Year 3
Pictures of the week
Blog- Friday 24th January 2025
In English, we have been writing our diary entries to revise the second chapter of our novel ‘The Iron Man’. We have had to use a range of language features to make our writing exciting and engaging, including the use of expanded noun phrases, adverbs and similes.
In maths, we have been concluding our unit on fractions. We have learnt about equivalent fractions and how to use a fraction wall to support our learning. We have learnt how to identify a range of equivalent fractions using bar models to show our understanding. We have also completed a fun end of unit quiz to show all the amazing learning on fractions that has taken place over the past few weeks.
In science, we learnt about the three main groups of rocks: Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. We had to create an explanation page about each type of rock explaining how each rock is formed.
In history, we have been learning about the life in a Celtic village in the Bronze age and we learnt about the different types of jobs that existed in this period. We looked at jobs such as a potter, a spinner, a weaver, a farmer, a builder and a hunter. We then had to choose the job role that interested us the most and create a fact file about what their jobs entailed.
In art, we created our own piece of art work in the style of pointillism. We had to sketch a drawing from a given picture and then we had to use cotton buds to help us to create the effect of dots on the page using a range of colours. The end results looked amazing and we are very proud of our work this week.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Prince, Mrs Goldfarb and Mrs Boyask
Pictures of the week
Blog- Friday 17th January 2025
In maths we have continued our learning on fractions. We have focused on comparing and ordering non-unit fractions, knowing fractions on a scale, as well as using fractions on a number line. We had to use our understanding of equal parts by showing our knowledge of explaining the meaning of the numerator and denominator.
In English we started reading chapter 2 of The Iron Man. We have been improving our sentence structure by up levelling sentences using a range of ‘wow’ words such as fronted adverbials. We used a range of sentence openers from the text to create our own sentences . We also started planning our own diary entry about chapter 2 re-enacting the role of the character Hogarth.
In science, we have carried on our learning about rocks and this week we were able to look at real examples of a range of rocks in class. We were able to explore and use these rocks to help us create our table of comparisons. We wrote about what the rocks looked like, how they felt and what they could be used for.
In history, we have been leaning about the Bronze Age roundhouses. We had to create an information booklet all about what the round houses where like, what life was like living in these houses and what materials they were made from.
In art, we learnt about different artists who use pointillism as a form of their art. We had to choose an artist to research and learn about. We completed a fact file about their life and the famous paintings they had created.
In computing, we have been continuing our practice of learning about touch typing. We practiced moving onto new levels on the 'Typetastic' website as we completed a range of tasks to build on our knowledge of identifying and using letters on the keyboard.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Prince, Mrs Goldfarb and Mrs Boyask.
Blog- Friday 10th January 2025
Dear parents,
A very Happy New Year to you all. I am hoping that you have all had a wonderful break and have had an even better start to the new year. Year 3 have had a fun-filled first week back to school and we have so much work we would like to celebrate with you.
In maths, we have started our new topic learning about fractions. We have learnt a lot of new vocabulary such as numerators and denominators. We have been exploring identifying different fractions as well as comparing unit fractions using greater than and less than.
In science, we have started our new topic learning about rocks. This week we learnt the difference between man-made and natural rocks, and we learnt how to classify and identify different rocks such as: marble, granite, slate, limestone and chalk. We have started to learn how to classify each rock by identifying their characteristics including texture, colour and much more.
In computing, we have started learning how to touch type using keyboards. We used a programme called ‘Typetastic’ and this allows us to practice typing key letters at a certain speed as well as learning how to place our fingers correctly on a keyboard to locate letters efficiently.
In history, we have progressed our learning from the Stone age to the Bronze age. We had to create a poster showcasing facts and pictures about this time period. We included information about the weather, pottery, houses and clothes.
In English, we have started a new book called 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. We have been reading chapter 1 and we have been exploring the text in detail. We learnt how to use similes to describe the Iron Man in detail. We also practiced how to up level sentences using powerful verbs that help to enhance a story.
Announcements and reminders
1. As a school, we will be voting in our new Kerem Cares committees. Pupils will need to create a short presentation about why they want to be on Kerem Cares, and what they feel they could offer the role.
The three categories include: Kehilla, Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam.
2. Swimming for Year 3 will be starting next Tuesday 14th January. Please ensure all children bring in the correct swim wear and caps needed for the session.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Prince, Mrs Goldfarb and Mrs Boyask
Chanukah pictures
Blog- Friday 13th December 2024
Dear parents,
It is truly hard to believe that we are at the end of our first term of year 3. The time has flown by, but what a term it has been! All of us in year 3 have celebrated many highs and we are exceptionally proud of the work we have achieved.
This week we have been very busy in English writing our very own creative narratives linked to our core text. We had to plan our ideas and then turn our plans into detailed pieces of writing using a range of features to enhance our work such as: adverbs, adjectives, prepositions and dialogue. We then published our writing to showcase to others.
In maths we have been completing our unit on multiplication and division and we have been working on multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, using a range of methods such as flexible partitioning. We used the part – part whole model to support our understanding as well as division facts supported by our knowledge of our times tables.
In science, we completed our unit on light and shadows. We completed our final lesson learning about how light is reflected off certain materials and how the concept of reflection helps to enable us to see objects. We then completed an end of unit quiz to show our understanding from the previous weeks.
In preparation for our winter showcase, we spent time in the week practicing and rehearsing our lines and role play to support our learning on the stone age in history. We had the most amazing time performing our play to our parents, as well as learning our wonderful stone age song in the theme of ‘We will rock you.’
Finally, all the Year 3 team and all the children would like to say a huge thank you to everyone and all the parents who have helped to make the first term a great success for us all. We look forward to the upcoming spring term for even more amazing work to be celebrated.
Reminder for spring term 2025
- Year 3 will be going swimming every Tuesday as part of their P.E lesson. Please ensure that children have the appropriate swimming wear needed including a swimming cap which all children must have to wear during the lesson. The first swimming lesson will begin on Tuesday 14th January 2024.
Shabbat Shalom and a very Happy New Year ahead.
Mrs Prince, Mrs Goldfarb and Mrs Boyask.
Pictures of week
Blog- Friday 6th December 2024
In maths this week we have been finishing our unit on multiplication and division. We have been practicing counting in multiples of 10 and learning how to use our known facts to derive related calculations. We have also been multiplying using exchanges.
In English we have had a lot of fun exploring the text ‘How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth’ We have been exploring the text further through acting and role play to embody the characters from the story. We then presented our short role plays to the class which was very humorous. We also started writing a creative story of our own linked to the narrative.
In science, we carried out a very exciting investigation testing the way in which shadows behave and change, with the variable of distance. We explored this using a torch, ruler and tennis ball to create shadows from different distances. We then recorded our findings and wrote a conclusion about our findings.
In art, we have been continuing our learning on using tonal shades on 3D objects. This week we focused on drawing leaves and using a variety of shades to create a 3D effect on the leaves.
In history we have been learning about the Stone age village known as ‘Skara Brae’ representing the Neolithic Britain. We had to research the history of Skara Brae and find out about the way people lived in Neolithic Britain. We then reflected on how farming changed life for people at this time.
Forest school reminder
A reminder that Forest school will be starting again for the second group of children who will be attending. This will commence on Thursday 9th January 2025. Please ensure that children are well equipped and think about layers of socks/ very thick socks (or both) as it can get very cold whilst out in the fields.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Prince, Mrs Goldfarb and Mrs Boyask
Blog- Friday 29th November 2024
In maths this week we have been focusing on learning the 4 and 8 times tables as well as understanding the division facts linked to these times tables. We have been using number lines to help count in jumps of 4’sand 8's. We have also been using repeated addition, bar models and arrays for calculations to deepen our knowledge. We have used vocabulary such as ‘equal groups’ and ‘lots of’ to show our understanding of division and sharing.
In English, we have continued our learning on the book ‘How To Wash a Woolly Mammoth’. This week we have moved on to writing an instructional text about how to wash a Saber- toothed cat which is another prehistoric animal linked to our Stone age topic for history. We have had to use clear instructions, imperative verbs and prepositions to enhance our writing.
In science, we have been reflecting on our trip to the Science museum and we had to recap our learning about what we saw and experienced during our time around the museum. We recapped our learning with each other and then explained what the main forces were which we had learnt about. We then gave our written explanations to showcase for our display.
In art we have been focusing on tonal shading and practicing these skills using real life objects. We practiced using light, medium and dark tones. We had to create shadows on drawings of 3D objects using different tones for effect as well as using a range of cross hatching techniques.
In history we are continuing our learning on the stone age focusing on comparing the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic time periods of the stone age era. We had to compare the types of homes they lived in, the type of tools they used and the type of food they ate.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Prince, Mrs Goldfarb and Mrs Boyask.
Maths and English learning
Science museum
Blog- Friday 22nd November 2024
In science we took an amazing trip to the Science museum to explore the wonderful areas of the museum, as well as to attend a workshop about forces and magnets called ‘Feel the Force’. We learnt and recapped all our learning about different forces including gravity, air resistance, thrust and friction. We were able to observe several experiments showing these forces which was a lot of fun and very exciting to see.
In English we have started a new book called ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth.’ We had to write an instructional text explaining the steps for this and we had to ensure we were using key features such as imperative verbs and adverbs. We then had to publish our writing which we have used on our display. We also practiced using prepositions within our sentences.
In maths we have been focusing on multiplying and dividing by 3. We have had to show our understanding of the three times tables knowledge using a variety of representations. This included using our known facts for the three times tables to show our understanding. We practiced some of our skills using missing number problems. We also created fact families showing a mixture of multiplication and division sums..
We celebrated Mitzvah Day today and as a class we had to create wonderful bookmarks that we could use to support the vision and the mission. We had a lot of fun making these and we celebrated our designs with each other.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Prince, Mrs Goldfarb, Mrs Boyask
Non-fiction report writing
Blog- Friday 15th November 2024
Dear parents,
In PSHE this week we have been focusing on Anti bullying week. We have learnt about the importance of always choosing respect. We took part in a class workshop, and we learnt about how to identify bullying, different types of bullying and ways in which we can make our school a happy and safe place for everyone to feel respected.
In science we have learnt about how shadows are formed, and we carried out an experiment using torches to identify materials that block out light compared to materials that allow light through. We learnt about the definitions of opaque, translucent and transparent materials.
In art we have been practicing how to use our sketching techniques we learnt from last week. We were continuing to build on our learning by sketching owls as it links with our English novel- ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark’. We aimed to incorporate the techniques of blending, cross hatching and graduated shading.
In maths we have started our new topic of multiplication and division, and we have learnt about understanding equal groups, sharing and using repeated addition to make links to multiplication as well as learning how to use arrays to represent multiplication facts for the 2-, 5- and 10-times tables.
In English we have been planning a non-fiction report about barn owls. We have been researching information about barn owls and creating our own subheading to include into our reports. We then wrote our final piece and celebrated our learning to the class to show all the new learning and facts we have learnt over the week about these animals.
In history we have been learning about Palaeolithic Britain during the stone age. We had to work in groups of three to create an information text about the areas of Palaeolithic homes, tools and food. We then had to present our information to the class.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Prince, Mrs Goldfarb and Mrs Boyask.
Pictures of the week
Pictures of week
Blog- Friday 8th November 2024
Dear parents,
In art, we have started learning about different sketching techniques that can be used when drawing. We looked at techniques such as: cross hatching and blending which creates different tones. We focused on sketching feathers and used a range of the techniques learnt to create different tones and effects.
In science we have been learning about day and night. We learnt about the rotation of the earth on its axis, and we learnt about the terms dusk and dawn to establish when the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening.
In history we have been learning about the role of an archaeologist and what their job role is. We learnt that an archaeologist plays a very important role with understanding facts from history and prehistoric times. We learnt about the special tools that help to support the process of excavation of evidence from the ground to be investigated.
In English we focused on writing an instructional piece of writing about how to build and use a campfire. We watched a video modelling how to safely construct an outdoor campfire with an adult. Then we had to write a set of instructions using imperative verbs to give clear guidance to others.
In maths we were completing our unit on addition and subtraction by consolidating our learning about exchanging and using the column method across 10's and 100's. We spent time embedding all the knowledge learnt over the unit and we practiced building on our understanding of number by making connections and modelling and explaining our understanding to our peers.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Prince, Mrs Goldfarb and Mrs Boyask.
Prehistoric Britain timeline lesson
Role play during English.
Dear parents
In Science we have started our new topic on Light and shadows and in our lesson this week we started to explore the definitions of what light and darkness is, which is the absence of light. We learnt about different light sources such as the sun, candles and fire. We learnt about how light travels to our eyes to help us to see objects around us.
In English, we have been continuing our book ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark’. In this lesson we were introduced to new characters from the story and we had to hot seat characters that we had learnt about to help us to understand more of the characters thoughts and feelings through the text. We created a variety of questions to support our role play in partners.
In History we have been learning about prehistoric Britain and looking at the Stone age. We learnt about using timelines to order key events from this period of history and we learnt about their way of life including where they lived and activities they did as an everyday part of life.
In Maths we have been focusing on addition and subtraction of 1’s and 10’s from 3-digt numbers using strategies such as number lines and partitioning methods to work out our calculations. We have also started learning to use the formal column method for exchanging and regrouping when bridging across a 10 and a 100 for addition and subtraction.
In Computing we have been learning about word processing. We had to use the application google docs to create word art linked to different words. We learnt about how to change the size, font and colour of a text to make the text look more engaging.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Prince, Mrs Goldfarb and Mrs Boyask
Pictures of the week
Dear Parents,
In maths we have been adding and subtracting 1-, 2- and 3-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers using a range of representations to support our learning such as part whole models, place value mats and counters to build on our understanding and techniques. We have also been identifying addition and subtraction calculations within sequences to help us to identify and spot patterns.
In science we have been looking at the different ways in which magnets are used in our everyday life including uses through recycling, trains, MRI machines, bank cards and much more. We researched about these uses and explained each function.
In English we have started a new text called ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark’. We have written a persuasive letter to one of the main characters to explain why they shouldn’t be afraid of the dark focusing on using a range of persuasive language and vocabulary.
In Art, we have been learning about the artist Georgia O’Keeffe who was an American painter who loved to paint flowers and landscapes. This week we created art pieces in the style of Georgia using oil pastels and sketching techniques to draw and create art of flowers of our choice.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Prince, Mrs Goldfarb and Mrs Boyask
Pictures of the week
Dear Parents,
This week in Geography we have been learning about the Tropics and what it is like. We have looked at tropical rainforests and we compared the UK and the tropics looking at similarities and differences. We also researched and completed a fact file about a tropical country of our choice.
In Science we have been learning about magnets and how they work. We used key vocabulary such as repel and attract and linking this to our knowledge of the north and south poles. We carried out an investigation and drew diagrams to represent our understanding.
In maths we have been comparing and ordering numbers to 1,000. We have been using the vocabulary of greater than and less than. We have also used a number line to position numbers in the correct order. We have also learnt to count in 50’s.
In English we have been working on creating acrostic poems linked to our book ‘Flotsam’. We have also been writing a persuasive letter to encourage people to stop polluting the oceans with plastic. We then used the knowledge we had researched to create information posters to show our learning about pollution.
In Art we have started making a paint wash using water colour paints to explore different depths of colour creating different caves and animals from the stone age. We created cave sketches of our choice focusing on tones and depth of colour.
In PSHE. We have been learning about understanding bullying and how to deal with these situations. We learnt about three different roles: the bully, the target and the witness and what each role means and how they would feel. We then created a spider web to show how we are all connected.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs Prince and the Year 3 team
Pictures of the week
Dear Parents,
We have had an awesome week celebrating the exciting new learning experiences we have had over the week, and we wish to share our learning with you.
In science we took part in an exciting investigation all about forces and we were investigating the use of the pulling force of gravity on objects. We explored how different materials can impact the amount of force acting on an object. We worked in groups to test different materials and then we recorded our results and findings and wrote a conclusion to summarise our findings.
In Geography we have started learning about the North and the South poles and we had to research and find information about the Arctic circle and Antarctica. We looked at different animals you would find in the Arctic circle. We also looked at what life is like in these areas including finding out about the population, climate and average temperatures.
In Art we have started studying the artwork from the Stone age era looking at different drawings and analysing them. We explored what we like about the stone cave pictures and we expressed our opinions about different pictures by giving our personal response to different cave paintings.
In maths we have continued to work on our knowledge of place value to 1,000 and we have been learning about using flexible partitioning of numbers using part-whole models and number sentences to express these additions. We have also been learning how to use number lines to show numbers up to 1,000.
In English we have been looking at persuasive speeches and writing and we have been exploring arguments for and against topics linked to our book Flotsam. We have had to work in groups to present our arguments and then we had to showcase our arguments to the class.
Have a fantastic weekend ahead.
Shabbot Shalom,
Mrs Prince and the Year 3 team.
pictures showcasing our self portraits
Pictures of this week
Dear Parents,
In year 3 we have had an amazing first week back to school. We have have really taken the time to learn more about each other and we are really looking forward to seeing in the rest of the academic year with great success.
In Maths we started to recall our times tables including the 2-5-10- and 3 times tables. We had fun chanting our TimesTables as well as writing and practicing these times table facts. We also used this knowledge to help us practice recalling our division facts using the knowledge of these multiplication facts to write out the inverse number sentences.
In English we have been creating a whole school art project linked to the under water life and animals. in Year 3, we have been creating sea turtles by adding our own designs and colours to make them unique. We also wrote about our holiday news and created a recount all about what we did over the summer holidays which was great to hear!
In Geography, we started our new topic called ‘Around the world’. We learnt about the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and the countries that are found in each part of the world. We then had to create a fact file about our chosen country by doing research using atlases and the iPads to create our profiles.
Important information:
Meet the teacher will be held on Tuesday 17th of September 2024
Please if you could also place name labels on your child’s belonging such as snack boxes and water bottles.
Wishing you a Shabbat shalom,
Mrs Prince
Dear Parents,
We have successfully completed our first full week back at school which has been a fantastic week of learning exciting new topics.
In Maths this week we have started our topic of learning about place value. We have started learning about representing numbers to 100 using different methods including dienes, counters and bead strings. We have been practicing how to write number sentences to show these representations using addition number sentences and also about how to represent numbers to 100 using a number line.
In English, we have started our new book for the next few weeks called Flotsam. We have been exploring the text by investigating the illustrations from the book, creating character profiles about people from the book, and we have been learning about using directed speech using inverted commas to create dialogue for the main characters from the story. Finally, We then had to create a character profile on our favourite characters.
In Geography we have were learning about lines of latitudes and longitude and we were looking at understanding co-ordinates on a map. We learnt how to use co-ordinates on a map to find the position of different continents and countries in the northern and southern hemispheres on the world map.
In science this week we started our new topic on Forces and magnets, and we learnt about different types of push and pull forces around us. We had to use our know ledge of these forces to sort different objects and pictures to decide whether they were showing a pushing or pulling force.
In Art we have been drawing self-portraits for our art assessment. We had a picture taken of us and then we had to complete a portrait based on our image.
In PSHE, we have been learning how to show emotional literacy. We learnt about a variety of different emotions including happy, sad, angry and scared emotions and we developed different vocabulary and words that can be used to ways to describe how we could feel through these different emotions.
Wishing you a Shabbat shalom,
Mrs Prince