Ivrit - עִבְרִית
W/E 6th June 2019 - Year 3 finish the topic of Food and Drink (Ochel V-Shtiya) and write about the foods they like.
W/E 24th May 2019- Morah Sharon’s group enjoy a sunny picnic using the phrases they have learnt for the topic of Food and Drink




1st May 2019 - Welcome Back to the last term in Ivrit in Year 3. We hope the children had a good rest and are ready to take on term 3! We are starting a new topic this term - Food and Drink אֹכֶל וּשְׁתִיָּה. See below for the Vocabulary list.
W/E 12th April 2019 - Year 3 have now completed the topic -‘איפה אני גר?׳’ -‘Eyfo ani gar?’ - (Where do I live?). Some children were able to write detailed paragraphs about themselves using previously learned vocabulary and also the new verb ׳גר׳ (live) in all its conjugations.

W/E March 15th 2019 - The children in Year 3 have now finished the topic of Yom Huledet Sheli -My Birthday - יוֹם הֻלֶּדֶת שֶׁלִּי. Today (12th March) the children in Morah Sharon’s group presented their invitations. The next topic will be 'Where Do I live? -Eyfo ani Gar? - אֵיפֹה אֲנִי גָּר







W/E 14th February - BOOK CLUB in Ivrit! Year 3 have enjoyed listening to the story - The Lion that loved Strawberries 🍓- האריה שאהב תות. They understood that over eating on something that you love can actually put you off it and in fact a balanced diet is the best option - even for a lion!
W/C 21st January 2019 - The children are learning vocabulary for the topic of Yom Huledet (birthday). The children in Morah Sharon’s group will have a mini test on Days of the Week - ימות השבוע on Thursday 7th February.
W/E 17th January 2019- the children are continuing to learn about numbers together with ‘age’ - בן כמה אתה? בת כמה את? Morah Neta’s group are practising their maths skills in Ivrit.
W/C 7th January 2019 - Welcome Back to a new term in Ivrit! Year 3 are starting a new topic - Birthdays - יום הולדת and continuing to learn about Numbers - מספרים. Here is the vocabulary for this topic:
November 29th - the children in Year 3 have finally finished their assessments on Family - משפחה. The will start the topic of Numbers - מספרים. The children in Morah Sharon’s Group have been asked to bring in a telephone number and say it in Ivrit (without hesitation preferably) ready for next lesson Tuesday 4th December.
November 22nd 2018 - Year 3 are working hard practising for their oral assessment to describe their family.



Year 3 are working hard on the topic of Family - מִשְׁפָּחָה
Please can all the children bring in a photo of their family (any photo -recent or old, immediate family or extended) ready for the Ivrit lesson next week 20th November.
November 8th 2018- Year 3 are learning about the family- Mishpacha - מִשְׁפָּחָה

November 8th 2018- Year 3 are learning about families - Mishpacha- מִשְׁפָּחָה

October 25th 2018 - Year 3 have started a new topic - My Family - HaMishpacha Sheli - הַמִּשְׁפָּחָה שֶׁלִּי
October 18th 2018 - Year 3 are revising for their test on Greetings (Mi Ani).


October 16th 2018 - Year 3 will be having an 'end of topic' written test next TUESDAY 23RD OCTOBER on the topic Mi Ani?- Who Am I? Please see the attachment vocabulary list. The children need to learn how to greet each other, as well as how to ask and answer questions (male and female).
September 27th 2018 - Vocabulary for the topic - Who Am I? - ?מִי אֲנִי
September 20th 2018 - Artishri in Ivrit - עצים - Trees. The children created their own trees and learnt about trees commonly found in Israel.
September 6th 2018 - Year 3 Introduce themselves in Ivrit
