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Year 3

pictures showcasing our self portraits

Pictures of this week

Dear Parents,


In year 3 we have had an amazing first week back to school. We have have really taken the time to learn more about each other and we are really looking forward to seeing in the rest of the academic year with great success. 

In Maths we started to recall our times tables including the 2-5-10- and 3 times tables. We had fun chanting our TimesTables as well as writing and practicing these times table facts. We also used this knowledge to help us practice recalling our division facts using the knowledge of these multiplication facts to write out the inverse number sentences. 

In English we have been creating a whole school art project linked to the under water life and animals. in Year 3, we have been creating sea turtles by adding our own designs and colours to make them unique. We also wrote about our holiday news and created a recount all about what we did over the summer holidays which was great to hear!

In Geography, we started our new topic called ‘Around the world’. We learnt about the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and the countries that are found in each part of the world. We then had to create a fact file about our chosen country by doing research using atlases and the iPads to create our profiles. 

Important information: 

Meet the teacher will be held on Tuesday 17th of September 2024

Please if you could also place name labels on your child’s belonging such as snack boxes and water bottles. 

Wishing you a Shabbat shalom,

Mrs Prince

Dear Parents,


We have successfully completed our first full week back at school which has been a fantastic week of learning exciting new topics.


In Maths this week we have started our topic of learning about place value. We have started learning about representing numbers to 100 using different methods including dienes, counters and bead strings. We have been practicing how to write number sentences to show these representations using addition number sentences and also about how to represent numbers to 100 using a number line.


In English, we have started our new book for the next few weeks called Flotsam. We have been exploring the text by investigating the illustrations from the book, creating character profiles about people from the book, and we have been learning about using directed speech using inverted commas to create dialogue for the main characters from the story. Finally, We then had to create a character profile on our favourite characters.


In Geography we have were learning about lines of latitudes and longitude and we were looking at understanding co-ordinates on a map. We learnt how to use co-ordinates on a map to find the position of different continents and countries in the northern and southern hemispheres on the world map.


In science this week we started our new topic on Forces and magnets, and we learnt about different types of push and pull forces around us. We had to use our know ledge of these forces to sort different objects and pictures to decide whether they were showing a pushing or pulling force.


In Art we have been drawing self-portraits for our art assessment. We had a picture taken of us and then we had to complete a portrait based on our image.


In PSHE, we have been learning how to show emotional literacy. We learnt about a variety of different emotions including happy, sad, angry and scared emotions and we developed different vocabulary and words that can be used to ways to describe how we could feel through these different emotions.  


Wishing you a Shabbat shalom, 

Mrs Prince

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