May 2023 - Year 5 are continuing the topic of How Do I Look? - איך אני נראה. They are able to describe a boy or girl including adjectives such as eye colour, curly or straight hair, glasses etc.
See topic vocabulary for the words and phrases needed for this topic.
April 2023 - Welcome to the summer term in Ivrit. We have been learning all about the map of Israel in preparation for Yom HaAtsmaut. In Year 5 we are focusing on key cities and areas of Israel. So far we have looked at cities in the north such as Mount Hermon where you can ski, all the way down to Eilat in the south where you can swim with dolphins. We also looked at how the map has changed in the last 75 years.
March 2023 - The children have now finished the topic of חֶדֶר שֶלִי - My Bedroom. They learnt a lot of vocabulary and adjectives to describe their rooms and were able to make oral presentations for the ‘end of topic’ assessment. Kol HaKavod Year 5!
W/C 16/01/23 - Book Week in Ivrit. The children listened to the story - דִירׇה לְהַשְׂכִּיר -A Flat to Rent.
W/C 5/12/22 The children have started designing their own rooms according to the instructions in Ivrit.
W/C 28/11/22 The children have started a new topic - הַחֶדֶר שֶׁלִּי- My Room. They will learn many prepositions to describe the items in their room. Please see Topic Vocabulary for the words and phrases.
W/C 14/11/2022. The children in Year 5 demonstrated their oral skills describing what they were wearing in the Ivrit Fashion Show - תְצוּגָת אוֹפְנָה.
W/C 07/11/22 The children are getting excited for the end of topic assessment which will be a ‘Fashion Show ’ תְצוּגַת אוֹפְנָה' next Thursday. They will be using all the vocabulary and phrases in an oral presentation of their clothes. See Google Classroom for details of what to bring.
W/C 3/10/22. The children are now able to distinguish between the verb לוֹבֵש/חוֹבֵש/נוֹעֵל and can use the correct verb according to gender and noun (clothing/hats/shoes). They can describe what they are wearing and use adjectives such as colour.