Class Blog
Last week
Friday 5th July 2024
In history, the children learnt about the history and geography of Israel. They explored the first and second Alliyah and the world events that prompted their emigration. We also looked at the Balfour declaration.
This week the children prepared for Yom Talmud and Newsday.
On Wednesday the children presented the products they created for the Kosher Apprentice competition and I am very proud of their efforts. The sour world team’s entry of sour kicks was announced the winner and will be entering the next stage of the competition.
In music the children had an amazing beat box session from The School of Beatbox. He demonstrated the basic sounds, allowing everyone to create their own beats and sounds, learning about live vocal looping, creating a group track.
On Wednesday we had a Y6 parent versus Y6 children netball tournament. It was lovely to see the competitive spirit among the children and the parents.
On Friday the children had a talk by Ms Goodkin and her fianceé about Jewish weddings including the traditions and religious aspects involved.
On Friday we had Newsday where the children created and printed their own newspapers.
We also made our preparations for the Leaver’s Ceremony.
Coming up Next Week
Monday morning- Yom Talmud (if your child is teaching at the EYU please drop them there for 8:30 am)
Tuesday afternoon-End of year show
Wednesday morning- Leaver’s Ceremony
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Friday 21st June 2024
In English and history, the children continued our cross curricular WWII topic. They explored the blitz and rationing and learnt about Kristalnacht and the Kinder transport. In English they read the fifth and sixth chapter of ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’. Inferring and deducing meanings of new words and examining the plot and characters of the story so far.
In music the children continued to prepare for the year 6 play being introduced to two new songs to learn. Please encourage your child to practise over the weekend.
On Tuesday the children enjoyed their last sports day at Kerem. The children showed great spirit and their competitive streak.
We also continued our preparations for the school play discussing staging and projection of our voices and last-minute tweaks in preparation for the performances next week. Please confirm your attendance if you have not done so already.
Coming up Next Week
Monday- Dress Rehearsal
Tuesday Ivrit spelling bee
Wednesday afternoon- school play
Thursday evening- school play
Friday- Kosher Apprentice workshop
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Advert for Y6 play
Friday 7th June 2024
What a busy week it has been! The children participated in a series of enriching activities, starting with a workshop called Kosher Apprentice. They also participated in a mini first-aid training session and attended an E-safety talk. Each of these events provided valuable knowledge, ask your child about their experiences and insights to gauge what they have learned.
In maths, we explored volume and surface area, the children learnt algebraic expressions to represent a method of calculating each. The children applied what they learnt to ascertain volume and surface of cubes, cuboids and extending this further to prisms.
In English we continued reading our class text, Letters from the Lighthouse, focusing on chapters three and four. We explored the text and motives behind the actions of specific characters. In guided reading the children looked at an extract from a WWII themed story titled Goodnight Mr Tom Mr Tom. Exploring vocabulary and comprehension skills
In music the children continued to prepare for the year 6 play being introducing the remaining songs to learn. Please encourage your child to practice over the weekend.
We also continued our preparations for the school play discussing staging, transitions, costumes and a Bollywood dance.
In history, the children learnt about the Blitz and rationing. The children used a ration card to design their own wartime ration recipe which we will be preparing in a few weeks’ time.
In PE the children have been practising their athletic skills in preparation for Sports Day which is coming up shortly. Practising for their sprints.
Questions to ask your child.
What was the Blitz?
What happened in Chapter Three and Four of ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’.
How do you calculate the volume of a cube?
What is surface area?
Which algebraic expressions do you use to help you?
What is a Mickey Mouse mask?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Escape room
DAY FOUR- Jorvik and Clifford’s Tower
Eurovision 2024
DAY TWO - Jews court & Woodside Animal Park
Y6 on tour DAY ONE- Holocaust Museum
This week
Friday 17th May 2024
On Monday the children performed a beautiful ceremony to mark Yom Hazikaron. They spoke eloquently and sang so beautifully and were a credit to Kerem.
On Tuesday we celebrated Yom Haatzmut, the children had Israeli dancing created mood boards of their favourite Israeli city or famous person. The children also created a guess who game of there favourite Israeli celebrities.
In English and history, the children continued our cross curricular WWII topic. They examined the causes of WWII and the history of Jewish migration across Europe along with the reasons behind it. Examining differences between Jewish culture in Western and Eastern Europe and the pogroms in Russia. In English they read the second chapter of ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’. Inferring and deducing meanings of new words and examining the plot and characters of the story so far.
In maths, we explored fractions revisiting addition subtraction multiplication and division. Focusing on a deeper understanding of the relationships between operations.
In music the children continued to prepare for the year 6 play being introduced to two new songs to learn. Please encourage your child to practice over the weekend.
We also continued our preparations for the school play discussing staging and projection of our voices.
This week we continued our WoLLoW language curriculum. The children learnt about compound and portmanteau words. Using their understanding of the term to identify each type. The children had to create their own portmanteau words relating to menu items.
In PE the children have been practicing their athletic skills in preparation for Sports Day next month. Focusing on their javelin throwing skills and sprinting techniques.
On Friday year 6 joined year one for a library session enjoying some quiet time to share a book with their buddy.
Questions to ask your child.
What is a portmanteau word?
Can you give me an example?
What were the causes for WWII?
Which countries in Europe have expelled Jews? Why?
What happened in Chapter Two of ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’.
How do you multiply and divide fractions?
What strategies do you use to help you?
What did you create a mood board about?
Can you remember the 12 Israeli celebrities on the guess who board?
See you all on Sunday!
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Yom Hazikaron 2024
Friday 10th May 2024
I can’t believe we are now entering the children’s final term at Kerem.
In English and history, the children began our cross curricular WWII topic. They examined historical artefacts and literature from the time. Learnt about the causes of World War one and the alliances made. In English they read the first chapter of ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’. Inferring clues about the story and applying their inference skills to ascertain the motives for the characters actions.
In maths, we explored the four operations identifying strategies both written and mental to make calculations more efficient and easier to do.
In music the children continued to prepare for the Yom Haazikaron assembly on Monday. We look forward to welcoming you all to mark this important solemn day. Please encourage your child to practise over the weekend.
We also began our preparations for the school play discussing staging and projection of our voices.
This week we continued our WoLLoW language curriculum. The children learnt about cognate words. Using their understanding of the term to identify cognate pairs. The children had to decipher and translate phrases written in French, German Spanish and Italian using the knowledge they have acquired during the WoLLoW curriculum.
In PE the children have been practising their athletic skills in preparation for Sports Day next month. Focusing on their javelin throwing skills and sprinting techniques.
Questions to ask your child.
What is a cognate word?
Can you name the cognate words for house in two other languages?
What were the causes for WWI?
Which countries formed the Triple Alliance?
What happened in Chapter One of ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’.
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
This week
Friday 12th April 2024
In English and history, the children continued our cross curricular Windrush topic. They read the next 10 chapters of the book – Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah. Analysing the text; and gaining an understand of the history of this period. The children then wrote poems and diary entries and created a sketch of the Arosa Star- a sister ship to the Windrush.
In maths, we explored negative numbers. The children learnt the rules of negative numbers e.g. a + followed by a - results in a -. The children applied their numerical skills to ascertain the solutions to more complex worded problems and challenges.
In geography the children compared Bermuda and the UK exploring the population, climate, food, and flags as well as interesting points of difference between the two nations.
In music the children continued to prepare for the Yom Haazikaron assembly. The children have been given lines to recite during the ceremony please encourage them to practice them over the break.
In science we looked at the parts and roles of parts of the eye. Creating definitions and identifying the functions of each specific part.
On Thursday we had our model seder the children had a joyous time singing songs and completing tasks and playing Pesach related games.
This week we continued our WoLLoW language curriculum. The children explored loaned words exploring the plethora of words we have borrowed from other languages from Gaelic to Japanese. The children summarised their learning by writing some crazy sentence’s using loaned words.
On Friday, the children joined year one for a special library time, reading stories to them and sharing their enthusiasm for the written word.
Questions to ask your child.
What are loaned words?
Which loaned words do you remember?
From which language is the word ‘karaoke’ borrowed?
What is a negative number?
What happens when negative is followed by another negative e.g. 3-(-3) =?
Which parts of an eye do you remember? Can you tell me their function?
What is the book ‘Windrush child’ about?
What has happened so far?
What is discrimination?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Friday 5th April 2024
In English and history, the children continued our cross curricular Windrush topic. They read the first 5 chapters of the book – Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah. Analysing the text; and gaining an understand of the history of this period. The children then wrote letters from the perspective of Leonard the main protagonist of the story.
In maths, we explored statistics and data handling. The children learnt how to use conversion and frequency tables. Applying their gained skills to perform surveys and notate their results.
In music the children began to prepare for the Yom Haazikaron assembly. The children have been given lines to recite during the ceremony please encourage them to practice them over the weekend.
In science we looked at the parts and roles of parts of the eye. Partaking in some blind spot experiments to determine our own retinal blind spots.
This week we continued our WoLLoW language curriculum. The children learnt about the French (Norman) language and were introduced to Proto-Indo-European. They explored the Germanic and French languages and had to establish the origins of familiar English words. They then applied their linguistic skills to determine the English meaning of words e.g. cattus, mater and ecole.
Questions to ask your child.
Which Celtic languages do you remember?
Which languages are descended from Proto-Indo-European?
What is a frequency graph?
What is a dependent variable?
What is an independent variable?
What did you survey?
Which parts of an eye do you remember? Can you tell me their function?
Which axis would you usually place time?
What is the book ‘Windrush child’ about?
Who is the narrator of the story?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
This week
Thursday 28th March 2024
On Monday we celebrated Shushan Purim the kids enjoyed a Zumba lesson, designing and creating an African Festina mask. Making and baking some hamantaschen with their buddies; a whole-school fashion show and Mr Marvel the entertainer.
In English and history, the children began our cross curricular Windrush topic. They read poetry examined historical artefacts and literature from the time, including newspaper articles, job advertisements, passenger lists and photographs. They discussed the motivations of the immigrants to travel to England and located Caribbean countries on a map.
In maths, we explored statistics and data handlining. The children learnt how to draw and read line graphs, scatter graphs and conversion graphs. Their prior knowledge of metric and imperial measurements was applied to more challenging problems.
In music the children began to prepare for the Yom Haazikaron assembly.
This week we continued our WoLLoW language curriculum. The children learnt about the Celtic language and what a proto language is? They explored the numerous spoken Celtic languages and had to establish the name of each language and where they are currently spoken. These included Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Bretton.
This week at the gym the children completed their assessment by creating a 8-move individual floor routine. They incorporated rolls, star jumps, turns, cartwheels and handstands.
In Forest school, the children had their final session, they completed a variety of games including legs in and pick up sticks. They learnt how to whittle a stick, some choosing to create a necklace, painted watercolours and made wooden crafts. We ended our final forest school with a circle-time discussing the personal growth each of us have achieved.
Questions to ask your child.
Which Celtic languages can you name?
What colours and shapes did you use on your Festina mask?
What is a conversion graph?
What is a dependent variable?
What is an independent variable?
Which axis would you usually place time?
What is Windrush?
Who was Lord Kitchner?
Where is Jamaica?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
This week
Friday 22nd March 2024
On Monday, the children had a talk from Norwood about Neurodiversity and the different ways in which people think. The children took part in a variety of activities including a memory challenge.
In English, the children finished their Viking stories writing the final installments of their book. Focusing on incorporating a detailed description and slowing the pace in their story.
We revisited the parts of speech in our grammar lesson. Reminding ourselves of the types of words their definitions and finding examples in a short passage of writing about Vikings.
In maths, we continued exploring the rules for a variety of angles e.g angles in a quadrilateral add up to 360 degrees. Th children had to apply their learning to solve a variety of challenges using the rules to decipher angles. Later in the week the children completed an escape room style challenge decoding several maths challenges to find key numbers to escape a castle.
In history, the children explored some Viking myths in particular the story of Freya and the goblins.
In D&T the children created a matza box using cardboard cuboid nets that they had created.
This week we continued our WoLLoW language curriculum. The children learnt about the Norse language and origins of the days of the week. The children explored why we have seven days and what each day represents. They then extended their understanding by comparing the names of the days of the week in different languages from German to Hindi and identified similarities and differences.
This week at the gym the children completed their assessment by creating a 8-move individual floor routine. They incorporated rolls, star jumps, turns, cartwheels and handstands.
In Forest school, the children learnt about the Celtic story of Ostara and the spring equinox. The children made seed paper and crafted willow into hearts and even carrots. We also played a game of Robin and Spites strategising adaptations to the game to make it more challenging.
On Friday, we had our next Kerem Alumni talk by Nic Abery. The children enjoyed learning about her career in education and her journey after Kerem.
She gifted the class her book on the Israel 75 project ( Building Artistic Connections) that included entries from Kerem pupils.
Questions to ask your child
What is neurodiversity?
What happened at the end of your Viking story?
What are the different parts of speech?
Can you tell me a modal verb/preposition/proper noun?
What can you tell me about Viking myth ‘Freya and the goblins?
Which myth are you researching for homework?
What is Ostara?
What does the word equinox mean?
What is a corresponding/alternate/co-interior angle?
Did you escape the castle?
What can you tell me about Nic Abery talk?
What can you tell me about t the origins of the days of the week.
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
This week in pictures.
Friday 15th March 2024
In English, the children returned to our Viking story writing the next two installments of their book. Focusing on incorporating a variety of punctuation and slowing the pace in their story.
We also revisited the concept of active and passive voice in our grammar lesson. Reminding the children of the subject and object in a sentence.
In maths, we continued our geometry topic discussing 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. We then introduced the children to the variety of angle rules. Including the angles on parallel lines. We then extended to using a protractor to measure angles and distinguish the different types of angles and to check the rules we learnt earlier applied.
In history, the children compared Viking and Greek gods discussing their similarities and differences.
In D&T we began our Viking sewing topic. The children designed their first pieces incorporating Viking symbols and runes. They then began stitching the first element on their cloth.
This week we continued our WoLLoW language curriculum. The children learnt about the origins of Greek and had to decode the alphabet and transliterate. Applying their newly learnt knowledge to decode Greek words and transliterate from English to Greek.
In Forest school, the children completed a problem-solving challenge working in teams of 6 to cross an imaginary river. They collaborated and put their communication skills to the test!
When we visited year one this week the children supported them identifying the four countries that make up the United Kingdom,; sorting pictures, flags and symbols for each country.
Questions to ask your child
Can you retell the last chapter you wrote of your Viking story?
What is the difference between active and passive voice?
Can you identify the subject verb and object in this sentence?
The ball broke the window.
(How can you turn this into passive voice?)
Which Greek letters do you remember?
What does this symbol
What does the prefix anti- mean?
What can you tell me about Viking gods?
Which gods did you compare?
What do the scientific terms translucent, opaque, and transparent mean?
What can you tell me about light?
Can you give me two words to describe yourself?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Non-Fiction Book Week
Friday 8th March 2024
The children completed a variety of activities including an author visit, a masked reader competition and a house read.
On Tuesday we discussed the features and examples of non-fiction texts.
On Wednesday the author Nikki Sheehan came to talk to the children about her biography on Stephen Hawkins and helped the children create their own biographies.
Later in the week the children wrote a biography on a famous female scientist. They made informative fact files using past tense and their passive voice and researched a variety of accomplished women, from Dr Jane Goodall to Beatrice Shilling.
In English, the children created a comic strip retelling the story of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
This week at the gym the children used the vault, beam and trampoline apparatus honing in their balancing and dismounting skills.
In maths, we continued our geometry topic on circles. Introducing the children to the formulae for area and circumference and the terminology of an arc and sector.
Additionally, they practised using a compass and calculator. Children were then extended to apply what they had learnt to calculate the length of an arc and area of a sector.
In history, the children explored life in Viking Britain; creating notes on Viking homes, Viking family structure and their naming system.
In science, the children began our light topic exploring the terminology opaque, translucent, and transparent.
They predicted what each material would be then tested their hypothesis.
They tested a variety of materials to determine which category they were.
This week we continued our WoLLoW language curriculum. The children learnt about the origins of Latin and had to decode an invitation written in 100 CE. Establishing familiar words and using clues to decode. The children learnt about Hadrian’s wall and its significance.
In Forest school, the children completed a challenge week where the children had to use ropes and mallet to keep a large log vertically aligned from the ground. They worked in teams of 4 and some teams were able to use their structures to create dens too.
This week we also had our first Kerem Alumni talk by former Kerem pupil, Lucy Somerville. She talked about her experiences at Kerem and her academic journey after school. We will soon be arranging our next speaker, please do join us.
Questions to ask your child
Can you retell the story of a Midsummer Night’s Dream?
Who did you create a biography for?
Which Latin words do you remember?
What is a cattus?
What does this Latin phrase mean?
‘Audere Est Facere’
What can you tell me about Viking life?
What is an arc in maths?
What is the formula for the area of a circle?
How many degrees in a whole turn?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
This week in pictures
Friday 1st March 2024
This week in English the children revisited the story line of A midsummer Night’s dream. Summarising acts from the play, exploring Shakespearian sonnets.
On Tuesday partook in a Shakespeare workshop at the BFI. As part of this workshop the children completed a variety of activities from analysing the script to acting out scenes from several plays. They also learnt interesting facts about the famous playwright and took a stroll down the Southbank to visit the Globe Theatre.
The children also learnt about world religions focusing on the six major religions identifying their places of worship, their holy scriptures and religious leaders.
In maths, we explored circles, learning about pi ( π ) and formulae for both calculating the circumference and area of a circle. They were also introduced to using scientific calculators and specifically the square root function button.
This week the children had their first forest school session, playing a variety of games, learning how to bind a bracelet, and built dens. The children really enjoyed jumping in some rather muddy puddles!
On Thursday, SEED came in for a Clean Speech event, highlighting the importance of the choice of words we use when interacting with others.
On Friday, the children showcased their ‘courage’ projects for all the year six parents. I have been so impressed by their creativity and the effort hey put into making their project their own.
Next week we will be holding our first Kerem alumni talk on 8th March from 9am -10am, straight after the showcase.
Please make sure children have appropriate footwear and clothing for Forest School.
Questions to ask your child
What did you enjoy about our trip to the BFI and the Globe Theatre?
How many Shakespearian plays can you name?
What activities did you do?
What does pi represent?
Can you remember the formula for the area of a circle?
What does square root mean?
What did you do at Forest School this week?
Which Courage projects did you like?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
BFI AND Globe theatre trip
This week in photos
Faces of Israel week
16th February 2024
This week we took part in our annual Faces of Israel topic. This year our focus was the culture and language of the Russian Jews in Israel.
The children partook in a variety of activities from Russian dancing where they learnt the kalinka and hopak dance to an intricate paper craft.
We also examined the Slavic Russian language comparing it to semitic Hebrew.
In English, the children recapped the story of A midsummer night’s dream. They analysed the text and explored character key characters and explored the use of pathetic fallacy in the play. The children also completed their last ‘Lost’ story at Kerem.
In our world religion topic this week we explored the Chinese New Year, the children read a factual text and answered questions relating to the significance of this holiday.
In Music the children performed and recorded the school anthem.
In maths, we continued to explore probability. This week the children performed a variety of probability investigations and examined both experimental and theoretical probability. The hands-on investigations helped consolidate their understanding of probability and apply their learning to understand the mathematical theory behind probability.
In history, the children explored Viking warrior clothing and the advantages it provided over the Anglo-Saxons during the Lindisfarne capture of 793 CE.
In geography, we looked at the location of Russia in relation to Israel and the children learnt about the culture, language, and foods of Russian Jewish immigrants in Israel. Exploring the impact Russian Jews have had on the demography of modern-day Israel.
In science, the children explored circuits and applied their understanding of probability to predict the success of a variety of circuits.
On Tuesday Year 6 watched their Year 1 buddies receive their siddurs, they were all so excited to see their buddies and watch them perform their songs. On Friday the children supported their Year one buddies with their World religion topic on Buddhism.
Next half-tern we will have PE on Tuesday
Gymnastics on Wednesday
Forest school on Thursday
School trip to the BFI and Globe on Tuesday 27th February.
Courage project deadline Monday 26th February.
Questions to ask your child
What did you write about in your final ‘Lost’ story?
Which types of figurative language did you use to elevate your work?
When is Chinese New Year?
What does it signify?
How do you say hello in Russian?
What is the Kalinka dance?
Which Russian / Hebrew words do you remember?
Which key dates are associated with Anglo-Saxon and Viking era?
Which historical figures can you name?
What is probability?
What is a probability tree?
What probability games did you play this week?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Friday 9th February 2024
This week was Children’s Mental Health Week the children had an assembly on Monday and completed several activities focusing on the theme of ‘My voice matters’.
This included a creative activity titled - What matters to you.
English, the children continued read the historical fiction titled Viking boy. The analysed the text and continued the next part of their story. On Tuesday they took part in an interactive version of A midsummer night’s dream by William Shakespeare.
In music, in line with mental health week, the children examined and listened to pieces of music discussing how each piece made them feel.
In maths, we explored probability discussing a definition and playing a variety of dice games to help consolidate their understanding. Later in the week they applied what they had learnt to complete a variety of challenges.
In history, the children created a physical timeline of Anglo-Saxon England. Researching specific periods and creating newspaper articles about specific significant events from the departure of the Romans to The Battle of Hastings.
In science, the children continued learning about electricity, this week we conducted a variety of experiments on static electricity using a balloon to test them out.
On Friday Year 6 were servants at the Medieval Royal Banquet held for the kings and queens in year one.
Today is a long awaited day for so many of you, we hope that you and your children have a relaxing weekend. We are all so so proud of the children and are looking forward to seeing them on Monday.
Questions to ask your child
Why does your voice matter?
What happened in your next chapter of the Viking Boy story?
Did you play a character in A midsummer night’s dream?
If you did who?
What is the play about?
Where was it set?
Can you name the main protagonists?
Can you define probability?
What is the probability of your favourite football team winning the FA cup?
Which key dates are associated with Anglo-Saxon era?
Which historical figure or event did you create a newspaper article for?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Human Anglo Saxon timeline
WoLLoW- communicating with gestures
Friday 2nd February 2024
In English, the children continued reading the historical fiction titled Viking boy. They began to write their own Viking -themed stories spending the week planning and writing the first two chapters.
In guided reading, the children looked at the lyrics of- Both sides now- a song by Joni Mitchel. Exploring the significance of vocabulary and literary techniques.
In our grammar lesson this week the children had to proofread and correct a piece of work. Looking for spelling and punctuation errors.
In music, the children looking at the correlations between music and our emotions. The children listened to a variety of pieces and discussed how the music made them fee.
In maths, we continued exploring metric and imperial conversions learning strategies to convert between them. The children used non-uniform units to measure parts of their bodies.
In history, the children researched Anglo-Saxon monarchs and created a timeline specific to the Viking/Anglo-Saxon era.
In science, the children continued exploring electrical components and circuits learning about motors and creating their own circuits.
This week we continued with our new WoLLoW language curriculum. This week we explored communicating via gestures and the British Sign Language for colours.
On Friday Year 6 spent some time with Year 1, supporting their buddy creating a fact file on Queen Victoria and Elizabeth I.
Questions to ask your child
How many BSL colours do you recall?
What gesture would be considered rude in Turkey?
Can you tell me the story so far from the Viking boy?
What is your Viking themed story about?
Where is you story set? Can you describe?
How do you convert miles to km?
How many inches in a centimetre?
How many heads tall were you?
Can you remember the names of the Anglo-Saxon monarchs?
Which key dates do you remember?
What is a motor?
How does it work?
Which components did you use in you circuit?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Tu B’Shvat
Friday 26th January 2024
In English, the children continued read the historical fiction titled Viking boy. The analysed the text and summarised the story so far. The children performed a reader’s theatre to depict a reading form the text. In creative writing the children wrote descriptions of the three reals created by Odin.
In guided reading, the children read a graphic poem- Ozymandias. Exploring the significance of vocabulary and literary techniques.
In Music the children have been learning a variety of Tu Bishvat related songs and explored using a xylophone to accompany a piece of music.
In maths, we explored metric and imperial conversions learning strategies to convert between the two.
In history, the children researched a Norse myth or legend and looked at the historical object- an amulet of Thor’s hammer establishing a hypothesis about its purpose and meaning.
In science, the children continued learning about electricity and the components of a series and parallel circuit. Creating them using electrical components.
This week we continued with our new WoLLoW language curriculum. This week we explored being multilingual, discussing the languages spoken in the class and exploring the Russian (Cyrillic language).
On Thursday, we celebrated Tu b’shvat. The children attended a special Seder and tasted a variety of fruits. The children created and presented their presentations on a fruit they had never tasted before from yellow passion fruits to rambutans. It was lovely to see so many children create informative presentations or posters.
On Friday, Year 6 spent some time with Year 1, supporting their buddy creating a family tree for Elizabeth II.
Questions to ask your child
Tell me five ways in which you communicate.
How many ways can you say hello?
Can you tell me the story so far from the Viking boy?
What were the three realms created by Odin called?
Can you describe them?
What does the acronym WoLLoW stand for?
How do you convert miles to km?
How many inches in a centimeter?
Which Guiness World records do you remember?
Which Norse myth or legend did you research?
Which historical object did you examine?
What was the significance of the amulet of Thor’s hammer?
Which new fruit would you like to try ?
Which presentation did you enjoy?
Can you recall an interesting fact you learnt?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Friday 19th January 2024
In English, the children continued read the historical fiction titled Viking boy. The analysed the text and explored character a vivid description and using it to create a piece of black out poetry. The children then explored character feelings and personality; identifying evidence to support their opinions.
In music, the children have been learning a variety of Tu Bishvat related songs and explored using a xylophone to accompany a piece of music.
The children also completed some SPaG revision exercises applying what they learnt last term e.g. tenses, clauses, and use of punctuation.
In guided reading, the children watched a fictional alternative version of the Three Little Pigs story and then analysed the meaning.
In maths, we explored coordinates in all four quadrants both translating and reflecting a variety of 2D shapes. The children applied their learning of coordinates by designing and playing a Battleship game.
In history, the children completed a Viking themed escape room, deciphering several clues based on Viking artefacts and historically significant facts.
In science, the children continued learning about electricity and the components of a circuit. The children learnt the difference between series and parallel circuits and discussed the benefits of using each of them.
This week we continued with our new WoLLoW language curriculum. This week we asked the children to be language detectives to investigate how our friends and family communicate in different ways. Identifying the multiple ways , we use or bodies to communicate.
On Friday Year 6 spent some time with Year 1, supporting their buddy research and answer questions about Richard III.
Questions to ask your child
Tell me five ways in which you communicate.
What is unique about how you communicate?
Who are the antagonists in the Viking Boy story?
What does the acronym WoLLoW stand for?
How do you plot a coordinate?
How do you translate a 2D shape?
Who won your Battleship game?
Did you have a strategy?
What does reflection in maths mean?
What is a mirror line?
What does the mirror line x=3 look like?
Which key dates are associated with Viking era?
Which historical objects did you examine?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Friday 12th January 2024
In English, the children read a piece of historical fiction titled Viking boy. The analysed the front cover for clues about the text and completed exercises to ascertain the meaning of vocabulary and test their comprehension skills.
The children also completed some SPaG revision exercises applying what they learnt last term eg. tenses, clauses and use of punctuation.
In creative writing the children wrote a descriptive piece about a trip to the supermarket. Using figurative language to enhance their texts.
In guided reading, the children read a factual piece on James Chadwick and his significant contributions in the world of electricity.
In maths, we explored coordinates in all four quadrants both plotting and translating a variety of 2D shapes.
In history, the children created a timeline starting at 5000BCE to the present day. The children then added dates from history that were significant to them.
The children also explored some mystery items from approximately 800CE to ascertain they purpose and the materials they were made from. Next week we will be exploring each item.
In science, the children continued learning about electricity and the components of a simple circuit. The children created simple circuits with a partner, initially with a bulb, battery, and wires. Then went on to add a switch.
We also introduced the children to our new WoLLoW language curriculum. We explored how languages develop and how words have moved from one language to another. Today we looked at the Greek alphabet and the word lion in multiple languages.
Questions to ask your child
What figurative language did you use in your ‘Busy supermarket’ description?
Who was the protagonist in the Viking Boy story?
What does the acronym WoLLoW stand for?
How do you plot a coordinate?
What 2D shapes did you draw?
How many “d shapes can you name?
What does translation in maths mean?
Who was James Chadwick?
What did he do?
Which key historical events did you add to your timeline?
What mystery objects did you examine?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Mike Freer MP visit
Friday 5th January 2024
Welcome back to you all. I hope you all had a lovely winter break.
In maths, this week the children solved a maths mystery requiring them to apply a variety of maths skills including plotting coordinates, decimal multiplication/division and additional topics from the winter term.
In guided reading they read an extract from the fantasy fiction book, Malamander and answered questions about the plot, characters, and language.
In science, the children began their new topic on electricity. This week the children were introduced to a variety of electrical components, identifying their roles and symbolisation.
On Friday, Mike Freer, our local MP came in to talk to the children about the role he plays in government and his current roles as an MP and in the Ministry of Justice. The children asked a variety of questions from inquiring about current legislature; to the lively and as he quoted ‘raucous’ debates in the House of Commons.
In PSHE, the children learnt about zones of regulation and the importance of identifying our emotions and strategies to deal with them.
They created fortune tellers to help them identify and provides guidance on next steps if they were feeling any of these emotions.
Questions to ask your child
What are zones of regulation?
Which zone are you in right now?
Who is Mike Freer?
What does he do?
What did you learn from his talk?
Name three electrical components?
What is a Malamander?
Can you describe it?
What does unctuous mean?
Who was the murderer at the movies?
PE uniform on Tuesday and Wednesday(GYM).
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Friday 8th December 2023
In English, the children created a persuasive advert applying techniques of persuasion such as catchy slogans, strong emotive language, and ambiguous phrases.
The children also learnt the difference between direct and indirect speech writing examples of each and developing the skill to convert one to the other.
In maths, we focused on calculating the volume and surface area of 3D shapes; primarily focusing on cubes and rectangular prisms but extending children to triangular and other more complex prisms.
This week for NVR we focused on codes the children practised their elimination techniques and discussed the strategies they used to eliminate options.
This week some Year sixes took part in a Maccabi Mixed Netball tournament and won first place.
On Friday, Mrs Sims came to talk to the children about how to create a good impression during their interviews.
On Thursday the children completed their program with GIFT. They took part in a challenge to buy non- perishable food for a week, for a family of four, with the mere budget of £13.
The children were all rather competitive and focused as they whizzed through the aisles of Tesco Brent Cross.
Well done to the winning team: James, Zac and Noah.
A huge thank you to all the parents who helped transport the children this week.
I hope you all enjoyed the children's performance!
Who did you vote for?
Questions to ask your child
What did you buy for the GIFT challenge?
How many points did your team get?
What did you make an advert for?
Can you name three types of persuasive devices?
What does the acronym MRS GREN stand for?
What is the difference between direct and indirect speech?
Can you give a definition for volume in mathematical language?
How do you calculate the surface area of a cuboid/triangular prism?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Jewish Studies 18th Kislev - 1st December
This week we have been learning the story of Perek Bet of Parashat Shemot, in detail. We have discussed some of the Midrashim and commentaries which give us a deeper understanding into the story and have clarified the fact that the stories within the Midrash do not appear directly in the Torah, but are based on understandings of quirks within the text.
We also had another amazing session with Rabbi Zeidman of GIFT, in which we focus on what it means to be a giver - that it is not just about giving to people in need, but giving to everybody. A smile, a kind word, a helping hand all constitute giving.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom!
Friday 1st December 2023
This week also marked the election of six children to the Kerem Cares committees. The students participated in a secret ballot, providing them with a firsthand experience of the election process. We commend all the children for their hard work in crafting persuasive speeches and displaying bravery when delivering the speech in front of the class. While not every candidate could be elected, we are proud of each child who took the initiative to put themselves forward.
Well done to our new Kerem Cares members:
Tzedakah- Anoushka and Leo
Kehilla Council- Hannah and Ari
Tikkun Olam Council- Zara and Daniel
In English, we completed an exam paper focusing on finding the line and specific part of the text containing the answer. We also discussed how to quote the text effectively.
The children then went on to complete the creative writing part of their exam paper. Choosing between a creative story or a persuasive letter.
Our grammar topic this week was active and passive voice. Active and passive are the two grammatical voices in English, neither is inherently better than the other, but each is suited to certain types of writing.
In the active voice, the subject is performing an action:
The dog chases the ball.
In the passive voice, the action’s target, ball, is positioned first as the focus of the sentence. The sentence gets flipped, and the subject is now being acted upon by the verb. In other words, the subject is passive:
The ball is being chased by the dog.
The children also learnt a rap to help them remember the difference.
In maths, we focused on area and perimeter and useful geometric rules the children should learn. E.g., angles in a triangle/quadrilateral/on a straight line/ around a point. The children completed several challenges and exam style questions on the topic too. The children also completed several 11 plus maths papers and discussed tricky questions and strategies to solve them and practising a variety of skills.
In music, the children practiced a song for the end of term show. I am sure you will hear them practising their lines over the weekend.
In PE, they have been improving their rugby skills. Focusing on stamina and technique during passing the ball.
In D&T, the children continued constructing their fairground rides. Focusing on cutting out parts and thinking about the rotary mechanisms for their ride.
In computing the children created adverts for their fair ground rides.
In NVR the children completed a mixed topic atom covering all types of questions.
Questions to ask your child.
What did you learn about the Linnaean classification system?
Did you learn an acronym to help you remember the parts of a classification tree?
Name three facts you learnt.
Which geometric rules do you remember?
What is Pythagoras’ theorem?
What is the difference between active and passive voice?
What is the subject/ object in a sentence?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Friday 23rd November 2023
In English, we completed an exam paper focusing on finding the line and specific part of the text containing the answer. We also discussed how to quote the text effectively.
The children then went on to complete the creative writing part of their exam paper. Choosing between a story continuation; description of a favourite fruit; opinionated essay.
Our Punctuation topic this week was colons (:) and semi colons (;). We discussed their different uses.
e.g., Colons: introducing lists; between two clauses; before a quote.
Semicolons: to replace a full stop between two sentences that are closely related; to replace a connective between two main clauses; to link items in lists.
The children then wrote sentences incorporating them.
In maths, we discussed algebraic expressions, introducing the concept of unknown variables. The children applied their learning to create algebraic expressions for worded problems and then went on to solve them. The children completed several challenges and exam style questions on the topic too. The children also completed a 11 plus maths paper and discussed tricky questions and strategies to solve them.
In music, the children wrote a song for the end of term show.
In PE, they have been learning rugby skills.
In Science, we learnt about the Linnaean classification system and taxonomy. The children created a classification tree for there favourite animal and learnt an acronym to help them remember the different levels of classification. The children then went on to complete a QR code hunt to find facts about the Carl Linnaeus and taxonomy.
In D&T, the children continued constructing their fairground rides. Focusing on cutting out parts and thinking about the rotary mechanisms for their ride.
In NVR the children completed a mixed topic paper covering all types of questions.
In VR the children completed a making words paper focusing on word knowledge and word formation.
Next week we will be selecting our Kerem Cares Committees. Pupils can stand for one of the councils even if they have been on one before. If they care about the cause, then we want them! However, they should only stand for one council.
Children should prepare a short presentation about why they want to be on Kerem Cares, and what they feel they could offer the role.
Please can we remind you about the Chanukah gift project. The aim is to send Chanukah gifts to children in Israel that have been displaced due to the atrocities of October 7th.
On Monday 27th November, all of the children at school will receive a gift bag that they will decorate during an assigned lesson. We will explain to the children that the gifts are for children in Israel who are less fortunate than themselves. The information will be explained in an age-appropriate way. The class teachers will not be going into more detail than that as we know the children know different things about the situation.
We are hoping that each child will be able to fill the bag with the following new gifts:
- A plastic water bottle.
- An A5 plain papered drawing pad/notepad
- A pack of colours/a new pencil case with colours and pencils in
- A small cuddly toy
- A small gift such as a yoyo, bubbles, hair accessories, toy car, balls.
Gifts need to be received at school on Tuesday 28th November.
Questions to ask your child.
What did you learn about the Linnaean classification system?
Did you learn an acronym to help you remember the parts of a classification tree?
Name three facts you learnt during the QR code hunt.
What did you write about for creative writing this week?
What is an algebraic expression?
How do you represent a variable?
Which operation is sometimes implied in algebra?
Can you solve this equation?
When do we use a semicolon?
When do we use a colon?
What does the word 'dogmatic' mean?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Jewish Studies - 4th Kislev - 17th November
Thank you so much to all parents who joined us for our special Israel Tefillah on Thurs morning - I was so proud of Year 6 for learning Acheinu so quickly and so beautifully, and for leading the rest of the school through the tefillot. They really are an amazing bunch of young people!
Rabbi Zeidman of Gift came into school again this week to run the 4th session of his 6 week programme with the children. They may have even brought home a surprise Gift for you today, resulting from our session together. The final session takes place at Tesco Brent Cross, so please look out for an email in the next few days as I will be asking if anyone is able to please help with transporting the kids there and back (Thurs 7th December).
I wish you all Shabbat Shalom, a peaceful weekend, and let's pray to hear some good news from our beautiful Israel very soon.
Shabbat Shalom
Friday 17th November 2023
Anti-Bullying Week
This week was Anti-Bullying week, Year six took part in several activities including a workshop with Streetwise explaining the difference between banter and bullying, kindness and inclusivity activities and the class created a class mantra about how to stop bullying.
In English, we completed an exam paper focusing on finding the line and specific part of the text containing the answer. We also discussed how to quote the text effectively.
The children also learned how to write a good story continuation. The children were shown a piece of writing then a sample story continuation. They then marked the writing according to criteria they would be marked by. After establishing the good and bad points the children went on to write their own creative story continuation focussing on the marking criteria.
Our Grammar topic this week was types of adverbs. We looked at the six main types of adverbs: Spatial, Temporal, Probability, Degree, Manner, and Frequency.
We also discussed modal verbs and their usage with adverbs of probability. The children then went on to apply what they had learnt to write a description of a school in the future.
In maths, we revisited angles and geometric rules. The children practiced their usage of a protractor to measure and draw specific angles, focusing on preventing common mistakes. The children completed several challenges and exam style questions on the topic.
We also completed a maths exam paper focusing on strategies to check answers.
In Science, we continued the 'Living things' topic discussing the mouldy bread experiment results, drawing a graph of the results, and revisiting our hypotheses to write a conclusion.
Mitzvah Day (held on 19th November), a global Jewish-led initiative champions the ethos of "Tikkun Olam" or "repairing the world." Annually celebrated, it calls people to unite through acts of kindness, emphasizing our shared responsibility to make the world a better place. This year at Kerem, our contribution was to create a joke/puzzle book for children that will be sent to one of the Great Ormond Street Hospital children's wards. Children from Years 1-6 have contributed jokes, riddles, and puzzles to entertain the children during what must be a very difficult time. We are also planning to translate the book into Ivrit, over the coming weeks and send it to a hospital or hospitals in Israel.
Please do ask your child about what they contributed.
Questions to ask your child
What did you learn during Anti-Bullying week?
In which ways can you be inclusive?
Which quote did you write on your kindness socks?
What happened in your story continuation?
Did you use your plan?
Can you name three types of mould?
What type of microorganism is mould?
Can you tell me the difference a virus and a bacterium?
Which liquid created the best environment for mould growth?
How many types of adverbs can you name?
What is a modal verb?
What is an acute/obtuse/right angle/ straight /reflex angle?
Which geometric rules do you remember?
Which unit are angles measured in?
How do you use a protractor?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Comic Relief Competition
Parliament Week
6th-10th November 2023
This week was Parliament Week and the children learnt about the 4 countries that constitute the United Kingdom and their parliaments.
We also briefly watched the State opening of parliament. Discussing the key political figures in attendance.
The children also learnt about the UK government and its role.
In English, the children continued focusing on the features and language of a persuasive text including an introduction, arguments and counterarguments and a summary. The children went on to write a persuasive essay on a given statement that they would be debating later in the week.
Furthermore, we completed an exam paper continuing our focus on finding the line and specific part of the text containing the answer and the nuances of inference.
In maths, the children learnt about ratio and proportion. The children completed several challenges and exam style questions on the topic.
We also completed this year’s PMC maths paper.
In Science, we continued the 'Living things' topic discussing micro-organisms and their specific features. The children carried out an experiment to discuss the following question:
Which liquid would cause the highest percentage of mould growth on bread?
This week we began our Design and Technology project.
Over the course of this term the children will be designing and constructing a motorised fairground ride.
Please could children bring in any spare brown cardboard boxes to help them with their construction.
This week Year 5 and Year 6 took part in a Debate, where they learned about how the Houses of Parliament hold political debates. In keeping with the Parliament week theme, the two classes joined together on Thursday to plan out their arguments and counter arguments. On Friday, the children held a debate in the style of the House of Commons, with one side representing the government and the other side representing the opposition. Please ask your child which debate team they were part of.
Questions to ask your child
Which four countries make up the UK?
What did you write your persuasive debate about?
What did you learn during the way debates occur in the House of Commons?
What is a microorganism?
Can you name each type of microorganism?
Which type of microorganism is mould?
Can you remember some surprising facts you learnt this week?
What is the difference between ratio and proportion?
Which new words did you learn this week?
What are the steps for dividing decimals?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Can you solve the puzzle below I set the children?
We also look forward to seeing you at the showcases that we have next week where you will have the opportunity to view the children’s work in their books. These are taking place on Monday from 3 pm and Tuesday from 8:15 am.
The event will include:
- opportunities to look at your children's exercise books with them, with guided questions to help you to have meaningful conversations about your child's learning.
- a main school subject showcases where you will be able to see how children's work progresses over their time at Kerem and learn more about the resources your child uses at school.
- hands on opportunities to explore the technology and computing resources available for your child's learning.
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Friday 3rd November 2023
On Monday, we had a fantastic jam-packed day at Lego Land. The children completed a scavenger hunt on fun facts in Miniland. The children built and raced cars in Ferrari build. The children completed two workshops one building and programming robotic rides and another creating stop motion Lego character videos.
In English, the children learnt the features of a persuasive text. The children went on to write a persuasive essay in a shared writing experience.
Furthermore, we completed an exam paper continuing our focus on finding the line and specific part of the text containing the answer and the nuances of inference. We also revisited how to quote the text effectively.
In maths, the children learnt strategies to multiply and divide decimal numbers. The children completed several challenges and exam style questions on the topic.
We also completed a timed PMC maths paper focusing attempting every question and strategies used.
In Science, we continued the 'Living things' topic discussing micro-organisms and the five main types: fungi, protozoa, algae, bacteria and viruses. The children worked in groups to create a fact fie on each type and presented the results of their efforts.
They then completed a kahoot style quiz on all five microbes to test what they had learnt.
In Geography, we looked at weather, deposition, and erosion. Completing a comprehension exercise looking at the features of each.
This week we completed our NVR and VR autumn assessments.
Questions to ask your child
Which activity did you enjoy the most at Lego Land ?
Which sights did you see in Miniland?
Which stop motion film did you make?
What did you remember about Parliament?
What did you write your persuasive essay about?
Can you name three microorganisms?
What is a microorganism?
Can you remember some surprising facts you learnt this week?
What are the steps for multiplying decimals?
Which new words did you learn this week?
What are the steps for dividing decimals?
Why do we estimate first?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Can you tell me the difference between weathering, deposition and erosion?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Jewish Studies 5th Cheshvan - 20th October
Dear Parents, I hope that this finds you and all your family safe and well, whether here, in Israel or around the world. Our hearts go out to all of Am Yisrael at this horrendously difficult time, and we send so much love to all in Israel.
This week we continued to explore the symbolism of a rainbow within Jewish belief, as well as debating whether it is easier to be a good person when surrounded by good people, or when surrounded by bad people. We learnt from Parashat Noach that we should always follow the right path rather than simply following the crowd.
We created beautiful posters in support of our Chayalim and Israel, highlighting the message of Am Yisrael Chai. On this theme, I spoke to the children about a special project being run currently, encouraging people to perform an extra mitzvah in order to help protect our chayalim (soldiers). I have put details onto Google classroom - it is really easy to participate and will help us to flood the world with extra light and goodness. Please do encourage your children to participate - the more mitzvot, the better!
Have a safe half term week, and we pray that the new week brings with it a renewed peace for our beautiful Medinat Yisrael.
Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs S Hill
Friday 20th October 2023
In English, we completed an exam paper focusing on finding the line and specific part of the text containing the answer. We also discussed how to quote the text effectively.
The children also completed an assessed piece of writing continuing a story after the following opening sentence:
'I pushed open the old creaky door and looked inside. What a sight met my eyes!'
In maths, we revisited fractions of amounts, percentages, and decimal fractions. The children practiced their technique and focused on preventing common mistakes. The children completed several challenges and exam style questions on the topic.
We also completed a PMC maths paper focusing on strategies to break down worded questions into manageable steps.
In Science, we continued the 'Living things' topic discussing the different parts of an animal cell and labelled a detailed diagram.
In Geography, we looked at weather and erosion. Highlighting the differences between the two. We then went on to discuss the different types of erosion including physical, chemical, and biological.
In NVR we looked at series and how to eliminate options and look for patterns.
In VR we explored making words, the children have really improved in this area and completed the paper both efficiently and accurately.
This week the children learnt about World religions and read a text about World Religion Day. They discussed the six major religions of the world.
As part of PSHE, year six learnt about the UK parliament. They researched the three components of parliament:
House of Commons
The Monarchy
House of Lords
The children took a 3600 tour of the Houses of parliament and learnt some interesting facts as they did so. They then went on to apply what they had learnt to create Kahoot quizzes on this topic.
Questions to ask your child
What did you learn about Parliament?
What colour are the seats in the House of Commons?
How many MP's are there in our parliament?
Which new words did you learn this week?
What did you write about in creative writing this week?
Can you name three parts of an animal cell?
What percentage is equivalent to the fraction 3/4?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
Can you tell me the difference between weathering and erosion?
Can you recall the different types of erosion? Can you give an example of each?
I cannot believe how quickly this term has flown by.
Wishing you all a restful break.
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Friday 13th October 2023
As we are all too aware this week has been an emotionally challenging for us all. The children have been amazing, displaying their resilience, supporting their friends and staff have been working hard to make the school day as normal as possible.
In English, we completed an exam paper focusing on accuracy rather than speed. Making sure to answer the specific question being asked.
The children also completed a setting description based on the title-The Deserted House. The focus was on
developing an extended description using extended
sentences, literary devices (eg metaphors) and building suspense
In guided reading we read another factual report on the life of Carolus Linneaus, a prominent scientist and looked at the lyrics to the song Speechless.
In maths, we revisited multiplication and division of fractions. The children practiced their technique and focused on preventing common mistakes. The children completed several challenges and exam style questions on the topic.
We also completed a maths paper focusing on strategies to break down worded questions into easier steps and applying skills from all the topics covered this term.
In Science, we continued the 'Living things' topic discussing the difference between and animal and plant cells. The children used the VR headsets to examine a 3D model of an animal cell. Additionally, the children used a microscope and explored how electron, light and standard microscopes produce different images. Creating scientific drawings of what they observed.
In Geography, we looked at climate change. Discussing the causes and what we can do to prevent it.
Questions to ask your child
What more did you learn about Carl Linnaeus?
Which new words did you learn this week?
What does the word ‘benevolent’ mean?
Can you use it in a sentence?
Can you remember the name of the 3 different types of microscope?
What did you look at under the microscope?
What are the differences between animal and plant cells?
Can you name some parts of a cell?
What does BODMAS stand for?
What did you find hard this week?
What did you enjoy?
How do you multiply or divide fractions?
Shabbat Shalom
The Year Six Team
Jewish Studies 21st Tishrei - 6th October 2023
Moadim LeSimchah to you all! What a week we've had! From learning the theory of the Sukkot Mitzvot to putting them all into practice. We've waved our lulavim north, south, east, west, up and down each morning during Hallel, having learnt the correct way to hold the arba minim. We have also loved being enveloped in the warm hug of the Sukkah, having made lots of Sukkah visits throughout the week! We give huge thanks to families Corin, Mansfield, Mantzur and Eldar for having hosted the class and made us all feel so very welcome! It really has been a special week for us all!
I wish you all Shabbat Shalom and Chag Same'ach.
Mrs Hill
500 words competition
This week in pictures
Friday 6th October 2023
In English, we completed several exam papers focusing on time management and making a good guesstimate rather than not answer a question. We also closely examined the SPAG sections of papers noting how to approach these style of questions and exposing the children to the variety of types of questions they may encounter.
The children also completed a character description based on someone important to them. The focus was on
developing an extended description using extended
sentences, literary devices (eg metaphors) and using brackets to add extra information.
In guided reading we read a factual report on the life of
Carolus Linneaus, a prominent scientist.
In math, we revisited BODMAS and the addition and subtraction of fractions. The children practiced their technique and focused on preventing common mistakes. The children completed several challenges and exam style questions on the topic.
We also completed a maths paper focusing on strategies to break down worded questions into easier steps.