At Kerem School, we provide all pupils with equal access to rich mathematical learning experiences, allowing pupils to develop ‘Maths Confidence’ and a positive and inquisitive attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them as they learn and grow.
One of our core values is to ensure that pupils acquire a deep and secure conceptual understanding of number as the firm foundation for developing fluency. Pupils are then able to apply their knowledge and understanding in a range of contexts and make links with the wider world.
Pupils are encouraged to work both independently and collaboratively to solve problems, building skills of resilience including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
In each and every year group, lessons allow pupils to build reasoning skills and draw upon a repertoire of mathematical vocabulary to support, justify or prove their argument
Parents can support their children on their mathematical journey by highlighting the many ways that maths surrounds us, and keeping maths fun and exciting through games, toys and puzzles. Including them in activities such as baking, shopping and paying for items using real money, and even reading a map can help reinforce the valuable skills learned at school.