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Whole School Events

Yom HaAtsmaut 2023 - Year 1 and 2 learned about the סֶמֶל - ‘Symbol’ of Israel’. They created their own emblem and make a huge emblem together. Year 3 and 4 focused on the culture of Israel including food, jewellery and art. They made Israeli salad, falafel, hummus, pita, painted water colours in the style of Reuven Rubin and made jewellery using Israeli charms, chamsot and beads. Year 5 and 6 focused on geography, history and leadership. They created key Israeli leaders such as Ben Gurion and Golda Meir in the style of Chinoch Piven and decorated bags to take on a ‘tiyul’ - טִיוּל - ‘trip’. All classes had a go at Israeli dancing, listened to and sang along with an Israeli band and practised army training skills. It was truly a wonderful celebration Israeli style!


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April 2023. All classes are preparing for Yom HaAtsmaut 75. Here are 75 reasons to love Israel.


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Yom HaZikaron 2023

February 2023 - The Israeli Theatre - תאטרון ישראלי - returns to Kerem. The children in Years 1-3 watched a wonderful show The fisherman and the Goldfish. They recognised many words in Ivrit due to the preparation they had about the story beforehand. Years 4-6 watched ‘Itamar the first Hebrew speaking boy’. They learnt about the son of Eliezer Ben Yehuda who created the modern Hebrew language.


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W/C 23/01/2023 Book Week in school. Book Week in Ivrit! The children listened to classic stories from classic Israeli authors. They learnt new words and had fun making creative activities connected with the stories.

W/C 31/10/2022 *The Many Faces of Israel* - The Ivrit department launched this project last year as a way of exposing the many communities and cultures of Eretz Yisrael. Last year we explored the Beta Yisrael (Ethiopian Jewish community) and the Temanim (Yemenite Jewish community). This year we chose to focus on the Persian Jewish community. The children discovered the rich history of this community dating back to the Purim story. They looked at the geography of what was once known as Persia and today Iran. We were lucky enough to have parents and teachers who shared their experiences leaving Iran and making a new life for themselves in Israel and other countries. They talked about their culture of food, music, language and the children were able to compare this with their own traditions. As well as the learning and researching, the children were lucky enough to have an activity day where they cooked Persian rice, designed and ‘made’ Persian carpets and learnt a few words and letters in Farsi (finding a few similarities with Ivrit). The week was a huge success and an excellent way to integrate diversity and teach in more depth the source of the many traditions and cultures that make up Israel


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The new ‘interactive’ ISRAEL display wall is up. There will be a question each week and interesting information to share about Israel with the children.

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