ISI Inspection
It is with immense pride that we are publishing the outcome of the recent ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) inspection, which took place over 3 days in March 2024.
ISI is similar to Ofsted, in that it reports to the Department for Education on the extent to which schools meet statutory requirements. It upholds rigorous standards for Independent Schools. ISI provides objective, reliable reports on the quality of schools and makes the information available publicly to parents, government, and the wider community. In this way, it helps schools, their staff and governors/proprietors to recognise and build on their strengths and to identify and remedy any deficiencies.
The inspectors report as to whether the school has ‘met’ or ‘not met’ the required statutory standards. In all 5 areas that are required to be inspected, Kerem MET all of the standards.
This is a wonderful recognition of our fabulous school and its community, recognising the work that has been done since the last inspection in December 2019.
Here a few highlights and headline comments:
The early years setting is an immersive and engaging environment which promotes all areas of learning. Adult child ratios are generous and contribute to individual needs being supported, and children making good progress towards the early learning goals.
The early years setting is a vocabulary-rich environment and data shows that the children are consistently ahead of age related expectations in this area, literacy and numeracy skills are promoted well.
school life
In the most effective lessons, teachers plan with the aptitudes and prior learning of pupils in mind. Additional adults are utilised to provide specific support and management of time and behaviour are effective. In these circumstances, pupils are able to acquire new knowledge or skills. Pupils are particularly engaged and self motivated whenever their intellectual or creative interests are promoted.
Pupils benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum.
A recent focus on academic attainment has led to steady improvement in standardised scoring, which illustrates that pupils are making good progress in their literacy and numeracy skills.
In addition, leaders have established tracking systems to measure pupils' progress within both age groups and subjects. These measures have had a positive impact on individual pupils' outcomes.
The school community’s connection with its own faith underpins a deep sense of spiritualism in the pupils. Leaders ensure pupils develop tolerance and empathy via a study of world religions from nursery onwards.
As a result of the education about Jewish and other faiths, pupils are respectful towards different backgrounds cultures and religions.
Extra curricular provision is well attended and highly regarded by the pupils. The activities provided enable pupils to hone their skills in areas of interest to them.
Roles within the school pupil committees are highly sought after an application and democratic process elevate the importance of these positions.
The three pupil committees oversee the school's charitable, environmental and community initiatives responsibly by setting up this structure leaders have given pupil committees a clear purpose if pupils are proud of the contribution they make to the school and wider society.
Leaders prioritise people's emotional well being by ensuring there are carefully developed programmes of physical personal and health education. appropriate to their needs.
The newly created wellbeing room gives pupils space to reflect on their emotions and strategies to manage them.
Pupils feel safe at school.