Ivrit - עִבְרִית
21st May 2019 - Year 6 have learnt the meaning of the Ivrit words from the song ‘Eyn Li Eretz Acheret’ - ‘אין לי ארץ אחרת - I Have No Other Land. Please see the words below for the children to practise reading and singing as they need to know the song off by heart.
Welcome back to the last term in Ivrit for Year 6. We hope the children are well rested and ready to take on the final term. This term we start a new topic -FEELINGS- רְגָשׁוֹת. See the attachment for some of the 'feelings' words we will be learning. The first Ivrit lesson will be on 7th May 2019 this term.
W/E 15th March 2019. Year 6 have finished the topic of Hobbies - תַּחְבִּיבִים and are now ready for the next topic - learning about PAST TENSE - זְמַן עָבָר
February 12th 2018 - BOOK WEEK in Ivrit - שבוע הספר. The children in Year 6 heard a story about an Egg that Dressed Up - הביצה שהתחפשה. They discovered all the things that the egg wanted to be and how she tried to disguise herself in order not to be herself. But in the end she realised that she was happy to just be herself and soon hatched into a little chick - אפרוח.
W/E January 24th 2019 - The children in Year 6 in Ivrit are learning about their hobbies - תחביבים. The children in Morah Sharon’s group have prepared a display describing their hobbies and clubs.
W/C 14th January 2019 - Year 6 are continuing with the new topic of Hobbies - תַּחְבִּיבִים. Please find the vocabulary for this topic below.
W/C 7th January 2019 - The children in Year 6 have been practising the songs for the Boys Town Concert which is on 3rd February - Please see the links below - the children should continue practising at home.