Morah Sari's Blog
Summer קַיִץ
הָאַרְיֵה שֶׁאָהַב תּוּת The lion who like strawberry
Israel is celebrating 74 years and we are celebrating with her.
During our lesson, we had a trip to Israel on an El Al flight from London to Tel Aviv.
We explore new exiting places in Israel and learn about the Israeli flag.
Wishing you all Happy Yom Hatzmaout יוֹם הָעַצְמָאוּת שָׂמֵחַ לְכֻלָּם
Shalom, everyone!
For book week and Purim, we had fun listening to a new story called
הַבֵּיצָה שֶׁהִתְחַפְּשָׂה The Egg who dressed up.
הַבֵּיצָה שֶׁהִתְחַפְּשָׂה The Egg who dressed up
יַלְדָּה אַחַת וּמִטְרִיָּה אַחַת
יָצְאוּ בְּגֶשֶׁם לְטִיּוּל נֶחְמָד.
פָּגְשׁוּ בִּקְצֵה הַשְּׁבִיל
יַלְדָּה בְּתוֹךְ מְעִיל,
שֶׁלֹּא הָיְתָה לָהּ מִטְרִיָּה
We learned a new song;
One girl with one umbrella invited her friends to share the umbrella with her.
You can watch this link here with your child:
Morah Sari
חֹרֶף חֹרֶף חֹרֶף
It's winter
Today we started learning about winter;
We met Shoobi Doobi the bear and dressed him up.
What do we need to wear when we go outside?
coat = מְעִיל
gloves = כְּפָפוֹת
scarf = צָעִיף
umbrella = מִטְרִיָּה
sweater = סְוֵדֶר
hat = כּוֹבַע
boots = מַגָּפַיִם
Morah Sari
Tu Bishvat: fruits, treasures and fun story from Israel
During the weeks before Tu Bishvat we learn new song from Israel called : Saba Eliezer and the Gezer (carrot).
Attached below is a link to the video we saw in class.
We learned new words in Ivrit and we made a show based on the song.
כלב Kelev Dog
חתול Chatul Cat
עכבר Achbar Mouse
סבא Saba Grandfather
סבתא Safta Grandmother
גזר Gezer Carrot
פירות Perot Fruits
We also opened the fruits and saw the hidden treasures, the seeds.
Morah Sari
This week in 'Keif in Ivrit' lesson, we watched a puppet show about cooking Latkes in the kitchen.
Here is a link to the Israeli show (in Ivrit) that explained more about it.
We are also practicing our Chanuka song and dance
Banu Choshech Legaresh
בָּאנוּ חֹשֶׁךְ לְגָרֵשׁ
Lots of love
Morah Sari
We made sevivonim with hapy face הֵכַנּוּ סְבִיבוֹנִים עִם פָּנִים מְחַיְּכוֹת
בָּאנוּ חֹשֶׁךְ לְגָרֵשׁ
בְּיָדֵינוּ אוֹר וְאֵשׁ
כָּל אֶחָד הוּא אוֹר קָטָן
וְכֻלָּנוּ אוֹר אֵיתָן
סוּרָה חֹשֶׁךְ עַל הַשָּׁחֹר
סוּרָה מִפְּנֵי הָאוֹר
We came to banish the darkness
We have light and fire
Each one is a small light
And we are all a strong light
Leave darkness at dawn
Leave from the light
We started to learn a new Hanukka song today (18.11).
Here is a link to watch the song with your child:
This week in our Ivrit lesson (11th November) we started by talking about Hanukka חֲנֻכָּה and how people celebrate it in Israel;
No school for a whole week, children are out for so many different fun activities, shows, Sufganiot and so much more.
We had so much fun playing with different types of Sevivonim סְבִיבוֹנִים and trying them out everywhere in our classroom. We also danced and spun like a Sevivion. It was SO much fun.
Over the next few weeks, we will enjoy learning even more about Hanukka.
More to come...
Lots of love,
Morah Sari
סְבִיבוֹן סוֹף סוֹף סוֹף חֲנֻכָּה הוּא חַג טוֹב
Shalom, my name is Sari. I am the new Ivrit teacher.
The children call me Morah Sari.
In my lessons, I will focus on many things such as Israeli songs, dances, vocabulary, and traditions.
You will find photos and videos on my blog.
Lots of love
Morah Sari