Class Blog Archive
Nursery Newsletter- 13th December
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development the children had fun learning the rules of how to use the parachute. They learnt the vocabulary for different positional language including lifting up, lowering down and going under. The children had to wait and take turns and it is great to see the progress they have made with this.
In Physical Development the children continued with a selection of different gross motor activities. They learnt how to use the body boards, jumping sacks and carried on with the egg and spoon, developing good hand and eye coordination skills.
In Literacy the children enjoyed going up to the library, listening to stories and sitting reading books of their choice.
In Phonics the children started to learn about rhyming words. They listened to the story ‘Room on a Broom’ and discussed all the different words that rhyme. We explained to the children that rhyming words are words that sound the same. During the holiday please explore rhyming words with your children, especially when reading stories to them. We will carry on with this next term.
In Mathematics the children continued to learn to recognise and write numbers, practised their counting skills and played a selection of number games. In the holiday please explore numbers with your child by looking around the environment to see what numbers you can see. For example bus numbers, door numbers and any other unusual places numbers can be found. Please send in any photos of different numbers so that we can discuss this when we are back next term.
In Jewish Studies the children continued to learn about the story of Chanukah.
In Expressive Arts and Design the children finished painting their chanukiahs. They also enjoyed making a chanukiah using junk modelling.
In PE the children practised following instructions. They started the lesson with a warm up and then worked on their ball control skills learning the correct way to kick a ball and then they practised dribbling the ball. They also learnt how to head the ball.
Important Reminder:
Spare clothes - Please can you make sure that your child’s spare clothes bag comes back refilled ready for the start of next term. If your child does not have clothes in their bags and they need changing you will be called to bring in a spare set. Please can I also ask if you can check your child’s school uniform and should you find an item of clothing belonging to another child please return it to us. Thank you.
Next term the children will be learning about people who help us. If anyone would like to come in and chat with the children about the job they do, please email Miss Cowen and we can discuss dates and times.
We will also be introducing Show and Tell. Please see the information section on the website for the details.
Thank you for coming to our Chanukah show today. The children made us all so proud with their amazing singing and what a lovely way to end the term.
We look forward to seeing you all next term.
Have a lovely break and Chanukah Sameach.
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team

Look at all the amazing things we have done this week.

Nursery Newsletter- 6.12.19
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language the children enjoyed playing in the home corner. We continued to work with the children on turn taking and sharing and reminded the children to use their words to achieve what they require.
In Physical Development some of the children enjoyed playing football and also a variety of different races in the outside area. They enjoyed jumping in the jumping sacks, playing egg and spoon and also using the body boards.
In Literacy we continued with general sound discrimination – instrumental sounds. We continued to practise passing different rhythms around the circle and at the end discussed if it was the same rhythm that they had started with. We also played some phonics games on the interactive whiteboard re-enforcing the children’s knowledge of sound discrimination,
In Mathematics some of the children enjoyed exploring ordering numbers using the magnetic numbers. Some of the children also enjoyed printing numbers to 10 using sponge numbers. Some of the children were learning to write numbers using the correct formation.
The children had the opportunity to make moon sand in the outside area. They helped to measure out the different ingredients, which were flour and baby oil. Together we counted out the number of cups of flour and oil, saying the numbers as we counted. We also discussed whether the cups were full or empty. They really enjoyed mixing all the ingredients together! Using the moon sand the children enjoyed making mini sandcastles and numbers using the sand moulds.
In Jewish Studies the children continued to learn about Chanukah and completed special dreidel and latke crafts to take home next week for Chanukah.
In Music with Mr Fingerhut, the children continued practising for the Chanukah show.
In Expressive Arts and Design the children used Chanukah themed sponges to make pictures. Some of the children painted their Chanukiahs which will be finished next week ready for you to use at home.
In PE the children continued to develop their ball control skills. They put their foot on the ball and rotated the ball backwards and forwards. The other activities that they did were to lay on the ball pretending to be superheroes and also they sat on the ball to work on their balancing skills. They were also ran around the blue track, ensuring they did not bump into anyone. This was to help them to develop their spatial awareness.
Important Reminder:
Spare clothes - please make sure that your child’s bag is full of spare clothes. Please can you check at home to see if you have any other child’s clothes. It would be appreciated if you could look and return these before the end of term.
Just a reminder that next Friday13th December you are invited in for coffee and doughnuts straight after drop off to see the new outside area. This will be followed by the class Chanukah show.
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team
We have had another very busy week in Nursery.

Nursery Newsletter- 29th November
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language the children enjoyed playing in the home corner, setting the table and cooking dinner. It was lovely to see them sharing the resources and chatting so nicely to each other.
In Physical Development some of the children enjoyed an autumn cutting activity, where they practised developing their scissor cutting skills and the correct way to hold the scissors.
In Literacy we continued with general sound discrimination – instrumental sounds. The children practised copying a rhythm. We passed the rhythm around the circle and at the end discussed if it was the same once it had gone all the way around the circle.
We also played some phonics games on the interactive whiteboard on the Busy Things website. It would be great if you could visit the site and play some of the phonics games with your child.
The log in is:
Username /Email: KeremNursery
Password : keremeyu
In Mathematics some of the children enjoyed making patterns using the Numicon, playing number recognition games and writing numbers. They also played the Monster Bingo shape recognition game.
In Jewish Studies the children learnt about Parashat Toldot. Yitzchok and Rivka had twin boys Eisav and Yacov. Eisav was a hunter and Yacov loved to study Torah. Eisav swapped his firstborn status for a bowl of red lentil soup after coming home starving from a day of hunting. Yitzchok who is blind wanted to bless his older son Eisav so Rivka dressed Yacov up as a hairy man (like Eisav) and Yacov got the blessing instead.
The children learnt about twins and how they can either be identical and look the same or can look completely different.
In Understanding the World some of the children helped to plant some of our autumn vegetables. We discussed the different types of plants and also that some plants need more space because of their size. This linked to Mathematics when the children used a tape measure to make sure the correct distance was left between each plant.
In Music with Mr Fingerhut, the children continued to practise for their Chanukah show.
In Expressive Arts and Design some of the children made autumn trees using their fingers for the leaves and also colour mixed different autumn colours.
In PE the children played a game of statues. They froze pretending to be sleepy statues. They then pretended to swim around the blue track in the outside area which was the sea! They then played a game where they had to run away from the shark and pretend to be an octopus. They finished with a game of hide and seek.
Important Reminder:
If you have not already sent in waterproofs, please when buying them can you make sure that they are a thick material as some are letting the water in and the children are still getting wet.
Please continue to send in junk modelling for the children to use to make Chanukiahs.
Spare clothes - please make sure that your child’s bag is full of spare clothes. If your child has NOT got clothes in their bags and your child needs changing you will be called to bring them in. Please could you also check at home to see if you have any other child’s clothes as some children are missing some items.Thank you.
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team
Nursery Newsletter- 22nd November
We hope you all enjoyed the long weekend.
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development the children continued to work on developing their sharing and turn taking skills. We continued to model the correct use of language/ vocabulary to help them achieve what they require.
In Communication and Language the children continued to enjoy playing in the Kerem’s Opticians. It was lovely to hear them developing their conversations and vocabulary so beautifully.
In Physical Development some of the children used both their fine and gross motor skills to do bark and leaf rubbings.
In Literacy we continued with general sound discrimination – instrumental sounds. The children listened to the different sounds made by each instrument. The pairs of sound makers were shown to the children and one set was placed in a bag. The children took turns to select a sound maker and once all the children had selected one they were reminded to listen carefully to the sound played. The child with the instrument that matched the sound stood up when they heard it.
In Mathematics the children continued to look at the class calendar each morning. We sang a variety of songs for the days of the week and months of the year. Some children made a number line using numbered acorns and also enjoyed matching Numicon pieces to the numbered acorn using 1-1 correspondence.
In Jewish Studies the children learnt about Parashat Chayai Sarah. The children learnt about the kindness of Rivka giving water to Eliezer’s camels without being asked and through this act, Eliezer knew she would be the right choice of a wife for Yitzchok. Eliezer travelled with lots of jewellery for the wife he finds and gave it to Rivka. Rivka was very happy to be Yitzchok’s wife. Mazel Tov!
In Understanding the World the children learnt that there are four seasons in the year and we focused on Autumn. We discussed what the weather is like in autumn and how the days start to get shorter and colder. We talked about what happens to the trees in autumn and that the leaves on some trees start to turn into different colours and that some of the leaves fall off the trees.
We discussed how certain animals i.e hedgehogs hibernate through autumn and winter. We also discussed how squirrels collect lots of nuts and acorns and hide them in the ground and in the winter come out to eat the food they have hidden.
In Music with Mr Fingerhut, the children have been preparing for Chanukah learning some lovely songs.
In Expressive Arts and Design the children finished off their leaf pictures and then some of them made collage pictures with the remaining leaves and sticks collected on our walk.
Thank you to everyone for coming in to make chanukiahs with your children.
Important Reminder:
- We will be continuing with the autumn topic next week. Please send in any good quality leaves you can find for leaf printing.
- If you have not sent in wellington boots and waterproofs please do so that your child does not miss out on going outside in all weather.
- We also want to make chanukiahs using junk modelling. Please can you send in any cardboard egg cartons, cereal boxes, empty kitchen roll holders and anything else you think suitable. Thank you.
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team
Look what we have done in Nursery this week!!

Nursery Newsletter- 11th November
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development we continued the topic ‘All About Me’. We went through all the 5 senses - sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing.
In Literacy the children created their own storybook called ‘Nursery, Nursery What Can You See?’ focusing on the sense of sight. We discussed that some people cannot see and are blind. Some children chose to be blindfolded and experienced what it would feel like not being able to see. Whilst being blindfolded, they then painted a picture. The children had fun in our new role play area, the Kerem Opticians. They learnt the role of an optician, made their own glasses and also wrote price labels for the glasses.
Some of the children enjoyed exploring the sense of smell by making their own play dough. They selected a variety of different scents to put in the play dough.
In Literacy we started Aspect 2 : General sound discrimination –
instrumental sounds.
The children enjoyed playing several games which allowed them to experience and develop awareness of sounds made with different instruments and noise makers. We discussed the names of a variety of different instruments and listened to the sounds they make. The teacher then played one of the instruments behind the screen and the children had to find the matching instrument. We then talked about fast and slow rhythms and loud and quiet sounds.
The children then enjoyed a game called ‘Grandmother’s Footsteps’.
Grandmother had a range of instruments and the children decided what movement went with each sound e.g. shakers was walking backwards, bells was skipping. Grandmother stood with her back to the children and played an instrument. The other children moved towards the Grandmother making the movements of the instrument played. The first person to reach the Grandmother took over the role and the game started again.
In Mathematics we introduced the class calendar. We discussed the days of the week, months of the year, the year, season and weather.
In PE the children started by finding their own space outside and then pretended to be an aeroplane. They also practised moving in a variety of different ways around the track, skipping, running, hopping and jumping. They then enjoyed playing the bubble game. They also acted out being animals at the zoo.
In Jewish Studies the children learnt about Parashat Vayeira about welcoming guests into their home, just like Avraham fulfilled this mitzvah wholeheartedly.
The children’s craft was drawing guests in their home which they decorated.
They also then learnt about Chessed (kindness) and as it is Mitzvah Day this Sunday, we concentrated on kindness and the children made love hearts to give to a friend in the class.
In Understanding the World the children loved going on our Autumn walk. When we came back to school we discussed all the different things we had found. This cross referenced with Literacy where the children listened to the story Leaf Man.
In Expressive Arts and Design the children were allowed to use all the items collected on the walk to design their own picture. This will be continued next week. Thank you to everyone that joined us on our walk.
In Understanding the World the children learnt about Rememberance Sunday and watched a special video They then all made their own poppy.
In the music lesson the children sang a variety of different songs. They started singing slowly and discussed how the music made them feel sleepy. When the music increased in loudness it made them feel lively. They then marched around the room pretending to be soldiers.
Important Reminder:
- We will be continuing with the topic Autumn next week. Please send in any leaves or anything of interest that we can share with the class. We also need a selection of unusual leaves to use for mud painting and leaf printing.
- Please make sure you have signed up for making your child’s Chanukiah with them which will take place next Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd November.
- Please make sure you send your child in with waterproofs and Wellington boots which can be left at school. We will be planting in the new gardening area and completing other gardening activities. If your child does not have the correct clothing they will miss out on the activities.
Enjoy the break.
Shabbat Shalom
The Nursery Team
What we have done in Nursery this week.