Class Blog
Nursery end of year picnic. Releasing the butterflies.
Nursery Graduation. You were all amazing and made us all so proud.
Caterpillar watch
Wow what a busy week we have had, with Sports day kicking off the week. All the children enjoyed taking part in the different activities and receiving their medals. This week the children have been enjoying learning about mini beasts. They made creepy crawlies; went on a mini beast hunt and voted for their favourite bug. The children have been observing their caterpillars to see how much they have grown. The children really had a fantastic Forest school experience, they went on a bug hunt; built a den for some furry friends; used some new tools including a saw and drill; made natural necklaces and bracelets and most importantly had a great deal of fun! In Phonics, we have focused on the letters g and o and next week we will be looking at c/k and e, please encourage your children to sing the songs and make the actions. We are expecting some lovely weather next week, please apply sun cream to your child and send in their sunhats.
Our Week in pictures
Forest School
We had great fun on our second Forest School adventure.
Some very hungry caterpillars!
We had such an amazing time at our first Sports day.
Saying our Bracha before eating our strawberries.
Picking strawberries and homegrown lettuce
Forest School
Forest School
We had an amazing time at Forest School today.
This week the children have enjoyed learning about Shavuot. The children painted flowers in a variety of ways and with a variety of media; made flower crowns and some delicious cheesecake.
In Phonics we learnt the n and m sound please make sure to send in objects for our circle time. Next week on Tuesday we will be learning d and on Thursday we will introduce the g sound.
In PE the children have been preparing for Sports Day practising using a variety of equipment.
In Music we have begun learning songs for our End of year show, which will be on the morning of 5 th July. Please can all parents who have not voted on the doodle for their preferred date for our end of year picnic, please do so by this weekend.
Next week we will have our first Forest school session on Thursday, please ensure your children are dressed appropriately with the correct footwear and waterproof jacket.