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Year 1

Week 2 - Friday 13 September 2024


Dear Parents,


We have just finished our first full week in Year 1 and it has been a fun, exciting and full week. The children had their first Ivrit lessons with Mora Neta, their first PE lesson as well as their first house tefilla where they received their house badges.


Again, I would like to mention how impressed I am with the way the children have adapted to being in the big school and I am enjoying spending time with them.


This week there is homework set on Google Classroom. There is one piece of English homework and one piece of Maths homework. Homework is due back on Wednesday and is to be submitted to Google Classroom. The login details for Google classroom are in your child’s reading folder or bag and are printed on a bright piece of orange paper. This information should be used to log into their school email account. Once there, there should be an email with an invitation to the Google Classroom. Alternatively, you can use the following code to join the classroom: aaglb46.


Well done to all the children for doing their reading homework this week. We will be changing reading books every Monday and Thursday if the child has finished their book. Please listen to your child read over the weekend as well as completing the other homework.


In English this week we started looking at ‘Flotsam’, a book the whole school is learning about. On Tuesday morning the children arrived at school to find the corridors and staircases transformed into a seaside scene. Year 1 children made sandcastles which adorn the Year 1 and 2 corridor. Flotsam is a special book without any words and in English lessons the children enjoyed looking closely at the pictures to decipher the story. They began the week by making a prediction about what they thought would happen and also wrote simple sentences to describe some of the pictures.


In Maths we have been looking at counting, sorting and ordering numbers as well as writing numbers correctly.


Some reminders:


  • PE is on a Tuesday afternoon - please bring your child to school on a Tuesday in their PE kit.
  • Forest school is every Thursday morning - please bring your child to school on a Thursday already in their waterproof clothing and boots.
  • Please make sure all belongings are labelled with your child’s name. 
  • Please make sure boys have a kippah at school every day and have clips to secure it to their head.

I’m looking forward to seeing you at Meet the Teacher on Tuesday evening.

Shabbat shalom,

Sonia Bataller

Wow! What a wonderful first three days in Year 1 we have had!


The children have adjusted so well to all the changes that Year 1 brings. They know where to find the toilets, have joined in with a whole school tefilla, are getting used to the dining room and where to wash their hands and put their plates when they’re finished and they know where their pegs and trays are. I am so impressed with how quickly the children have settled into Year 1. Well done! I am very proud of them.


Apart from getting used to new routines and structure, the children in Year 1 enjoyed reading a book with their buddies, returning to forest school, singing tefilla with Year 2, painting sandcastles, learning about this week’s parasha of Shoftim and so many more things.


-            Reminder to please make sure all snack pots, water bottles, clothes, kippot and everything else that comes to school are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

-            PE is on Tuesdays

-            Forest school is on Thursdays


It has been lovely to meet some of you and I look forward to meeting everyone else and seeing you at Meet the Teacher on September 17th.


Wishing you a Shabbat shalom,


Sonia Bataller


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