Whole School Events
W/C 20th June 2022 - Faces of Israel (part 2)- learning about the Jewish Yemenite community in Israel. The children learnt about their history, geography and culture . Rabbi Doron came to speak to the children to talk about his own personal experiences growing up in Israel in a Temani household. The week culminated with fun activities such as Henna, learning Yemenite dancing, baking Jachnun and making ‘schug’
5th May 2022- Yom HaAtsmaut at Kerem School. A wonderful day was had by all, beginning with Israeli dancing and ending with Singers from Tel Aviv!
17th March 2022 - Purim at Kerem! What a fun day!



1st March - Israeli Theatre Company comes to Kerem. Year 1-4 watched the show הַאֲרְיֵה וְהַעַכְבָּר - The Lion and the Mouse. Year 5-6 watched בִּגְדֵי הַמֶלֶך הַחַדׇשִים -The Emperor’s New Clothes. The children were familiar with some of the vocabulary which we learnt in class beforehand.

22nd February 2022 - Shuk HaCarmel comes to Kerem! Year 6 create Shuk HaKerem and invite children from the school to come and spend Shekalim!
W/C 1st November. Chag HaSigd and Beta Yisrael. This week in Ivrit lessons we launched our ‘Faces of Israel’ project, teaching all classes about diversity in Israel. We focused on the Beta Yisrael community. The children learnt about the Jewish community in Ethiopia and the missions to help many 1000s of Ethiopian Jews make Aaliyah. They learnt how the community celebrate Chag HaSigd in Yerushalayim and the impact they have made in Israel.
Israel Club during Soft Start on Tuesdays 8.25am-8.40am.
Come and meet Morah Sharon in the library for some fun activities in Ivrit and Israel related during soft start.