Class Blog
Dear Parents,
Thank you for all your support with the remote learning. We understand that it is sometimes difficult to get the work done and are happy for the children to do as much as they are able.
Please ensure that they send us the work to mark, preferably by up loading on Google Classroom or sharing a Google Doc with
FANTASTIC FRIDAY: Today this is a Countdown style question. The children must find the given total using only the numbers given. They can only be used once. Why not have a go?
MATHS: If your child did not complete the work yesterday , please can s/he do so today and upload it. They must remember to press submit so that we can send a mark and comment back.
If your child did the work yesterday then please can they do their Schofield and Sims Mental Arithmetic Book : Section 2 Paper 3 or Section 3 Paper 3 (They know which group they are in). The answers will be posted at the end of the day. We are trusting them to self mark and are asking them to message us privately with their score and any topics they found difficult. This will help us inform our planning for next week.
ENGLISH; The children have been asked to tell us how they have found the remote learning- what has worked and what has been more of a challenge. This is to help us make this the best possible experience for your child.
SCIENCE: The children have been set an experiment to carry out over the next week. It is to discover how different environments affect how quickly ice melts. They may need your help in making some ice cubes. Today they have to plan the experiment writing up their prediction, equipment and method on a google doc and sharing with us. They have been told to put ice cubes in bowls around the house and to ask parental permission before placing them!
Shabbat Shalom
Mr Turek and Mrs Sharman
Jewish Studies - Friday 22nd Adar 20th March
Good morning, Year 4.
Today we are continuing with our Seder cards – you will then be more than half way through the pack! I’ve made you another video to guide you through and hopefully to teach you a thing or two as well! You can do Rochtza as the sixth stage and then Motzi Matza as the 7th stage.
Yesterday, Year 6 really enjoyed doing the online quiz. If enough of you reply to this saying yes please, then I will share it with you at 11:15 this morning and I will let you know who won after it's over.
Today is a great day to learn something new!!!
Shabbat Shalom and I hope to see you all soon,
Mrs Hill
Thursday 19th March 2020
It was lovely to see so many of your children today- Y4 were the biggest class with 16 pupils!
Today we went over the Maths test from yesterday, marked the Verbal Reasoning paper and looked at everyone's Cinderella plans. We also made some lovely 'mummies' .
Today the following tasks can be found in Google Classroom:
THOUGHTFUL THURSDAY: What is the mystery item? Can they identify what the photo is?
MATHS: The children need to watch a video showing them how to find fractions of amounts and how to represent this in a bar model.
They need to complete either Section A, B or C from the worksheet, setting out the calculations exactly as modelled on the video. All children that were in school today were given their Maths homework books - the work should be done in these books (set out neatly with the date, title and using a ruler). If your child does not have their book, they should do it on paper (it should still be set out neatly. ) Once the work is finished, your child can take a photo and upload it onto Google Classroom for me to mark.
ENGLISH: There is a short writing task from Mrs Sondhelm based on a picture. The children should write this on GOOGLE DOCS and then share it with Mrs Sondhelm -
HISTORY: The children need to watch a power point about Egyptian Mummies. Their task is to create a worksheet for their classmates using the information in the power point. This can be a comprehension, crossword, word-search or anything else they can think of. This can be done on paper or on Goggle Docs. It should be shared with me or emailed to me.
Have a good day!
Thank you to all the children for working so hard yesterday. Please remind your child to 'hand in' or 'submit' their work on completion so that I can see who has completed the tasks.
I am available for help during the normal school hours so if your child does the work in the evening, it will not be marked until the next day.
TRICKY TUESDAY: Count the triangles and choose your answer.Look carefully!
MATHS: Today the class have a revision quiz. They must respond online (some are multiple choice, others require a typed response). Children can do calculations on a piece of paper but I am trusting that they do the work independently. This quiz is to help me plan what they need to revise.
They can also spend 1/2 hour on Times Table Rockstars
CINDERELLA: We have been looking at a variety of Cinderella stories set in different cultures. sToday, the children should start planning your their Cinderella story. It will be a chapter book. The instructions for the plan are on Google Classroom .The plan should be done on PICCOLAGE or GOOGLE DOCS and then shared with me either via Google Drive on on e mail . Please can they let me know when they have done this (if they 'hand in' their work then I will know you have done it)
SPELLING: Please can an adult or older sibling test the spellings from last week. The new spellings are on Google Classroom; the children should choose you spelling according to which group they are in (they can challenge themselves if they wish). Children should choose 6 words and write sentences (correct punctuation please!) Please can they do this on Google Docs and share with me so I can mark it.
HAPPY SELF JOURNAL: Please remind your child to fill it in at the end if the day.
PE: Mr Moses has set a task for PE today.
Good Luck!
Mrs Sharman
Tuesday 21st Adar - 17th March
Good morning Year Four,
Please click on to the JS Google Classroom for today's JS lesson.
Meanwhile, I hope to see you all back at school once again tomorrow.
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Hill
Monday 20th Adar - 16th March
Good morning Year 4 and Shavuah Tov!
I hope you are all healthy and enjoying your long weekend.
You can find today's JS lesson on your JS Google Classroom ( you know how to use it as we have used it before).
Enjoy the lesson, learn well and I hope to see you all tomorrow!
Mrs Hill
Good morning and welcome to the first day of remote learning.
In order to access Google Classroom, please follow the instructions below:
Please go to Google Classroom on your iPad.
sign in using your school email address and password if necessary
Click on the plus sign (bottom right) to join a class.
Enter the code: pjnbhqv
Click join
If you have any problems logging in, please email
Today's Work:
Mathematical Monday: During Soft Start on Mondays we always tackle a number problem- today there is a 'Code Breaker' problem.
English: Comprehension on Tutankhamun
Writing about Howard Carter
Maths: Addition of Fractions word problems. Please allow your child to choose the level they feel most comfortable with (with some guidance if necessary!) The easiest is *and the most challenging is ***. They are welcome to attempt a few from 2 levels if they wish as this is what we do in class. Encourage them to draw a bar model if needed.
Computing: Please look at their separate Computing Google classroom for the work.
Spellings: These will be tested tomorrow (Tuesday 17th March) so please revise them. If they have extra time, the children could write some silly sentences using the words.
Please remind your child to press the submit button on their ipad once they have completed the work so that I am able to look at their work and mark it.
Regards Mrs Sharman.
Friday 13th March 2020
What a busy week we had; Stem week beginning on Monday, Purim on Tuesday and The Science projects appearing on Thursday!
In Maths this week we have been continuing our work in fractions by adding fractions with like denominators. Some children ventured onto adding with different denominators by using equivalent fractions. We also learned about improper factions. Children were encouraged to draw their calculations in a bar model as this helps cement their understanding of the concept. Next week we will be finding fractions of amounts.
In English we listened to the story of Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters, an African Cinderella story. The children then had to create a diagram showing the similarities and differences between this version of Cinderella and the one we know so well. In creative writing they continued to write stories using the subordinate clause and are being shown the skills of proofreading and editing their work.
We linked stem week to our learning of Egypt in History. This week we learned how and why pyramids were made. On Monday, the children paired up to try to build a pyramid structure out of toothpicks and play dough. It was a lot harder than they thought and many structures collapsed so that the children had to modify their plans. See the photos below. On Thursday, they were asked to create a pyramid out of paper; first they had to work out how to make a template. Again this was challenging but we were so proud of their determination and perseverance.
The children have been extremely sensible this week in dealing with the last minute changes that have had to be put in place; whilst disappointed about not going to the gym, they participated with enthusiasm in the p.e lesson.
We had a lot of fun on Purim- please see the group photos below.
We have been amazed at the high standard of the projects submitted this week. The children have clearly put a lot of time and effort into their work. They have been presenting their work to the class this week and we look forward to (hopefully) sharing with you at the exhibition next Friday (8:30am). We will be inviting other classes to look at them too. All children will receive a personalised certificate for their work.
As the school is closed on Monday, there will be work set on Google classroom - the children should know how to access it but if you are having any issues, please email us on An outline of the work set will be on this blog.
When children use their iPads in school, they are protected by our settings, which prevents them from accessing inappropriate websites. Our IT specialist team is working to ensure inappropriate sites are blocked off-site as well as on-site. This change has to be made while in school and will be done at the next available opportunity. It is, therefore, the responsibility of parents to check what their children are accessing at home until this is completed.
Shabbat shalom
Mrs Sharman and Mr Turek
Jewish Studies - 13th Feb - 17th Adar
Our week began with Purim learning and celebrations. We heard Megillah and well and truly wiped out the name of Haman. We either took part in or watched the Kerem Talent Show and then danced away in the Sponsored Purim Zumba for Jewish Care in which we raised over £500.
Immediately after Purim we turned our attention to Pesach. We have started preparing our 'Out the Box' Pesach work and hope we will be able to continue next week with our Seder games.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom.
Stem week


Jewish Studies 6th March - 9th Adar
In Jewish Studies this week we have continued our studying of Parashat Toledot. We learnt that the food Yakov gave to Esav was a bowl of red lentil soup, and that this happened on the day that Avraham had died. We also looked at the colour red and its associations with Esav. To share our lesson resource, click here:
We have also continued creating our individual versions of Megillat Esther - you can see Scarlett's work by clicking on the link below. More will follow shortly.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and Purim Same'ah for the coming week!
Megillat Esther - please click on the link below to see Scarlett's version of Megillat Esther, made by herself using JiStudio:
Friday 6th March 2020
What a wonderful day we had at the zoo, despite the torrential rain. The children were so well behaved and the leader of the workshop was amazed at their enthusiasm and knowledge.Thank you so much to those parents who braved the weather to join us (and yes, we have noticed the beautiful sunshine today!). Please see all the photos below.
In Maths this week we have been investigating equivalent fractions. The children used chocolate bars to write 'Fraction Sentences'
e.g The Toblerone has 12 pieces. If I eat 4 pieces, I will have eaten 4/12 which is the same as 1/3. I will have 8/12 left which is 2/3.
On Friday they looked at fractions of pizzas and how to make a whole pizza
e.g If the pizza is cut in to 8 pieces, 1/8 + 1/4 + 1/2 + 1/8 = 1 whole pizza
Please consolidate this at home in preparation for our work on addition of fractions next week.
In English this week, we read the play of Yeh Shen, our Chinese Cinderella and answered comprehension questions on the story. We also revised the use of speech marks and children had to convert speech bubbles or lines from the play into direct speech. We also read the story of Raisel- a Jewish Cinderella story set in Poland. We have also begun Verbal Reasoning and these will be sent home for English homework on occasions.
In Science this week, we began our new topic of States of Matter: this week we looked at the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
We look forward to seeing all the children dressed up for Purim on Tuesday.
Shabbat Shalom
Mrs Sharman & Mr Turek
Our trip to the zoo
It has been a pleasure getting to know all you children this week and we hope they have enjoyed their first week with us as much as we have.
In Maths this week we have been learning about area. We looked at how area is measured in squares and worked out how to find the area of rectangles and compound shapes. We also learned the difference between the perimeter and the area of a shape. In Mental Arithmetic, as well as continuing our Scholfield and Simms books, we will be consolidating our arithmetic knowledge and practising how to enhance our understanding if number through the use if concrete resources.
In English we began our topic of 'Cinderella'. The children were fascinated to discover that there are over 500 versions of this traditional tale from around the world. This week we read the French version , Cendrillon, (which is the one the Disney version is based on) and compared it with German versions by the Brothers Grimm. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at versions from China, Egypt, Mexico and Africa and also a Jewish version of the story.
In History we have started our topic on Ancient Egypt looking at a map of Egypt and where it is located and discussing the term BCE.
In Science we are finishing off our topic on Animals and their Habitats and you should have received an email with details of a project we would like the children to complete. We have added it to this blog, in case you need to refer to it again.
1. Please remember that we are going on our long awaited outing to London Zoo on Thursday (5th March). The children will need a packed lunch (no sweets, chocolates or fizzy/sugary drinks please). They should wear their normal school uniform and the boys will need a school cap. They will NOT need any money as we will not be visiting the gift shop. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to come- you should know who you are.
We will be leaving school straight after tefillah and return before the end of the day.
2. On Friday 20th March, we will be holding an exhibition to showcase your children's Endangered Species projects. The exhibition will be in the Year 4 classroom and start at 8:30 am. We hope many of you can make it.
3. Homework will continue to be given on the same day -Maths on Tuesday and English on Thursday. However spelling will now be set on MONDAY and tested the following MONDAY. As well as the sound of the week, there are 2 extra 'common exception' words. These are words that do not necessarily follow a spelling rule, so need to be learned by themselves.
If you need to get hold of us, we have a joint email address-
Shabbat Shalom
Mrs Sharman & Mr Turek
Jewish Studies 3rd Adar – 27th February
This week we started learning about Purim! We watched the lego Purim movie to refresh our memories about the key events in the Megillah and we are now creating our own Story of Purim books, using JiStudio. We will share links to some of our books as we complete them next week.
Shabbat Shalom
Jewish Studies 19th Shevat – 13th February
This week in Jewish Studies we reviewed a number of different Brachot and learnt about those that we say on different occasions when using our senses, eg seeing a rainbow or hearing thunder. We had fun using games on Ji Tap to help reinforce our knowledge. We also learnt the details of Matan Torah – the Giving of the Torah on Mt Sinai which we read about in this week’s Parashah.
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and a wonderful half term week ahead.
Friday 14th February 2020
It has been a very busy and exciting week!
It all started with the book quiz on Monday. The year 4 team did brilliantly well! They won the quiz with the
support of other year 4 audience who also answered a lot of questions.
On Tuesday, KS2 classes watched the debate that was organised by the year 6 classes. They got the opportunity to listen to arguments by different groups. The topic was, which subject they think is the most important. Year 4 also contributed some great ideas and thoughts. The winning subject was mathematics, followed closely by English. In the afternoon, many children performed a variety of poems in front of an audience of parents and the whole school. Well done to everyone that took part.
On Wednesday, the author Joe Craig visited Year 4. He taught the children some useful tips about writing. One of his top tips was perseverance. He said that most writers write a lot, but what they write most of the time is not very good. But they persevere, until eventually they finally write a good piece. Additionally, some of the children read their work and he offered helpful hints on what they could do to improve further.
On Thursday, it was year 4's last forest school lesson. Thank you to all the parents that came. We hope you had a great time playing the team activities, building shelters, inventing raps and getting muddy.
Ms Rose visited the class this Friday. She is hoping that after the half-term break, she will be in a position to return to school. However, she will not be returning to class teaching and as previously communicated, Mrs Sharman will be teaching the class.
Thank you to Joe, for his amazing U-Teach on Space. He taught us a lot of new facts about the first moon landing, the solar system and the Hubble Space Telescope. Well done Joe!
Week Beginning 3rd February 2020
This week in English, children wrote a non-chronological report about their imaginary creatures. Children had to include all the features that we discussed over the last few weeks. These included subheadings, paragraphs, technical language linked to the subject, diagrams, images and captions. Children then spent time checking and editing their writing. When editing work, we first focused on ensuring that the writing makes sense. We then checked for punctuation and other mistakes, before thinking of improvements that we can add.
In maths, children developed their mental multiplication by exploring different ways to calculate. We called this efficient multiplication.They partitioned 2 and 3 digit numbers into hundreds, tens and ones or into factor pairs, in order to multiply one and 2 digit numbers.
They then continued by applying this knowledge to effectively multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1 digit.
In Creative Writing children wrote a story about a child that runs away from home. They used the DDAFT acronym to help them improve their writing. These include description, dialogue, action, feelings, and thoughts.
Thank you to Amelie for her brilliant lesson on film and the process of making one. It was very interesting hearing about it's history and the children had great fun creating their own, based on a theme.
Next Week
Tu B'Shevat
On Monday 10th February we will be celebrating Tu B'Shevat. Children can come dressed in brown, green, pink, or a combination of all three colours.
Book Week
Throughout the week, children will be taking part in various activities. These include a book quiz, a poetry recital and a debate. Also on Wednesday year 4 will take part in a workshop with the author Joe Craig.
Forest School
This Thursday 13th February, is the last day of Forest School. Parents, grandparents or carers are invited to join us, to take part in the activities. We will be leaving the school at 8:50 am on the day . If you would like to join us, please meet us in the foyer at that time. Please remember to wear wellies and waterproof clothing, as it can be very muddy and wet. We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Jewish Studies Friday 7th February - 12th Shevat
This week, Year Four have learnt about Tu BiShevat in our Jewish Living lessons and have continued to study Parashat Toledot in Chumash lessons. We have learnt that Yaakov and Esav became very different people as they grew up, even though they were twins. We also practised our Rashi reading.
Please remember, Monday is Tu BiShevat so the children can wear green and brown with a little pink too. Please also bring to school a couple of pieces of fruit for our fruit party. Very many thanks and Shabbat Shalom.

Friday 31st January 2020
This week in English, children created their imaginary creatures. Some children combined different animal features, and others used completely original features for theirs. Children then planned their non-chronological reports, using subheadings and bullet-points.
In maths, we continued our unit on multiplication, this time focusing on the 11 and 12 times tables. This was followed by learning to multiply 3 numbers. When multiplying 3 numbers we realised that it doesn't matter how we group the numbers. Instead we could change the order of the numbers to group them more efficiently.
e.g 4x5x2= (4x5)x2=20x2=40
or 4x5x2= (5x2)x4=20x2=40
We concluded the week, by looking at factor pairs. Children learnt that a factor is a whole number that is multiplied by another number to make a product.
eg. 3x4=12, factor x factor = product.
Other factors of 12 include, 1x12, 2x6 etc.
In science, children researched the different types of habitats that animals live in. They then used the app Pic Collage to create posters for different habitats, which they could add to their Living Things and their Habitats books.
Well done to Jacob, for his excellent presentation on Niedo this week. The champions code ‘I promise to listen, to always try my very best, to be a good friend, to be a champion’ ,was very inspirational.
Important Information:
Should anything different be happening at home, however insignificant you think it is, please do let us know. The smallest of changes can have an impact on a child's mood or behaviour and knowing things in advance helps us to be aware of possible changes and be ready to offer support. These might include but are not limited to, a parent being away from home on business, a member of the family being in hospital, a bereavement, a break-in etc.
Please remember our Parents E-Safety evening on Monday 3rd of Feb from 7:30pm.

This week in English, we have been learning about the features of non-chronological reports. Children looked at different examples of this text type and identified them from their features. These features included: headings and subheadings, present tense, third person, pictures and diagrams with captions, technical vocabulary and facts not opinions. Next week children will begin developing the creature that they will be writing their non-chronological report on.
In maths, we continued our unit on multiplication. This week we focused on the 6 and 9 times tables. We looked at the patterns that these two multiplications have and applied this knowledge when solving word problems. Additionally, on Tuesdays children have continued their 'Cracking Times Tables'. They were assessed at the beginning of this term, and every week they will be tested. Please continue practising the multiplications that they bring home.
In science, children learnt about vertebrates and invertebrates. They then researched the 5 animal categories that are vertebrates, before creating pages for their Living Things and their Habitat books on Book Creator.
In Forest School, children made fire! They first collected suitable materials from the park, before using flint sticks to light their fires. Children then enjoyed roasting their marshmallows over a fire pit.
Well done to 'Professor' Reuben for his brilliant lesson on the Romans! He taught us lots of new facts, which was evident from everyone's performance in the Kahoots quiz.

Example: Use the numbers 8, 4 and 7, to create different multiplication calculation.
___x___x 1=?
Solve the calculations and put them in order from smallest to greatest.
Additionally we began investigating the 6 times table through a variety of activities that help children reason and problem solve, whilst reinforcing their knowledge of the 6 times table.
Example: William is trying to solve the calculation 54 divided by 6. He thinks that the answer is 8. What has William done wrong? Draw a visual representation to show your answer.
This week in English, we began a new unit on non-chronological reports. We began by writing a description for an imaginary/mythological creature, which will be used as an assessment piece. Next week we will begin looking at the features of non-chronological reports. By the end of this unit, children will be writing a non-chronological report about a creature that they have created themselves.
Also this week, we have began a new science unit called 'Living Things and their Habitats'. We sorted animals into venn and carroll diagrams using different criteria. These included laying eggs, not laying eggs, birds, not birds,breathing air, living in water etc.
In Forest School this week, Year 4 had to work together as a class to make shapes using a rope. Whilst doing this activity they realised how being a good leader and being a good listener are two equally important attributes. Children then used different materials to create branch sculptures or dream catchers.
Thank you to Sarah for her superb lesson on animation. The quality of her research was amazing to see. Year 4 really enjoyed creating their own animation using flipbooks.

On Thursday Year 4 had their first Forest School lesson. The children learned to identify different types of leaves, before before collecting them from Lyttelton Playing Fields. They then created an art piece using the materials to showcase one of the values of forest school. These included respect, perseverance and collaboration.
This week in Maths we reviewed multiplying by 10 and 100. We then looked at dividing by 10 before applying this skill to solve word problems. This week we also began the Cracking Times Tables scheme. Children received a time table book and the sheet with the time tables that they should be practising at home.
A big thank you to Jenna for her fantastic UTeach about sand. She was very confident and all the children loved the sand bottles activity.

Friday 13th December
It has been a very busy end of term.
On Monday the children participated in a mock trial. They put Mr Wonka on trial for child cruelty. Each child had a different role, some were barristers, some were witnesses and some were the jury. Although both sides put together very convincing cases the jury could not reach an unanimous decision so Mr Wonka walked free!
The children had a fabulous time at Cadbury's World on Wednesday. As soon as we arrived we went straight to the 4D film. Next the children took part in an education session, learning about how the Rainforest and chocolate are linked. After lunch they explored the self guided tour, and learned about how chocolate is made, as well as having a few tasters!
The children have also enjoyed reading with Year 1. The year 1 children each choose a book and the Year 4 children read it to them and discussed it with them.
We hope you enjoyed watching the children perform this morning. Have a wonderful holiday and we are looking forward to seeing you all in the new year.
Important information
Forest School starts next term. All children will need wellington boots, waterproof trousers and a jacket. They should bring spare clothes on Forest School days in case they need to change. Please make sure your child is wearing warms layers if it is cold.
Mock Trial
Cadbury’s World
Pyjama Day
Friday 6th December 2019
In English this week the children began preparing for a mock trial. Next week they will be putting Mr Wonka on trial for child cruelty. The children have each been assigned a role and have completed activities to help them prepare. Homework is to write about a favourite memory from the first term in Year 4.
In Maths the children have started learning about multiplication. This week they learnt how to multiply by 10 and 100. Homework was multiplying by 10.
In Cues Ed the children learned about unhelpful thoughts and thinking traps. They talked about how to get them selves out of thinking traps by using positive thoughts.
We were very lucky to have Mrs Lester join us on Wednesday morning to talk to the children about the causes of deforestation and deforestation in the UK.
Important information
Please look out for a letter about Cadbury’s World.
Forest School is starting next term on Thursday 9th January. Children will need waterproof trousers, a raincoat, wellington boots and layers. Please send in a change of clothes in case they get muddy.
Parents are invited to join us for a session on Thursday 13th February.
Friday 29th November
In English this week the children have started to learn about persuasive writing by looking at adverts. They have had a go at writing their own slogans and have enjoyed thinking of rhetorical questions. Homework this week is comprehension.
In Maths this week the children finished off their unit on Addition and Subtraction. Next week they will begin learning about multiplication, this unit will carry on in the Spring term. There was no Maths homework this week. Instead the children were asked to learn their lines for the play.
The children have been busy creating their beautiful dioramas, they have worked very hard on them, creating trees, animals, rivers and backgrounds. Please look at the photos to see them taking shape.
in Cues-Ed the children reviewed how to recognise feelings and practised handy breathing. They also learned about thoughts and how to recognise them. They used a stop, think go strategy to help them understand how their thoughts are linked to feelings.
In last weeks U Teach Ella Bracha taught the children all about Sushi. The children enjoyed making sushi out of play dough!
This week Ella taught the children all about contortion. They are looking forward to seeing videos of her tricks!
Important Information
On Wednesday 11th December we will be visiting Cadbury’s world. The children will need to be at school by 07:30, and should return by 17:00. If a later return is anticipated the office will contact you. All children will need a milky or parve nut free packed lunch and two snacks. Please do not send extra treats with as the children will have opportunities to eat chocolate!
Next half term the children will have Forest School on Thursday morning. Every child will need waterproof trousers, a raincoat to go over their clothes. They will also need Wellington boots. If the weather is cold please send your child in extra layers such as leggings under their tracksuit bottoms. They should bring a change of clothes in case they get muddy.
Parents are invited to join us for Forest School on 13th February 2020 for a morning session. This will be 9:00- 10:30
Ella’s U Teach
Ella Bracha’s U Teach
Cues Ed
Friday 22nd November
In English this week the children finished writing their Charlie and the Chocolate Factory stories and have enjoyed sharing them with each other. Next week they will begin to learn about persuasive language. Homework this week was a comprehension about deforestation.
In Maths this week the children have cemented their understanding of column subtraction. Next week they will continue to work on subtraction problem solving and will look at concepts such as estimation. Homework this week was column subtraction.
In Cue-s Ed this week the children reviewed how to look after their brains. They discussed eating all the colours of the rainbow, sleeping enough, relaxing and being active.
They also learned about the main feelings that they experience and how to recognise them in them themselves and others. They discussed how different feelings are shown through facial expressions, body language, and behaviour and how feelings feel inside their bodies.
The children have brought home their scripts for the end of term presentation. Please let us know if your child will not be here on the last day of term so that their lines can be reallocated.
Over the last term in their reading lessons the children have been introduced to a range of books by reading the first chapters. These have included:
The Creakers
Ethan’s Voice
One Dog and His Boy
Adventurous Stories for 8-9 Year olds
The Curse of the Chocolate Phoenix
Centuries of Stories
If you are looking for a book to read at home with your child, you could discuss some of the options on this list.
Important Information
Please send in a shoe box on Monday for the children’s dioramas.
14th November 2019
This week in Maths the children have worked on column addition. They tested their knowledge and understanding of exchange by trying missing number problems. Maths homework this week was more missing number problems.
This week in English the children wrote about their favourite parts of the Shabbaton. The children wrote about their rooms, bensching, soft play and a range of other activities. Homework this week is a comprehension about Anti Bullying Week.
The children enjoyed Maths challenges all week and visited a range of different teachers on Wednesday. They build towers using marshmallows and spaghetti, completed tangram challenges and solved codes. The winning house wore their favourite socks on Thursday.
The Cues Ed programme continued this week. The children learned more about how to take care of their brain. These included eating healthily, being active, sleeping and relaxing. The children were taught a technique to help them relax. They could practise at home. They have a diary to fill out each day at school recording whether they have used the various strategies they were taught.
Rosie did her U Teach this week. She taught us all about climate change and the importance of our contribution. Well done Rosie for a very interesting and informative presentation.
Important Information
Whilst soft start is from 8.30am-8.40am, we would like it if as many children as possible were arriving at 8.30am. As not every car can arrive at this time, this is another good reason for as many families to walk to school as possible, shortening the line of cars and helping to get children into school on time. The first session of the day starts at 8.40am so a pupil who arrives late is left playing catch up with their friends. Please help us to avoid delays to the start of our day.
Kerem will celebrate Mitzvah Day on Wednesday 20th November. We will be supporting Grief Encounter by ‘going purple’ for the day. Please see the flyer below for more information.
Kerem is aiming to become a single-use plastic free school. Please support us in this aim by sending snacks in a reusable bag or box.
To end our work on the rainforest the children will be creating dioramas. Each child will need to bring a shoebox to school on Monday 25th November.

Friday 8th November
In English the children began writing their Charlie and the chocolate factory stories. Their beginnings are excellent!
In Maths the children experimented with a range of strategies for mental addition. They tried to work out the best strategies to use for different types of question and reflected on whether they choose the most efficient ways.
In Topic the children learnt about different groups of people who live in the rainforest. They found out how different groups use the rainforest.
The children had their second road safety session. They learnt that crossing between parked cars is very dangerous and should only be done as a last resort. They practised how to safely cross if they had to. Homework this week is to make a road safety poster with the facts that they have learnt. This will be due in next Thursday.
The children enjoyed their first Cues Ed session. They learned how their brains work. Next week they will begin to learn how to take care of their feelings and emotions. A letter came home about the programme.
Dr Zemmel came in on Thursday to show the children the inside of their bodies. They enjoyed learning more about the digestive system and wearing masks!
Important Information
To end our work on the rainforest the children will be creating dioramas. Each child will need to bring a shoebox to school on Monday 25th November.

Friday 1st November
This week in English, the children have planned their Charlie and the Chocolate Factory stories. They also read a story about a boy who desperately wanted a dog. The children worked hard to complete assessments. English homework this week is to write a diary of an Oompa Loompa or of a child living in the rainforest.
In Maths, the children started to learn about addition focussing on mental and informal methods. They also completed assessments in Maths.
In Science this week, the children completed their work on the digestive system by recreating the digestive system. Please look at the photos below.
The children began a Barnet Road Safety Course. They practiced crossing the road and learned about hazards and how to keep themselves safe.
The children enjoyed learning about magic in Jonah’s U Teach. We were all amazed by his tricks!
Important information
Children should be bringing any letters into school. We are trying to instill independence and responsibility in the children. Please allow your children the opportunity to do this rather than bringing them in yourselves.
To end our work on the rainforest the children will be creating dioramas. Each child will need to bring a shoebox to school on Monday 25th November.
Important Letter from Kerem Cares Tikkun Olam Committee
Recreation of the digestive system

Road Safety
Jonah’s U Teach
Friday 25th October
Another short week! The children worked extremely hard in such a short period of time.
In Maths the children learned about kilometres and completed an assessment about perimeter and length. Next week we will spend a lesson addressing any areas they need to go over.
In English the children completed a comprehension and heard the Diwali story. Homework this week is a comprehension about Guy Fawkes. Children should spend approximately 30 minutes completing this work.
In Science this week we had a special visitor, a nutritionist to speak to the children about healthy eating and how their body uses different foods. The children have been given a short task related to this about the different colour foods they eat during the week.
Important Information
Swimming will be on next week.

Friday 11th October
It has been a very busy three day week.
In English the children chose a room for their character to be removed from and thought carefully about why the character would leave the chocolate factory. They also imagined that they were Augustus Gloop and wrote a detailed diary’s about his day in the factory. They focussed on ‘showing’ their feelings and not ‘telling’. The diaries were excellent and I was very impressed with the children’s language and ideas.
In Maths the children continued to learn about perimeter. They worked on finding the perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes. They were also introduced to finding missing sides. This work will continue after half term.
In Topic the children continued to learn about the layers of the rainforest. This week they investigated the different kinds of animals that live in each layer.
Important information
There will be no homework over the Succot holiday. Homework will continue as normal when we return.
To end our work on the rainforest the children will be creating dioramas. Each child will need to bring a shoebox to school on Monday 25th November.
Friday 4th October
The children have worked extremely hard during this short week.
In Maths, we revisited blank number lines and looked in detail at working out where numbers should be placed and how to work out what numbers belong on blank divisions. We also began our new unit on Length and Perimeter.
In English, the children began to develop their ideas about the sorts of rooms they might like to see in the chocolate factory.
The children enjoyed finishing off their aprons in Science. Please look at the photos below to see the finished products.
Important Information
A trip letter went out this week. Please read it for exciting news about our first trip.
There is no homework this week. However next Friday there will be a spelling test on all words set so far this year.
A pair of swimming trunks were misplaced at swimming yesterday. Please check your child’s bag to make sure that they did not bring them home by accident.
The children will be bringing home a password for Times Tables Rockstars. This is a very exciting and motivating programme that the children can use online to practise their times tables. Please encourage them to do this for a few minutes each day.
Digestive System Aprons
27th Elul 5780 - 27 September 2019
Year 4 have had a really busy week in Jewish Studies preparing for Rosh Hashana. They have learnt lots of facts about Rosh Hashana and Tashlich as well as making up their own Simanim (I’m sure they will happily share their ideas with you)!
As the class worked so hard, we had a relaxed lesson on Thursday where the children each created a beautiful wooden Rosh Hashana picture (see the pics below).
Wishing you all a ketivah vechatimah tovah and a Shana Tovah, and my thanks to you all for joining us this morning for our Kerem Family Chinuch Programme.
Shabbat shalom,
Mrs Hill
Making their Rosh Hashana pics...

Friday 27th September
In English this week the children created their own character who would join Charlie in the Chocolate factory. They wrote character descriptions and developed ideas. New characters included a lollipop obsessed child, a child who only ever wants to sleep and a gymnast. I am looking forward to seeing how the children develop their characters with in a story setting.
In Maths the children finished off their unit on Place Value. They looked at rounding to 1000, ordering and comparing numbers and negative numbers. Our next unit will be perimeter and length.
The children enjoyed making digestive system aprons. They used stencils to draw different parts of the digestive system and labelled them carefully. We are looking forward to seeing the finished products which should be ready next week.
In Topic the children started to learn about the four layers of the rainforest. They identified the different types of animals that live in each layer.
Wishing you all Shana Tova.
Important Information
There will be no homework over the Chuggaim.
There will be class elections for two parts of the newly split School Council (Kerem Cares Community and Kerem Cares Eco) on the 4th October. If your child would like to be considered they should write a short speech explaining why they will make a good representative for Year 4.
Friday 20th September
This week in English the children continued reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They debated whether Veruca deserved to win and wrote diary entries imagining that they were Charlie and had just found the golden ticket. Homework this week is linked to their spelling topic, Homophones.
In Maths the children continued to learn about place value. They worked on partitioning, number lines to 10,000 and 1000 more and 1000 less. Homework this week was linked to partitioning.
Important Information
U- Teach
Year 4 will be be taking part in U - Teach this year.
Please read the guidelines below and look for your child's date in the grid below.
U-Teach is a session in our weekly timetable when pupils take it in turns to prepare their own ‘lesson’ for their classmates. They have the opportunity to choose a sensible topic that interests them and that they feel their classmates (both girls and boys) would enjoy learning about.
The U -Teach should consist of a short presentation using PowerPoint or slides, and a simple activity for the class to do. It should take no more than half an hour to run.
Children should try to be creative and come up with an original idea and their own resources. But most of all, the children should have fun and enjoy the experience.
Please make and send presentations (via email) as early as possible so that we have the chance to open it ahead of time and check that it works.
Please do not send food as there are number of allergies in school, or materials that are messy as there is limited time to set up and clear up the activity.
Children should wear their school uniform on their U- Teach day.
I hope that the children will enjoy making and presenting their U- Teach, and participating in their friends’ sessions too.
The dates may of course change as and when things come up at school but we will do our best to reschedule for the same week so that timings do not change too much.
Name |
Date |
Jonah |
01.11.19 |
Rosie |
14.11.19 |
Ella Bracha |
22.11.19 |
Ella |
29.11.19 |
Jenna |
10.01.20 |
Sarah |
17.01.20 |
Reuben |
24.01.20 |
Jacob |
31.01.20 |
Amelie |
07.02.20 |
Joe |
14.02.20 |
Liya |
28.02.20 |
Chloe |
06.03.20 |
Ari |
13.03.20 |
Rafi |
20.03.20 |
Raphy |
27.03.20 |
Shai |
24.04.20 |
Max |
01.05.20 |
Daniel |
15.05.20 |
Lexi |
22.05.20 |
Scarlett |
05.06.20 |
Joshua |
12.06.20 |
Jake |
19.06.20 |
Doron |
26.06.20 |
Sebastian |
03.07.20 |
Isobel |
10.07.20 |
20 Elul 5779 20 September 2019
Year Four have been working so hard in Jewish Studies this term!
In today’s lesson we focussed on the Mitsvah of Tsedakah which gets a mention in this week’s parasha. We discussed how giving to Tsedakah is not just about giving money or belongings, but also giving love and giving of our time. We started making Kindness trees, which ties in with our classwork too.
Shabbat shalom!
Friday 13th September
Thank you so much to everyone who joined us on Wednesday night. It was lovely to meet you all and I am looking forward to getting to know you over the next year.
In English, this week the children learned how to extend similes and use them in more complex ways. This fed into a character description of Charlie.
In Maths, the children continued to look at place value. They learned how to round to 100, about Roman Numerals and looked at counting in thousands. Please look at the photos below of the children completing a Roman numerals hunt.
Important information
The first piece of English homework went out on Thursday. This should be returned to school by Tuesday. Children should spend a maximum of 30 minutes on this work.
Spellings were sent today. They will be tested on them next Friday.
I am looking for a doctor to come in to speak about digestion and a dentist to speak about teeth. If you would be interested in coming in please send me an email.
Friday 6th September
The children have made a fantastic start to the year. It has been delightful to see them engage so fully with our new topics and I am looking forward to seeing the work they produce.
We started the term with a rainforest themed photo 'booth'. Please look at the photos - although it maybe tricky to find your animal!
The children enjoyed discussing and acting out the school rules. The class had fun trying to guess which rule was represented by each play.
On Thursday, they had a Forest School session where they worked on developing communication skills and looked at how they could negotiate friendship issues. We will continue to practise and work on these in class.
We ended the week with a chocolate tasting. The children described what they were tasting and used thesauruses to build a chocolate word bank based on their tasting experience.
Important Information
PE and swimming start next week
Tuesday - PE
Thursday - Swimming
All should wear their PE kits
Boys should have - blue/black swimming shorts, goggles, towel, swimming hat.
Girls should have - one piece bathing suit blue/black, goggles, towel, swimming hat.