Ivrit - עִבְרִית
W/E 12th April - Pesach in Nursery! Nursery class make sentences in Ivrit using the verb ‘Omer/Omeret’ - אומר/אומרת (say)

4th April 2019 - Nursery class are learning how to use the verb אומר - ‘say’ to make sentences for Pesach.

19th March 2019 - Chag Purim Sameach from the Nursery Class. פורים שמח 🤡
W/E March 15th 2019. The children in Nursery are learning all about Melech vMalka - מלך ומלכה for Purim

February 12th 2019 - BOOK WEEK in Ivrit! שבוע הספר. Nursery Class read a book called The Book of Numbers - ספר המספרים. They listened to the story and sang a song about the numbers in the story.
December 3rd 2018- Nursery Class sing Sevivon Sov Sov Sov - סביבון סב סב סב

Nursery Class show off their knowledge of Chanukah vocabulary. 🍩🎁🥞🕯


December 3rd 2018 - Nursery Class are learning the vocabulary for Chanukah! -🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯 חנוכה שמח 🍩🥞🕍🎁🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯
October 22nd 2018 - Nursery Class are learning Greetings in Ivrit and discovering where Benzi and his friends are from -‘M’Yisrael’ - מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל
