a base for your Three Little Pig house. You may build your house using a variety of different materials such as sand, Lego, paper, rocks, pebbles and sticks. Anything goes! The plant pot must be used as the base. We will all be testing our houses against the blow dryer. I hope all our little houses remain standing.
I have given out some plant pots already. I will have more to hand out during the week.
Good luck building and have fun!
Houses to be returned to school by Monday 11 November.
Plant pots to use as base of house
Here are some examples of the houses from last year. I hope this helps!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Friday 25th October
We hope you have all had a lovely break and enjoyed the chagim. In Maths this week we have started learning numbers which bond to make 20 and 100. It would be helpful for children to keep practising these as we will continue this next week. Today we did an investigation to see if we could mix and match colours to make different combinations and Y2 did very well!
If anybody needs, Mrs Burland has some spare plant pots for the Three Little Pigs Project. Spellings have gone out and will be tested next Friday.
Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom.
Friday 11th October
It was great to see so many of the parents come out and join us for Forest School. We hope you enjoyed it as much as the children did. We do look forward to continuing with Forest School in the summer term.
In Maths, the children started learning about two digit subtraction with regrouping. We have taught them a poem to help them with the stages. Please take some time to go over the poem with your child.
More on top
No Need to stop
More on the floor
Go next door
Number the same
Zero is the game
Y2 have also been using their Maths skills to solve real life problems. There are no spellings going out this week due to the Succot holidays.
Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom and a lovely Succot holiday.
Friday 4th October
We have only had a short week. We hope you have all had a sweet start to the new year. Y2 continued learning addition sums this week and we even worked in teams to do some code breaking. Y2 has some fine spies! In Science, children learned about healthy eating and planned a healthy balanced meal. This week there was homework and spellings.
Y2 have voted for the 3 councils and the results will be announced once all the classes have held their elections next week. We enjoyed some excellent manifestos, including those from Levi, Anoushka and Daniel. We also had an excellent proposal from Ari G. full of insightful ideas with a great understanding for the environment, well done!
Wishing you all a Gamar V'chatima Tova and Shabbat Shalom.
Y2 elections
In Jewish Studies, Year 2 made their own version of the story of Yonah...

Forest School
Shana Tova to all our families!
It was a short week but yet, a busy one! Year 2 have continued working on two digit column addition. They will begin to look at subtraction next week. In literacy, they have continued working on their Peter Rabbit retell and have enjoyed learning about Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-Tail and Peter's adventures.
The children have also learnt what three elements are needed to start a fire. In Forest School, the children collected sticks, made sparks with their tools and roasted marshmallows over the fire pit! What a perfect way to enjoy an autumn morning.
In Topic, while learning about The Great Fire of London, the children read about Samuel Pepys and his famous diary! They have each discussed and drawn what was most precious to them should they have to flee London!
27th Elul 5779. - 27th September 2019
It's been another busy week for Year 2 in Jewish Studies!
Our highlight this week was making our apple and honey pictures... See below!
Wishing you all Ketivah vechatimah Tovah and a Shanna Tovah, a good, sweet and healthy new year.
Shabbat Shalom
Mrs Hill

Friday 27th September
Year 2 have had a busy week! They have worked so hard in Maths and have started learning how to add and record two digit numbers. In Literacy, we watched and listened to the story of Peter Rabbit. The children have now started to create their very own Peter Rabbit book to read. They have also become little detectives in editing and have enjoyed correcting and punctuating different sentences with capital letters, question marks and full stops! We have learnt that the style of letter writing is different from other writing and will begin writing our very own letters next week.
There was still fun to be had in Forest School regardless of the rain! The children searched the forest for seeds, planted them and even made their very own hedgehogs out of clay. Thank you Annoushka for bringing in your very own Tromboncino! The children were all very amazed at the size of it.
Kerem is now going to have another 2 divisions to our school council. The existing council members will continue to do their roles and will focus on Tzedakah. The 2 new groups will be: 1 for environmental issues and 1 for school community initiatives. Elections for the new groups will take place on the 4th October. If your child is interested in running for either of these new roles they should prepare a short manifesto explaining why they will be a good representative for Y2. We look forward to announcing the new councillors just before Succot.
There is no homework or spellings this week because of Rosh Hashana.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova with a very sweet and Happy New Year!
20 Elul 5779 20th September 2019
In Jewish Studies with Mrs Hill, Year 2 have been learning all about the shofar. We have learnt about the different notes blown as well as lots of other facts about the shofar. We hope you enjoy reading their decorated shofarot!
Making our Shofar cards

Friday 20th September
It has been an amazing week in Year 2! Some of the highlights include making a friendship peace circle with our hands and making shakers in Forest School. In Literacy the children completed a Venn diagram. They enjoyed comparing The Three Little Pigs with the True Story of the Three Little Pigs told through the wolf's perspective, please ask them about it! We have also started looking at comprehension stories and will be working towards answering questions in complete sentences with detail.
In History, the children enjoyed learning about London's past and present as we move through our topic of The Great Fire of London.
Next week in Maths, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction of numbers.
What a tiring week! We have worked so hard; so we decided to end the week with some meditation.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom.
.....and relax!
Friday 13th September
The children have had such a busy week in Year 2! In English, they have learned the elements of a Fairy Tale and have begun to describe the problem and solution of their chosen Traditional Tale. In Maths, we have continued working on place value and are beginning to understand how to partition and use a part whole model.
This week in Forest School, the children collected different leaves and enjoyed making mobiles and whittling sticks. Please remember next week is drop off at EYU for Thursday morning Forest School.
Thank you again to all the parents who came out to meet with us. It was so lovely to meet you all! The Year 2 team is looking forward to an exciting term ahead! Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom!

Jewish Studies
By now all the Y2 children will have received their Aleph Champ book and Reading Record book.
“5 minutes a day is the Kerem way!” Please read at least 5 minutes a day with your child, sign and return the books in the zipper wallet each Monday morning so that Mrs Shannon can hear your child read some time during the week.
The Parasha quiz and middot sheet will be sent home each Wednesday in the Parashat HaShavua book, which should be covered asap with sticky-backed plastic. We hope the children will share what they have learned about the Parasha at your Shabbat table.
Mrs Stahl is teaching the Y2 children on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Mrs Hill on Thursdays and Fridays.
Warm wishes for a Shana Tova U’metooka.
Friday 6th September
What a great start to the year we have had in Year 2! This week children have started learning about number value and have played associated games. In Science we have started looking at what things keep us healthy and how we grow; starting with the life cycle of the chicken. The highlight of the week was Forest School, which was most enjoyed by all. Congratulations goes to Zac for completing his Aleph Champ! Homework will be given out next week. Wishing you all a Shabbat shalom.