Class Blog
Hello Everyone,
I hope all the children are beginning to get to grips with our remote learning programme. I have shared with the children the optional timetable as I believe they could benefit from a structured day as similar to their school day as possible. By no means do you have to follow it but it is just a mere suggestion. Perhaps each child could make their own to break up their day and plan when they will do their work.
Please can you encourage the children to mark and tell me their scores I am still waiting for scores from yesterday’s Maths and English. If they could reply in the set works thread I would appreciate it.
If your child is struggling with something if they message me at 9am 11am 2 pm or 3 pm I can chat with them and answer questions and point them in the right direction.
One final point if your child has not completed tasks from previous days please just focus on new tasks.
In goggle classroom
a puzzle to solve
a worksheet on maths in their name please complete on sheet using editing tool and hand in.
a read and respond piece up to be completed on lined paper and returned via photograph. Remember to hand in!
please choose one game or task from list shared under music topic in google classroom.
Mr Moses will set.
Shabbat Shalom
Hope you are all keeping safe and well!
1. Tefillah- Modeh Ani, ALL brachot, Shema, Amidah. When you say Refaeinu, please have in mind all those who are sicK as well as any individuals that you normally add.
2. We are in the middle of learning about Bedikat Chameitz. Please view the 2 video links on the Classroom add 2 paragraphs to the work you have already written about Bedikat Chametz. Today, we are focussing on:
- Which places do we search for Chametz?
- Why do we hide bread (often 10 pieces) for the search?
Please use the video clips below to add to your piece of work on Bedikat Chametz. If you haven’t already started this piece of work, you can write onto the Google docs sheet that is on the Classroom.
Good luck!
Class work 19/03/2020
Thank you to all the children for working so hard. Please remind your child to 'hand in' or 'submit' their work on completion so that I can see who has completed the tasks.
I am available for help during the normal school hours (at 9 am 11 am and 2 pm ) so if your child does the work in the evening, it will not be marked until the next day. Please see the optional timetable for the week.
TRICKY THURSDAY: A puzzle for the children to solve!
MATHS: Today the class will be solving word problems . Children can do calculations on a piece of paper but I am trusting that they do the work independently.
They can also spend 1/2 hour on Times Table Rockstars at some point during the day.
The instructions for the game are on Google Classroom .The children need to identify when we use a comma for parethesis. Please can they let me know their score and when they have done this (if they 'hand in' their work then I will know you have done it).
Using Commas for a Parenthesis
Commas can be used to separate a parenthesis (i.e., additional information that is not essential to the meaning of the sentence) from the rest of the sentence. It is also possible to use dashes or parentheses (brackets). When used to offset a parenthesis, commas, dashes, and parentheses (brackets) are called parenthetical punctuation.
For example:
- While on holiday in London, Simon Schmidt, a fireman from New York, rescued a cat from a tree.
- While on holiday in London, Simon Schmidt (a fireman from New York) rescued a cat from a tree.
- While on holiday in London, Simon Schmidt — a fireman from New York — rescued a cat from a tree.
Please complete one mental arithmetic test from your book. Children should do at least two sections. E.g ab or bc
Mr Moses will set this on google classroom.
Optional timetable
Jewish Studies - Tuesday 17th March
Good morning Year 5,
I hope you are all well.
Please find your instructions for today’s JS work on the Google Classroom.
1. First, please finish yesterdays work on Shabbat Hagadol (not everyone has sent it back to me).
2. PicCollage activity on the definition of Chametz. Use the ‘definition of Chametz’ video to guide you.
3. ‘Why do we search for Chametz?’ Please answer this on the Google Docs provided on the Classroom. Use the video ‘Why do we search for Chametz?’ to help you.
Good luck!
Class work 17/3/20
Please can you submit all work in google classroom so I know if children have completed it.
Comprehension-Rainforest Diary
please login to classroom secrets kids instructions are in google classroom.Complete online and note down score.
Spelling sentences using this weeks spellings.
Multiplication and division questions and challenges.
England and Japan comparison.
Jewish Studies - 16th March 2020
Hi Year 5,
Today, we are working at home.
I have left detailed instructions for your work on the Classroom.
In brief, we are learning about Shabbat Hagadol and writing a piece of work explaining this important day in the Jewish calendar.
I have sent you a video clip and 2 website links to help you with your research. I think you should be aiming to write around 1/2 - 3/4 of a page. Please share your work with me so that I can edit your work or help you if needed.
Good luck!
Dissolving Science
Stem week
Jewish Studies (week beginning 9.3.20)
This week has been very busy in Jewish Studies! Purim was fantastic fun for all, starting with our Megillah reading and following by the exchanging on Mishloach Manot, a talent show and Purim Zumba! We have now turned our attention to preparations for Pesach. This week we have focused on preliminary preparations such as 'Maot Chitin'.
Stem week 13/3/2020
This week the children enjoyed exploring a variety of stem activities. The children experimented dissolving with kitchen ingredients and carried out a fair test. The children completed some maths challenges and enjoyed a skittles based fraction puzzle. In Literacy, the children wrote haiku poems and created their own inventions. In Creative Writing, they looked at the power of vocabulary and read a text about tiger cubs.
On Monday, the children will be working from home. They will have a writing task. Spelling worksheet. Maths warmup activity and differentiated work.Please can children log in to classroom secrets after 9:15 am on Monday as all work will be available from 9 am. I sent the children home with a pack containing paper and worksheets. The children will require their iPads or a computer to access classroom secrets and all children were given their login details on Thursday.
When children use their iPads in school, they are protected by our settings, which prevents them from accessing inappropriate websites. Our IT specialist team is working to ensure inappropriate sites are blocked off-site as well as on-site. This change has to be made while in school and will be done at the next available opportunity. It is, therefore, the responsibility of parents to check what their children are accessing at home until this is completed.
Multiplying fractions jigsaw

Multiplying fractions

Science- testing properties of materials.
This week in Literacy, the children continued to develop their writing skills they wrote an essay on the merits of wearing a school uniform.The children also looked at the elements of a newspaper article and researched information for an article on Coronavirus. The children will be creating their own news column on this topic for homework. Please remind the children to include; a headline , byline , lead , main and tail. We are now writing a daily short write and the children have produced some amazing pieces.
In Numeracy, the children continued with time word problems and were introduced to multiplying fractions,
please see example of how homework should be set out below.
In Science, the children looked at the properties of different materials including permeability and translucence and tested out their ideas.
During our upcoming Stem week the children will be creating a big build could you please send in any recyclable items (cardboard boxes, kitchen rolls and plastics), in order for them to create their masterpieces!
Maths homework
This week, in Maths, we have been focusing on time conversions and word problems. In Literacy, the children have been looking at relative pronouns and developing their essay writing skills. In Geography , we began our History of London topic. In Art, we looked at one-perspective sketching techniques. In Science, we looked at the different States of Matter. In Music, the children learnt how music differs looking in particular at instrumentation,tempo, pitch and rhythm.
During Spring term, we have asked the children to collect recyclable plastics i.e water bottles, wrappers, cups etc. This is to encourage the children to be mindful of how much plastic they are using at home and to know how to dispose of these items correctly. There is a competition to determine which house has collected the most plastics. Please contribute any plastics you may have at home- Goodluck!
During our upcoming Stem week the children will be creating a big build could you please send in any recyclable items (cardboard boxes, kitchen rolls and plastics), in order for them to create their masterpieces!
This week the children enjoyed a variety of Book Week activities: A book quiz, a debate and they met the author Joe Craig. In Mathematics, we discussed volume and capacity, including real life word problems. We have also been focussing on mental arithmetic strategies and developing our speed. In Literacy, we read the story-Scared; this week we have been developing our short story writing skills. I would like the children to write their own ‘Scared’ story over the holidays, applying all the skills they have learnt this year.
Please include;
Wow adjectives
A variety of sentence lengths and starters.
A variety of Punctuation.
Please check spellings.
After half-term the children will be having weekly maths tests along with their spellings as we would like the children to develop their mental calculation strategies. I would like to mention a conversation I had with the class this week, discussing homework, I have been fairly lenient with the day that homework is returned until now and not reprimanded when homework has been missing or not returned. However, after half- term there will be a more strict homework timetable, with homework expected to be returned the expected day. I understand that most children have activities after school and therefore will be setting a short homework (no more than 15mins). If there is an exceptional reason a child cannot complete it please email me.
Over half- term the children should revise multiplication and division techniques; fractions and percentages;
area, perimeter and volume; conversions e.g. g to kg.
In PSHE, we discussed the language of kindness and acted out scenarios. In Art, the children took part in some mindful colouring.
Wishing you all a lovely half-term.
Shabbat Shalom
Meet the Author- Joe Craig

Book week - Book quiz

Maths making volumes

This week the children focused on mental health and well-being.We all took part in some mindfulness yoga techniques and discussed our emotions.On Thursday, we celebrated Inside Out Day. In Literacy, we have been developing different styles of writing and wrote a mystery piece about a lighthouse. In Maths, we discussed volume and the children used concrete methods to develop their understanding of volume and capacity. In Science, we discussed the four different States of Matter and the children were split into groups to research a specific one. In History, the children compared the lives of rich and poor Victorians.
Jewish Studies (week beginning 3.2.20)
Year 5 have been really busy in Jewish Studies this week! We have continued learning the story of Yosef and his brothers in Chumash, comparing and contrasting the 2 famous dreams that he relays to his brothers. In addition, preparations for Etgar continue to gather steam, revising the names and details of many famous Jewish leaders from Tanach. Ask your children if they know who Devroah, Shimshon and Chana are, or if they can name you the first 3 Kings of Israel.....
We rounded off the week with a lovely activity, packing fruit baskets for GIFT in preparation for Tu b'Shevat this coming Monday.
Shabbat Shalom.
This week some Year 5 children represented Kerem at the National Science Quiz at the Science Museum. It was an amazing experience for all and we learnt some valuable lessons for future quizzes.
In Literacy, we read a text about Victorian schooling and the children discussed and wrote about the injustice. In Creative Writing, the children wrote their yearly ‘Lost’ story. In Numeracy, we continued our measures topic focussing on area and scale drawings. In History, the children wrote a diary entry from the perspective of a pauper. In PSHE, the children acted out different and difficult scenarios and we discussed how best to express our emotions.
Today We celebrated Jewish child’s Day which helps children with emotional challenges. Should anything different be happening at home, however insignificant you think it is, please do let us know. The smallest of changes can have an impact on a child's mood or behaviour and knowing things in advance helps us to be aware of possible changes and be ready to offer support. These might include but are not limited to, a parent being away from home on business, a member of the family being in hospital, a bereavement, a break-in etc.
On the upcoming Monday all children will be having an E-Safety talk and there will be an E-Safety talk for parents, in the evening from 7:30 to 9:30 pm.
Shabbat Shalom
Science Quiz
A warm smile is the Universal language of Kindness
“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” William Arthur Ward
“Always find opportunities to make someone smile, and to offer random acts of kindness in everyday life.” Roy T Bennett
“Random acts of kindness, however small it may be, can transform the world.”
― Amit Ray,
“Kindness carries no price tag neither does it require making a purchase. A random act of kindness can change someone's life...choose to be kind always.”
― Kemi Sogunle
“Your one random act of kindness may not change the world but it might make a difference in the life of someone today”
― Maria Koszler
Kitty Doerfler died on April 17th 2007, at the age of fifteen months.
Despite everything she went through in her short life, Kitty amazed those around her with how, when she had the strength, she still managed to bestow smiles and knowing looks on those around her. Her ability to make people feel better about themselves meant that the nurses on her ward would apparently even fight to be her named nurse for the shift!
In memory of the joy Kitty managed to bring in her short life, we ask friends, family, and strangers alike to engage in random acts of kindness. Wherever we went, Kitty managed to charm strangers and make everyone smile so we can think of no better way to elevate Kitty’s soul than having hundreds of people show kindness to their fellow human beings, bringing smiles in the most unexpected places.
Once you’ve done your act in Kitty’s honour (and please don’t feel the need to stop at just one!) join us at the Facebook group page Kitty’s Kindness and post what you did and how it made you or the person you gifted with kindness feel. We’d love to have the internet lit up with your stories in honour of Kitty, and be able to feel that she is still, somehow, playing a role in making the world a more beautiful, warm and kindness filled place.
What kinds of acts of random kindness are we talking about? The possibilities are endless, so think big or small! But here are some examples to get your wheels turning:
- Give a genuine smile to everyone you see
- Leave flowers at a stranger’s door
- Bring food to the homeless person you pass everyday
- Make sandwiches or biscuits for your local firemen
- Pay for the person’s coffee in the queue behind you
- Pick up rubbish everywhere you go
- Collect picture books for your local women and children’s shelter
- Bring toys to the nearby children’s hospital
- Call a friend who’s been having a hard time
- Have your kids make cards for folks in an assisted living facility
- Leave change taped onto a vending machine
- Leave a really nice tip for a waiter
- Collect toiletries for the local homeless shelter
- Bring a loved one an unexpected gift
- Offer to watch a friend’s children for the day so they can have some down time
- Take in your neighbour’s bins
Whatever you do, don’t forget to leave a Kindness Card to let everyone know that your act was done in honour of Kitty. And go on to the Facebook group page Kitty’s Kindness to let us know all about the kindness you’ve spread in her honour. We have hard copies of the Kitty’s Kindness Card if you live nearby, or you can print some out yourself right here: Kitty’s Kindness Card.
Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. Now go spread some Kitty’s Kindness out there ✨
24th January
This week we continued our Victorian topic and introduced the book 'The Chimney Child'. The children have read most of the book. We discussed what it was like to be a child in the Victorian Era and the differences between the rich and poor. In Literacy, the children listened to a story about a Spider and discussed their fears. The children also wrote about a time they were scared. In Art, the children drew a Victorian house, we looked at adding features and perspective to our drawings. In Maths, we learnt about Perimeter and Area. Please do ask your children the difference between the two. We also discussed the schools Characteristics of Learning and how we can encompass them in our school day.
Shabbat Shalom

17th January 2020
This week Year 5 have been learning about the Victorian era and have been given the task of creating a booklet on their favourite Victorian Personality. In History, the children looked at the key events in Queen Victoria’s life. In Maths, we looked at conversions of metric quantities and reading scales. In Literacy, we introduced a shared reading lesson looking at the text ‘A Pinch of Magic’. In Creative writing, the children looked at writing in the present tense and wrote about our Fire Drill on Wednesday morning. In Music, the children practised harmonising.
Shabbat Shalom
10th January 2020
Although we have had a short week, we have been very busy. We learnt about the Victorian era and looked at Victorian art and discussed what we could learn about the time from each picture. In Maths, we reviewed all that we have learnt this year so far and went over percentages. In Literacy, we wrote about travelling through a portal. In Art, we created silhouette portraits. In music, we learnt about harmonies and how to sing rounds.
Shabbat Shalom
Election 2019
Progress Party

Transform Party

Vision party

Polling Day

This we the children have been discussing the upcoming election so we have decided that Year 5 will be forming three electoral parties ; Progress, Tomorrow and Vision. Next week we will be running our own Election and electing a Prime Minister from Year 5. Please ask your children to tell you about their party’s manifestos.
In Forest School, the children used their knotting skills to create bows and arrows.
In Literacy, this week the children read about the sinking of the Titanic and wrote an exciting piece of writing focusing on creating tension.
In Numeracy, the children learnt how to multiply fractions and decimal to fraction conversions.
In History, the children looked at the Family tree of Chaos and all his descendants.
In Art, the children finished their watercolour depiction of the Acropolis.
In ICT, the children created a dreidel using the 3D printer.
Forest school
This week the children continued our topic on Ancient Greece, we looked discussed Greek patterns and the Legend of Marathon.
In Art the children the children painted a watercolour perspective painting of the Acropolis. We have continued practising our Greek Play, please could you encourage you child to practise the song and prepare their costumes.
In Maths, we continued our topic on fractions focusing on addition and subtraction; and the fraction of amounts. In Forest school, the children learnt about the uses of a variety of knots; including reef and clove hitch knots and the square lashing. They then applied these skills to construct a structure that could hold a child off the ground for a minimum of 5 seconds.
In Literacy, we wrote some amazing shape poems and learnt about the features of a blurb.
Next week is the Parent Forest School session, Thursday 5th December. Just like the children please wear appropriate clothing and footwear as the park is very muddy and cold. Please meet us in the foyer downstairs at 8.55 am so we can all walk to the park together. Please do inform me if you will not be attending. The session is from 9-10.30 am. I appreciate that you may not be able to stay the whole time so please feel free to leave if you have to.
Could I please remind all parents to send in children with extra layer of clothes on Thursdays, as some children were complaining of the cold. May I suggest gloves and hats too.
Could I also ask that all children bring in a 50p to replenish their pens. That way I can keep a spare cartridge for each child in the classroom.
This week the children continued our topic on Ancient Greece, we looked at a variety of Greek Gods and in Art the children designed a Greek vase. We looked at words that come from the Greek language and the children heard the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece. We have started learning our Greek Play, please could you encourage you child to practise the song and prepare their costumes. In Maths, we continued our topic on fractions focusing on comparing fractions and mixed/improper fractions. This week the children had an Anti-bullying workshop by Streetwise which helped the children identify what bullying looks like and what to do in a variety of scenarios. In Forest school, the children learnt about the uses of a variety of knots; including reef and clove hitch knots and the technique of lashing. They then applied these skills to construct the tallest structure possible.
Could I please remind all parents to send in children with extra layer of clothes on Thursdays, as some children were complaining of the cold. May I suggest gloves and hats too.
Could I also ask that all children bring in a 50p to replenish their pens. That way I can keep a spare cartridge for each child in the classroom.
Forest school

Forest school

This week 15/11/19
I hope all your children shared the fun and ruach, they experienced at our Shabbaton over the weekend.
This week was Maths week, the children have taken part in several maths challenges and quizzes to test their numeracy aptitude. Culminating in a whole school Maths day with children working in house teams to crack a code. We also began our topic on fractions.
In Literacy, the children wrote a diary entry about their weekend experiences. We also discussed how to conjugate verbs- looking at 'to have'.
In History, the children learnt the Ancient Greek alphabet and number system solving maths sums and writing in Ancient Greek.
In Forest School, the children learnt about survival skills including how to start a fire.
Please take note of the two flyer's below and remember clothing on Wednesday should be appropriate for the gym.
Important Information
Forest School- Fun with Mud
This week 4/11/19
We have had a very exciting week including a trip to see Macbeth and all children are excited about the Shabbaton.
In Literacy, this week the children thought about styles of writing and techniques to engage the reader. The children really enjoyed our trip to the theatre and some children took part in the performance too. The children were inspired by our trip to create some Macbeth themed Top trump cards.
In Numeracy, we looked at division including remainders and word problems focusing on identifying the operation required to solve the question.
In History, our topic this term , is the Greeks! The children have enjoyed learning about the different gods and mythological creatures and enjoyed researching the Trojans.
In Music, the children had the opportunity to hear the pieces they had composed played on the piano.
In PSHE, we looked at the concept of dares and what we should or shouldn’t do if a friend asks us to.
I look forward to seeing you all on our return on Sunday.
Forest School

Welcome Back
I hope you all had a lovely Succot break, it has been a very short week and I have been focusing on maths recap activities and assessments. Next week we will be starting Forest School and I would like to remind all children need waterproof outerwear and wellington boots as well as spare clothes, in particular, trousers and socks and a top. It is predicted to be very wet next week and I have asked the children to make sure they have all the required clothing this weekend. Can I also remind parents to return any paperwork asked by the school as the office has informed me several children have not returned forms, especially the form relating to the upcoming Shabbaton.
Goodbye Rafi
Parachute test

Parachute fun

Week commencing 7.10.19
This week in Maths we have been focusing on multiplication and division strategies, we continued to develop strategies to multiply and divide numbers and completed some word problems.
In Literacy, the children learnt about simple and continuous tenses; completed some comprehension activities and revisited subject object and verb in our grammar lesson.
In Science, we performed an investigation on air resistance the children designed and made parachutes of difffering surface area and plasticine men.
In Art the children made still life pencil drawings.
In Music, the children were assessed on their musical notation and had to write a piece of music applying everything they have learnt so far.
Due to Jewish Festivals there will be no homework set as per our school policy, but I would encourage all children to practise their times tables.
Chag sameach,
Shabbat Shalom
This week in pictures

Week commencing 30.09.19
This week in Maths we have been focusing on multiplication and division strategies, we developed strategies to multiply and divide numbers and played a variety of puzzle games to test or factors and multiple recall.
In Literacy, the children wrote a detailed descriptive texts ; completed some comprehension activities.
In Science, we completed our selection of children for the Science Quiz and I would like to congratulate Lielle, Zac, Sadie and Liora as they will be representing the school during the competition.
One of my questions this week included, a brain teaser and I have set some brain teaser style questions for homework.
In Music, the children learnt musical notation and wrote 8 bars of music using a selection of notes.
We also heard some council speeches by the children, well done to all who participated and spoke so eloquently.
Shabbat Shalom
The Year 5 team.
Shakespeare workshop - Macbeth

Macbeth’s demise

Week commencing 23.09.19
This week I have introduced the concept of problem solving skills asking the children a number of challenges and asking the children to explain their thinking. Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination.
This week in Maths we have been focusing on multiplication and division strategies, we explored a variety of mathematical terminology including; multiples,factors prime numbers, square and cube numbers.
In Literacy, the children wrote a story about a traveller; completed some comprehension activities and we identified the subject, the verb and the object of sentences.
In Science, we continued our topic this term on Forces we discussed the life and work of Sir Isaac Newton and researched some facts.
In Geography, we explored the Mountains of the world. The children used an atlas to look at the topography and identify the location of European Mountain ranges. Please do ask your children to recall some Mountain facts.
One of my questions this week included, a logic problem. It has not been solved by the children yet! Please see the photo below.
In Music, the children learnt musical notation and wrote 8 bars of music using a selection of notes.
Wishing you all a Happy Sweet New Year,
Chag Sameach,
The Year 5 team.
Frazzled Friday
This week in Year 5- week commencing 16.9.19
This week I have introduced the concept of logic problems asking the children a number of challenges and asking the children to explain their thinking. Do ask your children to share a challenge they solved!
This week in Maths we have been focusing on addition and subtraction we explored a variety of mathematical techniques including; mental strategies and formal written methods.
In Literacy, the children wrote a story about receiving some mail; completed some comprehension activities and we revisited the different types of speech and parsing.
In Science, we continued our topic this term on Forces we discussed the differences between mass and weight and gravity.
In Geography, we explored the River Thames and Nile discussing their similarities , differences and uses.
One of my questions this week included, What are you thankful for today? Please see the photo below.
In Music, the children learnt musical notation and wrote 8 bars of music using a selection of notes.
Wishing you a lovely weekend
Frazzled Friday
Year 5 at work
This week in Year 5- week commencing 9.9.19
I was very pleased to introduce myself to all of you this week and I look forward to working together to ensure your children reach their goals this year!
This week in Maths we have been focusing on number, we explored a variety of topics including; negative numbers, Roman Numerals and estimation.
In Literacy, the children wrote a story about their holidays; completed some comprehension activities and we went over the different types of speech and parsing.
In Science, we began our topic this term on Forces we discussed the different types of Forces and researched Isaac Newton and Galileo- the father of Astronomy.
In Geography, we discovered the different parts of a river and I have asked all children to each prepare a fact file on a particular River to present to the class.
My daily questions have led to some interesting discussions with your children from the origins of their names to the meaning of success.
Every week I will be testing the children on everything we have learnt so far, in order to prepare them for timed assessments, they are not required to prepare for these tests.
This week in Jewish Studies (week beginning 2.9.19)
We have a great start to our first week back! We have discussed the month of Ellul and how this year in school, we have extra time to prepare ourselves for Rosh Hashana. We have learnt about the concepts of Teshuva, Tefillah and Tzedakah and how these help us to reconnect with G-d before we stand before Him on Rosh Hashana.
What a brilliant start to the academic year! We have spent these first few days getting to know each other and discussing our expectations for the year. The children have all been given a happy journal to use in school and at home. Every morning I have a question for the children to ponder, I would like to encourage all the children to contribute their ideas and thoughts.
This week's quotes:
"I would like to learn about volcanic explotions."
"The three things I'd like to do this year is Maths, Science and Art."
"My wish for this year is to learn Chemistry"
In Literacy, the children created play scripts with scenes from their holidays and acted them out with hilarious and entertaining results.
In Geography, we learnt about the water cycle and the various processes involved. The children applied their map reading skills to identify and locate rivers across the world.
In Mathematics, we practised our 2/3 digit multiplication and introduced decimal multiplication.
In Art, we looked at the work of Dale Chuhily and the children began to construct their own sculpture creations.
Shabbat Shalom,
The Year 5 team.